Shadow over Riddleport

Game Master Joana

"We cornered his drunken ass in the Goblin last time. This time, we won't show any mercy. We'll kill him for what he did to Larur, and then he'll tell us where Lil is." -- Braddon Hurst

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Male Human (Varisian)

Okay, presuming that Braddon and Tendal work together to finish tying up the pirates, they'll be bound by the time the spell wears off and we can stop counting rounds.

"I got nothing to do with her," Scabb protests to Braddon. "You think she tells me anything? You think she ever speaks to me? Or anyone else in the crew? Straight to the captain's cabin and doesn't come out till we make landfall. Boarding and disembarking is the only time I see her."

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

"Weren't you listening? I asked where she was. My next question is what you know about her."
Braddon kicks another pirate as if to make some sort of point.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Phillip smiles as Scabb's words tie him closer to their prey even as he tries to distance himself. Adding to Braddon's queries he adds "Indeed, unless you start offering things of worth we'll need to see how you react to things being taken from you."

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

Tendal frowns as Braddon reties nearly all of his trussing. "Hmm. Apparently rope tying is not my forte." he says, then casts prestidigitation to rid himself of any lingering dust on his hands or clothes.

"Interesting comment. " Tendal remarks as he moves closer, his cane making crunching noises on the stones of the strand, "'Boarding and disembarking is the only time you see her.' Then you can answer what we need to know. Where did you pick her up last, and where did she last disembark? It should be simple enough for you to answer that."

Male Human (Varisian)

Scabb hesitates a moment, as if weighing whatever loyalty he might owe to Lil Scarlet against the armed men around him, then shrugs and answers. "She came aboard in Riddleport last week. Cruised around a bit and did some business, then dropped anchor off Devil's Elbow. Crew didn't like it; it's supposed to be haunted; but the captain took her ashore in a jolly boat. Ishana was spitting fire the whole time they were gone; thought she'd scorch holes in the sail. The pair of them came back before sunset, and we took her back to Riddleport."

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Phillip blinks slowly, allowing the pressure of closing his eyes to wash away the fact that they've come all this way only to find her returned to Riddleport. When his eyes reopen though there is no sign of doubt or disappointment upon his face, instead he presses "What day was she back at Riddleport? And I assume the Immortal Goat is one of your crew's lurks? - are there others?"

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

From the Varisian

Gold Goblin wrote:
The Varisian shrugs. "I have no margin for such a mercy. When I return, I must raise the alarm. The men you've left alive will accuse you. Marzo will have his revenge. Unless...," he hesitates, "unless there are no survivors and I found all his men murdered. Dead men tell no tales, and my friends in the clearing ... we will find our memories fuzzy and our eyesight weak." He watches Gristav appraisingly for a reaction.

"Zenbat denbora duzu itzuli arte? Hildako gizon izan zuten behar bada - ez dela joan beharko dugu, suposatzen dut - behar ez alferrik izan.", the halfelf said grimly. "Ipuin hori behar du, ate honen open kontatu ahal izango dute, eta heriotza barruan etorritakoak. Bada, egia da; gizonak zerbitzatu gehiago besteei baliotsua eragiten, gizon edo kausa baino, horiek zerbitzatzen. erabilia; Ez saritua, ez maite."

"Bataila erasoa erakutsi dorrea zetorren? zara, beraz, txosten baten zehatza egiteko bada. Eta agian gogoratzen duzu, printzeak, guardia, eta neskameak, eta beren hegaztiak interesa. Edo ez. Baina agian hobeto gogoratzen duzu, buruz txanpon utzi zuten gero, mediku laguntza eske piraten eraso baten ondoren?"

"Eta nola ez, elkarrizketa honetan amaituko dugu? Martxoaren me bowpoint at, eraikinean sartu, bistatik kanpo? Itzuli kanpoan ondoren ihes egin? Eta berriro, zenbat denbora behar dugu?"


How long until you return? If they must be dead men - I suppose we should go do that now - that should not be a waste. Let them tell the tale that’s needed, of this door open, and death coming from within. That’s the truth; men serving causes more valuable to others, than the men or cause are, to those served. Used; not honored, not loved.

