Swords in Sigil

Game Master Patrick Curtin

This is to be the PbP extension of Mass Monkeyshines.

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male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

Need to double check should know tonight been having troubles with the kids not sure if this will affect our plans. Hopefully it will all work out.

Hey have either of you looked at the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter? I know I mentioned it to you before Patrick 6 more days left and there is so much swag involved now. They are looking for 1000 backers at 750 right now and if we get 1K Backers there are specials I lost track of those right now but 200K they are at 194K right now and we all get dice d6s and a d20 with the Necromancer Games (Orcus) logo on them.


Yeah I broke down and joined that one. FFG is just too good to pass up


I don't really wanna think about Kickstarter right now though

Let me know if Sat is bad Badger. I need to make alternate plans. Also, that will likely push our next game out to late July

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

:( I will find out tonight and send you a message either way.

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

Ack sorry guys I am going to need to bow out this Saturday. Family stuff I wont bore you. But I do want to pin down late July if possible.



About how this day is going for me

mm, 21st is first slot i have open

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

Sorry Patrick I was disappointed too all of the children have moved back into the house and now there is drama ... man I hate drama but I need to deal with this and Saturday is the time we can deal with it. I feel bad have to back out but I really need to take care of this.

July 21st is not going to work for me my cousin is back from Arizona for that weekend and we will be spending the weekend with them. The follwoing weekend though would work is that okay?


28th it is then. Assuming DA is on board

As an aside DA, you feel like still meeting this Sat? We could do another character, leave thus game set aside and may do a low-level dungeon crawl? You choose a 3rd lvl character, and I'll make a couple NPCs to go with?

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

The 28th is smack dab in the middle of the Gaming Convention being held in Nashua, NH.

Which doesn't mean I won't come, but there is a slot for 1st-level Pathfinder characters between 9 am and 2 pm on Saturday morning. I can see it now: The Crimson Masque, the Mad Badger and Frumious the Evil Dungeon Monkey showing these PFS chumps what's what.

As for this Saturday, well, I'm definitely down to hang out, Patrick, but I don't want you to have to do the work of whipping up a scenario and NPCs on the fly like that. Unless you really want to.

Also, until the fated day when we adventurers three can meet in the flesh, I wouldn't mind continuing the stalled game PbP.


Oh no worries. I can hang out for a bit. I was figuring a few open monster battle things. I can do a basic dungeon quick and two NPCs to round out a party. Fighting some basic undead

Sorry about the PbP I'll get it moving tonight


As for the 28th , I could do that let me coordinate coverage with my woman

Patrick, I was invited to a socialist meeting/outdoor festival this Saturday by a beautiful woman in her mid-20s with very large breasts.

I am sorry, but there isn't really a choice here.

When do you head out for Paizocon?


No worries I need some packing time anyhow. I am flying out eaaaaarly on the fifth

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

We will expect details on your adventure with the said young lady. I do hope it goes well sir.

Patrick safe flights if I don't talk to you. I am jealous give everyone else who is there our best from the New England contingent.


Thanks badger

I am sorry I haven't updated yet. Work has been horrid, and my wife drafted me last night to make about 100 various whooPie pies and cupcakes for her friends bridal shower.

DA I think you'd like this book. Ready Player One . It's like a virtual-reality willy wonka. The main character ihas just discovered a hidden reproduction of the Tomb of Horrors embedded in a public school virtual zone. It is chock full of Eighties references and D&D hommages as well. I'll see if this one holds my interest, but so far it's been kickass

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I am sorry I haven't updated yet. Work has been horrid, and my wife drafted me last night to make about 100 various whooPie pies and cupcakes for her friends bridal shower.

's okay.

DA I think you'd like this book. Ready Player One . It's like a virtual-reality willy wonka. The main character ihas just discovered a hidden reproduction of the Tomb of Horrors embedded in a public school virtual zone. It is chock full of Eighties references and D&D hommages as well. I'll see if this one holds my interest, but so far it's been kickass

I have started a long history called Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution. It's pretty good so far, but I don't think the author is going to be as pro-Reign of Terror as I am.

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

Oh yeah, and kick some Left Coast gamer ass while you're out there! New England in the hee-youse, mo'fo! If you see Gark, give him my love! And then punch him in the face!


Desipite my surly and combative mien online, I am actually a pretty mellow nice guy. I ain't looking for drama on my first vacay in six years. I come to game (and spend some phat saved lewts!- Just counted out my 'I'm going to PaizoCon fund' and it's topping out close to 1K! Drinks on me! =D)

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

Hee hee! I know you're really a teddy bear.

I meant punch his character in the face!


