
Kwak Attack's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (42 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


Aww i was really hoping to find out tonight.

Lol another 5 Charisma character, we can fight but we wont look good doing it.

GM Sarpadian wrote:
Kwak Attack wrote:
Hey I have returned with my Zen Archer/Ranger
Most everything seems to be in order, but I did catch a couple of things. You bought mwk studded leather, but you don't have it computed in your AC line. I think you forgot to add your WIS bonus to your CMD. The third thing is just a typo: you chose 11 skill ranks, which is correct, but the top of your skills section says 12. Thanks for the submission (and especially thanks for the easy to follow character sheet.)

Wow good catch, I think i fixed everything, here is the corrected version

Hey I have returned with my Zen Archer/Ranger, sorry it took so long I am still getting used to the setup of the website, but my friend was able to help. If I took to many liberties with the back story, just let me know and I can fix it. Here is my character.

This looks interesting, I am new to the boards but I have played Pathfinder for years. I am thinking of doing a Zen Archer/Ranger build if that sounds ok? I will probably have this drawn up by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.