S&S GM |
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Recruiting for 4 characters to play the Skull and Shackles Adventure Path here on the Paizo Messageboards.
Creation Deadline: Friday, May 25th, 12:00 Noon EST
Selections Published: Friday evening after review
Creation Guidelines
- 20 Point Buy
- Paizo-Published Resources (Excluding playtests)
- 2 Traits (1 Campaign)
- Average starting gold per class
Click here to submit basic information about your PC. This will make it much easier for me to look at the submissions. Please note that incomplete entries will be deleted.
A few notes about player/GM expectations:
- I will warn you when I'll be unavailable for play. This shouldn't happen often.
- Tweet-ish length posts: I won't be counting the number of characters you use, but posts should be kept short. I work and have a family, you work/study (I assume) and likely have other interests. If you would like to write novel-length posts, I recommend another venue, or that you prepare to keep a separate campaign journal(always encouraged!).
- Be able to post once-ish per day, max of three short posts per day. Helps those who post less frequently to keep up.
- Combat will be rather fluid, more of a theater of the mind rather than a strict battle map. I'll keep an initiative tracker on my end, and will ask for round by round actions as general descriptions rather than specific locations. Always feel free to ask clarifying questions.
- Combat addendum: If it has been too long, we won't wait. If no post within a day, I'll assume the forfeiture of the round.
- If you don't roll dice in your post when you try something (any skill or ability check), I'll do it for you and will not request for you to do so. Should help keep things moving.
- There are a lot of day to day tracking things that will need to be done, so we will liberally use Google Docs to help track things (meaning a fair amount of external linking).
Post interest / questions / character below, plus basic info at link above. Looking forward to a fun game - Cheers!

Twigs |

Interested. I do plan on running the adventure quite soon though, so let me know if there'd be any issue there. I'll get thinkin' about a character.
How do you feel about firearms? I'm not particularly interested in the gunslinger class, per se, but I'm wondering about having a pistol as a sidearm or taking the seige engineer trait in the long run.

S&S GM |

Any class or race restrictions?
Re: Races-
Standard races can expect normal-ish treatment.Unusual/Monstrous races will be treated as unusual/monstrous. Expect harsh prejudicial behavior and harsh treatment, especially if the race has any kind of natural attack.
Races that come as +4 to ABL (see Aasimar) will be balanced with -2 to another ABL.
The Chelaxian influences in the area could make a tiefling feasible, but still distrusted/despised.
Re: Classes-
Core Base classes ok, though a non-fallen Paladin might get his throat slit by his crew.
Advanced Base classes ok.
UM/UC ok, note that guns/powder will still be quite uncommon.
Archetypes Ok if Paizo published.

S&S GM |

Interested. I do plan on running the adventure quite soon though, so let me know if there'd be any issue there. I'll get thinkin' about a character.
How do you feel about firearms? I'm not particularly interested in the gunslinger class, per se, but I'm wondering about having a pistol as a sidearm or taking the seige engineer trait in the long run.
It's not too terrible to know what's coming, but I will expect a certain amount of "playing dumb" on what's coming next. You can't Pre-know dice rolls, so that mitigates a good bit of it.
Re: Firearms - I'm fine, so long as you are forewarned that there isn't a ton of written in firearm treasure. I'm mostly using adventure as written, but there would be some opportunities to purchase them at an appropriately sized city. Make sense?

S&S GM |

I'll try to have a character up tonight. If there are any character
types you would like to avoid let me know.
None yet, though not all will work terribly well.
I guess ninja and samurai are a bit of a stretch, but not impossible. You won't find many eastern weapons in the ap as treasure, so be forewarned there.

