Tales of the Nalbrin (Table 1)

Game Master sarpadian

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This is a recruitment for a new campaign in my homebrew world of Kassht.

Adventure Premise:

The premise is that the player characters are all members of the Iron Mountain dwarf militia. The Iron Mountains are a cluster of mountains in the north central part of Kassht. The plain that surrounds the Mountains was once the Northern March of the Kingdom of Kassht, a predominately human kingdom. The Kingdom and the dwarves were staunch allies against the creatures of the Frozen Wastes to the north and the hated drow who lived on the other side of the mountains on the west side of the plain. Forty years ago, however, a horde led by the Taloth orc clan was able to force the humans to retreat to the other side of Arkhym's Teeth to the south. They tried to get the dwarves to come as well, but they were too stubborn and decided to fight for their ancestral home. To the humans' surprise, the dwarves have successfully defended the Iron Mountains, though they are unable to push the orcs and their subjugated races back. The Iron Mountain clans are effectively under embargo, however. The only trade that goes in or comes out is what the dwarves can smuggle out through secret exits and down the Alenka River to the Kingdom. Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to escort a shipment of metal down to the Kingdom and bring supplies back.

Character Generation:

Sources: No guns, but otherwise Paizo material that I can find on the PFSRD will probably be allowed. I'm willing to consider 3pp material if you can give me a link.
Level: 2. The catch is that your first level has to be a level of monk. Your 2nd (and subsequent) levels can be in any class except barbarian and gunslinger.
Alignment: LG, NG, LN, N. Normal alignment restrictions for classes are still in effect (which is the reason for no barbarians).
Races:: Dwarf...just dwarf :).
Stats: 25 pt. buy.
Traits:: 2 (no drawbacks)
Wealth:: 1,000 gp
Campaign Bonus Feat: In my world, every race gets a bonus feat at 1st level. The dwarven one allows you to wear armor and still use your monk class abilities as long as the ACP of your armor is 0. This doesn't extend to shields.
HP: Max for your monk level, max for your 2nd level, and subsequent levels will be .5*HD+1.

Ideally, I'd like at least 1 post per day, but I understand that the ideal isn't always possible. Feel free to ask any other questions and/or read through the other campaign I'm running in this world to see how I run a game.

Grand Lodge


dotting for interest

Dotting for interest.

Definitely interested. I like what you're doing with Allence.

Since you offered up Allence, feel free to poke around some of my aliases. I'd ask that you read them in context however.

Would drunken master or other archetypes be acceptable for the first level of monk? Drunken master just leapt to mind. Not saying it's what I'm going to do. I've got a flowing monk character idea that might work too.

What's the deadline for submissions? Do you want concepts only or full crunch?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dot. Gonna need to figure out what works well with the monk dip.

Going to echo the question about archetypes as well. I can think of quite a few uses for, for example, a level of Zen Archer.

Mattock of Torhold wrote:
Since you offered up Allence, feel free to poke around some of my aliases. I'd ask that you read them in context however.

I see we've already gamed together: I played Billin in the Citadel of Flame game Trig was in.

Mattock of Torhold wrote:
Would drunken master or other archetypes be acceptable for the first level of monk?

Yes, archetypes are acceptable.

Mattock of Torhold wrote:
What's the deadline for submissions?

Right now, I'm planning to close recruitment at 9:00 EST on Sunday night (1/25). I might close it early if I get a ton of submissions, but I'll make sure to give everyone at least 24 hours notice if that happens.

Mattock of Torhold wrote:
Do you want concepts only or full crunch?

I'd prefer full crunch, but I understand if you want to flesh out your idea further before you crunch it out.

Dotting for interest. I have this idea for a rough around the edges dwarf who only knows fighting as a way to live. Probably going to put my other level into fighter and make him a strong front liner. I'll get him drawn up tomorrow.

Dotting. How come you want our characters to have a level in monk? Is there any material you have that we could use to justify being a monk?

I might take something like slayer or rogue, and be the 'sneak' part of the group.

This looks interesting, I am new to the boards but I have played Pathfinder for years. I am thinking of doing a Zen Archer/Ranger build if that sounds ok? I will probably have this drawn up by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.

