Lynley Chatham's sitting room is handsomely appointed if a little the worse for wear due to the melee that just took place within it. Now that the group has a chance to pay attention to their surroundings, they can see that the room to the west up the stairs is a dining room with a long table and chairs; a door is set in the northern wall. Bojasc's inert form on the carpet yields a masterwork battleaxe and a masterwork handaxe that fell where he dropped them. His chain shirt boasts a magic aura, and there is a stoppered vial in his pocket as well as a purse bulging with coin. The wand Lil surrendered is still sitting on the sofa where she left it.
In actuality, there is no view of the harbor from the windows; rather, they provide an expansive outlook on the Varisian Gulf southwest of the harbor. Saul had said that Chatham had built them to know when his ships were approaching the Cyphergate before they were visible from the harbor. (It occurs to everyone but Braddon that this would be an excellent set-up for Chatham to arrange secretly to offload any cargo he didn't want to pay duty on before it could be inspected by the harbormaster, similarly to the smugglers who sneak good and passengers in and out via the tunnels in the Boneyard.)
Distraught, Braddon doesn't come close to injuring Lil with his onslaught. Round 8 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Round 8 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Tendal expresses his disappointment in Lil's behavior. Round 8 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Snake fixes Lil with his evil eye to make her more vulnerable. Snake hexes Lil: Will 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Round 7 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Gristav: Identifying a spell effect that is in place (vs. identifying one as it is being cast) is a Knowledge Arcana check. Adding Gris's +7 in that skill to your roll of 18 is still good enough to identity it, however. The spell is false life; she has temporary hit points that must be depleted first before any real harm is done to her.
Braddon's fury makes his first swing sloppy; he would swear that his second blade hit, but Lil shows no sign of injury or discomfort. Braddon 5-foot-steps & full-attacks Round 7 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Tendal follows Braddon and gives his comrade another chance to reject Lil's influence. Braddon:
That's a success, Braddon. Lil's charm is suppressed for the next four minutes. Phillip takes the opportunity to get closer to Lil. Tendal moves & casts a spell
Round 7 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Lil, Snake, butterfly, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Any other action besides the move, Phillip? A ready? If not, Braddon can act.
Casting another spell, Snake moves up to join the two men standing with Lil. Snake casts a spell & moves Round 6 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Lil, Snake, butterfly, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Unlike Gristav's last arrow, this one hits, but, just as with Tendal's staff, Lil neither flinches nor bleeds. Phillip:
Well, it looks like things are wrapped up here. Bojasc is dead or dying, and Lil has been captured. All that remains is to decide to whom to turn her over: Shorafa or the Gendarmes. You intend to keep a sharp eye on her until she's out of your custody, but she seems to be cowed for now. It's the enchanted Braddon who's going to be difficult.
You are not charmed, but you have no inclination to harm Lil unless she gives you clear reason. Mechanically, your attitude has gone from Hostile to Unfriendly. Round 6 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Phillip moves up the stairs toward Lil. Braddon slaps Tendal out of the way with the side of his blade and hurries back toward Lil as well. Phillip double-moves
Round 6 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Tendal, Snake, and Phillip may take an AoO on Braddon as he passes if they wish.
The way cleared by the dismissal of the demon, Tendal climbs the short set of stairs and sends his cane spinning toward the tiefling. Despite it hitting with a distinct crack, Lil seems unharmed. Tendal moves & attacks Round 6 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Round 6 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Lil, Snake, butterfly, Lucky (delaying), Tendal (delaying) Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
This is Lil's readied action triggered by Snake's move so, no, initiative hadn't advanced yet. As Snake moves up the stairs, Lil's eyes flash. The next moment, Gristav's arrow embeds itself in the side of Lynley Chatham's couch. Snake attacks & moves *triggering Lil's ready which triggers Gristav's ready*: miss Round 5 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Snake, roll me a Will save.