The battle showed the attack came from the tower? If you are to make, so detailed of a report. And you might remember, the prince, the guard, and the servant, and their interest in the birds. Or not. But you might remember them better, if they left coin about, begging medical aid after an attack by pirates?

And how do we end this conversation? March me at bowpoint, into the building, out of sight? Back away then flee? And again, how long do we have?

"Lehenago itzuliko naiz, orduan eta hobeto. Beste norbait badator, tiro egin behar dut." He hefts the crossbow illustratively. "Ezin duzu itzuli modu ziñaten -- modu noa. Joan edonon zure laguntzaileak gainerako joan. Ez dut eskatuz; gutxiago ezagutzen dut, hobeto. Baina ezin duzu konpentsazio bidez itzuliko."

The sooner I return, the better. If someone else comes, I have to pull the trigger. You can't come back the way you came -- the way I'm going. Go wherever the rest of your companions went. I'm not asking; the less I know, the better. But you cannot return through the clearing.

Male Human (Varisian)
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
"What day was she back at Riddleport?"

He screws up his face and does some mental arithmetic. "Took her back on Oathday. Of course, we didn't take her in through the harbor." He grins craftily. "Got word that Riddleport was a little hot for her, so we took on water and weighed anchor again. Captain took her in east of town in the jollyboat."

Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
"And I assume the Immortal Goat is one of your crew's lurks? - are there others?"

He shrugs. "Anywhere that serves grog and hasn't kicked us out yet."

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Braddon looks (more) confused.

"Who's Ishana?"

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Phillip lets Scabb answer Braddon's question... so best to compare the answer against what he gleaned by way of recollection. He also adds further "And does your Captain know he is Marzo's lapdog?"

Male Human (Varisian)
Braddon Hurst wrote:
"Who's Ishana?"

"Cap'n Grudge's woman. Well, used to be, anyway. Ship's healer. One woman you sure as hells do not want to cross. If I was that tiefling, I'd watch my back."

Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
"And does your Captain know he is Marzo's lapdog?"

Scabb raises his eyebrows at Phillip's assertion. "I don't pretend to know what's on the captain's mind," he responds, "but from where I bunk, they have a business arrangement. The Teeth gets paid for her services just like if it was cargo going through the harbor ... and a little extra for not letting the harbormaster take a cut."

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Translated from the Varisian

Gold Goblin wrote:
"The sooner I return, the better. If someone else comes, I have to pull the trigger." He hefts the crossbow illustratively. "You can't come back the way you came -- the way I'm going. Go wherever the rest of your companions went. I'm not asking; the less I know, the better. But you cannot return through the clearing."

"Agian itzuliko naiz den konpentsazio, beste egun batean? Zure xalotasun, zure eusteko, eta zure aholkuak ere eskerrak? Pertsona sort duzula dirudi pertsona bat etorkizuneko negozio egin izan ditu."

"Gauden parte 'laster' bada, orduan 'nola' hurrengo galdera da. Hori dela eta utzi duzu, eta, ondoren, horiek amaitu? Horiek amaituko duzu zeure burua? Egingo me hartu duzu gezi-puntutan, horiek amaitzeko? Gustatuko ikusi behar da, hori egiten nahi duzu?"

"Ez nuke iraindu lausenguak faltsuekin, baina sinesten esan zidan, balezta, egiten duzu begiratu zauden bezala arduraduna."

"Might I return to the clearing, on another day? To thank you for your candor, your restraint, and your advice? You seem the sort of person a person could do future business with."

"If we are to part 'soon', then 'how' is the next question. Will you be leaving, and then I end them? Will you end them yourself? Will you be taking me at arrow-point, to end them? Would you want to be seen, doing that?"

"I would not insult you with false flattery, but believe me to say, the crossbow, makes you look like a man in charge."