Dark Archive

Dwarven monk all the way!

ill dot in for intrest ill try to have my caracter up soon

I'll work up a Monk / Alchemist this evening for submission.

Very much dotting. Probably Monk/Druid.
Just for character Backstory questions.. why monk.
And do you see the monk as more shaolin, or like an irish monk, ready to bareknucklefight for his faith?

I have a zen archer / inquisitor in mind

Thanks, all of you, for the interest, and I look forward to seeing your submissions.

Why monk?:
The Iron Mountain dwarves are essentially a fortress society, holding on to their ancestral home by the slimmest of margins. They were already an incredibly disciplined society, but it has gone to a whole new level since the Taloth invasion. If the Taloths ever learn the location of the secret cave exits, they will have no trouble either overwhelming the dwarves with an assault or starving them out. Therefore, knowledge of the exit locations is strictly controlled. Only those who undergone a grueling program of training become Nalbrin, i.e. "Guardians of the Secret," and have the right to interact with the outside world; non-Nalbrin are called Brokal, "tenders of the hearth," and they must stay within the Iron Mountain range. Nalbrin training is designed to hone the natural dwarven self-discipline and impress on would-be Nalbrin the gravity of their position. The washout rate is intentionally quite high, but the few who make it through know that they are the best of the best, and they're ready for whatever the outside has to throw at them.

dotting for interest. Dwarven Monk of the Iron Mountain.

Aegis link

Dwarfs don't have a favored class bonus listed but Duregar do. Would it be ok to use it? Thanks.

Gilak Foehammer
Dwarven Aberrant Aegis 1 / Monk Iron Mountain, Kata Master 1
LN Medium Humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +9 Darkvision 60'
Traits: Finding your Kin, Zest for Battle
Racial Traits:
Stone Cunning
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 21
(+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +4wis)
hp 20 (1d10+3, +7)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8
Speed 20 ft
Three Section Staff +6(+7) 1d10+7(+9) 19-20 x2

Three Section Staff +4/+4(+5/+5) 1d10+7(+9) 19-20 x2

Chakram +3 1d8+4 x2 30'

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 21

Campaign Bonus Feat(Use monk abilities in Armor)
Desperate Battler

Skills 11 Points
Perception +9, Acrobatics +7, Craft Armor +9, Sense Motive +9,
Stealth +7, K. History +5

Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant

Panache 1/1

Customizations Transformed Body: Brawn(Free), Hardened Strikes(Free),
Improved Damage (2), Energy Resistance Fire 5(1)

Gear: MW Three Section Staff 308gp, MW Studded Leather 175gp,
Armored Kilt 20gp, Pathfinder Kit 12gp, 2 potions CLW, 5 chakram

Gold: 380gp

Backstory: Gilak was born 20 years before the orcs invaded but was not skilled enough to help at the time. He has now grown strong and has joined the Iron Mountain Militia. He is unproven in battle but knows he is capable. He has been hired on to excort a trade shipment to the south. He hopes to do his family and clan proud. He is brash and quick to speak his mind and a bit rude. This all makes him unpleasant at first meeting. He is known for his Strength and has the ability to scout with his keen eyes and sneakyness.

Here is Gilak, will make an alias if selected and Aegis is accepted. Thanks for the consideration.

also dotting for interest

side question:after reading your reasoning as to "why monk?" i get the idea, only dicaplined and trained people are allowed outside to ensure the safty of the group, what are your thoughts on if i was to say take fighter and spend one of the feets on improved unarmed combat to signify the training they went through. the monk class signifies a certain mind set ontop of the mechanics provided and while im not againt the mindset and the majority of dwarves in this clan following it i find personally for roleplaying i better fit the stoic loyal fighter that excels in combat and even one level of monk i feel would shift that to a slightly more spiritual side of things than i would prefer. let me know what you think, i can build something either way but i wanted to run this past you first

edit:oh also played LN or LG to solidify he is understanding of the situation

I have returned with my character pretty much done. The background is brief because I didn't want to take too many liberties with a world I don't know much about. But he has a rich, detailed personality that should make for some interesting roleplaying.

