nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

man... i really want to try to get into this campaign, but having to be a monk that multiclasses to a class with armor proficiency is restrictive enough that i'm really struggling to come up with a build i'm excited about... i'd consider resurrecting my battle herald if Deylinarr wasn't already doing that, lol.
maybe i'll look some more at a sacred fist and spending a feat on armor proficiency... do you have a link for your homebrewed gods?

GM Sarpadian |

You can't take both craftsman and lorekeeper alternate racial traits. They both replace greed. Also, you seem to be missing a monk bonus feat. Lastly, 8 CHA gives you a -1 modifier, so your UMD modifier should be one higher.
Mattock is coming along.
Looks good so far; I'll look at it in more detail once you're finished with him. I'd also like your input on the revised campaign bonus feat I'm going to propose below.
Here is my submission for the game
You seem to have built a 1st level gestalt character. I do love me a good gestalt game, but this isn't it. I'm looking for 2nd level normal characters, so your submission should have 1 level of monk and 1 level of inquisitor. In terms of what you would need to fix, this primarily means that your missing 4 skill ranks (the ranks for your monk level), you should have 21 HP (2d8 maxed+2*CON mod+1 favored class), and your saves should be: +6/+5/+7.
There are a couple of other issues that need to be addressed besides this not being a gestalt game. Inquisitors don't get domain spells, just the domain powers. The racial bonus to Perception from the Feather subdomain should be +1. I haven't even looked at the animal companion because you don't get him until you hit inquisitor 4 (i.e. character level 5). Also, you should only have 4 orisons and 2 1st level spells. Inquisitors aren't normally proficient with the scythe; if you can find a Golarion deity with the scythe as favored weapon who gives access to the Feather subdomain, I'll reskin it for my world. Otherwise, you probably want to pick another weapon. I'm also not sure with how you came with 675 gp for your mwk composite longbow; I calculate 600.
Riuk |

Woodsmoke wrote:Odirin...You can't take both craftsman and lorekeeper alternate racial traits. They both replace greed. Also, you seem to be missing a monk bonus feat. Lastly, 8 CHA gives you a -1 modifier, so your UMD modifier should be one higher.
Mattock wrote:Mattock is coming along.Looks good so far; I'll look at it in more detail once you're finished with him. I'd also like your input on the revised campaign bonus feat I'm going to propose below.
Riuk wrote:Here is my submission for the gameYou seem to have built a 1st level gestalt character. I do love me a good gestalt game, but this isn't it. I'm looking for 2nd level normal characters, so your submission should have 1 level of monk and 1 level of inquisitor. In terms of what you would need to fix, this primarily means that your missing 4 skill ranks (the ranks for your monk level), you should have 21 HP (2d8 maxed+2*CON mod+1 favored class), and your saves should be: +6/+5/+7.
There are a couple of other issues that need to be addressed besides this not being a gestalt game. Inquisitors don't get domain spells, just the domain powers. The racial bonus to Perception from the Feather subdomain should be +1. I haven't even looked at the animal companion because you don't get him until you hit inquisitor 4 (i.e. character level 5). Also, you should only have 4 orisons and 2 1st level spells. Inquisitors aren't normally proficient with the scythe; if you can find a Golarion deity with the scythe as favored weapon who gives access to the Feather subdomain, I'll reskin it for my world. Otherwise, you probably want to pick another weapon. I'm also not sure with how you came with 675 gp for your mwk composite longbow; I calculate 600.
ok my bad for the gestalt ill fix .(i knew it was not a gestalt game but spaced when i was making him lol) that i made my AC because the archetype i chose Sacred Huntsmaster gets it at level 1 . i got the cost for the Longbow because the cost for the weapon its self cost 75 GP and i thought the MW and composite just added to the cost of it. I did not know Inquisitors don't get the domain powers ill remove them. I'll look for a Golarion deity with the feather sub now and i will re post when done.