Purplefixer |

I have great interest.
[spoiler=Scarn "Overboard" Seastrider"]
M Gillman Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 (Goes into Fighter (Corsair) after Level 1)
Str: 15 (7)
Dex: 13 (3)
Con: 15 (3)+2
Int: 12 (2)
Wis: 10 (2)-2
Cha: 15 (3)+2
Buccaneer's Blood (Campaign)
Hurricane Savvy (Pirates of the Inner Sea p15)
Swim 30'
*Water Dependant
Enchantment Resistant
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword (1)
Gunsmithing (GS1)
ExoWepPro: Firearms (GS1)
Profession (Sailor) 1 (4)
Swim 1 (14)
Climb 1 (6)
Intimidate 1 (6)
Link followed, character basics posted, character starts off with a (class feature) pistol, some shot, a Large Sized bastard sword (-2 to hit, two handed exotic weapon only), and leather armor, and an alchemist's kit.
The plan is to go with Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger), then Fighter (Corsair) for a few levels, then splash Rogue (Pirate), then straight into Shackles Pirate Prestige Class.

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This sounds very interesting. I should have my character finished sometime tomorrow.
Lazha Slicksheen, Half-Orc Cleric of Naderi (Repose and Ocean domains)
EDIT: Actually, here she is. The equipment isn't finalized, and I still have to write up the background, but this should have everything else.
TN Medium Humanoid (Half-Orc)
Init: +0; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +3
AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5
Spd 30 ft.
Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2)
Dagger (silver) +2 (1d4+1/19-20/x2)
Bite +2 (1d4+3/20/x2)
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats: Selective Channel
Traits: Birthmark, Buccaneer's Blood
Skills: Appraise +1, Bluff +2, Climb +2, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2, Heal +3, Intimidate +5, Know: Religion +5, Perception +3, Perform +2, Sense Motive +7, Survival +3, Swim +3
(Skill Rank 1 in Diplomacy, Know: Religion, Sense Motive, & Swim)
Languages: Common, Orc, Gnoll
Spells: 0th Level x3, 1st Level 2x/day + Domain (Obscuring Mist or Deathwatch)
Combat Gear: Dagger, Dagger (silver) Studded Leather Armor
Other Gear: Waterskin
Coin: 90gp
Birthmark: Serves as Divine Focus, +2 trait bonus to saves vs Charms & Compulsion
Buccaneer's Blood: +1 trait bonus to Intimidate & Prof: Sailor; +1 to Infamy & Disrepute
Channel Energy: Positive Channel, Water variant; DC 13, 5x/day affected creatures Heal 1d6/2 and gain a +1 sacred bonus to Climb, Swim, and Hold Breath checks for 1 min. No fatigue penalties for thirst or pressure damage from deep water for 1 min.
Darkvision: Darkvision to 60'
Domain Powers:
Repose: Gentle Rest: Touch attack which staggers for 1 rd (undead are staggered for 3 rds). Creatures already staggered are instead asleep for 1 rd. 6x/day
Ocean: Surge: As a standard action, summon a wave to attack a single creature with a bull rush or drag, using a CMB of +4. 6x/day
Intimidating: +2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks
Orc Blood: Counts as Orc and Human
Selective Channel: Exclude 2 creatures from Channel Energy
Toothy: 1d4 Bite as Primary Natural Attack
Weapon Familiarity: Proficient with greataxes & falchions

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First time PBPing, please be gentle.
Class:Samurai [Archetype: Sword Saint, Ronin Order]
Alignment:Chaotic Good
Languages:Elven, Common, Cyclops
Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 12
Charisma 0
Anatomist: You have studied the workings of anatomy,
either as a student at university or as an apprentice
mortician or necromancer. You know where to aim your
blows to strike vital organs and you gain a +1 trait bonus
on all rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Ancient Explorer: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills is a class skill for you. In addition, you gain Cyclops or Polyglot as a bonus language.
Weapon Focus [Nodachi]: +1 bonus on attack rolls with Nodachi.

Mr. Swagger |

Connor McGinnis wrote:Any class or race restrictions?Re: Races-
Standard races can expect normal-ish treatment.Unusual/Monstrous races will be treated as unusual/monstrous. Expect harsh prejudicial behavior and harsh treatment, especially if the race has any kind of natural attack.
Races that come as +4 to ABL (see Aasimar) will be balanced with -2 to another ABL.
The Chelaxian influences in the area could make a tiefling feasible, but still distrusted/despised.
Re: Classes-
Core Base classes ok, though a non-fallen Paladin might get his throat slit by his crew.Advanced Base classes ok.
UM/UC ok, note that guns/powder will still be quite uncommon.
Archetypes Ok if Paizo published.
What is ABL?
edit:How valuable are knowledge checks if I want to identify the weaknesses of monster?