For crunch, I ended up going Monk (Weapon Adept, Master of Many Styles) 1/Fighter (Two-Weapon Warrior) 1. He's a pretty tough front liner who can take and dish out damage. He doesn't have many skill points but I dropped them into useful things.

Profile here. Don't hesitate to ask any questions, and I always love feedback. Thanks for consideration!


i would really like to get in this game but i just can't get a fell for the campaign and feel very stumped with the monk level i don't know have to even get a backstory can you give me some more pleases

Dotting, very interested.

Ashe wrote:
Aegis link...

I've never played in a game with psionics, so I'm a little hesitant to include them. I'll give it a look-over, though.

Gramlag wrote:
what are your thoughts on if i was to say take fighter and spend one of the feets on improved unarmed combat to signify the training they went through. the monk class signifies a certain mind set ontop of the mechanics provided and while im not againt the mindset and the majority of dwarves in this clan following it i find personally for roleplaying i better fit the stoic loyal fighter that excels in combat and even one level of monk i feel would shift that to a slightly more spiritual side of things than i would prefer.

I'm not sure I grasp exactly what you mean about the monk entailing a certain mindset. The only feature of a 1st level monk that would seem to have any connection to the character's mindset is the alignment restriction, but since you're offering to play your fighter as LG or LN anyway, I don't see what the advantage is for you being a fighter. Maybe you can help me understand what your problem with monks is?

CampinCarl9127 wrote:
Profile here. Don't hesitate to ask any questions, and I always love feedback. Thanks for consideration!

Thank you for your submission. Almost everything seems to be in order. I do have two comments, however: 1) we need to come to an understanding of exactly what a 5 Charisma means, and 2) I want to make sure you're aware of the errata to Pummeling Style.

GM Sarpadian wrote:
1) we need to come to an understanding of exactly what a 5 Charisma means...

Ugly, unemphatic, socially inept, blunt, zero social grace, among other things. He's a hard guy to like. I have played an evil strix magus in a WotW campaign who had a 6 charisma so I've had a little experience with it. Profile here. Trust me, I'll roleplay the penalties of having a charisma that low. I really enjoyed playing him and wanted to dry a dumped charisma character again. In the same way that my character would need to bail a spellcaster out of a physical problem, others would need to bail Ihro out of social problems.

GM Sarpadian wrote:
2) I want to make sure you're aware of the errata to Pummeling Style.

Indeed, I had spent a significant time making sure the build would work. Generally the plan is he uses a monk weapon in his right hand (a kama or quarterstaff which I will use my perfect strike feat with), while his other hand is open for unarmed strikes, including pummeling style. It's a very diverse, flexible fighting style if you think about it. He has a short curved weapon in one hand with the other hand empty, but the empty hand is just as deadly.

GM Sarpadian wrote:

Thank you for your submission. Almost everything seems to be in order. I do have two comments, however: 1) we need to come to an understanding of exactly what a 5 Charisma means, and 2) I want to make sure you're aware of the errata to Pummeling Style.

Get used to low charisma. We are being forced into monk on a charisma penalty race.

IF you wanted to have a character with a charisma focus you may need to revise some things.

I'm going to bow out. The level dip for spellcasters is no fun. Best of luck.

This looks quite fun. I love homebrew, love dwarves, love localized, themed adventures/campaigns. I noticed there was not much talk of arcane characters, so I have done up a dwarf monk/sorcerer (utilizing the 'Sage' wildblooded variant of the arcane bloodline, which uses intelligence rather than charisma for all sorcerer-based things). Virtually complete, the only thing I did not finish is a selection of 1st level sorcerer spells...if accepted, I'd like to get a gauge of what the group dynamic would be before figuring out what role to fill magic-wise.

I didn't really come up with any fluff since you said you were preferring crunch at the moment, and I didn't want to make any presumptions since it is your world. A most basic explanation would be that he is a a descendent of a long line of forgers of magical arms and armor, which has manifested in him as the bloodline. I may go into magic item crafting, depending on the amount of foreseeable downtime this campaign might have.