Woodsmoke |

You can't take both craftsman and lorekeeper alternate racial traits. They both replace greed. Also, you seem to be missing a monk bonus feat. Lastly, 8 CHA gives you a -1 modifier, so your UMD modifier should be one higher.
Apologies. When I was writing out the character in the document, I was trying to decide between Lore Keeper and Craftsman - looks like by the time I was finished I forgot to pick one! Similarly, I was toying around with stats at one point, so I suppose I left in that -2 modifier from a previous edit. As for the monk feat, looks like I spaced on that one.
Revised, dropping Lorekeeper and picking up Deflect Arrows as the bonus feat.
Odirin Mithrilrasp
Male Dwarf Monk 1 / Sorcerer 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init:+2; Senses: Perception +7
AC 15 (+2 dex, +3 wis), Touch 15, Flat-Footed 13
HP 18
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Unarmed +0 (1d6) or Handaxe +0 (1d6)
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 17 Wis 16 Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 15
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, Eschew Materials, Campaign Bonus, Combat Casting
Traits Focused Mind (+2 Concentration), Guardian of the Forge (+1 Knowledge (History) and Knowledge (Engineering); Knowledge (Engineering) is a class skill)
Acrobatics +6 (1 rank +2 dex +3 trained)
Craft (Metalworking) +9 (1 rank +3 int +2 racial +3 trained)
Knowledge (Arcana) +10 (2 rank +3 int +2 class +3 trained)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7 (1 rank +3 int +3 trained)
Knowledge (Engineering) +8 (1 rank +3 int +1 train +3 trained)
Knowledge (History) +8 (1 rank +3 int +1 trait +3 trained)
Perception +7 (1 rank +3 wis +3 trained)
Spellcraft +10 (2 rank +3 int +2 class +3 trained)
Stealth +6 (1 rank +2 dex +3 trained)
Use Magic Device +4 (2 rank -1 cha +3 trained)
Concentration +6 (1 CL +3 int +2 trait)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Orc, Undercommon, Giant
Equipment Monk's Outfit, Handaxe, Light Crossbow, 10 bolts, Wand of Mage Armor (50 charges), Backpack, Waterskin, Flint & Steel, 50 ft. silk rope, 2x trail rations, scroll case. 192 gp
Load: 24.5 lbs (light)
Defensive Training: +4 dodge bonus to AC vs giants
Hardy: +2 on saving throws vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison
Stability: +4 to CMD vs. bull rush and trip while standing on the ground
Hatred: +1 on attack rolls vs goblinoids and orcs
Craftsman: +2 on all Craft and Profession checks related to stone or metal
Stonecunning: +2 on Perception to notice unusual stonework, including traps and hidden doors. Automatically notice them within 10 feet, even if not actively looking.
Darkvision: 60 ft.
Weapon Familiarity: Proficient with battleaxe, heavy pick, warhammer. Treat weapons with "dwarven" in the name as martial.
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Class Bonuses: 1 Skill rank
Flurry of Blows: -1/-1
Stunning Fist: 1/day, unarmed attack renders target stunned for 1 round, Fort DC 14 negates.
Unarmed Strike: 1d6
AC Bonus: Add wisdom modifier to AC and CMD. Applies with armor if check penalty of armor is 0.
Bloodline: Sage (Arcane)
Class Skill: Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Bloodline Arcana: Use intelligence instead of charisma for spellcasting and bloodline powers. +2 Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft.
Bloodline Powers:
-Arcane Bolt: 6/day - 30 ft. ranged touch attack 1d4+1 force damage.
Lvl 0 at will, (DC 13) - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Disrupt Undead, Message
Lvl 1 4/day, (DC 14) -

GM Sarpadian |

having to be a monk that multiclasses to a class with armor proficiency is restrictive enough that i'm really struggling to come up with a build i'm excited about
Nate, I hear what you're saying. I wasn't intending to be restrictive, but I see that's how it turned out. I can understand why you wouldn't be excited about having to spend a feat to get the use of a bonus feat.
Revised Bonus Feat: Characters with armor proficiency retain the use of their monk abilities while in armor with which they are proficient. Characters without armor proficiency may instead choose one of the following: Domain Strike, Hex Strike, Revelation Strike, School Strike, Sorcerous Strike.
EDIT: I forgot about the pantheon. For the time being, you can just use Golarion deities. I've been putting off working on the pantheon because there aren't any divine spellcasters in the other party. The only one who's come up so far among NPCs is the Judge, who is basically Abadar re-skinned.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Thanks GM!
Sorry if I'm being a bit of a pain, I just got really excited about your concept and scenario and then struggled and got frustrated trying to find a build I really like that works with your added mechanics...
I work really late tonight but I'll start reading through the Golarion gods tonight or tomorrow morning (probably looking for one to reskin, if that works for you?)