The man grins again, his teeth glittering coldly. "Nire maitea nahi inoiz ez duzu edozein berriro ikusi da. Beste batzuk bezala, bai hil horiek edo eraman zurekin. Ez zuten ikusi ninduen eta ezin Marzo esango ez nuen horiek askatzeko. Ziur aski arrazoi batzuk bizirik irten zen lehen tokian izan duzu, baina bat burutu nahi duzu Marzo mezu bat eman nahi izanez gero, ez dut nahi da, zati bat izan nahi du." He begins to back away and lower the crossbow, then hesitates. "Ba mezu jakin ez duzu ekarri didana? Albiste ez dago ... inor?"

It is my dearest wish never to see any of you again. As for the others, either kill them or take them with you. They didn't see me and can't tell Marzo I didn't free them. Surely you had some reason to leave them alive in the first place, but if you intended one to carry a message to Marzo, I want to be no part of it. You had no particular message for me? No word of ... anyone?

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Brett Scabb wrote:
"Cap'n Grudge's woman. Well, used to be, anyway. Ship's healer. One woman you sure as hells do not want to cross. If I was that tiefling, I'd watch my back."

"Wait, he's got two women?" Braddon leers, then frowns.

"But they don't like each other. And Ishana wants to kill Lil. Is she back on the ship? I think I'd like to meet her."

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

"You might get the chance Braddon, I assume the ship is in harbour now?" waiting for confirmation from Scabb before asking a last question "What do the family do to a man who is guilty of theft?"

the family - Sczarni

Male Human (Varisian)
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
"I assume the ship is in harbour now?"

"Well, not 'now' per se," Scabb replies glancing out to sea, "seeing as how she's waiting on us to come back in the jollyboat. You can't take on unauthorized cargo at the wharf, right under the harbormaster's nose, after all. I imagine Cap'n Grudge is getting a mite impatient right about now and wondering if he should send another boat full of men to see what we're taking our time about. And you wouldn't want to talk to Ishana on board anyway, right under the captain's eyes. He won't hear a word against the devil-woman. But I could arrange a little meeting of like minds back in port ... I mean, assuming we all part on friendly terms here. There's nothing Brett Scabb won't do for a friend." He beams around at the group.

Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
"What do the family do to a man who is guilty of theft?"

"That depends on who's doing the thieving, and from whom." (Phil thinks the pirate's grin grows a little nervous.)

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Sinister smirk still settled upon his face Phillip adds "Oh it is you Scabb... who has stolen from me. A silver only, but one cannot let the size of the crime define it. I'd wager it worth a finger..." crossbow still pointing at the ground, but hands tight about it's stock.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

"I think the captain will know something happened, unless we put this guys guts back in."
Braddon delicately prods his unfortunate victim with the toe of his boot.
"Maybe we should move everything into the tunnel and ambush the next boatload in there. First place they'll look if they see nothing on the beach."
He grins at the others.

Male Human (Varisian)
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
"Oh it is you Scabb... who has stolen from me. A silver only, but one cannot let the size of the crime define it. I'd wager it worth a finger..." crossbow still pointing at the ground, but hands tight about it's stock.

"Your friend there's just taken a very nice dagger," Scabb points out with a polite smile. "Worth far more than a silver. My gift to you."

Braddon Hurst wrote:
"I think the captain will know something happened, unless we put this guys guts back in."

"He's clumsy. Fell on a sharp rock. Happens all the time." Brett Scabb's smile is starting to grow a little desperate.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

Tendal is silent and grim as he listens to the exchange, cane planted firmly in the gravel and sand.

I don't have any decent spells left to cast, and I will be relying on scrolls for any further activities. Gods, this may get expensive quickly. he thinks, his frown deepening.

Snake shakes his head, "We can't keep taking on bad guys, bub," he tells Braddon. Thinking a moment on how to proceed, "What do you three think about getting that meeting with this Ishana?" he asks the others. "Maybe we could get those answers you're looking for, Braddon." Raising a hand to halt any objections, "I know we could be walking straight into a trap and I don't trust this garbage," he nudges Scabb in the back with the end of his morningstar, "as far as I can throw him. But honestly... at this point... it strikes me as the least bloody option. Well... initially anyway. We just all need to agree if it is a trap, we kill this one first," he nudges the thug once again.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Braddon shrugs unhelpfully.
"If Ishana wants Lil dead I guess we should meet her. It sounds like Lil is only popular with the captain."
Braddon turns and berates their prisoners, "In which case, we're doing you all a favour."

