About Edward CaromarcAbout Edward Caromarc
0: Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Message, Mending 1: Heightened Awareness, Charm Person, Snapdragon Fireworks, Mage Armour(C), Mage Armour(C), BLANK 2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II, Summon Swarm, Summon Swarm. Defense:
HP: 17 AC: 16 (10+(2 Dex)+(4 Armor)) Fort: +1; Ref: +3; Will: +3 Attack:
Melee: +0; Ranged: +3 Quarterstaff: +0; 1d6; 20/x2 crit; Acid Bolt: +3 (touch); 1d6+1 acid; 20/x2 crit; Skills:
Ranks: 21/27 (2 class + 5 Int +2 Background) Acrobatics 2 (+2 dex) Bluff 8 (+3 ranks +1 cha +1 trait from extremely fashionable +3 class) Climb -1 (-1 str) Diplomacy 5 (+3 ranks +1 cha +1 trait from Lesser Noble) Disable Device 2 (+2 dex) Disguise 1 (+1 cha) Escape Artist 2 (+2 dex) Fly 8 (1 rank +2 dex +2 racial +3 class) Heal 1 (+1 wis) Intimidate 2 (+1 cha +1 trait from extremely fashionable) Kn Arcana 11 (3 ranks +5 int +3 class) Kn Dungeon 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn Local 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn Nature 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn Planes 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn Religion 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Perception 5 (2 ranks +1 wis +2 racial) Ride 2 (+2 dex) Sense Motive 1 (+1 wis) Spellcraft 11 (3 ranks +5 int +3 class) Stealth 2 (+2 dex) Survival 2 (1 rank +1 wis) Swim -1 (-1 str) UMD +1 (+1 cha) Background Skills Appraise 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn Eng 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn Geography 9(1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn History 9 (1 rank +5 int +3 class) Kn Nobility 11 (2 ranks +5 int +1 trait from Lesser Noble +3 class) Feats:
Traits & Drawbacks:
Traits & Drawbacks Drawback: Hedonistic: Whenever you spend a day without gaining reward or treasure (at least 10 or more gold pieces) or spending an hour on entertainment or pleasure, attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of that day. If you fail, you begin the next day fatigued. This fatigue lasts 4 hours, or until you receive a reward or sufficient entertainment or pleasure. Regional: Lesser Noble: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge(nobility) 2: Natural Leader: All cohorts, followers, or summoned creatures under your leadership gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves to avoid mind-affecting effects. If you ever take the Leadership feat, you gain a +1trait bonus to your Leadership score. 3: Extremely Fashionable Class Features:
Arcane School is Sloth (Thassilonian Sin Mage Conjuration School) Prohibited Schools are Illusion, Necromancy which he cannot use at all, as they are modified by Sin magic. Summoner’s Charm (Su): +1 round on Conjuration (Summoning) Spells Acid Dart (Sp): 8/day 30’ ranged touch attack does 1d6+1 acid ignores SR Apprentice: Use Intelligence instead of Charisma to determine Leadership Score. 1st level Conjuration Wizard Cohort who cannot take Item Creation feats. Proficiencies: Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Spells:
0th: all known except prohibited schools. 4/day. DC 15 Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Bleed , Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation 1st: 10 known. 6/day (2 base, +2 from int, +2 conjuration) DC 16 Mage Armour [C] Summon Minor Monster [C] Summon Monster I [C] Heightened Awareness [D] True Strike [D] Gravity Bow [T] Polypurpose Panacea Snapdragon Fireworks [T] Protection From Evil [A] Charm Person [E] 2nd: 2 known. 4/day (1 base +1 from int, +2 conjuration) DC 17 Summon Swarm [C] Summon Monster II [C] Gear:
Noble’s Outfit 75gp Quarterstaff (free) Jewelry & ring 100gp Wizard’s kit 21gp Playing Cards 1gp 2870 gp Ravensholm 33 gp Background:
A summary of the background is below. More can be found here = however this is very much a work in progress. * Edward Caromarc inherits a very small fortune from his grandfather. * Should also get an Earldom (but Palatine) * He proceeds to blow his fortune on studying in Leipstadt University, Riddleport, and Kaer Maga. * Destitute he walks home and consults the lawyers * All that remains is the Ravenholm Hunting Lodge and a stipend that pays for its resupply. * Goes to Ravensholm (see below for details) - which is basically a large village/small town * Is surprised by the number of people. * SO many ravens and crows. * People are primitive and sort of bestial looking. Primitive wizardry. * Acknowledgement of his title, but others have seized power in his "absence". * Finds the records room - ruined. The Ravenholm people have been secretly picking the eyes out of the collection in the hopes of acquiring magical power. * Records room shows history of Ravenholm. ** Established at Earthfall by Azlanti who became wereravens to survive. ** Generations of deliberate breeding to breed out traits left them non-infectious shifters. ** Breeding to create different types of were raven - even a permanently raven form with higher intelligence ** Kellids emerge: Ravensholm people become the Crow (Karak) Marked People. * Discovers the people are raven-shifters. * Discovers his grandfather used and bred them, and took in Sarkorians during the Demonskin war. * Despises the people as shifters, tieflings and half breeds. * Ashamed of what his grandfather had done. Decides to leave the people alone. * Assassination attempt * Unearths more recent records ** Ustalav is founded: name is varisianised to karakmark ** Efforts are made to breed out a ruling class, which is bred into Ustalavic nobility ** Name becomes Caromarc * Shocked, frightened and ashamed he realises he is a breeding experiment, and presumably a monster. * Decides to fulfill his 'purpose' and reestablish Caromarc dominance over Ravenholm, Vieland and Ustalav. * Offers to teach ‘his’ people, turning them once more into a magical power behind the throne. * Puts out feelers, and comes into contact with Beauturne Appearance:
If one were to sum up Edward Norrys Caromarc in one word, it would be this: fashionable. While his exact look varies according to circumstance and his budget, his is intimately familiar with the Lore of clothing. He knows what is in fashion - and when. He understands when one must wear a hat, and what type of hat to wear. More, he genuinely cares. Edward Norrys, Wizard Lord Edward’s outfit is black trimmed in intricate golden runes. In his hands is a carved walking staff topped with twisted silvered demon bone. On his left little finger is a tiny onyx ring with a Varisian Rune, on his middle finger a Caromarc signet shows his claim to the name. Tiny square silver cufflinks set with an inverted triangle - the latest subtle symbol of opposition - show his disgust for the Palatines. Thin - some would say gaunt - and with the look of a man who has lost a deal of weight recently, his eyes are dark, his gaze piercing. His hair is shiny and black - save for a touch of grey at the chin to convey the wisdom he holds, and a faint line creased above his eye that leads to a faint scar. Ravensholm: