Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

Okay, so if you follow Desna you don't know who would oppose you or about the other gods in the pantheon unless you have knowledge religion?

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Your character is LN. Desna is CG. Those are not compatible alignments, and would indicate your character's worship of Desna isn't for reasons of true faith or interest.
Your character also does not have a published backstory, and thus does not have historic precedence for having that knowledge.
And again, your character has no ranks in knowledge: religion.
That says to me that your character shouldn't know very much about Desna, or any other deity.
To specifically answer your question, you don't need knowledge: religion to know the bare basics, you just need character context. But that's just the bare basics, not the in-depth understanding that your character has displayed.
You made a beatstick ranger, play the character you made.

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

Okay, I was following the sourcebook which said that almost all Ustalavians pay homage to Desna as well as Pharasma if nothing else, but for the luck aspect. You had also mentioned something about not using alignments, but I am good with your ruling.
Ivan is a member of the Bounders which are involved in politics and with the nations which surround Ustalav.
I am okay with playing him like he doesn't know a lot about religion if you wish. What does he know about Asmodeus and I will work with that.

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Okay, I was following the sourcebook which said that almost all Ustalavians pay homage to Desna as well as Pharasma if nothing else, but for the luck aspect. You had also mentioned something about not using alignments, but I am good with your ruling.
I did mention wanting to get rid of alignments, but never followed through, since many things in the game are contingent on alignment, so I took the next best thing for me and banned good alignments.
Ivan is a member of the Bounders which are involved in politics and with the nations which surround Ustalav.
That works.
I am okay with playing him like he doesn't know a lot about religion if you wish. What does he know about Asmodeus and I will work with that.
Asmodeus is the lord of Hell, and hell is a bad place where bad people go when they die. People who worship Asmodeus are wicked and depraved, and take advantage of, and dominate, those who are weaker than them.
The Day of Silenced Whispers will be celebrated in-game.

Edward Caromarc |

I notice the Doctor gave Varisia a real world analogue. I think that's a great idea. Can we pick some languages and then ask Bēl-Ṣullulim to put them in the campaign tab so I don't forget?
Okay: According to the Inner Sea World Guide, Ustalav speaks:
Common (Taldan)
Skald (Ulfen)
Varisian (Varisian)
Seems wierd they don't speak
Hallit (Kellid)
Given Sarkoria was next door and the Mammoth Lords were miles away, but what do I know. I'd suspect a typo though - but Bēl-Ṣullulim is the final word on this.
I'll also need Thassilonian, Giant and Draconic. I was thinking Thassilonian could be Latin.

Edward Caromarc |

Ah, I see. Probably the Ulfen are to do with something in the history I don't know. Maybe they helped conquer the area? Or fought in the crusades?
Next time we level I'll have to get Ulfen for Edward.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Ah, I see. Probably the Ulfen are to do with something in the history I don't know. Maybe they helped conquer the area? Or fought in the crusades?
Next time we level I'll have to get Ulfen for Edward.
There's isn't much mention about them during the Whispering Tyrant crisis. They're probably there for reasons of trade, mundane-I know, but that's probably how it went down.

Aldous Beauturne |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As far as Ustalav not speaking Hallit, they probably do, as least the Kellids do, but they aren't real people. According to the Ustalavic Varisians anyway.
Yep. Don't ask Doc about those filthy Kellids.
I used Romanian for the Varisian language, 'cause gypsies, and I think its pretty.
Latin seems perfect for Thassilonian, imo.

Henric Millair |

After many hours of work and changing my mind a few times, I'm pleased to introduce to you all Henric Millair, whose aim is just as dangerous as his crossbow.

Aldous Beauturne |

Cool. I've been wanting to see how the mesmer plays out. I originally built the Doctor as a mesmerist (and an alchemist), but couldn't quite get the fluff to work out. I love the mechanics of the class though - they look like they'd be a lot of fun to play.
The more I play the Doc, the more surprised I am at how much of a diplomat he is. I had originally pictured him as much more gruff. But, these characters always come out a little different when I actually play them.
Since it hasn't come into play yet, could I trade out the reactionary trait for the trusted trait?
People find it easy to put their faith in you.
Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks made to fool someone. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
The trait bonus won't stack with the lesser noble trait, but he's shaping up to be a very trustworthy guy. And diplomacy as a class skill would be nice. For some reason, the spiritualist doesn't get it, and Aldous will probably be putting some points there in the future.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Cool. I've been wanting to see how the mesmer plays out. I originally built the Doctor as a mesmerist (and an alchemist), but couldn't quite get the fluff to work out. I love the mechanics of the class though - they look like they'd be a lot of fun to play.
I had that problem with the Mesmerist as well, I actually think Mesmerist might be a bad name for the class. After listening to Peter Gabriel's "Games Without Frontiers" a few dozen times, I found my stride.
The more I play the Doc, the more surprised I am at how much of a diplomat he is. I had originally pictured him as much more gruff. But, these characters always come out a little different when I actually play them.
It's been fun watching that develop.
Since it hasn't come into play yet, could I trade out the reactionary trait for the trusted trait?
** spoiler omitted **
The trait bonus won't stack with the lesser noble trait, but he's shaping up to be a very trustworthy guy. And diplomacy as a class skill would be nice. For some reason, the spiritualist doesn't get it, and Aldous will probably be putting some points there in the future.
I don't have a problem with that.