Male Human (Varisian)

"Absolutely," Scabb agrees eagerly. "You put us back in our boat, and I'll let Ishana know to meet you in the Cove. Anywhere in particular you gentlemen have in mind?"

Snake lets out a slight chuckle at Scabb's idea. "Yeah, because we're just that stupid. Okay, you know that's not how it's gonna work, bub. You either come up with a way for all of us to meet her - including you in case you didn't get that - or I let this one here do what he does best, as you've already witnessed." He motions to the probably dead guy who continues to lie in a pool of his own blood. "Because you aren't leaving here with your crew. If anything, we get rid of the rest of your scum crew and we become your crew. How's that sound? If that's no good you better come up with something great because that one there," he motions to Braddon, "is just itching for a fight. I know this because he's always itching for a fight. But it's up to you. All I know is one way or another, you're either going to help us in a way that works for us, or we'll find another way ourselves and we won't be concerned in the least about you or your crew any longer," he tells him plainly, uncaring as to whether or not he catches the underlying message.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Translated from the Varisian:

Gold Goblin wrote:
The man grins again, his teeth glittering coldly. "It is my dearest wish never to see any of you again. As for the others, either kill them or take them with you. They didn't see me and can't tell Marzo I didn't free them. Surely you had some reason to leave them alive in the first place, but if you intended one to carry a message to Marzo, I want to be no part of it" He begins to back away and lower the crossbow, then hesitates. "You had no particular message for me? No word of ... anyone?"

"Ez dakit nor zaren. Ni naiz Gristav. Izenak ditzake, besteak askatu nuen ... Vishki? Adalo Vishki, agian, are çuen artean orain, izan zen kaleratu bada zela agindu zigun bezala, haren amona hilketa Zaiome egin bere mantenduz ez du bere elikadura hobea merezi, eta gure eszenan presentzia faltsua noblezia bat odoltsua amaieran errazagoa baino hobeto, ofiziala dela zuen aseguru Zaiome en morrontza on gisa mantendu egin zion. bere hilketa, bere hiltzailea, hemen garamatza da . eraman genuke atzera, mendeku etxera. "

"Zergatik geratzen ziren bizirik dagoen bezala ... ezin dut muster disdain nire hopefulness ohitura da, baina zure aholkua onartzen dut. Ez dut arrazoirik gabe hil, baina duzun nahikoa ematen dit, arriskatu zeuk hemen zutik eta hitz egin, horiek amaitzeko, zure arriskua murrizteko izango dut, eta nire bekadun izateko arriskua. I ahal hiltzea. galera bat, eta lamentatione gisa zenbatu dut, baina tartea egin hilgarria. Too berriki, hain zuzen ere. eta orain, berriro laster. ", he said, grimly.

Gristav had, slowly, carefully, if permitted, begun to walk when the crossbow had lowered, lowering his voice in fatigue and discretion. He was marshalling his will and reason, toward the bloodletting.

"I'm not sure who you are. I am Gristav. Names I might drop include... Vishki? Adalo Vishki, who might even be among you now, if he was released as was promised us, when the murder of his grandmother Zaiome made his keeping not worth his feeding, and our presence in the scene made false nobility better than a simpler bloody end, for the official that had kept him as insurance on Zaiome's servitude. It is her murder, her murderer, that brings us here. We would take them back, to the house of vengeance."

"As for why they were left alive... I cannot quite muster disdain for my habit of hopefulness, but I accept your advice. I don't kill without reason, but you've given me enough, risked yourself to stand here and speak, I will end them to reduce your risk, and the risk to my fellows. I can kill. I count it as a loss, and lament, but do lapse lethal. Too recently, in fact. And now, again soon."