S&S GM |

S&S GM wrote:Connor McGinnis wrote:Any class or race restrictions?Re: Races-
Standard races can expect normal-ish treatment.Unusual/Monstrous races will be treated as unusual/monstrous. Expect harsh prejudicial behavior and harsh treatment, especially if the race has any kind of natural attack.
Races that come as +4 to ABL (see Aasimar) will be balanced with -2 to another ABL.
The Chelaxian influences in the area could make a tiefling feasible, but still distrusted/despised.
Re: Classes-
Core Base classes ok, though a non-fallen Paladin might get his throat slit by his crew.Advanced Base classes ok.
UM/UC ok, note that guns/powder will still be quite uncommon.
Archetypes Ok if Paizo published.
What is ABL?
edit:How valuable are knowledge checks if I want to identify the weaknesses of monster?
Sorry for shorthand: ABL = Ability Scores.
Knowledge checks will be per Rules As Written (RAW): 10+CR for common enemies, 15+CR for rare enemies. That said, I can't keep you from meta gaming, other than to ask you not to, or to try to describe creatures with physical features that might not give it away right away, but that seems like it would be very awkward.

S&S GM |

All done!
Just to plan a little ahead:
-Do you allow the feat Leadership?
-How do you handle item creation?
Re Leadership - Yes, though do note that you will have a crew present, and this will include additional officers. However, if you are looking for an NPC under your direct control, this is possible, but NPC requires my permission before inserting into the game.
Re Item Creation - Do you mean crafting skills or creating magic Items?

S&S GM |

When taking Leadership I like to take as a cohort a NPC that already exists and is friendly to my PC.
Sorry, I meant magic item creation.
Good idea. There will be plenty of NPCs.
As written, mostly, though I do expect that folks won't be able to focus exclusively on item creation while on board a ship. One can use the "interrupted" rate of item creation (4 hours at a time instead of 8) as written. You won't make a ton of money selling your own items, but you are welcome to make them.
Essentially, we'll be tracking what happens each day, so if you spend a day working on magic item creation, I assume that you will not be involved in any significant events that happen that day. Given how much time there is at sea, this shouldn't be a problem. It's not as day-to-day frantic as some other APs. The first volume is a little sandboxy, but the others should be a bit more open.
Now, to tie this in with Leadership, what I won't be too keen on is if you just put your cohort to work cranking out magic items. Possible, but a lame use of a cohort. Depending on your alignment, you might have slaves for that, instead.

S&S GM |

I have completed the Google docs form and it has been submitted for your approval.
I am hoping that if I get in, this game goes far. I keep getting into games that die after a couple of months. All games I was currently in, seem to have halted so now I have a lot time to play and nothing to play =(
Agreed. I think folks who want to try and write super long posts get weighed down and stop, those who don't think they aren't contributing enough.
I'm going to try and make my posts reasonable, then give players a breath or two to weigh in on the topic. To give everyone applying a sense of what this might be like...
"The stairs down to the crypt were deep in shadow. Your torches and flames have difficulty piercing through the inky curtain, but the note you received indicated that this must be the way. A faint smell of earth mixed with a hint of spices wafts up from the darkness,"
Take one standard round of actions, if desired. Those trained in Knowledge(Nature), Knowledge(Religion), or Profession(Cook) may make a skill check as a free action, if desired.
Something like that would be a normal length post. Make sense?