Oh, one question, just because I would be annoyed with myself if I did not ask - duergar are my favorite race in tabletop gaming, so I was wondering if that might be an available option, perhaps coming up with some good reasons story-wise? I understand if not, but I just thought I would bring it up just in case. (If so, I would retool the character a bit):

Odirin Mithrilrasp:

Odirin Mithrilrasp
Male Dwarf Monk 1 / Sorcerer 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init:+2; Senses: Perception +7, Darkvision 60 ft.


AC 15 (+2 dex, +3 wis), Touch 15, Flat-Footed 13
HP 18
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7

Speed 20 ft.
Melee Unarmed +0 (1d6) or Handaxe +0 (1d6)
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)


Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 17 Wis 16 Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 15
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Eschew Materials, Campaign Bonus, Combat Casting
Traits Focused Mind (+2 Concentration), Guardian of the Forge (+1 Knowledge (History) and Knowledge (Engineering); Knowledge (Engineering is a class skill)

Acrobatics +6 (1 rank +2 dex +3 trained)
Craft (Metalworking) +9 (1 rank +3 int +2 racial +3 trained)
Knowledge (Arcana) +10 (2 rank +3 int +2 class +3 trained)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7 (1 rank +3 int +3 trained)
Knowledge (Engineering) +8 (1 rank +3 int +1 train +3 trained)
Knowledge (History) +8 (1 rank +3 int +1 trait +3 trained)
Perception +7 (1 rank +3 wis +3 trained)
Spellcraft +10 (2 rank +3 int +2 class +3 trained)
Stealth +6 (1 rank +2 dex +3 trained)
Use Magic Device +3 (2 rank -2 cha +3 trained)

Concentration +6 (1 CL +3 int +2 trait)

Languages Common, Dwarven, Orc, Undercommon, Giant
Equipment Monk's Outfit, Handaxe, Light Crossbow, 10 bolts, Wand of Mage Armor (50 charges), Backpack, Waterskin, Flint & Steel, 50 ft. silk rope, 2x trail rations, scroll case. 192 gp
Load: 24.5 lbs (light)


Defensive Training: +4 dodge bonus to AC vs giants
Hardy: +2 on saving throws vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison
Stability: +4 to CMD vs. bull rush and trip while standing on the ground
Hatred: +1 on attack rolls vs goblinoids and orcs
Craftsman: +2 on all Craft and Profession checks related to stone or metal
Lorekeeper: +2 on Knowledge (History) pertaining to dwarves or their enemies
Stonecunning: +2 on Perception to notice unusual stonework, including traps and hidden doors. Automatically notice them within 10 feet, even if not actively looking.
Darkvision: 60 ft.
Weapon Familiarity: Proficient with battleaxe, heavy pick, warhammer. Treat weapons with "dwarven" in the name as martial.

Favored Class: Sorcerer
Class Bonuses: 1 Skill rank

Flurry of Blows: -1/-1
Stunning Fist: 1/day, unarmed attack renders target stunned for 1 round, Fort DC 14 negates.
Unarmed Strike: 1d6
AC Bonus: Add wisdom modifier to AC and CMD. Applies with armor if check penalty of armor is 0.

Bloodline: Sage (Arcane)
Class Skill: Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Bloodline Arcana: Use intelligence instead of charisma for spellcasting and bloodline powers. +2 Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft.
Bloodline Powers:
-Arcane Bolt: 6/day - 30 ft. ranged touch attack 1d4+1 force damage.


Lvl 0 at will, (DC 13) - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Disrupt Undead, Message
Lvl 1 4/day, (DC 14) -

TarkXT wrote:

Get used to low charisma. We are being forced into monk on a charisma less

IF you wanted to have a character with a charisma focus you may need to revise some things.

Eh, to a certain extent he's right. A class that 99% of the time doesn't care about charisma (the exception is the kata master archetype which somebody has already made) combined with a race that has a charisma penalty is going to lead to an ugly party.

However, I just want it to be made clear that my main account avatar is a dwarven bard who is the greatest bard that has ever existed.

GM Sarpadian wrote:
Gramlag wrote:
what are your thoughts on if i was to say take fighter and spend one of the feets on improved unarmed combat to signify the training they went through. the monk class signifies a certain mind set ontop of the mechanics provided and while im not againt the mindset and the majority of dwarves in this clan following it i find personally for roleplaying i better fit the stoic loyal fighter that excels in combat and even one level of monk i feel would shift that to a slightly more spiritual side of things than i would prefer.