The Varisian is already shaking his head with impatience, the names Gristav mentions obviously not ones he was listening for. "Duzun denbora ere emango dizut, ahal dudan bezala, baina edonork modu bilduko banitu, ni naiz nire bidea atzera alarma balitz bezala begiratu behar dut. Utzi sastrakari organoek. Dira irekita badago, ez dago azalpen nola ezin nuen aurkitu dute haiek eta berehala itzuliko da." Keeping his crossbow at the ready, he moves back to the path toward the clearing and the river beyond. "Hartu zer egin behar da, eta azkar desagertu zaintzeko."

I'll give you as much time as I can, but if I meet anyone on the way, I must look as if I am on my way back to sound the alarm. Leave the bodies in the underbrush. If they are in the open, there is no explanation how I could not have found them and returned right away. Take care of what must be done and be gone quickly.

Male Human (Varisian)
"Snake" wrote:
Snake lets out a slight chuckle at Scabb's idea. "Yeah, because we're just that stupid. Okay, you know that's not how it's gonna work, bub. You either come up with a way for all of us to meet her - including you in case you didn't get that - or I let this one here do what he does best, as you've already witnessed." He motions to the probably dead guy who continues to lie in a pool of his own blood. "Because you aren't leaving here with your crew. If anything, we get rid of the rest of your scum crew and we become your crew. How's that sound? If that's no good you better come up with something great because that one there," he motions to Braddon, "is just itching for a fight. I know this because he's always itching for a fight. But it's up to you. All I know is one way or another, you're either going to help us in a way that works for us, or we'll find another way ourselves and we won't be concerned in the least about you or your crew any longer," he tells him plainly, uncaring as to whether or not he catches the underlying message.

"See, here's the problem," Scabb replies conversationally. "Ishana is on the ship, and I'm on the shore. Without returning to the ship, I have no way to speak to her and set up your meeting."

Snake looks to the others, "Unless one of you has a better idea, looks like we'll be going on a boat ride. Anyone?" he asks, awaiting any other possible ideas from anybody.

Male Human (Varisian)

"Look, the Teeth isn't going to let you just come aboard," the pirate argues, "and you can't talk to Ishana in front of the whole crew. Cap'n Grudge won't hear a word against his tiefling piece, and Ishana will deny everything in public. What do you think is going to happen if you row out there to the ship? How are you going to keep them from filling the jollyboat with crossbow bolts and retrieving it at their leisure when you're all fish food?"

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

"I don't like boats much but they are pretty easy to defend," Braddon agrees, "unless you're against another boat... or a flying wizard who throws down balls of fire."
Braddon looks hopefully to Tendal then sighs.
"We should give him a chance a to help. If he does well, Phil may let him keep that finger. And if he crosses us then we just kill him really slowly in agonising pain. It's not like I can't catch him again. I'm a bounty hunter, you know."

Shrugging, "You got it, bub. Looks like you don't get to die this time. And he's not kidding about finding you again and watching you die a slow death. A part of me hopes you cross us. That 'slow and agonizing death' you'd be receiving sure would give me something to look forward to. And I look forward to very little."

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Translated from the Varisian

Gold Goblin wrote:
The Varisian is already shaking his head with impatience, the names Gristav mentions obviously not ones he was listening for. "I'll give you as much time as I can, but if I meet anyone on the way, I must look as if I am on my way back to sound the alarm. Leave the bodies in the underbrush. If they are in the open, there is no explanation how I could not have found them and returned right away."

"Esnatu madarikazio bat duzu.". Gristav offered against the hypothetical. "Non ikusi duzu izango dute. Ihes egin dut dute behintzat. Etorri behar duzu, ziur."

Keeping his crossbow at the ready, he moves back to the path toward the clearing and the river beyond. "Take care of what must be done and be gone quickly."

Gristav gives a single grim nod, then goes quickly about the dark task, loathing the local's logic, but finding no full path through it. He stills his distaste by ruthlessly ratiocinating; he'll end each with a different weapon, as if a gang had killed them.

It hadn't been much more than a gang, in any case.


You woke from a curse.

