Splinters of Faith

Game Master Ayrphish

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It has been a long time since I attempted to GM a pbp. The last times the game fizzled out before it got much steam. One game just up and disappeared, another really got going, and the third I just wasn't able to invest the time into it to properly develop it, attempting something homebrew was a folly on my behalf...

Now as I have more experience under my belt, I'm going to give it another try. At this time, I am anticipating only running the first adventure in the Splinters of Faith adventure from Frog God Games. If things go well, the game is moving smoothly, and everything works itself out, then I will have no issue continuing the adventure.

Splinters of Faith is pretty sandboxy, you will have a good deal of freedom and choice to do what you want. The setting is not written to take place in Golarion, it is a rather generic 'small town' type of thing to start with. For simplicity sake, divine characters can follow a Golarion deity, and we'll just pretend they exist in this setting as well.

I am able to post frequently during the week, but less so during the weekends. I would ask that those who wish to play have similar posting goals and availability. At least one or two posts a day Mon-Fri, with little to no expectation for posting on Saturday and Sunday.

I will probably use googledocs for maps, though I am still open to other options.

I will take a party of 4-6 level 1 players.

You may create your characters with a 20pt buy. You may have max starting gold for your class. For the most part, I'll accept any paizo material to be used for character creation, and any third party material that I have access to and am familiar with.

You do not need to have a character fully stated out to apply, but I would like to know the basics, race/class, appearance, and a little RP background, what your character does, wants to do, etc. The more information you can give me, the better.

To begin, you are new adventurers looking to get your feet wet in the small (almost ghost) town of Lessef. There may be some additional 'hooks' and backgrounds for specific characters as they are chosen, but this will be the generic starting place.

I will tenatively keep recruitment open for 1 week, until Wednesday February 13, at noon cst.

I am sure I forgot some information, so feel free to ask questions, and to begin 'playing' your characters in this forum.

I'd LOVE to play a Spaghetti Western style gunslinger in this ghost town setting ...a mysterious drifter with a thirst for vengeance against parties uncertain ...

I'm cool with the idea, the setting is a little more fantasy and less 'westernish.' Not to say your idea won't work, just a head's up so you aren't disappointed.

I gotcha. I mean, that's part of the fun, playing across genres.

Dark Archive

Dot for interest.

I have a Dwarven Stonelord Paladin I have been looking to play, and besides being a devotee of Torag, he can be transplanted into different backgrounds pretty easily. I'd need to work on his actual background, but you can see some of the stuff about him here: Wodin Earthborn, Stonelord of Torag.

Long story short, he's the oldest son of an aristocratic family, and he's super confident in fighting ability... but he's still wet behinds the ears and hasn't actually gotten to fight in actual combat. Eventually, as he grows in strength and experience, it will lead to him refusing to let any past him, in order to defend his friends and comrades.

He's loyal to a fault, and very calm in most situations, always trying to look at things in a logical manner, but his pride can get the better of him. He will pick a spot, whether in physical space or metaphorically, and he will not take a single step, fully intent on defending his position to the death if need be.

Wodin would fit in nicely.

Dark Archive

Awesome. :)

Is there a Player's Guide or something I can look at for this module, so I can get a better idea of the world? It'd help me flesh out Wodin's background a bit.

Almost done with the crunch for my Aasimar-passing-for-human Pisterlero/Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger. He comes from parts unknown, with an agenda, a quiet way of intimidation, and almost lit blue eyes.

Here is the info from the module about getting more details on the setting:

The adventures are set in a generic world, but some of the areas
mentioned draw on background presented in Glades of Death by
Necromancer Games is used here by permission, as well as other
Necromancer Games products. In addition, many of the gods and
deities mentioned throughout the adventures can be found in a free
download at www.NecromancerGames.com. New deities are
detailed in the individual adventures where their followers appear so
the GM can incorporate their worship into the campaign if needed.

Aside from that, there isn't a whole lot of background knowledge that you need, that you wont learn on your own.

@Digger Excellent :)

Been working on a goblin wizard that I've been looking to play test and this seems an open enough setting to let him loose in. I believe I have enough experience to make him a viable party member. He is a traveling apothecary as his race prevents him from settling in area for to long and in many cases he is ran out of town before he can even try to sell his wares.
One question.
By twenty point buy can I assume your referring attribute points but if you could explain further it be most helpful.

Yes 20 points to buy starting ability scores.

Probably shouldn't go over 18 or below 7 before racial modifications.

If you're unfamiliar with the point buy method, there are charts in the PRD and PFSRD.

Dotting for interest...

My current campaigns are a bit slow and there is quite a bit of competition for new ones. I can post twice a day except for Sundays, and I have a few years of experience under my belt. I like to let a character concept simmer a bit before I post one, so I will likely get back to you in the morning on that.

Dark Archive

Okay, I'm gonna to work on Wodin's backstory a bit after classes let out tonight, but I think I've got a pretty decent idea rattling around in my head.

Pretty standard missionary spreading his message across the land stuff, but Wodin's sorta moonlighting as a monster hunter when he's not spreading Torag's word. We'll see where I can take it once I get a chance to sit down and think hard about it. :)

Thought of two important questions. How are you doing HP and material spell components?

HP, max at first level. Then, the half plus 1. So a D6 HD character would get 4, a D8 = 5, D10 = 6, D12 =7...

Material spell components will be RAW. If the cost is listed, its something you should have on you, trivial components won't be tracked or monitored or anything. And honestly, this will probably all revolve around the honor system...

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to submit Gow-Wabber the Infinitely Prolonged: Gnomish Sorcerer (Sylvan bloodline). He travels constantly to new places searching for somewhere interesting enough to ward off the Bleaching. He uses illusions to constantly change the appearance of both himself and his Roc companion "Birdy NumNum". He's also completely insane.

The plan is to eventually dip into the Veiled Illusionist Prestige Class. I have the character statted out already, but I need info about starting traits. I should probably also mention that this is my first foray into PBP, but I'm quite excited about the idea. I can post daily at a minimum but probably more often.

Forgot something super important. The wizards familiar. Preferences on Cat, Hawk, or owl in that order

Gow-Wabber you can choose any 2 traits, there are none specific to this campaign.

Unyielding, I have no preference on those, you should use whichever suits your character the best.

Liberty's Edge

DM Ayrphish wrote:
Gow-Wabber you can choose any 2 traits, there are none specific to this campaign.

Excellent! I've updated Gow-Wabber's profile with a link to his MythWeaver character sheet. It's not completely filled out (still need to add backstory and the animal companion), but it's pretty close.

Shadow Lodge

dotting for interest for an elf oracle, whose mystery is battle. Her father was a prestigious fighter and her mother was a cleric. I will flesh out the character more when I get up.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Threw together a short background for Wodin, it'll likely see a little revision before next Wednesday, but I figure it's a good start. :)

Wodin Earthbreaker, Dwarven Stonelord of Torag

Character Sheet:
Male Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord) 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Human, Dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision, Perception +2


AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16. . (+1 Dex, +6 armor)
HP 13 (1d10+2+1)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3 (+3 on all saves vs. poison, spells and spell-like abilities)


Speed 20 ft. (Medium Armor)
Melee Dwarven Dorn-Dergar +4 (1d10+4/20/x2)
. . Dwarven Dorn-Dergar +3 (1d10+7/20/x2)
. . Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
. . Dagger +3 (1d4+5/19-20/x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+3/20/x2)
Special Attack Stonestrike (Su) (+1 to hit, damage & CMB, +1 on CMD if on solid ground for 1 round) 1/day


Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Power Attack (-1/+2)
Traits Defensive Strategist (Cannot be caught flatfooted at the beginning of combat), Glory of Old (+1 on saves vs. poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
Skills Knowledge (Religion) 1 rank (+5), Sense Motive 1 rank (+5), Perception 1 rank (+2)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran
Combat Gear -; Other Gear 2gp 9sp 5cp, dwarven dorn-dergar, dagger, sling, sling bullets (20), brestplate, heavy steel shield, adventurer's outfit, satchel, belt pouch, bedroll, winter blanket, candle (5), crowbar, flint and steel, grappling hook, 1 pt. flask of oil (2), silk rope (50 ft.), torch (5), wooden holy symbol of Torag, 5 days trail rations, waterskin


Favored Class: Paladin (HP)
Dwarf Racial Traits (Rock Stepper alternate racial trait)
Aura of Good (Ex)
Detect Evil (Sp)
Stonestrike (Su) (1/day)



Wodin Earthborn is the eldest son of Khron Earthborn, High Watcher of the Dwarven city of Thanehelm. From a very young age, his father, whose duties included managing the guards of the city and training new soldiers, was a very strong influence on the dwarven boy. Deciding to follow in his father's footsteps, Wodin devoted himself to martial training and learning the strategy of war.