I'm not sure I grasp exactly what you mean about the monk entailing a certain mindset. The only feature of a 1st level monk that would seem to have any connection to the character's mindset is the alignment restriction, but since you're offering to play your fighter as LG or LN anyway, I don't see what the advantage is for you being a fighter. Maybe you can help me understand what your problem with monks is?

small advantages like getting a quicker start on class features, but this isnt a min max thing really to me, its a role play thing. to me a monk is at least a mildly spiritual person in nature while certainly role player can be a big part of a character im sure you would not disagree that class plays some role in how the person thinks and behaves, druids being a primary example. I belive what your looking for in the monk is a person with great diciplin and i totally get that part based on the story youve presented thus far, and i agree that monks are the easyest pit in the role for the clan that youve presented. i feel that though any class can present diciplin needed to work hard keep the clan safe and bite the bullet if cought. dicaplin is a personal trait not something someone needs a class to achieve, in defferance though i will agree that martial classes are more likle to be dicaplined in that manner. i think a dwarven fighter can be just as dicaplined as your looking for but would have a diffrent look at life. perhaps more gritty or just more "on earth".

does that help explain it better? i find im not very eliquent but i try

I could have phrased things better. I wasn't objecting to stat dumping per se(I don't do a lot of it personally, but I understood it was in the cards when I set things up), and I wasn't meaning to imply that I thought you wouldn't roleplay the 5 Charisma. At least half my concern was that you would and that your idea of roleplaying a dumped Charisma would be that it gave you an excuse to be a jerk. To me, Charisma is also about force of personality, so the guy who obnoxiously insists on getting his own way all the time has as much claim to a high Charisma as the guy who has social skills. 5 Charisma and a Lawful Neutral alignment could easily be the guy who goes along with whatever somebody else wants him to do. Low Charisma is OK, socially inept is OK, ugly is OK; using it as a cover for being a disruptive player is not OK.

Oh not at all. A low charisma doesn't make you a jerk. It might make you come off as a jerk because of how blunt or socially inept you are, but it's completely independent of what kind of person you are. There are plenty of really nice, self sacrificing people who just don't know how to talk to people.

At his core, Ihro is a soldier. He eats breathes and sleeps fighting for his dwarven brothers and sisters. He has no need for social pleasantries or good grooming, for how do those things help him survive on the battlefield? Leave that to the people who are good at it and want to do it. Ihro is going to better the dwarves the way he can and knows how to, by fighting their enemies so that those who can't don't have to.

Hmm, with more thought about it I could actually see him being LG.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I've been looking for an all dwarf campaign for a while, and have a definite interest... My only reservation is that I'm kind of burnt out on monks right now :(

Any chance you would allow one sacred fist (the very monkish war priest archetype) in the party?

I had a thought for a sensei cavalier combo ..... how would a mount fit into the campaign? IE, is it lots of dungeon crawling or anything like that which would make difficulties for a mount??

Gramlag wrote:
to me a monk is at least a mildly spiritual person in nature

I think this sentence is the crux of the disconnect between us. I'm not sure this statement is even universally true for core Pathfinder, but (even if it is) it's definitely not true for my world. Also, although the discipline involved with being a monk is certainly a large component of me using a level of monk to represent Nalbrin, it is not the entire reason. I also envision the training as making those who succeed tougher (both physically and mentally), the fact that monks have all good saves is a mechanical manifestation of that. I understand what you're saying, but I'm going to hold to the monk requirement in this case (see below for an exception I am willing to consider).

CampinCarl 9127 wrote:
Oh not at all. A low charisma doesn't make you a jerk. It might make you come off as a jerk because of how blunt or socially inept you are, but it's completely independent of what kind of person you are. There are plenty of really nice, self sacrificing people who just don't know how to talk to people.

Hey! I resemble that remark :P! Seriously, though, it's good to see that we're on the same page.

nate lange wrote:
Any chance you would allow one sacred fist (the very monkish war priest archetype) in the party?

