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Syl matches your bet, setting a small pile of coins in the hands of one of her companions, and picks up the second hog.
Strength Check #1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Strength Check #2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Strength Check #3: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Strength Check #4: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Strength Check #5: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

S&S GM |

The hod manages to slip out of her hands during the first toss, go further than yours on the second. She snarls at your third throw, trying her best, and stamps her feet after your fourth throw just manages to outstrip hers.
Her compatriot with the coins (Fipps Chumlett) plods over slowly, drops the coins at your feet in a scattering mess, and stalks off to follow the angered Syl to the other end of the deck. A few around you help you catch the coins, and clap you on the back for your victory!

S&S GM |

Day 6
The day dawns grey and cloudy, with little possibility for sun. Within moments of finishing breakfast, the skies open up, and rain begins to deluge the ship. Master Scourge and Mr. Plugg look a funny mixture of displeasure at having to be out in the rain, and joy to send you out into it.
Rigger task: Rigging Repair.
Swabs: Hauling Rope and knot work.
Galley: Cooking (Ambrose is once again unconscious from drink).

Octavia Selene |

Strength to Haul the ropes 20 + 2 = 22
Con to not get fatigued by the work 20 + 1 = 21
Octavia, invigorated by her near success, but still a little sore takes to the rain without a hat or coat and works hard and vigorously, enjoying the salt water from the splashing waves.
When she sees her companions Octavia will thank them for supporting her in the fight.
At one point, in the afternoon, when she gets a chance to slip below decks she'll look for Owlbear chained below and try to talk to him. Influnece attempt on owlbear again
Octavia will tell Owlbear there are no hard feelings and compliment him on his strength and skill and ask him, with a sly smile, if he would be willing to protect a poor defenceless girl like her in the future.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Mithas Aran |

Mithas dilengently works at hauling ropes STR Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11, but still does a poor job of it CON Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 and becomes fatigued for all his lack of success.
Now you need to roll two ones in a row to restore the karmic balance of the universe ;)

Lazha Slicksheen |

Lazha does her best in the kitchen to cobble together some food.
Survival Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Afterwards, she will look around for Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone the gnome to try and influence for her daytime action.
Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

S&S GM |

@Octavia and @Mithas: You make good progress on your work, despite the rain.
@Octavia, when you approach Owlbear, he rattles his chains at you and speaks in nonsense at you. At your words, he quiets some. Your words seem to calm him, and he takes on a sheepish grin. Friendly! Nice rolls.
@Mithas - You actually end the day just above exhaustion, as the rain really took it out of you.
@Lazha - Your food comes together just fine, but Conchobhar doesn't seem to interested in conversing with you. "Dear lady, please understand, it is not that I decline interest in you per your conversation, it is simply that I find your species somewhat repulsive. Your food is passable, however."
During evening dinner, rum rations go around, and Badger Medlar notes, "Goin' t' be a beast of a storm t'morrow, if the evening tide tells any. Watch yer handholds!"
Evening actions.

Octavia Selene |

In the evening Octavia figures it's time to branch out a bit more and she is going to attempt to change the opinion of one of the more hostile crew members.
She figures she'll have a better chance of befriending the males. She isn't certain but she assumes life works the same out here as it does in the opera house, woman are more likely to be jealous of a new pretty young diva, while men tend to forget their anger or hatred and become enamoured.
She see the strong and silent one, Maheem and she moves in after supper when he is alone.
She'll introduce herself and ask him about himself, flirt and joke with him a bit.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 (+7 diplomacy, +1 Charming)
Either way, after her conversation is done she'll retire to the lower decks and read a few poems from Lazha's book she leant her and then fall to sleep.

Lazha Slicksheen |

Lazha smiles at Conchabhar. "Not to worry, good sir. I fully understand how a person of your obvious stature would be discomfitted by one of my ilk. I also apologize if my stench has offended you -- I find the bathing facilities on this ship leave a lot to be desired."
That evening, Lazha will approach "Cog" Cogsward for an influence attempt. She knows next to nothing about Varisia, but recognizes that his headscarf is from that land and tries using that as an opening.
Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Sorry for the delay -- hope y'all all had a nice weekend. WorldCon was fabulous -- and very tiring.

S&S GM |

@Octavia - Maheem appears unused to anyone attempting to charm him. Though his permanent scowl continues, it softens a bit. He doesn't fully react to your insinuations, but he doesn't turn you down outright, either. Syl gives you a dirty look when you start heading for the hammocks. Hostile to Unfriendly.
@Mithas - Your friends all bid you good night, and you sleep soundly.
@Lazha - Conchobar scoffs at your lack of knowledge, but can appreciate your tone and forcefulness. He jokes back, somewhat crudely, about the ignorance of half-orcs. Unfriendly to friendly. Good roll!