Rivane |

Mitabu Red wrote:When taking Leadership I like to take as a cohort a NPC that already exists and is friendly to my PC.
Sorry, I meant magic item creation.
Good idea. There will be plenty of NPCs.
As written, mostly, though I do expect that folks won't be able to focus exclusively on item creation while on board a ship. One can use the "interrupted" rate of item creation (4 hours at a time instead of 8) as written. You won't make a ton of money selling your own items, but you are welcome to make them.
Essentially, we'll be tracking what happens each day, so if you spend a day working on magic item creation, I assume that you will not be involved in any significant events that happen that day. Given how much time there is at sea, this shouldn't be a problem. It's not as day-to-day frantic as some other APs. The first volume is a little sandboxy, but the others should be a bit more open.
Now, to tie this in with Leadership, what I won't be too keen on is if you just put your cohort to work cranking out magic items. Possible, but a lame use of a cohort. Depending on your alignment, you might have slaves for that, instead.
No, no... if there are magic items made, it will be by me, not my cohort. My cohort will most likely be an Inner Sea Pirate.

Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" |

Female Human (Tian) Invulnerable Rager Barbarian 1
Ability Scores
Str 17 (15 +2 human)
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 7
Skills (7 trained total)
Acrobatics +6
Craft (Carpentry) +6
Climb +7
Swim +7
Perception +5
Survival +5
Knowledge (Nature) +6
Equipment (140 gp total)
Kikko Vest (Treat as Kikko armor)
Brass knuckles (Dockside brawler trait)
sling with 40 sling bullets
belt pouch
4 days rations
ioun torch
tattered collar and leash
battered clothes (treat as peasants outfit)
12 gold and 6 silver unspent
Feats; improved unarmed strike, power attack
traits; dockside brawler (i had a more feral unarmed visual than brass knuckles so can we reassign the trait bonus to unarmed strike damage), indomitable faith
Combat numbers
Unarmed (or brass knuckles if forced) +3 1d3+6
sling +3 1d4+3
Ac 18 (16 raging) Touch 12 (10 raging) FF 16 (14 raging)
Saves fort +4 (+6 raging) ref +2 will +2 (+4 raging)
ACP -4

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Female Halfling Witch 1
Init +5;
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size, )
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3, +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Feats: Extra Hex
Traits: Reactionary, Touched by the Sea
Skills (* designates ranks)
*Acrobatics +6
--Acrobatics (Jump) +2
Appraise +3
Bluff +3
Climb +1
Diplomacy +3
Disguise +3
Escape Artist +3
Fly +5
*Heal +4
Intimidate +3
*Knowledge (Nature) +7
*Perception +3
*Profession (Cook) +4
Ride +3
Stealth +7
Survival +0
*Swim +3
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
SQ Cantrips, Charm, Fearless, Halfling Luck, Healing, Keen Senses, Sure-Footed, Weapon Familiarity, Witch's Familiar
Water Patron
Hexes: Charm, Healing

S&S GM |

updated Rex's info. her name is Rex because her former master treated her like an attack dog and saw her as such. she was loosely inspired by Jet Li's role in the movie unleashed.
Interesting. The AP doesn't really provide you the opportunity to start as a stowaway. I'm not totally against it, but it's a lot harder to work into the AP as written, and I don't have tons of free time to rewrite it to accommodate this approach. Fair warning.

Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" |

Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" wrote:updated Rex's info. her name is Rex because her former master treated her like an attack dog and saw her as such. she was loosely inspired by Jet Li's role in the movie unleashed.Interesting. The AP doesn't really provide you the opportunity to start as a stowaway. I'm not totally against it, but it's a lot harder to work into the AP as written, and I don't have tons of free time to rewrite it to accommodate this approach. Fair warning.
the stowaway part was intended as a backstory to justify why i'm a member of the crew. my life pre wormwood enforcer. i could have just as easily contributed to the press ganging.

