Edward Caromarc |

Normally I do as well. It was early, and I was doing it while I drink my morning coffee. I figured it'd be a short post... sadly it was decreasing the size that took all the effort.
Are we okay to have known each other before hand? Seems like some of us might. If you want a band of strangers though, we should hold off.

Edward Caromarc |

Vladimyr: you went to Leipstadt as well, right? How recently?
Aldous: did you attend a place of learning?
Kryaska: what city did Kryaska reside within?
Amos: Where has Windleton wandered?
At the risk of being too mechanical... do we actually have a source of healing?

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |
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Vladimir Zukarov, Rightful Droht of Vakia, saw the mouldering walls of the place they were to meet. He cursed inwardly at the lack of horse let alone a carriage to carry him to the gates properly. He adjusts the heavy bladed weapons in his sash about his waist and presses on.
Driving to Boise still, but getting crunch calculated.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Please refer to Marris Ghalmont for character status formatting.
Specifically, I want everyone to copy this set-up:
Race: NE Varisian
Classes/Levels: Vexing Daredevil 3 | HP: 22 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +8 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +7 | Active conditions: |

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I've created an OOC discussion thread for both groups here, should you feel the need, as I do, to discuss both games at once.

Fighting Chicken |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Healing available from:
Amos Windelton, Metal Oracle
Healing could become available from:
Aldous Beauturne, Spiritualist
Aldous has a wand of CLW with 25 charges, but he doesn't have it on his spells known list. He'll probably get CMW and heal as he levels. The spiritualist spell list is pretty great from spell levels 2+, and they don't get many spells known, so I've got some tough decisions to make.
Profile is updated to your format, Bēl-Ṣullulim. Please let me know if you'd like any changes made.

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

I pulled a late night to get him done. Please review, I didn't know how much wealth, etc. so I added some mwk weapons and +1armor. It can all be changed.