Octavia Selene |

Hmm, Syl may have something for Maheem. I better watch my back. It might be a good idea to back off but it might also be a good idea to drive in a wedge between some of the more unsavoury types on board. I'll have to think on that.

S&S GM |

On your seventh day on board the Wormwood, the day dawns windy and drizzly. The seasoned riggers look askance at the upper ropes, and even Mr. Plugg seems concerned.
Badger nods to you all over breakfast, "We'll be facin a hard blow the next few days. Keep a good foot on the deck, if'n ya can."
Octavia and Mithas, you are assigned to be runners for the day, as the officers are primarly staying in their quarters for the day.
Lazha, you find the kitchen in somewhat of disarray after an evening of tossing on the waves. Ambrose is up and about, though drinking. "Help with cooking, lass. Going to be a wild one soon."

Octavia Selene |

Acrobatics Check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Constitution Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
During the day Octavia will keep an eye out for Maheem and when she passes by she'll talk with him a bit when she can, always making sure to smile at him even if he doesn't smile back.
I need to lead him on but not lead him on too much, just enough to have him on my side without promising anything.
Diplomacy Check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Lazha Slicksheen |

Lazha straightens things up as best she can.
"Maybe take it easy on the bottle, then? Wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourself."
Lazha could feel herself growing tense and wondered at it. I guess everyone gets nervous at their first storm.
Survival (cooking) Roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

S&S GM |

@Octavia - You get to the end of the rain soaked day having successfully completed your work, but exhausted. However, this doesn't prevent Maheem from noticing your attention, and though he continues scowling (it appears to be permanent), at one point when there isn't much room to maneuver, he does step to the side and let you pass first.
@Lazha - It is good that Kroop is still conscious, because he takes over most of the cooking responsibilities, and gives a hearty sigh when he sees your nervous fish-gutting attempts result in some pretty mediocre fillets. "Yah ne'er been 'n a har' blow b'fer, then?" he hiccups.
@Mithas - The officers can appreciate your speed and efficiency, though they do note the strain your running and the rain appear to be taking on your person. At one point, Peppery Longfarthing (the ship's sailing master, a human woman) stops you and states, "Wait a bit... I can tell the signs of a wizard when I see one. You're the one that knocked down those idiots with the multiplication of grease a few days ago, aren't you? I knew I sensed something, but didn't know who on the crew could do it. What's your focus? Who did you train under?" Make a Knowledge: Arcane check

Mithas Aran |

Knowledge(Arcane): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
@Peppery:"Finally! Yes, I'm a wizard. A conjurer by training. I've studied under the finest instructors Iadara had to offer, or at least the finest that were taking on pupils."

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@Mithas - "Iadara? Quite a way from the elven homeland, then," Peppery offers as she jots down a series of notes, her wide-brimmed grey hat hiding her narrow features as she leans over. You can tell that she has a set of enchantments currently in effect on her person, but they appear different in style than the ones used in your studies, and you are uncertain of their effect.
"Perhaps on a less turbulent day, we shall discuss your skills further. For now," she finishes her note, "Do run this along to the Captain's cabin girl. He'll not take missives directly from crew." She gives you a quick nod, then turns back to look out the port hole onto the deck.
As you step back, you hear her begin an incantation, and if you turn back, you see her make a series of gestures.

Lazha Slicksheen |

"No, this is my first one. I spent a lot of time on Mom's ship, but only in fair weather."
Lazha looked at fish she'd ruined and put down the knife in disgust.
"She died in a storm. The whole ship went down. I wouldn't mind drowning -- it's a holy death. But I'd rather not today."

S&S GM |

Woof! Sorry team, this week really kicked me around. I'm getting into the busiest part of my year right now, so I apologize for the many absences.
@Lazha - Ambrose belches loudly, then shrugs. "Holy deaths be better'n unholy ones, I reckon. Now, see that fish there," he indicates the one you just put down. "I do reckon that be an unholy death, if'n ever there was one," he jests. "No worries, lass, we be surrounded by 'em, and I got plenty more for ye t'work on." He pushes more fish your way, even though your gutting skills aren't up to the task today. He also passes the rum bottle, if you are interested.
That evening is subdued, and all hands are crouched belowdecks waiting out the worst of the storm. Hog-lobbing isn't possible, but a barrel is set up for those who want to arm-wrestle.

Lazha Slicksheen |

Woof! Sorry team, this week really kicked me around. I'm getting into the busiest part of my year right now, so I apologize for the many absences.
Yeah, me too. The rest of the year is going to be a bear. But I'm enjoying it, even at the slow pace -- I just need to figure out the best time to post.
Lazha ought to spend her time making more friends, but maybe arm-wrestling would be just the thing to break her sour mood. She'll wager four gold in a match against anyone who'll take her on.