Edward Sobel |

my submission:
Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 1
NN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12. . (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +3
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +1 (1d3+1/20/x2) and
. . Whip, Scorpion +1 (1d4+1/20/x2)
Ranged Crossbow, Light +2 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 1, +1 melee touch, +2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 13), Tripvine (DC 13)
0 (at will) Open/Close (DC 12), Know Direction (DC 12), Daze (DC 12), Detect Magic
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +1 (+3 Tripping); CMD 13 (15 vs. Trip)
Feats Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Combat Expertise +/-1, Improved Trip
Traits Ancient Explorer: Knowledge (History), Scholar of Ruins: Knowledge (Geography)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (Geography) +8, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Local) +8, Perception +5, Profession (Sailor) +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Languages Common, Cyclops, Osiriani, Polyglot
SQ Archaeologist's Luck +1 (6 rounds/day) (Ex), Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex)
Combat Gear Bolts, Crossbow (10), Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Leather, Whip, Scorpion; Other Gear Adventurer's Sash (7 @ 1.5 lbs), Bag, Waterproof (1 @ 1 lbs), Case, map or scroll (5 @ 0 lbs), Ink (1 oz. vial, black) (2), Inkpen (2), Journal, Measuring Cord (10 ft.), Paper (sheet) (5), Pouch, belt (empty), Powder
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (6 rounds/day) (Ex) - 0/6
Bolts, Crossbow - 0/10
Dagger - 0/1
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (6 rounds/day) (Ex) Gain Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add + 1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Improved Trip You Trip at +2 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
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Sylvanus was born and raised in the city of Botosani in the nation of Rahadoum. Sylvanus is of mixed heritage being part Chelaxian and part Garundi. Sylvanus came from a well to do family while not noble they definitely could afford good schooling as well as fine food.
Sylvanus always had a desire for history and his father, by trade, was both a professor as well as an explorer. Sylvanus studied history with his father on expeditions into the Rahadoum desert and into the Napsune Mountains.
Sylvaus soon was of age to attended the prestigious college of ancient studies in Azir. Sylvanus graduated near top of his class and was one only a few that attended not of any noble birth.
Sylvanus followed his father's footsteps to some degree becoming an "obtainer of rare antiquities" As part of his college years Sylvanus began involved with the Pathfinder Society and soon joined their ranks. Syvanus has made some connections through the society of individuals that would be able to receive the artifacts he would be able to retrieve. eventually Sylvanus hopes to open a museum of history in Azir.
Its been Only two years following graduation and Sylvanus has already been involved in three expeditions to the Eternal Oasis looking for clues to an ancient Azlanti city hidden in the Mwangi Expanse.
Unbeknowst to the expedition leader Erodel several member of his team were mercenary assassins who were using Erodel to find the Azlanti city and all of its hidden treasures for their employers; The Red Mantis.
During the expedition Erodel managed to find a stone carving revelaing a clue to finding the ancient city of Ghol-Gan in the islands of the Shakles and Erodel was able to find information that would connect that ancient city to the Azlanti.
This was all that the mercenaries needed and they struck. easily overpowering the other hired hands and subduing Erodel and leaving Sylvanus for dead.
When Sylvanus awoke he was being treated by a Garundi Nomad named Sefu. Sefu told Sylvanus all that he had seen and told him that the men headed to the west toward the city of Botosani they already had a five day head start. Sefu told Sylvanus that his friend was taken prisoner but he was able to keep this journal from being taken. Sefu gave Sylvanus the journal detailing all of Erodel's notes on the Azlanti city nothing concerning Ghol-Gan.
Sefu traveled with Sylvanus to the city of Botosani and during the jouney Sylvanus became friends with Sefu and he was able to learn the strange language of the Mwangai from him. Sefu, being a traveled Nomad had learned many languages in his travels.
With no money available Sylvanus had to get hired on as a deck hand on a merchant ship heading to Port Peril so he could track down those that kidnapped Eroldel. The trip was long and it was hard work but Sylvanus was a quick learner and soon was a proficient deck hand. He managed to gather even more information about his destination.
The Ship made port at Port Peril and Sylvanus collected his pay and began his search. nearly a month in Port Peril and every clue was a dead end. He soon realized he was asking the wrong questions and soon he had a new lead, an old sailor had obtained a map to hidden Cyclops treasure in Ghol-Gan. This seemed promising, so Sylvanus when to meet this sailor at the Formidably Maid.

