Patrick Curtin |

Sorry guys, it has been a busy week all about. I am back to my early morning baking schedule, and I am trying to get my garden and flowers into some semblance of decency. I will be updating more soon, I am just trying to wrap my head up in a lot of shite right now
Hey, since today is the first of June, how about we think on our next meeting? I nominate June 16th as the likeliest day this month for me

The Mad Badger |
I will check with the wife tonight and see if the 16th works thought he schedule for having the grand child is working out every other weekend which would put her with us that weekend. Might work though because normally we need to head down to Abington to pick her up and she has softball on Saturdays.

Patrick Curtin |

Just to fill you in on my reading DA, I just started Robopocalypse and it's pretty sweet I'll let you know when I finish if it stayed awesome

Patrick Curtin |

Rad, the stats look good. Do you have any backstory you'd like to add? I see you have what looks like Carrion Crown info there, but
if you have any ideas about Sigil, let me know.
I put the others through a bit of an exercise, to name me some friends and foes of your character, five each. The more info you give me, the more likely you are to meet them.

Patrick Curtin |

For my biliogoblin friend:
Just got done with Robopocalypse. Interesting read
Now working on several books: The Panama Laugh and Slaughterhouse Five

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

They're not left-wing enough.
As for Conan, I have 10 out of 12 of the deCamp/Carter edited Conan books and the three volumes that were put out recently of just Howard on his own.
I think there is a good argument to be made for just reading the Howard stuff, but, whatever, those 60s/70s editions are pretty awesome, even if the stories aren't always the best.
I worked my way up to Conan the Bucaneer, which is just a novel deCamp and Carter made from scratch. Not too far into it, but it's fun.
Now, you.

The Mad Badger |
Now me what? You did not ask any questions.
Howard Zinn's People's History of America was interesting if not flawed in some areas.
Noam is an interesting cat both have important views and should be read even if I don't always agree with them.
I have not read any Allen Ginsberg what do you like about him?
I have not read anything yet since the John Irving novel. Except for D&D type stuff. Been working too much I think.
I think I want to read some classics like Dickens Bleak House and I love Russian Authors though lately I like escapist type stuff.
I read the George RR Martin book and I liekd that alot can't wait till he finishes the series

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

No, I didn't ask a question. I just meant the "other exciting reading" part.
Chomsky, Zinn and Ginsberg were guys that I first read when I was in high school and starting to check out what else there was to life other than small town New Hampshire. I'm glad I got to see all three speak--even though Zinn and Chomsky didn't appreciate my comments about revolutionary socialism and them being Stooges of the Plutocracy (TM).
I don't dig a poetry a whole lot, or, at least not as much as I dig novels, but if you're going to try out Ginsberg, I'd suggest starting with Howl and Other Poems. It's a classic. There's plenty of youtube videos of him reading it, if you want to try it that way.
I haven't done Martin yet because I'm waiting for him to finish or die, but I also tell people they should check out his protege, Daniel Abraham. I read his Long Price Quartet which I thought was very good. He's started a new series that both Patrick and I have read the first book to--I think it's called The Dragon's Path?--and agreed (I think) that it was very good. The second one just came out recently, but I haven't picked it up yet.

The Mad Badger |
I will need to take a look at that.
I highly doubt Zinn and Chimsky are Stooges of the Plutocracy ... but I love that you called them out and I gather they were more than a little put out by that.
Not sure I will pick up Ginsberg myself and read I find if and when I read it is more a less wanting to read to enjoy it. More than likely I will pick up this Daniel Abraham though sounds promising.
Have you read Patrick Rothfuss? I have liked his series so far.
As for Martin I think his series will hopefully wrap up now that he figured his big dilema in how he was going to bring the climatic groups together.
So how is life treating you? Outside of work and gaming and reading what have you been up too? Make your way donw to Boston anytime soon?

Patrick Curtin |

Sorry to hear that I have taken a little hiatus as well avoiding all the forums at this point too much vitroli at this point so I feel your pain my friend.
Not quite that kind of virtriol. It's kinda like, to paraphrase the Fresh Prince, thinking you're getting Addidas and ending up with Keds. *sigh*. It shouldn't bother me so much, but I'm surprised how upset I have been.
Plus I could kick myself for not reading the fine print.