Fighting Chicken |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Aldous is still showing as a Fractured Mind in his character information.
Thanks. I think I caught them all. I also had him listed as NE in the tagline, which isn't accurate - though selfish and definitely willing to get his hands dirty, Aldous's motivations for his actions are for the good of the people of Ustalav - he's more a solid N in my opinion.
I've got a few questions to round my character out.
1) I still need two languages. Undead of course speak their languages of life, and I've chosen the languages of the three main ethnic groups of Ustalav already. I figure the Doctor would have studied the languages of his foes, but aside from undead, I'm not sure what creatures are common enough in Ustalav to warrant the study of their languages. Orc, from raiding parties from Belzken? Likewise, Kellid? Any creature types common to the country except undead?
2) How should I do Brogol's hp? Right now I've got him down for PFS style (half +1 + con) for a total of 7/hd (21 total).
3) I realized last night that the main features of the despair phantom are fear based (I don't have my book with me, but I assume they are mind-affecting as well). This may be too metagamey, so feel free not to answer, but given the prominent nature of undead in Ustalav, am I shooting myself in the foot by taking the despair phantom? Anger and zeal would also probably work for Brogol's personality.
4) I'm a little confused by the skills entry in the book. Normally outsiders get 6+ int skills per level. The table says the phantoms start with two skills, and they gain 2/hd as they go on. Then there's some incoherent wording about int scores above the base value (I'll quote it to you when I get home tonight). Then there's the language about the two free skill ranks per level (in Brogol's case, Intimidate and Stealth). So, I think there's three ways of interpreting this. Right now, given Brogol's int of 7, I'm using option A, but I hope it is one of the others.
4a) The 2 skill ranks on the phantom table are modified by int mod (minimum 1). So, all phantoms actually start the game at 1 sp/hd due to the intelligence penalty, plus their free skill ranks.
4b) The 2 skill ranks on the phantom table take into account the int penalty (meaning that a 10 int phantom would get 4 skills/hd), plus the free skill ranks for its emotional focus. A starting phantom gets 2 skill ranks + the 2 free ranks.
4c) The phantom actually gets outsider skill ranks, aducated as follows: 6 base -2 int penalty, for a total of 4/hd. The free skill ranks as stated are not really free, but actually mandatory for the phantom to take every level. Thus, the 1 hd phantom gets 4 skill ranks, two of which must be chosen from the emotional focus's skills. This option is pretty similar mechanically to option b, and the math works out best in regards to the outsider entry in the PRD.
4d) Of course, there is also the option of giving the phantom outsider skill ranks (it is an outsider after all) plus the free skill ranks. This would give a 1 hd phantom 6 ranks -2 int penalty + the free ranks, for a total of 6. This seems beyond the design intent though.
I didn't know how much wealth, etc.
Starting wealth is 3100 gp, taking into account the lesser noble trait.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I pulled a late night to get him done. Please review, I didn't know how much wealth, etc. so I added some mwk weapons and +1armor. It can all be changed.
Fighting Chicken is correct:
Starting gold: Each character starts with 3,100 gold to buy their initial equipment, this total includes income from the Lesser Noble trait.
So, double check that. In any case, on the surface your character looks fine, but you didn't "show your work" with the skills, so I can't say if those modifiers are accurate.
1) I still need two languages. Undead of course speak their languages of life, and I've chosen the languages of the three main ethnic groups of Ustalav already. I figure the Doctor would have studied the languages of his foes, but aside from undead, I'm not sure what creatures are common enough in Ustalav to warrant the study of their languages. Orc, from raiding parties from Belzken? Likewise, Kellid?
I love that you asked those questions.
Intelligent undead and followers of the Whispering Way speak Necril.
Orcs are definitely a problem people look out for on the west side of the country.
Many lower class people are Kellids by blood, and may secretly still follow the old ways, and the old tongue.
Aklo is common among the Old Cults.
Undercommon might not go to waste either.
Any creature types common to the country except undead?
Yeah, shapeshifters, aberrations, and dragons to name a few.
2) How should I do Brogol's hp? Right now I've got him down for PFS style (half +1 + con) for a total of 7/hd (21 total).
1st level: Full HD+Con. 2nd level+: Half HD+Con.
3) I realized last night that the main features of the despair phantom are fear based (I don't have my book with me, but I assume they are mind-affecting as well). This may be too metagamey, so feel free not to answer, but given the prominent nature of undead in Ustalav, am I shooting myself in the foot by taking the despair phantom? Anger and zeal would also probably work for Brogol's personality.
If I recall correctly, I did recommend you take the anger phantom.
But it depends on who you make friends with during the campaign, sure there could be some undead skulking about, but if you encounter the Whispering Way and piss them off, then it's undead up to your nose til Sunday. That being said, your primary foes are the current rulers of Lozeri, all human and subject to despair.
4) I'm a little confused by the skills entry in the book. Normally outsiders get 6+ int skills per level. The table says the phantoms start with two skills, and they gain 2/hd as they go on. Then there's some incoherent wording about int scores above the base value (I'll quote it to you when I get home tonight). Then there's the language about the two free skill ranks per level (in Brogol's case, Intimidate and Stealth). So, I think there's three ways of interpreting this. Right now, given Brogol's int of 7, I'm using option A, but I hope it is one of the others.
Unfortunately, it's going to be option A. So with his low Int, he'll only get the free ranks.

Fighting Chicken |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

languages stuff
Great! I've got lots of options then.
1st level: Full HD+Con. 2nd level+: Half HD+Con.
Excellent, thank you. I'll appreciate the little bit of staying power early on, and perhaps free up that space for toughness.
If I recall correctly, I did recommend you take the anger phantom.
But it depends on who you make friends with during the campaign, sure there could be some undead skulking about, but if you encounter the Whispering Way and piss them off, then it's undead up to your nose til Sunday. That being said, your primary foes are the current rulers of Lozeri, all human and subject to despair.
Indeed you did, and I'm seriously considering it. I'll have to see what the wording says for the despair phantom abilities when I get home.
Also, note to self: don't piss of the WW :)
Unfortunately, it's going to be option A. So with his low Int, he'll only get the free ranks.
Cool. So, just to clarify, Brogol gets the minimum 1 per HD skill rank, plus the free ranks, or just the free ranks and 0 per HD? SRD says:
Thanks for the clarifications, Bēl-Ṣullulim!

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

Aldous Beauturne |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vladimyr: you went to Leipstadt as well, right? How recently?
Aldous: did you attend a place of learning?
Kryaska: what city did Kryaska reside within?
Amos: Where has Windleton wandered?
Sorry Edward, I forgot to respond to this. Aldous did indeed attend Lepistadt University, where he studied medicine, per the wishes of his parents. As Aldous is approaching middle age, he would have graduated about 17 years ago. It was there that he first found his interest in the occult and dark corners of Ustalav, finding his time was spent pouring over old histories and books of occultism, horror, and magic - much moreso than studying.
He's since been back many times to lecture about topics related to anatomy and medicine, as well as to meet clandestinely with academics of a similar bent. Aldous has also spent time at the Quarterfaux Archives in Caliphas - often as a researcher, twice as a fellow, and every year or two as a lecturer.

