Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Hee hee!
One of the beautiful things about working at UPS is that they only promote from within.
Well, let's just say there's a lot of dummies on both sides and leave it at that.
Any recent work-related horror stories from the other side of the highway?

Patrick Curtin |

I might not be able to travel much more anyways folks. MassHealth in its loving benevolent wisdom has decreed that we no longer qualify to be covered for nursing, because we make too much money. So, no nursing=monkey becoming ersatz nurse=no time out of the house except for work.
I am having a s$%#ty week all around, but I will try and update the PbP as it goes. I'll have a clearer notion of my nursing situation Monday.

The Mad Badger |
Let us plan accordingly. I maybe able to make that trip I would need to discuss with the wife. I am on vacation August 25th thru the Sept 2nd and plan to be down in Mattapoisett which is not far away from you I might be able to make a trip that way then?
Patrick sorry about the whole nursing thing that is tough. Any federal money or grants to be had to help out with that sort of thing?

The Mad Badger |
Sorry to hear things are so tough. Mike and I are still getting together for lunch at least. When things settle down and get sorted out which is the most important thing tell us and we can make plans then. Other than that is there anything we (or I ) can do to help?

The Mad Badger |
The Mad Badger wrote:Doodlebug and I are still getting together for lunch at least.FIFY
I'm going to have to check with my bank balance. This week is union dues' week and that's always a tight one. Let you know later...
Understood, I know you got to pay those dues. Maybe next week I can't do Wednesday or Thursday because I will be out of the office.