The Mad Badger |
Hee hee!
I'm having a blast!
Well I know you have a great time, I am just finding too many hot buttons not sure why I let it get to me. I guess I just don't like listening to people spew forth hate upon one another. Or being lumped into that hate for beliefs I have which don't involve hate yet other people want to lump me into that crap and dont want to see that they are spewing that same crap they claim to be railing against.
Er see here I go. Need to just let it go run off my back like a duck and just laugh at the proposerious nature of the whole thing.

The Mad Badger |
The Mad Badger wrote:Sorry to hear that I have taken a little hiatus as well avoiding all the forums at this point too much vitroli at this point so I feel your pain my friend.Not quite that kind of virtriol. It's kinda like, to paraphrase the Fresh Prince, thinking you're getting Addidas and ending up with Keds. *sigh*. It shouldn't bother me so much, but I'm surprised how upset I have been.
Plus I could kick myself for not reading the fine print.
Hmm, not sure what you are getting at here. Don't you want to expound further?

Patrick Curtin |

Patrick Curtin wrote:Hmm, not sure what you are getting at here. Don't you want to expound further?The Mad Badger wrote:Sorry to hear that I have taken a little hiatus as well avoiding all the forums at this point too much vitroli at this point so I feel your pain my friend.Not quite that kind of virtriol. It's kinda like, to paraphrase the Fresh Prince, thinking you're getting Addidas and ending up with Keds. *sigh*. It shouldn't bother me so much, but I'm surprised how upset I have been.
Plus I could kick myself for not reading the fine print.
Meh. I just Discovered the new Pathfinder MMO is based on a non-consensual PvP model. I was tremendously psyched for this game. Even kicked $100 bucks into the Kickstarter. But, I hate PvP with a passion, and I have no urge to play A game where I can't opt out of it. Easier to see my sad little meltdown in progress. >here<. I acted pretty trollish, but yesterday I was pretty heated. Now I'm basically just depressed.

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Oh wow. How time flies.
Wait a minute!
Does this mean that our whole PbP adventure was to ask Alyda to the theater and adopt a pet monkey?!?
I mean, that's fine.
Srly, though, are we playing this Saturday? I'd forgotten, but I'm still down to play!

Burgomeister of Troll Town |

Meh. I just Discovered the new Pathfinder MMO is based on a non-consensual PvP model. I was tremendously psyched for this game. Even kicked $100 bucks into the Kickstarter. But, I hate PvP with a passion, and I have no urge to play A game where I can't opt out of it. Easier to see my sad little meltdown in progress. >here<. I acted pretty trollish, but yesterday I was pretty heated. Now I'm basically just depressed.
I've never played any kind of MMO, but we should put together a party and go troll hunting. I'll be the bait!

![]() |

The Mad Badger wrote:Meh. I just Discovered the new Pathfinder MMO is based on a non-consensual PvP model. I was tremendously psyched for this game. Even kicked $100 bucks into the Kickstarter. But, I hate PvP with a passion, and I have no urge to play A game where I can't opt out of it. Easier to see my sad little meltdown in progress. >here<. I acted pretty trollish, but yesterday I was pretty heated. Now I'm basically just depressed.Patrick Curtin wrote:Hmm, not sure what you are getting at here. Don't you want to expound further?The Mad Badger wrote:Sorry to hear that I have taken a little hiatus as well avoiding all the forums at this point too much vitroli at this point so I feel your pain my friend.Not quite that kind of virtriol. It's kinda like, to paraphrase the Fresh Prince, thinking you're getting Addidas and ending up with Keds. *sigh*. It shouldn't bother me so much, but I'm surprised how upset I have been.
Plus I could kick myself for not reading the fine print.
I can understand your frustration I think I played Knights of Camelot where PvP was horrible and I went and got killed after reaching 15 level I think it was like 15 times in a row before I gave up and never played again and was pretty much not into the PvP thing. So I get your frustration. Maybe though the game will have some features to make it more like guild faction PvP so it is less ganking and more realistic style. Might be worth at least trying it since you put in the cash already. Sorry you are frustrated though and I totally understand why you are, it sucks.

Patrick Curtin |

Oh wow. How time flies.
Wait a minute!
Does this mean that our whole PbP adventure was to ask Alyda to the theater and adopt a pet monkey?!?
I mean, that's fine.
Srly, though, are we playing this Saturday? I'd forgotten, but I'm still down to play!
Lol yeah that's PbP for yah. I thought the PbP was a good way to build a bit of backstory on your characters, kind of give them some depth
And tab, we said the 30th and here we be. Let me know if there are any problems