Riuk |

is this god good Easivral?
its the only one i found with the feather sub that is a Golarion god it could work as my character has a vision

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ok i think i did all the changes your wanted Riuk Blood
and his pet
Riuk's Animal
i got better at formatting ^_^

The Dragon |

So erhm... I was thinking of doig something with armor. Would taking both this and this trait be too strange? Combined with masterwork armor, I can swing stuff with -3. I need to read up on where that puts me, but my gut tells me it could lead to something interesting.
Edit: My best option seems the Kikku armor, having a ACP of -3, +5 armor and +4 max dex.
Mithral full plate clocks in at -0 as well, I think.
-6 standard, +1 from masterwork, +3 from mithral, +2 from the traits.
That'd be pretty neat to have, I think. It only becomes a viable option around level 6 though, and to be honest probably isn't realistic until 7-8.

Kwak Attack |

Hey I have returned with my Zen Archer/Ranger, sorry it took so long I am still getting used to the setup of the website, but my friend was able to help. If I took to many liberties with the back story, just let me know and I can fix it. Here is my character.

GM Sarpadian |

Thanks GM! Sorry if I'm being a bit of a pain, I just got really excited about your concept and scenario and then struggled and got frustrated trying to find a build I really like that works with your added mechanics...
No, thank you! I hadn't thoroughly thought out the implications of my plan, and I appreciate you bringing the problem to my attention. Kassht will be better for your input. Re-skining a Golarion god is exactly what I had in mind.
Revised, dropping Lorekeeper and picking up Deflect Arrows as the bonus feat.
Looks good.
ok i think i did all the changes your wanted
You did, but then I found some more :). I'd rather you wrote your initiative as "+4 (+6 if can act in surprise round)"; the bonus from your domain only applies if there's a surprise round and you're in it. Your speed as a dwarf should be 20 ft. 8 CHA gives you a mod of -1. I'm coming up with a CMB of +2 and a CMD of 18. As near as I can tell, these are your correct skill modifiers,
So erhm... I was thinking of doig something with armor. Would taking both this and this trait be too strange? Combined with masterwork armor, I can swing stuff with -3. I need to read up on where that puts me, but my gut tells me it could lead to something interesting.
Go for it.
wanted to get your thoughts on a dwarven cavalier taking THIS feat?
I like it.

GM Sarpadian |

Hey I have returned with my Zen Archer/Ranger
Most everything seems to be in order, but I did catch a couple of things. You bought mwk studded leather, but you don't have it computed in your AC line. I think you forgot to add your WIS bonus to your CMD. The third thing is just a typo: you chose 11 skill ranks, which is correct, but the top of your skills section says 12. Thanks for the submission (and especially thanks for the easy to follow character sheet.)

GM Sarpadian |

made the changes...
No, Toughness is +3 (total) for the first 3 HD and then +1/HD. So, basically, it works out to +1/HD, but you get the first 3 up front. Can you show me where it says that the animal companion starts off with 6 tricks? What I saw under Handle Animal said that 6 tricks was the maximum for a 2 INT animal, but it didn't say that the animal started with that many tricks. To some extent it's a moot point, since I'll let you spend starting gold to pay somebody to train it, and you have plenty. Thanks for being willing to clean up your character sheet. It's much improved over where it was to begin with. I think all you need to do now is make the spoiler in your stats line match the sheet itself. (There are a couple of typos and such, but I won't be that nitpicky :).)
If only everybody followed my example ;)
It is, in fact, a worthy one. GMs and OCD people everywhere thank you. I'll let you figure out within how many of those categories I fall ;).
So do you still have to have an AC of 0 in the armor your proficient in?
The revision was to make the feat useful for people who don't have armor proficiency. The ACP of 0 part should still have been in there. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. By the way, I haven't forgotten about Gilak. I'm just trying to wrap my brain around how the "Iron Man" suit works :).

Ashe |

yeah no worries. I will be sticking with the Abarrant Archtype then. You may want to look at it. It's not a suit they alter their body. You could play it off as a higher form of mystacisim to play into the monk level. Like he has trained to focus his body and push his physical ability beyond that of others. You know you want to like him and let him in :) I am a avid poster as well and post multiple times a day. I'm in a bunch well now a few games and have good posting history :) Thanks again for the consideration.