When he reached adulthood, Wodin began to train with the Thanehelm militia in earnest. Here he met Brother Tosid Gatecrasher, a priest of Torag who had enlisted in the Thanehelm militia in order to protect his home. The two became fast friends, due to Tosid's friendly nature, even despite Wodin's famous hardheadedness. Eventually, the priest of Torag's faith rubbed off on the young Earthborn, causing him to request to work as a squire in the town's Church of Torag, where he worked as an aid to Tosid.

Due to his great martial prowess and unwavering faith in the Father of Dwarvenkind, Wodin found himself knighted by the High Paragons of Thanehelm at a very young age, while only 65. Having proved himself in countless duels, and being very tactically minded, he eventually worked up into the upper echelons of Thanehelm's militia, as well. Despite this, the well-respected Earthborn had not actually ever seen combat. Due to Thanehelm being so well-protected, and their enemies so few, Wodin's only experience with battle has been drills and duels.

Despite this, the dwarven paladin is supremely confident in his ability to hold his own in combat, even without any experience to prove such a claim. He is working dilligently towards becoming a Stonelord, a mighty paragon of faith and virtue among dwarves, he has now set out from the service of Tosid and the Church of the Father of Creation, to spread Torag's word to all who will hear him.

Physical Description:
Broad and heavily-muscled, Wodin appears to be very much Urist Everydwarf. He's reasonably tall for a dwarf, standing roughly 4'8" and weighing about 220 pounds. His well-kept brown hair and beard are his pride and joy, and his sharp gray eyes are said to keep those who would disagree with him in their place.

He tends to dress very conservatively when not in his armor, favoring light clothing and his adventurer's outfit.

Portrait of Wodin.

Wodin is a calm, collected dwarven man. He is very muted in his dealings with others, appearing to be a very quiet and pious fellow. Even in the midst of battle, he is always focused, ready to deal with any who might challenge him or his companions. However, he is unbelievably prideful, so thoroughly is he convinced of his strength and martial ability. His tendency to root himself to the ground, both literally and figuratively, can frustrate and enrage others.

Wodin's Code:
1. My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death. Traps lie in idle banter or thoughtless talk, and so I watch my tongue.
2. I am at all times truthful, honorable, and forthright, but my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them, including misleading others.
3. I respect the forge, and never sully it with half hearted work. My creations reflect the depth of my faith, and I will not allow flaws save in direst need.
4. Against my people's enemies I will show no mercy. I will not allow their surrender, except to extract information. I will defeat them, and I will scatter their families. Yet even in the struggle against our enemies, I will act in a way that brings honor to Torag.

This still open? Thinking of submitting a female dwarven magus or sorcereress...

@Caberet Cool Think the oracle could fit well

@Sera, looks good

@E-Terah Yup, still open, lots of space still, not gotten a ton of interest

Dark Archive

Derp. Of course I notice far too late that I accidentally named him Earthbreaker instead of Earthborn... but I actually kinda like that better, so now it's canon. :3

Digger, making an alias for the Gunslinger here. Will get this finalized and typed up tonight. His fluff is coming to me nicely ...

I have been interested in using the Android race (from the Inner Sea Bestiary, and detailed here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races#TOC-Android-16-Race-Po ints-) though I'm not sure what class the character would be. Or if it would fit in your setting.

At last! I'm alive and looking forward to beginning this grand adventure!

Character info's on his profile page. The animal companion is included, and I have Mythweaver links for both character sheets.

I don't know what any of this means, but I know that blue "links" give more information about my life if you "click on them". Johnson's word is law, even if it doesn't make sense

I should probably mention now that I play Gow-Wabber as insane: he thinks he's part of a game played by cosmic beings. His controller is named "Johnson", and he's very wise and powerful. This deity communicates to him via blue words that only Gow-Wabber can see. If it gets too much, I can always grant him some autonomy. :-)

Whatever you desire, Johnson. Even if your words fade away, I know that you are always with me.