I'll be honest: if you submit a warpriest and somebody else submits a monk 1/cleric 1, I'm liable to go with the multiclass build because it will let me test out my homebrew feat :). I'm willing to consider the sacred fist, though. In comparison to the fighter, which I'm disallowing as a monk substitute, the warpriest does at least have two good saves. That good Will save is that much less of a chance that some Taloth spellcaster succeeds on an enchantment spell..."Say, great bosom buddy I just met, could you please direct me to the nearest dwarven hideout?" :)

very well, i respect your opinion, thanks for at least hearing me out, ill see about drawing something up cuz im still totally interested in joining, i havnt looked at monk in a long time so ill do that first and get back to here with a character idea. RP question, how long have the dwarves been hold out and trying to stop the orcs from messing up their day, so to speak?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Deylinarr wrote:
I had a thought for a sensei cavalier combo .....

I had a sensei/standard bearer who took the battle herald PrC- he was a fun character, and no mount :)

@GM- I'm not really familiar with your feat but the sacred fist gets Wis to AC and flurry of blows, so I'm guessing the feat would be just fine for him?

Mattock is coming along. Although the idea was appealing, Drunken Master won't work out; I can RP his drinking. He'll be a quiet morose, drunk. Flowing monk might work out, if I take him to third level in monk. But that would be crazy bad. ** Must resist urge to multiclass myself into uselessness. **

Leaning toward illusionist as his favored school if we have another arcane caster in the party. If not, transmuter or conjuror are likely.

Woodsmoke wrote:
Oh, one question, just because I would be annoyed with myself if I did not ask - duergar are my favorite race in tabletop gaming, so I was wondering if that might be an available option, perhaps coming up with some good reasons story-wise? I understand if not, but I just thought I would bring it up just in case.

Sorry, no duergar. I don't blame you for asking, though.

Deylinarr wrote:
is it lots of dungeon crawling or anything like that which would make difficulties for a mount?

The first mission should be fine. I haven't planned further out than that.

nate lange wrote:
Deylinarr wrote:
I had a thought for a sensei cavalier combo .....

I had a sensei/standard bearer who took the battle herald PrC- he was a fun character, and no mount :)

@GM- I'm not really familiar with your feat but the sacred fist gets Wis to AC and flurry of blows, so I'm guessing the feat would be just fine for him?

Nate, I think he means this homebrew feat:

GM Sarpadian wrote:

Campaign Bonus Feat: In my world, every race gets a bonus feat at 1st level. The dwarven one allows you to wear armor and still use your monk class abilities as long as the ACP of your armor is 0. This doesn't extend to shields.

Currently working on a Zen archer.

Gramlag wrote:
how long have the dwarves been hold out and trying to stop the orcs from messing up their day, so to speak?

They've been holed up in the mountains for forty years, ever since the humans were chased off. They were fighting the orcs alongside the humans for centuries before that.

nate lange wrote:
@GM- I'm not really familiar with your feat but the sacred fist gets Wis to AC and flurry of blows, so I'm guessing the feat would be just fine for him?

Looking at Thom's quote, I see where your confusion comes from. I'd meant to put in that you had to be proficient with the armor in question, but I see that I didn't. Anyway, that's the issue with the warpriest. A sacred fist warpriest gives up his armor proficiencies. A monk 1/cleric 1 has proficiency with up to medium armor via his cleric level, so the bonus feat allows him to wear armor. The warpriest (sacred fist) 2, however, would need to take Armor Proficiency (Light) in order to benefit from the bonus feat.

GM Sarpadian wrote:
Hey! I resemble that remark :P! Seriously, though, it's good to see that we're on the same page.

Good, I'm glad to hear that. I believe that clears everything up with my character, so I'll quietly lurk around until decision time.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Ok, now I get it... I was thinking that if it wasn't gonna cost me the use of any class abilities I'd take the armor expert trait and grab a masterwork chainshirt... With 0 ACP there'd be no non-proficiency penalty so I wouldn't lose anything, but if your feat requires proficiency that obviously changes that...

I'll keep thinking about potential multiclass monk combos that I might be able to get excited about and see if I can come up with something before the submission deadline. (Do you really need all 4 players to test the same feat?)