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I would like to play in this campaign. I would wish to play an inquisitor if that is acceptable.
Carth Targmonger LN
Monk 1 (Zen archer?) /Inquisitor 1
Str 14
Dex 17
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 11
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, (Deadly aim if zen archer)
Main Weapon: Longbow
Carth Targmonger is a dwarf of the bow, and constantly vigilant for treasonous talk. Not the most well liked in the militia because of his stern words and non-trusting nature, but all know he means well. Respected for his unwavering loyalty, his presence during an operation assures his superiors that the work will be done to the best of the troops ability.
The level of monk would preferably be zen archer, though I plan to not take another level in monk for some time. If zen archer is prohibited, I will take a regular level in monk. I will ask for permission before doing anything that might be broken. I intend to keep this character from being min-maxed if possible.
If you need skills, purchases, or any other character information, please notify me.
I ask that I may participate in this adventure, I will be able to post at least once a day as required, and I will stay active as long as I am able.

Deylinarr |

still have to flesh out the backstory, but crunch for Talthon Waraxe should be ready for review.
Short version, he's the son of one of the mountain's decorated general and has been trained since he was very young to take on the role of a leader. Thing is, the mantle of leadership doesn't rest comfortably on his shoulders just yet, and when the call goes out for him to join the quest he is (potentially) one of the youngest members of the group which adds to his hesitations. He'll get the job done though: he might not think of himself as a great leader yet but he is fiercely loyal to his friends and the clan.......
thanks again to nate for the idea and letting me run with it!

Kwak Attack |

Kwak Attack wrote:Hey I have returned with my Zen Archer/RangerMost everything seems to be in order, but I did catch a couple of things. You bought mwk studded leather, but you don't have it computed in your AC line. I think you forgot to add your WIS bonus to your CMD. The third thing is just a typo: you chose 11 skill ranks, which is correct, but the top of your skills section says 12. Thanks for the submission (and especially thanks for the easy to follow character sheet.)
Wow good catch, I think i fixed everything, here is the corrected version

GM Sarpadian |

So, I can tell that I caused some confusion with the revision to the bonus feat. So, here's how it's going to work. I have put a list of bonus feats from which you may choose your 1st level bonus feat on the Campaign Info tab. (This list is not necessarily exhaustive; it's intended as a list of suggestions. If you would like to suggest feats for the list, feel free. They should be monk-themed--like how the Paizo feats on the list let you add effects to an unarmed strike or how my homebrew feat lets you keep monk abilities in armor--or at least dwarf-themed. I'm not willing to open it up to just any feat, though.) My homebrew feat is now called Nalbrin Armor Adept, and it is on the campaign info tab as well. Feel free to ask any questions.

GM Sarpadian |

I will be sticking with the Abarrant Archtype then. You may want to look at it.
I did, and I think I'm going to have to say no. I don't really get it, and I'm not keen on including stuff I don't thoroughly understand.
I would like to play in this campaign...
Zen archer and inquisitor are both acceptable. Be aware that there are already several zen archer concepts on the table. I'd like to see a mostly completed character sheet. I'm not going to be auditing every last gold piece at this point, but I want skills, feat choices, domain, etc., as these are the ways you have of differentiating your submission from the other zen archers.
I fixed everything
I think so. Good to go.
Yeah, I had the ACP part in the original post and then left it out when I "fixed" the feat. My bad. As for your "silly question," it's not really all that silly. I think the answer is yes, but I have this sweet bonus feat to help with that...
You could also drop one of your traits for Armor Expert, or take Additional Traits instead of Improved Initiative. That's not "advice," pun intended.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Silly question: sensei advice replaces fast movement and flurry .... So if I'm in armor do I lose advice too?
typically, no... but its Sarpadian's world so if he says yes, then yes...
i spent my day off having the flu, and didn't get much gaming stuff done... i did look over some golarion gods and thought that the dwarven god Kols might be a (really) good fit... when my brain stops swimming and starts working again i'll put together a character sheet and some background for a Sacred Fist devoted to him (if that's acceptable), if there's still time. i'm really not feeling well and it might be awhile before i'm up to it, so please don't hold recruitment just for me if you have enough suitable applications.

Mattock of Torhold |

Revised Mattock. I'd like to take Light Armor Proficiency, and grab a Haramaki.
What's your take on monk weapons -- are we proficient with any monk weapon, or just the list in the monk descriptive text?
I still have to tweak some things, change background slightly, and of course buy equipment. I hate buying equipment.