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The scene with Amos will help a lot with the Droht's party unity. Being suspicious by nature, Amos upholding his word went a long long way for him.
I have been trying to work on some rumor stuff for him like the A team is doing, but since no one looked into each other's backgrounds before leaving town, I guess there is no need :).
I do have a developed background story for him though and I am sticking with it in character.
Anyone watching gridiron tomorrow?

Amos Windelton |

I am trying to take a more honorable spin on Asmodeus. Something that I don't see often enough. Everyone just thinks of him as the devil. But its so much more complex than that.

Aldous Beauturne |

@ Ivan: I haven't read Group A's stuff yet. I'll probably dig into that tomorrow. This rumor thing sounds interesting.
I'm afraid I'm not a football fan. Hockey, and to a lesser extent, baseball for me.
@ Amos: I'm interested to see what you do with it. Your take on an Asmodean has certainly piqued my interest.
Doc wanted to fend off Severin until their position is a little more solidified, and he didn't want anyone in the group being beholden to Severin (note, that he's ok with paying so that people are beholden to him :)
When it comes down to it though, Doc's probably just as suspicious of a worshipper of Asmodeus as Ivan is, though he's going to play poker about it. As Doc's said a few times, he doesn't gamble until he knows the rules of the house, and any House of Cheliax is gonna have a lot of rules built into the game...
@ Kyraska: I totally get it from your portrayal. Ky is exactly the guy who knows the guy! I'm interested to see what Ky's going to bring when we need some sweet talkin' done...

Amos Windelton |

@Aldous: So I am playing hims as a "Paladin" of Asmodeus, which obviously I couldn't do exactly so I built him as an oracle. As a paladin of a lawful god, he will go after chaotic being just like any other Paladin. I think its going to be fun.

Edward Caromarc |

My great-grandfather was Adolpho Caromarc, Count of all Vieland. Despite the inviolate tradition of Primogeniture, before he died he left his younger son - my grandfather Jornel - a large parcel of land in the Dipplemere swamp, near the Troll’s Tail river on the border of Lorezi and Vieland, and in the shadow of the Shudderwood. More than simply granting freehold to the land, he also created and granted the title of Earl. His eldest son Alpon, of course, was granted Count and County - and then lost it to the Palatines in 4670.
While I'm happy if it is true, it was not my intention to have Ed as the Count's direct heir. I hadn't really thought about it much.
While Ed is Jornel's heir, Adolpho may well have had children other than Jornel and Alpon. Those children may well have begotten entire other lines.
It would also be reasonable for them (if they were ahead in the line of succession) to marry into other noble families after 4670. Thus the Caromarc heir might be Odranti, for example.
I'm not sure whether the Ustalav legal code allows un-abdication, and, if so, how.
My understanding is that the plan for the adventure is to basically conquer the Shudderwood and present the Prince with a new Count as a fait accompli.

Aldous Beauturne |

Mircalla poses in what she obviously assumes is the way a gentleman's escort stands.
"One must act as needs must." she announces in a terrible upper class Taldane accent.
So, I think Mircalla is a pretty brilliant foil. Well done!
Got some activity for our DM to read today boy!
I like your plan a lot, Ivan, but have one question - Is Ascanor currently inhabited? I got the impression its been abandoned.
Either way, we can still pose as hunting nobles.

Aldous Beauturne |

The night shift is a harsh mistress that requires recuperation and leisure time.
I worked the night shift at a group home for awhile. I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.
Since Doc is being sociable in his last post, I figure he'd share some information with everyone.

Edward Caromarc |

I was thinking I'd like Ravenholm to look like this: Ravenholm

Aldous Beauturne |

I was thinking I'd like Ravenholm to look like this: Ravenholm
I'd live there!
Regarding watches, Doc is happy to let one of our more martially based PCs make that decision.

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

I think we are ready to move forward?
1st The Droht, Edward
2nd Amos, and the good doctor.
3rd Mircalla, bird, Ky, Henrich?

Edward Caromarc |

I worry about putting all the NPCs on the same shift ;P
Sounds good, though.
I'm good to move on. Got to catch up with the so-called "A" team :)

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I was thinking I'd like Ravenholm to look like this: Ravenholm
It could, the majority of it would be in shambles though.

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

I am here, I was posting and keeping the converstations going but things we kind of talked out. I was waiting for you to move things along and now you have.

Edward Caromarc |

For the record, Edward will explain to everyone how he knows what to do forever. Please don't let it hold up the game... actually making plans without knowing the state of Ascanor is probably foolish, but this does give a chance to demonstrate the character of the PCs.

Edward Caromarc |

Thank you!
@Bēl-Ṣullulim: Would it be okay if Ed summoned a swarm of crows instead of bats with a summon swarm spell? Mechanically they'd be identical.