Gristav issues a threat, his bow at the ready to back it up. Round 5 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav (readying), Snake, butterfly, Lil (readying), Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Braddon comes charging to the rescue, his mighty blade slashing deeply into abyssal flesh. Round 5 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: mage armor (Snake)
Phillip stabs again at the demon with his newly-ensorcelled blade but comes no nearer injuring it. Round 5 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: instant weapon (in L13) (Gristav) (expires round 5)
Tendal casts a spell Round 5 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil (readying), Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (in L13) (Gristav) (expires round 5)
Dropping his conjured battle poi and drawing his bow, Gristav withdraws up the stairs behind the railing. Gristav casts & moves, drawing longbow Round 4 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav) (expires round 5)
Braddon's blades slice viciously into the vulnerable Varisian. Bojasc's eyes roll back in his head, and his only response is a gush of blood over Lynley Chatham's presumably expensive rug. Braddon 5-foot-steps & full attacks Round 4 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
Phillip moves forward to threaten the demon attacking Snake, but his dagger fails to penetrate abyssal flesh. Phillip activates Judgement, moves & attacks Round 4 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
Tendal finds a modicum of cover and targets a spell at the floor near the bay window. Distracted by the ongoing combat, neither Lil nor Bojasc is ready for the ground beneath their feet to become slippery; both hit the floor, Bojasc with a grunt, Lil with a squeal. Tendal moves & casts spell: Lil Reflex 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Bojasc Reflex 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Round 4 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
Snake curses Bojasc in an attempt to help Braddon. Lil finishes her incantation, and with a puff of sulfurous smoke, a Small, hideous, bloated biped appears on the stairs next to Snake. Its claws can't penetrate his abjuration, but a mouth full of crooked, needle-like teeth bites into his torso. Tendal:
You recognize the creature Lil summoned as a dretch, a lowly demon. It is resistant to fire, cold, and acid. Snake uses Hex: Bojasc Will 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3: failure
Gristav moves forward and burns away the webs holding Tendal and Phillip in place. His flashing eyes and floating hair bode no weal for the tiefling ... eventually. Gristav moves & uses Spell Combat Round 3 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
Phillip tries to slip past Tendal and gets caught in the web himself. Phillip double-moves Round 3 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
You can't both share the square; let's shunt Phillip off to K13, which at least has some web in it to explain how he's stuck there.
Concealed as Lil is behind the fighting duo of Braddon and Bojasc, her somatic motions are too hidden from both Snake and Tendal to be sure what spell she might be casting. Tendal hurries down the corridor hoping to take cover before her spell resolves, but in his haste to locate a safe corner, he blunders into the last of the web and is momentarily stuck. Tendal double-moves: CMB 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7: failure Round 3 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
There is web remaining in L12, K-J12-13 & I13, which provides cover to those on the other side. Moving through it requires a DC 15 CMB or Escape Artist check to avoid being entangled.
Gristav advance through the flaming webs until all that is left is a single diaphanous layer veiling the end of the hallway. Gristav moves & uses Spell Combat Round 2 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal (delaying) Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
There is web remaining in L12, which provides cover to those on the other side.
Round 1 init: thrush, Phillip (delaying), Braddon, Bojasc (delaying), Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal (delaying) Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
Braddon, you are currently charmed, and Lil has asked you to attack Bojasc.
Gristav wrote: (I think, Gristav had advanced to L18, to strike battle poi at the web in L17?) You're right; I copy/pasted the wrong link. Here is the correct one.
Round 1 init: thrush, Phillip (delaying), Braddon, Bojasc (delaying), Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky (delaying), Tendal Current effects: instant weapon (Gristav)
The web is hard to see but it begins in L16 now. The corridor filled with web is difficult terrain; moving through it requires a DC 15 combat manuever or Escape Artist check to avoid getting stuck. In addition, the thick web provides total cover to and blocks line of effect between the groups on either side of it.
Snake casts a spell Round 1 init: thrush, Phillip (delaying), Braddon, Bojasc (delaying), Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky, Tendal The web is hard to see but it begins in L16 now. The corridor filled with web is difficult terrain; moving through it requires a DC 15 combat manuever or Escape Artist check to avoid getting stuck. In addition, the thick web provides total cover to and blocks line of effect between the groups on either side of it.
Bojasc growls at the half-elf, but Lil speaks one word: "Wait." Gristav conjures an exotic weapon. Braddon moves & readies
Round 1 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc (delaying), Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky, Tendal The corridor filled with web is difficult terrain; moving through it requires a DC 15 combat manuever or Escape Artist check to avoid getting stuck. In addition, the thick web provides total cover to and blocks line of effect between the groups on either side of it.
Round 1 init: thrush, Phillip, Braddon, Bojasc, Gristav, Snake, butterfly, Lil, Lucky, Tendal Braddon is at the edge of the web and must make a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid being stuck. Each set of stairs leads up. Levels are divided by 3-foot-high railings except at the stairs. The fights of stairs break any clear path for a charge.