Thinking of submitting my favorite pen & paper character, Rasim; a human rogue (knife master archetype) that has grown up on the streets.
He uses stealth to primarily gain information but backstabs as often as he can to subdue his foes.

Bare with me though, first PBP adventure for me after 3 years pen and paper Pathfinder and lurking on the Forum here

@Rokku Im fine with the race... Making it 'fit' would be your challenge...

@GowWabber so far, its fun!

@Rocan A rogue would be MUCH handy :)

Dotting for interest. I'll try to have something up soon. I have a dreamy eyed boy would be paladin character that might fit...

Not sure how to handle this but as a part of being a travelling apothecary I figure he would require a cart or wagon I want to have made for a small character but as there a no rules on such a thing I figure it best to ask the GM on this. Like to note the core rule book does state that certain items when made for a small character weigh one fourth there weight when made for a medium character.

@Seranov, what program/site do you use to get your char sheet in that format?
I got my char all written out, however not as neat as yours is.

Dark Archive

Copy-paste and lots of editing. ;)

A human knifemaster, an insane metatexual gnome sorcerer, a goblin wizard, a dwarven paladin, an android, and a gunslinger ...sounds like a possibly amazing combo.

Whatever happens, it's sure to be epic. I can't wait to get started.

That's for sure. Once this is over, I'll never have to worry about the Bleaching again!

I hadn't noticed that there was a Paladin submission already, so I will put up a different idea for this campaign; an unabashed damage dealer, as we don't seem to have one in the pot so far.

Froth is built using the 3rd party Barbarian Archetype Jotunkin (found here). I've been looking for a place to try it, and this seems like a good campaign for it. Basically, instead of a regular rage, he does an Enlarge Person type effect when he gets angry, and grows.

He's a rather unique figure as well, and is a Orc born Qlippoth-Spawn Tiefling.

If there is anything about the build or the flavour that doesn't work for you Ayrphish, let me know, as I can be flexible, and rework a concept to make it more in line with expectations.

Wodin gives Gow a sideways look, thoroughly perplexed by the gnome's antics. "What are you e'en talkin' about, lad?" The dwarven man shifts his weapon over his shoulder, the heavy chains clinking against each other.

DM Ayrphish wrote:

@Rokku Im fine with the race... Making it 'fit' would be your challenge...

Well if you're willing to accept an android, what about an android Machinesmith?

DM Ayrphish wrote:
@E-Terah Yup, still open, lots of space still, not gotten a ton of interest

Trust me, by the time the week is done, you'll have to choose between 20 players.

Ok, I have a 3rd party character I've been wanting to run for some time. An Asterion (Super Genius Games) Pugilist (Wordcasting Entertainment). He is a Tank Unarmed Grappler. Here is the link to Minjaros. He is currently built for level 5, but once I get permission from you that he's alright to run I'll rework him to level one and draw up a background.

On second thought, I am going to decline this game. I'm not sure that this is the right flavor for me. I hope you all have a good time.

Unlike Oterisk, this looks like just the sort of game to pitch my idea for an always cheery cleric of Azathoth into.

A quick description of my Rogue, if need be I can go into his background a little more.
Still have to choose a deity for him, any suggestions?

Character Sheet:

Rasim Shadowhood
Male Human Rogue (Knife Master) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6


AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14. . (+4 Dex, +4 armor)
HP 10 (1d8+1+1)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2


Speed 30 ft. (Medium Armor)
Melee Punching Dagger +4 (1d4/20/x3) one-weapon
. . Punching Dagger +0 (1d4/20/x3) dual-wield punching daggers

Ranged Dagger +4 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Special Attack Sneak attack 1d8


Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Finesse
Traits Dirty Fighter (+1 damage while flanking), Fast-Talker (+1 on Bluff checks)
Skills Acrobatics 1 rank (+8,+6 in armor), Bluff 1 rank (+4), Disable Device 1 rank (+8), Disguise 1 rank (+4), Escape Artist 1 rank (+8,+6 in armor), Knowledge (Local) 1 rank (+6), Linguistics 1 rank (+6), Perception 1 rank (+6), Sense Motive 1 rank (+6), Sleight of Hand 1 rank (+8,+6 in armor), Stealth 1 rank (+11,+9 in armor)
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin, Orc
Combat Gear dagger (8), 2 punching dagger, chain shirt ; Other Gear 8gp 93sp 98cp, adventurer's outfit, backpack, belt pouch, bedroll, winter blanket, flint and steel, grappling hook, hemp rope (50 ft.), torch (2), 5 days trail rations, waterskin, mwrk thieves' tools


Favored Class: Rogue (HP)
Sneak Attack 1d8 with dagger-like weapons, 1d4 with other weapon types
Hidden Blade: A knife master adds 1/2 her level on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a light blade.

This ability replaces trapfinding.


Rasim had been living on the streets as long as he could remember, he learned early on to keep in the shadows is to survive and to surprise an opponent is to win.

Stealing and fighting mainly to stay alive he got quite good in approaching people from behind and emptying their pockets or ending their lives if it was called for.

That's why in his hometown a price had been put on his head, living a life on the run, Rasim decided things needed to be changed.

He used to be a bit of a loner, but when he got word of adventurers needing a scout or a thief, he wasted no time to offer his services in style and get away from the bounty on his head. For wherever adventurers go, riches are soon to be found and that's what he likes.


Rasim is mostly the silent and observing type, sitting in a corner, eavesdropping for information. However he honours his own code to do his best for his party and perhaps friends, and never steal from them. Rasim does whatever is needed to survive or improve his survivability, like stealing a precious artifact (cloak, dagger etc.), money or food when needed.


Rasim seems too tall to be a rogue, he is nearly 6 feet tall, though this denies his extraordinary ability to blend in with the surroundings. Rasim has a slender built body, long black hair and a small beard that gives away his life outside. Usually he wears his black hooded cloak, whence his name comes from, to hide his face from others, though at nighttime around campfires he lowers it to reveal his few scars he got from being chased by guards.

Rokku wrote:
DM Ayrphish wrote:

@Rokku Im fine with the race... Making it 'fit' would be your challenge...

Well if you're willing to accept an android, what about an android Machinesmith?

Im familiar with the android, I know nothing about the machinesmith

Gunslinger crunch up under this alias. I'll write the fluff when I get home and get weird in a bit.

Ayrphish wrote:
Rokku wrote:
DM Ayrphish wrote:

@Rokku Im fine with the race... Making it 'fit' would be your challenge...

Well if you're willing to accept an android, what about an android Machinesmith?
Im familiar with the android, I know nothing about the machinesmith

Well, everything you could ever want to know is at that link there.

Wodin Earthbreaker wrote:
Wodin gives Gow a sideways look, thoroughly perplexed by the gnome's antics. "What are you e'en talkin' about, lad?" The dwarven man shifts his weapon over his shoulder, the heavy chains clinking against each other.

Gow-Wabber looks up, startled. Oh, hello Mr. Dwarf, sir. I didn't know you were here. I'm just chatting with my player. Doesn't everyone do that? He turns to the Great Dane sitting next to him. We don't mean any harm, right buddy? The dog responds with a muted Raawwk!

Will Save if the dog is interacted with. DC 17:
The "great dane" is actually a Medium-sized Roc - wearing an odd-looking saddle.

Wodin shakes his head, shrugging lightly. His weapon's chains continue to jangle as the motion shifts it once again. "Whate'er ya say, lad. Just try t' lay off the sauce. It ain't doin' ya any favors right now," he says, a thoroughly confused look on his face at the gnome's strange words.

What in th' nine Hells is a player? he thinks to himself, furrowing his brow.

A deep voice, like stones shifting, pipes in, "Don't hate the player, hate the weird little guy who talks to his player."

I've decided upon an earth elementalist female dwarf wizardess.

Rocan sits quietly in a dark corner of the room, sipping his whiskey. Listening quietly to the strange conversation between Wodin and Gow, he flips a coin through his fingers.

Strange story that, a player?? don't know about any game being played now. Sounds stupid, but even the strangest stories hold a core of truth, I'll see what else they speak of.

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