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I am open for playing a martial artist.
Carth Targmonger
Martial artist 2 (FC Monk)
The main stuff.
Str 17
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 8
Hp 25 (8+8+2+2+1+1+3)
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness, Improved Grapple
Main Weapon: Unarmed Strike +4/+3,+3\ Dmg 1d6+3
Assorted monk weapons for use, none of which are masterwork.
The Skills.
Craft (arms and armor) 1:1
Carth would have been a fine smith, but when a call to arms came, he put down his tools and joined up. Strong, tough and dependable, Carth is a true hero, ready to jump into a hail of arrows to save a fallen comrade. His loyalty is unquestionable, and his physical conditioning allows him to sustain anything he needs to do. His skills and conditioning make him an invaluable asset for this mission.
I have yet to spend any gold, so that is not yet ready. Hopefully this character will be considered for this adventure.

Deylinarr |

Deylinarr wrote:Nuts...Yeah, I had the ACP part in the original post and then left it out when I "fixed" the feat. My bad. As for your "silly question," it's not really all that silly. I think the answer is yes, but I have this sweet bonus feat to help with that...
You could also drop one of your traits for Armor Expert, or take Additional Traits instead of Improved Initiative. That's not "advice," pun intended.
Updated alias here. I noted the bonus feat and dropped to Studded Leather - net loss of 1 to AC, which would be the same if I kept the chainshirt and lost the WIS bonus to AC. Here's hoping we find a Mithral mine soon cuz he will certainly need a better AC in the future without losing that ability!!!

SirSafeway |

Hey, this campaign sounds interesting!
I'd be interested in playing Falgard Dalvik. I'm experienced with Pathfinder and tabletop gaming in general, but I've never tried play by post before, so if I make a few mistakes in formatting, try to bear with me.
If you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask.
I look forward to trying out this character and gameplay format!

GM Sarpadian |

i spent my day off having the flu...
Hope you feel better soon. Kols is fine; he won't even need any reskinning unless you just want to. I'm almost certain that recruitment will be lasting until Sunday night: we've had over twenty people dot the thread, and there are only a few complete/almost complete submissions.
Revised Mattock.
The feat and the haramaki are OK. You're proficient with the list in the monk class description.
Deylinarr wrote:typically, no... but its Sarpadian's world so if he says yes, then yes...Silly question: sensei advice replaces fast movement and flurry .... So if I'm in armor do I lose advice too?
Updated alias here. I noted the bonus feat and dropped to Studded Leather - net loss of 1 to AC, which would be the same if I kept the chainshirt and lost the WIS bonus to AC. Here's hoping we find a Mithral mine soon cuz he will certainly need a better AC in the future without losing that ability!!!
Sorry I didn't get back to the thread before you recrunched your character, Deylinarr. If it's typically no, then we'll go with no. However, in looking at the Sensei archetype, I did notice that you can use advice for your Monk level + WIS mod rounds/day, instead of it working exactly like a bardic performance. You do still get your trait bonus, though. As for the mithril mine, your characters literally live on top of one: you just have to prove your worth to society (i.e. earn the 1100 gp), and the mithril chainshirt is yours...
Lol another 5 Charisma character, we can fight but we wont look good doing it.
My favorite part of the whole low-CHA thing is that Talthon loses his challenge ability if he lets an insult go by. We can have so much fun with that...

GM Sarpadian |

I'd be interested in playing Falgard Dalvik.
Your HP should be 23, since you only get one favored class benefit. Your CMD should be 20; you get your WIS bonus. The formatting is pretty good, although it would help to list where you put your skill ranks, instead of just listing the total modifiers. I can't tell if you forgot two skill ranks or the +2 to Sense Motive from Snake Style. Other than that, I think everything is in order.
I am open for playing a martial artist.
Double check your point buy. My math has you having spent 22 points. You don't qualify for Power Attack. You don't have a BAB of +1 until level 2, and Power Attack isn't on the list of monk bonus feats. Toughness isn't on the list of bonus feats, so it would have to be your level 1 feat. You need to choose one of the following as your 2nd monk bonus feat: Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Scorpion Style, or Throw Anything.

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Double check your point buy. My math has you having spent 22 points. You don't qualify for Power Attack. You don't have a BAB of +1 until level 2, and Power Attack isn't on the list of monk bonus feats. Toughness isn't on the list of bonus feats, so it would have to be your level 1 feat. You need to choose one of the following as your 2nd monk bonus feat: Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Scorpion Style, or Throw Anything.
Sorry, kinda threw it together on the spot earlier, but I retract my character, because I have something much more interesting.