Sarpadian is a great GM, you guys should have an awesome time. I'm playing in his other campaign set in this world and it's been a lot of fun.

Nate Lange wrote:
Do you really need all 4 players to test the same feat?

No, I don't guess I do. The flavor of the sacred fist is close enough to what I'm going for. If you're OK with not getting a benefit from the bonus feat, then go for it.

Budd the C.H.U.D. wrote:
Sarpadian is a great GM...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Budd. It helps to have great players. Y'all stuck with me while I was getting my feet wet as a PbP GM, and these guys get to reap the benefits.

Liberty's Edge

Here is my submission for the game made his backstory reflect some if who he is and that he is ready for the mission, hope to get in

Male Inquisitor/Monk {zen archer}
N Medium humanoid ()
Init +6; (+3dex;+2 {feather domain},+1 Tactician)



AC: 19, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+3 armor, +3 Dex,+3wis )
hp: 11 (1d8+2+1 Fav Class)
Fort +4+2base+2con),
Ref +5(+2base+3dex),
Will +5(+2base+3will)


Base Attack:+0


Speed:30 ft.

Range:MW composite +2 Long bow+4
-------damage(1d8+2x3) Arrows(60)
Melee:Sythe +2

Str 14(+2),Dex 17(+3), Con 14(+2),Int 10(0),Wis 16(+2),Cha 8(-2)


Point-Blank Shot
Bonus feat Precise shot
Campaign Bonus Feat: allows you to wear armor and still use your monk class abilities as long as the ACP of your armor is 0. This doesn't extend to shields.





Skills:{6 Ranks}:

Bluff (Cha),
Climb (Str),
Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), + 2(+1rank;-2cha,+3 ICS)
Disguise (Cha),
Heal (Wis),
Intimidate(Cha),+6(+o ranks;-2cha;+;+2{class level bonus}+3 INS)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), + 4(1rank;+3 ICS)
Knowledge (nature) (Int), + 4(1rank;+3 ICS)
Knowledge (planes) (Int),
Knowledge (Religion) (Int),
Perception (Wis), + 9(+1;+3wis;+2{feather Domain}+3 ICS)
Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex),
Sense Motive (Wis), +8 (+ ranks;+3wis;+2 {class level bonus}+3 ICS)
Spellcraft (Int),
Stealth (Dex), +7 (1ranks;+3dex,+3 ICS)
Survival (Wis), + 7(+1 ranks;+3wis;+3 in class skill)
Swim (Str).

Languages Common, dwarven
Str 14(+2),Dex 18(+4),Con 14(+2),Int 10(0),Wis 14(+2),Cha 8(-2)



Class inquisitor:

Monster Lore

Domain Animal
Animal Domain
sub Feather

saving throw against an inquisitor's spell is 10 + the spell level + the inquisitor's Wisdom modifier. spells perday 1(5)
--0 level spells
Create Water
Disrupt Undead
Level 1 spells
Shield of Faith

Cure Light Wounds
Inflict Light Wounds
Keep Watch

Domain spells
Animals level 1
Feather Fall level 2
Fly level 3

Monk zen archer:

Flurry of Blows (Ex)
Perfect strike
Wis+ to ac



MW Studded leather 175 gp AC+3 Max dex+5 check penalty+0 20% 30 ft. 20 ft. 25 lbs.(250GP),
MW Composite Longbow+2 (675 gp) 1d8 ×3 100 ft. 3 lbs. P —
Arrows (60) (3 gp) 9 lbs.
Scythe(18GP) 2d4 ×4 — 10 lbs. P or S,
Backpack (empty)2 gp,
Bedroll 1 sp
Bell 1 gp ,
Blanket, winter 5 sp,
Lantern, bullseye 12 gp,
Rations, trail (per day)x10 5 sp
Rope, hemp (50 ft.)
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 10 gp .
Sack (empty) 1 sp
Sealing wax 1 gp
Sewing needle 5 sp —
Shovel 2 gp
Signal whistle 8 sp —
Signet ring 5 gp
Soap (per lb.) 5 sp
Waterskin 1 gp



Special Abilities

Standard Racial Traits:

•Ability Score Racial Traits: Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma.