I likely won't be playing in a game he is sitting in

Guys I just want to apologize. A combination of different things (family, house, work, PaizoCon) has made my life difficult. I will try and find some time to update soon, please bear with.

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

No worries I know how that gets been very busy myself.

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

Oh by the way I went in on the Rappan Athuk kickstarter and through it I got a good discount on the Slumbering Tsar based on your recommendation I am very much looking forward to getting my copy. I have actually made a nice containment box for it though so it does not eat the other books on the shelf.

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

Yeah, no worries about the time thing.

I don't understand, what's the Rappan Athuk kickstarter?

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

Rappan Athuk is an adventure Kickstarter is a means of getting things published.

Rappan Athuk


Well, having a blast. Playing a Pathfinder game. Hung over terribly

Met your fellow goblin Gark DA. He seemed relatively normal, if quiet. KC was even quieter.

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue



Kobold Cleaver, Gark's real-life brother and an old hand on these boards. It turns out he is only 16(!) which would have made him about ten (!!) when he began posting on Paizo.

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1


Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

So where did you write about how awesome Paizocon was, Patrick?


?? I really haven't written anything up as of yet. I have been invited to guest blogg but I am still in recovery mode ATM . It WAS awesome, and getting to dedicate an entire weekend to gaming and gaming activities rocked hard

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

What was your favorite moment of Paizo Con?


That's a tough one. Sitting in a game GMed by Richard Pett was likely me *squee fanboi* moment. Sitting in the RotRL history panel and getting my harback anniversary book signed was my collector moment. Having the FAWTL crew about for drinking, dicing and carousing was likely the best part of all.

Didya punch any trolls in the face?


Nah. Most trolls aren't very visible when not in their dens. In groups they look like normal (well ..kinda normal) people


Besides, I have often said "Trolling is in the eye of the beholder". Some people I consider horrible trolls are likely convinced they are just average folks. Many folks likely consider me a troll. It all balances out.

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

You are not troll only a monkey who occasionaly flings poo ;)

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

Poo poo pe doo!

So...I have made a first-level gnome fey-blooded sorcerer who can make you laugh uncontrollably for 6 second a day with just one touch! Fear me!

Anyway, I have pored over the schedule for Nashua, NH's Open Gaming Con, and I have determined that if I play in every scenario available at appropriate levels, I can go from 1st-to-3rd level in one weekend's play!

Unfortunately, that weekend is the the weekend of the 27th, which, I believe, is the weekend we were shooting for. Any other weekends good? Or does anyone want to check out the Open Gaming Con?

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

So Patrick have you recovered yet from PaizCon?

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Sitting in a game GMed by Richard Pett was likely me *squee fanboi* moment.

Please, tell more.

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Sitting in a game GMed by Richard Pett was likely me *squee fanboi* moment.

Please, tell more.

Yeah I would love to hear more about how it went.


I have finally recoved! (will be posting in game soon)

I played the 'Grave-Binder's' daughter with Pett and several others. It revolved around rescuing a young girl from a necropolis. I played a pregenned bard (22 charisma!) and I actually had a good hand in keeping the party on track for achieving the rescue. I countersonged an owl harpy's song, I buffed and inspired, and basically had a very fun time.

Male Sexy 7th-level Bard

That sounds awesome! Is that a module or a scenario, or what?

22 Charisma? I'm jealous!

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

You will get there my friend soon no doubt especially after I get you that tiara of +4 chr

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

So, I received a private message from one Houstonderek saying he was going to be hanging out with Gruumash. on Wednesday and with CC on Thursday.

What (and when) is happening?


Im having lunch with him Thursday at Spanky's (no relation) Clam Shack


Apologies once again, everyone. This weekend I lost my dog to a stroke. I haven't been all together this week, and I also had a nurse quit on me.

The good news is the nurse quitting means I will likely be chained to the house for the next few days (after work). I will be endeavoring to update at that point.

Also, August is looking like the next meetup. I nominate the 4th

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

I will check with the wife for the 4th see if that works.

I am sorry about your dog that really is no fun and losing the nurse to boot not good.

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1


I am open.

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1

So, what happens if it turns out that the 11th is better for me than the 4th?

male half-orc Barbarian-6th/1st Rogue

We try to accomadate you with doing the 11th? I have yet to talk with my wife.

Hey are we getting lunch next week?

Male Goblin Paladin 7/Teamster Steward 2/Inquisitor 1


When they asked me to cover the vacation, they waited until the Monday after his vacation started...'cause, you know, we love logistics and planning for vacations that have been selected four months ago is difficult stuff, man...

My point being, that if they offer me more hours next, week I won't find out until they realize they're short-staffed next Monday.

How they make billions of dollars every year is beyond me.

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