They will be where you saw them. Unless they've escaped. You should come, be sure.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
"Snake" wrote:
Shrugging, "You got it, bub. Looks like you don't get to die this time. And he's not kidding about finding you again and watching you die a slow death. A part of me hopes you cross us. That 'slow and agonizing death' you'd be receiving sure would give me something to look forward to. And I look forward to very little."

"You should probably grab your pals and leave. We'll let you know if we need anything else."

Braddon takes a step back and waves Brett back into the jolly boat.
"How does this flag work?"

Male Human (Varisian)

"Where should I tell her to look for you? I mean, I could suggest somewhere, but I wouldn't want to be accused of setting you up for an ambush."

Braddon Hurst wrote:
"How does this flag work?"

He shrugs. "Not much to it. It's raised when there's cargo to pick up, coming or going. If we didn't raise it dropping something off, they must have raised it leaving something to be taken aboard."

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

"This meeting would be best accomplished someplace with good wine." Tendal says, looking out to sea. "There doesn't seem to be any other location that we could pick, that you couldn't set up a reasonable ambush before hand. The only remaining option then, is somewhere public. Additionally, since your Captain will hardly want to be seen with just anyone, and we have a license to meet various captains in the port, we have a ready answer to the conundrum."

"If that sounds workable, how about we meet in the tavern that we stayed in...whatever its name was...I believe that they have a room we can meet in, either upstairs or in the back." Tendal says nonchalantly, waving his cane vaguely in the direction of the town.

Male Human (Varisian)

"The Fish and Fortune?" Scabb replies to Tendal's suggestion. "Fair enough. Not one of Ishana's usual haunts, but I can see you gentlemen have discriminating tastes. You'll know her when you see her. Not a lot of Garundi women in these parts."

Are you going to let Scabb untie the bound pirates and get their help loading the injured man into the boat? Or do you want them to remain bound until they're back on the water?

Gristav steels himself and carries out the unpleasant task.

Are you going to leave them bound or retrieve Braddon's rope for him? And where are you headed when you're done?

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Brett Scabb wrote:
"Not much to it. It's raised when there's cargo to pick up, coming or going. If we didn't raise it dropping something off, they must have raised it leaving something to be taken aboard."

"They? Oh, those other guys we killed. What can you tell us about they?"

Braddon takes the weapons from their fallen foes and starts tossing them into the boat. Brett's dagger is not among them.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

No way to know if the helpful Varisian fellow will report them as having been bound... but yes, retrieve the rope, and presti it clear of anything unwelcome.

Gather a light source, open the pigeon cages (flag still up?), lock the door of the tower, try to drop the trapdoor back in place on my way down. Go carefully a hundred yards or so, then rush to rejoin the party, slowing again at sight or scent of the exit.

Male Human (Varisian)
Braddon Hurst wrote:
"They? Oh, those other guys we killed. What can you tell us about they?"

"They're ... a family business," Brett replies. "Buy and sell, move goods from place to place as cheaply as possible. No desire to share profits with Gaston Cromarcky and his concern."

Scabb's answer is evasive. He obviously bears greater loyalty to the Sczarni than to the crew of the Teeth of Araska.

Gristav unwinds the no-longer-necessary rope for future use. As he does so, a silver coin falls out of a hidden fob pocket on one of the dead Sczarni. It appears to have been minted in Cheliax some years ago, but the obverse side is marred with a roughly-scratched X.

Let's say the flag is down. Brett Scabb is going to advise lowering it before the jollyboat departs to avoid suspicion from the crew of the Teeth, as it's SOP on a pickup.

With prestidigitation active, Gris can accomplish all of the above. He intends to free the pigeons?

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)
Gold Goblin wrote:
Gristav unwinds the no-longer-necessary rope for future use. As he does so, a silver coin falls out of a hidden fob pocket on one of the dead Sczarni. It appears to have been minted in Cheliax some years ago, but the obverse side is marred with a roughly-scratched X.

The leaderish fellow, Braddon's victim? Well, Gristav's victim, but Braddon's triumph?

Gristav apports the argent article away, safely inside the surrounding shell of his studded breastplate.