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Hazzah! I have fully thought this through and am ready to make my final character proposal.
Trask Morgath
Monk of the empty hand 1/skald 1 (FC skald)
Str 15 (7)
Dex 13 (3)
Con 14 (2)
Int 12 (2)
Wis 10 (-2)
Cha 15 (13)
hp 25
Feats: Toughness, Catch off guard, lingering performance.
Weapon: Masterwork Drum Sticks +2/+1,+1
All dwarves remember home when they hear the beat of a hammer against an anvil, and Trask wants to bring that feeling to his comrades. Fearless, he charges forth into the fray, his drum slung across his side and two sticks in his hands. A natural leader, the militia has considered his participation in this important hour.
This is my final character idea, hopefully this works. Once again not all the details are here, so I will have to post a full sheet if I am considered.

LessPopMoreFizz |
Before I submit, any preferences between the two following build ideas:
Zen Archer 1// Alchemist X, because what squad in any self respecting dwarven militia doesn't have a resident demolitions expert?
Alternately, I have a Monk/Investigator build kicking around that can function pretty decently as an Int-based party face, which might be a bit more important amongst a pack of 5 CHA Dwarves...

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i made a monk
Bartholomew Swank
Male dwarf monk (hungry ghost monk) 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 110)
LN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 untyped bonus)
hp 22 (2d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities, +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison
Defensive Abilities defensive training, evasion
Speed 20 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d6+3) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +3/+3 (1d6+3)
Ranged or
. . cold iron shuriken flurry of blows +2/+2 (1d2+3) or
. . cold iron shuriken +3 (1d2+3)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, hatred
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 18 (22 vs. bull rush, 22 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Punishing Kick[APG], Step Up
Traits glory of old, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+3 to jump), Appraise +0 (+2 to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones), Climb +7, Perception +7, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +6, Swim +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ dwarf monk, rock stepper
Combat Gear universal solvent, heatstone, smelling salts; Other Gear cold iron shuriken (50), healy myrrh, raucous canard, sleeves of many garments, traveler's any-tool, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, grappling hook, hemp rope (50 ft.), iron vial (2), silk rope (100 ft.), soap, trail rations (5), waterskin, wrist sheath, spring loaded (2), 245 gp, 9 sp
Special Abilities
-2 hardness vs. clay, metal, or stone objects. Reduce the Hardness of any object made of clay, stone, or metal by 1 whenever the object is struck by the monk’s unarmed strike (minimum of 0).
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Deflect Arrows (1/round) While have an empty hand, negate one ranged weapon hit you are aware of (unless from a massive weapon).
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Flurry of Blows +0/+0 (Ex) As full-rd action, higher BAB and combo unarmed/monk wep as if two-weapon fighting.
Glory of Old You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.
Greed +2 to Appraise to determine price of nonmagic goods with precious metals or gemstones.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Goblinoids/Orcs.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Punishing Kick (Push 5', 2/day, DC 13) You can push or knock down an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Rock Stepper Ignore rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when taking 5 ft step.
Sleeves of many garments Transform current clothes into any non-magical new form.
Step Up When a foe makes a 5 ft step away from you, you can move 5 ft to follow them.
Traveler's any-tool Acts as masterwork tools for most Craft or Profession skills.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

SirSafeway |

Your HP should be 23, since you only get one favored class benefit. Your CMD should be 20; you get your WIS bonus. The formatting is pretty good, although it would help to list where you put your skill ranks, instead of just listing the total modifiers. I can't tell if you forgot two skill ranks or the +2 to Sense Motive from Snake Style. Other than that, I think everything is in order.
Right you are. It's been a while since I've made a monk. And I forgot to give the +2 from Snake Style (I was debating which style to take, and forgot to add that in once I chose Snake). I've also put the number of ranks I have in my skills in parenthesis next to them. Everything should be in order now!

GM Sarpadian |

This is my final character idea, hopefully this works.
This is definitely an interesting character idea, and I'd certainly like to see you work on it further. Unfortunately, you don't qualify for Lingering Performance until level 3. In order for me to consider your submission complete, you need to at least pick skills, traits, and a feat to replace Lingering Performance. A full character sheet would be better.
Before I submit, any preferences between the two following build ideas...
Either one would work, but the Investigator would probably give you your best shot. There are quite a few ranged builds already. I'm going to try to avoid pigeonholing people into certain roles on the basis of their class choices, but (at the same time) I'm not likely to choose a party of all zen archers, either.
Everything should be in order now!
It is. I've added Falgard to my list of completed submissions.