•Size: Dwarves are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
•Type: Dwarves are humanoids with the dwarf subtype.
•Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
•Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits
•Defensive Training: Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
•Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
•Stability: Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits
•Greed: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks made to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
•Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.

Senses Racial Traits
•Darkvision: Dwarves can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Offense Racial Traits
•Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.
•Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.


--Since Riuk was young he was an odd one. He was fascinated with going outside of the mountain, always asking if he could go. Once Riuk old enough his father told him the only way he could leave to see the outside world he would have to go to the Militia. The very next day He joined up, in his training although he took to it lake every one else Riuk did not feel it was for him. On day he found a oddly colored Bagger black with red strips down it body.
As he played and raise this animal there connection grew until the day he had a revelation from the God Tanagaar. The vision he had tolled Riuk he should be an inquisitor, so he did and now after all these years he has his chance to see some of the world. Riuk is ready and so is the loyal bagger by his side that has grown in power and strength would join Riuk in his travels.

Liberty's Edge

an this is his AC
Totem Guide (Companion Archetype)

N Small animal
Init +3;low-light vision, scent;


AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +2 natural,+1size,)
hp: 32 (2d8+2con,+6Toughness)
Fort: +4(+2base,+2con)
Ref: +5(+2base,+3dex)
Will: +1(+0base,+1wis)
CMD: +12 ((+0srt,+3dex,-1size,)


Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
BA:+1 (+1size)
Melee: bite +2 (1d4)
Melee: 2Claw +2(1d3)


Size Small; AC +2 natural armor; Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10; Special Attacks rage (as a barbarian, 6 rounds per day);



Acrobatics* (Dex),
Climb* (Str),
Escape Artist (Dex),
Fly* (Dex),
Intimidate (Cha),
Perception* (Wis), +5 (+1rank,+1wis,+3 ICS)
Stealth* (Dex), +15 (1rank,+3dex,+4size,+4race,+3 ICS)
Survival (Wis),
Swim* (Str).


Number is tricks 7 (int2) (Bonus+1)
Attack (2) :
The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a particular creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks.

Flank (1):
You can instruct an animal to attack a foe you point to and always attempt to be adjacent to (and threatening) that foe. If you or an ally is also threatening the foe, the animal attempts to flank the foe, if possible. It always takes attacks of opportunity. The animal must know the attack trick before it can learn this trick.

Exclusive (1):
The animal takes directions only from the handler who taught it this trick. If an animal has both the exclusive and serve tricks, it takes directions only from the handler that taught it the exclusive trick and those creatures indicated by the trainer's serve command. An animal with the exclusive trick does not take trick commands from others even if it is friendly or helpful toward them (such as through the result of a charm animal spell), though this does not prevent it from being controlled by other enchantment spells (such as dominate animal), and the animal still otherwise acts as a friendly or helpful creature when applicable.

Sneak (1):
The animal can be ordered to make Stealth checks in order to stay hidden and to continue using Stealth even when circumstances or its natural instincts would normally cause it to abandon secrecy.

Stay (1):
The animal stays in place, waiting for you to return. It does not challenge other creatures that come by, though it still defends itself if it needs to.

Hunt (1):
This trick allows an animal to use its natural stalking or foraging instincts to find food and return it to the animal's handler. An animal with this trick may attempt Survival checks (or Wisdom checks if the animal has no ranks in Survival) to provide food for others or lead them to water and shelter (as the “get along in the wild” use of the Survival skill). An animal with this trick may use the aid another action to assist Survival checks made by its handler for these purposes.

Special Qualities
Share Spells
Spiritual Guidance (Sp)

low-light vision, scent.
sorry for the wall ^_^

You should look the Aegis over for sure but you don't have to wory about Psionics with them even though they are a Psionic class they don't have Psionic powers they manifest. So yeah let me know what you think about Gilak.

nate lange wrote:
I had a sensei/standard bearer who took the battle herald PrC- he was a fun character, and no mount :)

was reading that archetype/prestige class combo last night.....exactly what I was looking for, and nice to have some first hand knowledge that it works! Off to build......

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