Let's say the flag is down. Brett Scabb is going to advise lowering it before the jollyboat departs to avoid suspicion from the crew of the Teeth, as it's SOP on a pickup.

Gristav will hurry more and sooner, then. The party needs be told this path back is blocked.

With prestidigitation active, Gris can accomplish all of the above. He intends to free the pigeons?

Gris intends to untrap them, guessing that no one will rush to feed them, and unwilling to leave them to starve. But he doesn't expect them to all rush away en masse, as he's not going to disturb them, only allow that they leave when they hunger. He believes they will go to Riddleport.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Brett Scabb wrote:
"They're ... a family business," Brett replies. "Buy and sell, move goods from place to place as cheaply as possible. No desire to share profits with Gaston Cromarcky and his concern."

"Well, they attacked us, so the family business is a dead loss. Anyway, I think you can go now. We'll see Ishana tomorrow, or I'll be seeing you next week." Braddon gives the man a knowing wink.

Gristav wrote:
Gold Goblin wrote:
Gristav unwinds the no-longer-necessary rope for future use. As he does so, a silver coin falls out of a hidden fob pocket on one of the dead Sczarni. It appears to have been minted in Cheliax some years ago, but the obverse side is marred with a roughly-scratched X.
The leaderish fellow, Braddon's victim? Well, Gristav's victim, but Braddon's triumph?

No, it's the one who tried to get away through the underbrush at the end of the battle, whom Gristav brought down with an arrow.

Gristav opens the door to the pigeon coop, imagining Padraig's satisfaction at receiving the birds in Riddleport. Locking the tower door behind him, he acquires a lamp and a few torches for backup, descends the rope, and painstakingly prestidigitates the rope untied and the trap door shut before retracing his steps toward the shingle.

Male Human (Varisian)
Braddon Hurst wrote:
Brett Scabb wrote:
"They're ... a family business," Brett replies. "Buy and sell, move goods from place to place as cheaply as possible. No desire to share profits with Gaston Cromarcky and his concern."
"Well, they attacked us, so the family business is a dead loss. Anyway, I think you can go now. We'll see Ishana tomorrow, or I'll be seeing you next week." Braddon gives the man a knowing wink.

"Tomorrow, at the Fish and Fortune," Scabb repeats obligingly. "Any particular time of day?"

He suggests that the signal flag be lowered before the jollyboat starts back. "When we've picked up the goods, we lower the flag to let them know in the Churlwood," he explains. "If the Teeth sees it still flying, they'll be suspicious. At the least, they'll send someone back to lower it if we 'forgot.'"

Untying the pirates and keeping the rope, or leaving them bound until they're away?

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

"Right. We'll take down the flag. Gimme back my rope."
Braddon unties the prisoners and prods them towards the boat with his long bastard sword.
"Does lunch work for you? It sounds like a romantic dinner isn't going to work."

Male Human (Varisian)

"At your convenience, of course," Scabb replies with a rudimentary bow. "I'll see Ishana pointed your way." With the acquiescence of Braddon and his large blade, he solicits the assistance of the other pirates to lift the wounded man into the boat. The shingle where he lay is bloodstained, but it looks as if the stony beach pressed into his wet shirt has largely stanched his belly wound. He looks fair to survive, given a healer's attention.

Done with Scabb and the pirates for now?

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

I think so. Let's start working our way back.

Tendal watches the pirates shove off the strand and begin their rowing back towards the distant ship before he turns to Braddon and Snake.

"Better noon-time than at breakfast or dinner. If the meal ends up foreshortened for any reason."

"We will have to rent the room for the meeting. Preferably one we can control and flee or fight from as the situation warrants it." Tendal announces, turning and heading back towards the tunnel.

"My magic is depleted and I am using up my scrolls at a prodigious pace. I think its time for us to repair back to town, get meals and wine, and rest for the remainder of the night."

As they travel from their respective ends of the tunnel, both Gristav and the other group experience a moment of alarm when it becomes clear that there is someone approaching. Fortunately, each other's identity is sorted out without recourse to violence.

Party's back together underground. Go.

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