S&S GM |

S&S GM wrote:the stowaway part was intended as a backstory to justify why i'm a member of the crew. my life pre wormwood enforcer. i could have just as easily contributed to the press ganging.Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" wrote:updated Rex's info. her name is Rex because her former master treated her like an attack dog and saw her as such. she was loosely inspired by Jet Li's role in the movie unleashed.Interesting. The AP doesn't really provide you the opportunity to start as a stowaway. I'm not totally against it, but it's a lot harder to work into the AP as written, and I don't have tons of free time to rewrite it to accommodate this approach. Fair warning.
Fair enough, though this immediately pits Rex against the other characters, not with them. This could quickly get un-fun for lots of folks, mostly me. Fair warning.

Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" |

Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" wrote:Fair enough, though this immediately pits Rex against the other characters, not with them. This could quickly get un-fun for lots of folks, mostly me. Fair warning.S&S GM wrote:the stowaway part was intended as a backstory to justify why i'm a member of the crew. my life pre wormwood enforcer. i could have just as easily contributed to the press ganging.Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" wrote:updated Rex's info. her name is Rex because her former master treated her like an attack dog and saw her as such. she was loosely inspired by Jet Li's role in the movie unleashed.Interesting. The AP doesn't really provide you the opportunity to start as a stowaway. I'm not totally against it, but it's a lot harder to work into the AP as written, and I don't have tons of free time to rewrite it to accommodate this approach. Fair warning.
any hostilities harbored by the group after the press ganging would be hopefully fun roleplay potential. there needn't be any violence between the group beyond the press ganging. i played PCs who were the subject of racism before. nothing too different. just keep the hostilities restricted to comments and remarks and it should be fine.
we could think of something like a sudden epiphany or something along the lines of a gradually growing sympathy towards the press ganged group.

S&S GM |

S&S GM wrote:it would initially. we could work on a case for my "defection." when it comes up. maybe a sudden moment where she sees the oppression she had done to her in unwilling victims.Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" wrote:Fair enough, though this immediately pits Rex against the other characters, not with them. This could quickly get un-fun for lots of folks, mostly me. Fair warning.S&S GM wrote:the stowaway part was intended as a backstory to justify why i'm a member of the crew. my life pre wormwood enforcer. i could have just as easily contributed to the press ganging.Rex, "The Human Attack Dog" wrote:updated Rex's info. her name is Rex because her former master treated her like an attack dog and saw her as such. she was loosely inspired by Jet Li's role in the movie unleashed.Interesting. The AP doesn't really provide you the opportunity to start as a stowaway. I'm not totally against it, but it's a lot harder to work into the AP as written, and I don't have tons of free time to rewrite it to accommodate this approach. Fair warning.
We'll see. Keep an eye out for Friday.

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OK, I posted my submission of Lazha to the link. I'm also posting her background here.
After a routine boarding, Bonkru spared the life of a delicate young Taldan nobleman. She'd intended to ransom him back to his family, but by the time The Maw made port, they had quite improbably fallen in love. This was Lazha's father, Selvi. Bonkru was charmed by his winsome ways, while he became enamored of her curvaceous tusks.
They were an odd couple, but somehow it worked, Bonkru scourging the seas while Selvi raised Lazsha at their seaside home in Port Peril. But shortly after Lazha's fourteenth birthday, Selvi's family learned he yet lived, and sent adventurers to rescue him. But when the adventurers discovered his situation, they mocked him instead. That night, overcome by shame, Selvi leapt from the widow's walk of their home into the sea, while Lazha watched from her bedroom window.
Bonkru flew into a rage and pursued the adventurers, but in her recklessness sent The Maw into a storm it could not weather, where it sunk without survivors.
Lazha adored her father, and began her worship of Naderi as a way to honor his final choice. But as her faith has deepened, she has grown to see her role as more than that -- it is about advising all those who walk difficult paths, whatever strange choices they might make. "You shall not die alone" is the promise she makes to those she watches over.
Also, a question. I'm taking the Birthmark trait, but I was wondering if for her it could show up as a stigmata that appears when she cast spells with a Divine Focus, rather than an actual Birthmark. That would fit with Naderi's theme, and besides I haven't been able to find a picture of what Naderi's symbol looks like.