Doodlebug Anklebiter |

I want to read those comics again.
Yeah, me too.
I bought the Black Dossier that takes place in the 50s when it came out, but I never got to read it. It's boxed up somewhere, I should take a look.
Hee hee! Here's something you don't know about me: I have a very specific form of OCD involving lists. I love 'em. Reading them and making them. Lists, lists, lists. Can't get enough.
Anyway, I've got a list I've been working on for the past three or four years to read every book from which a character in LXG originates. It's a pretty ambitious list, probably impossible, but I'm not intimidated because I've already resigned myself to the fact that I will be dead before I finish my lists. I have a lot of them.

The Mad Badger |
I would like to review that. That is an ambitious task to read all the books that are refered too in the LoEG.
Have you read the Wind and the Willows yet? I have not picked that up in a while.
I would be interested in seeing your list.
I have a list in my head of all the places I want to visit in my life before it ends.
Top of the list
St. Petersburg in June. White Nights feastival huge jazz nit sure if you like jazz or not.

The Mad Badger |
Miles Davis is King, I got to love him when I lived in Avignon France bought and listened to Tutu and from there have gathered a collection of his stuff.
Enjoy Charlie Parker, Stan Getz, Coltrane and others can't think of what I have in my selection right now.
How about you?

The Mad Badger |
When I was in high school I went and lived in Avignon France for 3 1/2 months. I think it was Spring of 1990 that I lived in Avignon. One reason why I love Sinead so much her song was burning up the air waves when I was over there. Alot of fun Avignon, pate champagion and corchions with pain excellent stuff I think I ate one like everyday. I lived with a french family a mother and two daughters a teenage boys dream. I learned alot from those girls about music and stuff and we spoke alot of english so they could get better at it.'
The mother was a pretty good cook, I loved her food we ate things like rabbit and traditional french dishes and it was fantastic. I learned alot about French Rhone wines while there as well and have loved those wines since. lavender, red wine, pate Southern France ... I lvoe it and I can't wait to return.
I also lived in London for half a year in 1996. Good times.
Did some traveling wheil I was there. Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Nice, Florence and Pisa. As well I went to Turkey and Norway while there.

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Cool. I haven't been out of the States much.
Miles, Bird and Trane are all AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! while Getz is pretty awesome, too, but not one of my all-time faves.
I also love: Mingus, Monk, Dave Brubeck, Mose Allison, Duke Ellington, Satchmo, for starters.

Spanky the Leprechaun |

Cool. I haven't been out of the States much.
Miles, Bird and Trane are all AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! while Getz is pretty awesome, too, but not one of my all-time faves.
I also love: Mingus, Monk, Dave Brubeck, Mose Allison, Duke Ellington, Satchmo, for starters.
Getz is the bomb.com.
Sam Rivers used to play every year in Gainesville, Florida. Do a cheap show for the college kids. My dad took me.

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

I been everywhere, man.
I don't think I've polluted this thread with any musical interludes yet.

Patrick Curtin |

So,, here's a non sequitir for you, Patrick (or Mad Badger or Spanky):
I wasn't around for 2e, but I, for some reason, associate Sigil with the Forgotten Realms. Is this true? More importantly: what are the gods? FR? Something else?
Planescape was really innovative for its time. It basically posited that there was this fantastic city at the center of the plains that had a million portals to destinations all around the Prime Material and the Elemental and Outer planes
The setting is also the first setting where philosophy and role playing really came to the fore. Demons and Devils weren't just monsters to kill, they became complex adversaries with their own agendas. Angels weren't cardboard good guys, some became right wankers. There were factions in Sigil to explore that basically adhered to the philosophies of the alignments. And in the Outer Planes belief is a powerful tool, and worship is the sustenance of the gods
I think that a lot of FR elements wiggled into the setting DA mainly because at the time that setting was so popular snd huge that parts of it got into almost everything TSR put out

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Sweet, so I can throw in mentions of any deity I can think of? Cool.
I call upon the Good God Big Buck!
No, srly, good to know.

Patrick Curtin |

Oh, and if we are counting plane stops I have been to Sicily and Ireland. Ireland was fun, I got to drink a Guiness in Shannon Airport on St. Patricks Day coming back from that six-month tour in SAudi. Which, by the way, was completely dry (Seems Muslims don't like alcohol. Who knew? =P )

Patrick Curtin |

I kinda imagine Alyda like this but with less of a mohawk and redder hair.

The Mad Badger |
I was in Ireland and drank nothing but Guiness the whole time I was there. Fun times.
Interesting view of Alyda: I viewed her more like Christina Hendricks
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BM TgxNjU1MzkwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjQ1MTg0Mw%40%40._V1._SY314_CR14,0,214,314_. jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0376716/&h=314&w=214&a mp;sz=16&tbnid=8G_D0M5--mUGpM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=61&prev=/search %3Fq%3Dchristina%2Bhendricks%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=christ ina+hendricks&docid=VmC42Tpo7hc7xM&sa=X&ei=pVK4T9HLFYjv6AHO4aT3 CA&ved=0CIUBEPUBMAI&dur=694

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

I was in Ireland and drank nothing but Guiness the whole time I was there. Fun times.
Interesting view of Alyda: I viewed her more like Christina Hendricks
Hawt chick
That sure is one long address!

Don Juan de Doodlebug |

In my head, all of my hawt chick friends are based on my ex-girlfriends.
In Alyda's case--girlfriend sophomore year in high school, recipient of my virginity. If I had to pick a "celebrity" that she resembled it would be her.
Alyda's real life inspiration was blonde, but after grunge hit, she started dyeing her hair red.
And since I'm already doing music links, here's where I got the name.

Patrick Curtin |

A meetup? Possibly. My travelling to NH would be tough.
Sorry about the delay in posting, this week has been Hell. I'm glad I dont have to feed myself from farming, I'm certain I would starve.
Oh, I did manage to pick up an old copy of On the Road and Slaughterhouse Five mad cheap at a random yardsale. It's been decades since I read either, I totally don't remember anything about them, but I know you had mentioned them recently.

The Mad Badger |
In One Person, I would say Setting Free the Bears, Water Method Man and 158 pound Marriage were not very political.
Nor was Prayer of Owen Meaning, Widow for One Year, Son of a Circus, Fourth Hand or Until I find you I have not finished Last Night in Twisted River but so far that does not have real political overtones either. Some of his other books did though I will agree.
So Oh great DM ... have you gotten out from under your commitments?

The Mad Badger |
Pretty cool New England "history" political novel.
Very interesting character Mr Curley was. I don't see Mr. Irvings writings as political as that yet they do have a political bend to them. An interesting fact about Mr. Irving is he was one of my wrestling coaches at my primary school, his son attended there as well and was on the wrestling team.