Fighting Chicken |

Ivan's Shamshir, The Kindjal of the Droht of Vacia, and some other cool Eastern European style weapons. 5 Pictures
Cool. Now I want to ditch my crossbow ;)
For the longest time I thought Pathfinder feat advancement was still every third level, silly me.
I did the same thing.
I'm mostly finished with my character. I'm going to keep the despair phantom. Weirdly, its level 7 ability is not a mind-affecting fear effect - every other one of its abilities is. The Aura is just a fear effect. Meaning RAW, it can affect some things that most fear effects can't - like sentient undead. There aren't too many fear effects that aren't also mind-affecting, but there is a precedent - haunting mists. I'm not sure if there are others out there.
Another strange spiritualist issue: bestow curse is both a third and fourth level spell. Hopefully there is some errata out there before I hit 7th level, and I'll probably take some other spells first, but I wanted to make you aware of that wrinkle that may need to be addressed down the line (or now, if you prefer).
Just have to figure out a little more gear now. I'm going to ditch the magic fang wand - Brogol gets magic attacks next level. Can I buy some special bolts as if they were arrows, for the same price with the same riders (of course base damage would remain as a bolt). I'd like to pick up some bolts as if they were arrows from this list.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I'd like to pick up some bolts as if they were arrows from this list.
That's fine.
I'm glad they gave the phantom something to do when fighting "mindless" stuff.

Ivan Zukarov, The Droht of Vacia |

Okay I am good on money
+1 agile breast plate 1550
Mwk saw backed Shamshir 320
mwk cold iron Kindjal 330
Pauilel +3 str comp longbow 745
Hand axe 6
Cestus 5
Dagger included in one of the gear packages.
3045 gp
Spent the rest on my incidentals, mess kit, shaving kit, stationary, adventurers basics etc.
I don't have enough for thieves tools
Have a few coins left, but not much.

Edward Caromarc |

Edward Caromarc wrote:Vladimyr: you went to Leipstadt as well, right? How recently?
Aldous: did you attend a place of learning?
Sorry Edward, I forgot to respond to this. Aldous did indeed attend Lepistadt University, where he studied medicine, per the wishes of his parents. As Aldous is approaching middle age, he would have graduated about 17 years ago. It was there that he first found his interest in the occult and dark corners of Ustalav, finding his time was spent pouring over old histories and books of occultism, horror, and magic - much moreso than studying.
He's since been back many times to lecture about topics related to anatomy and medicine, as well as to meet clandestinely with academics of a similar bent. Aldous has also spent time at the Quarterfaux Archives in Caliphas - often as a researcher, twice as a fellow, and every year or two as a lecturer.
Edward is a much more recent graduate. I can see that he might well have done a bit of study on the biological sciences, only to decide they were a bit too messy for him.
On the other hand if this biology also veered into cryptozoology - especially deducing biology from stories - I can see that being significantly more interesting.It's been a while since I've played the younger scholar of a pair - if you're interested in this it would also help with the "we both have SO many knowledges" when identifying monsters, as each new monster is a chance to have lectures and therefore callbacks to Brogol.
Vladimyr: you want in on this as well?

Fighting Chicken |

Edward is a much more recent graduate. I can see that he might well have done a bit of study on the biological sciences, only to decide they were a bit too messy for him.On the other hand if this biology also veered into cryptozoology - especially deducing biology from stories - I can see that being significantly more interesting.
It's been a while since I've played the younger scholar of a pair - if you're interested in this it would also help with the "we both have SO many knowledges" when identifying monsters, as each new monster is a chance to have lectures and therefore callbacks to Brogol.
I've always pictured the Ustalav setting as having a very extensive community - if somewhat hidden due to the generally superstitious nature of most of the people of the country - of people studying things like cryptozoology, the occult, conspiracies, undeath, and other similar subjects. In my mind, this community operates a bit in the open, in the dark corners of more traditional scientific disciplines, like biology, physics, alchemy, and anatomy. Seen as obsessive, deranged, and quite possibly immoral by their more mainstream peers, they are none-the-less grudgingly accepted, due to their contributions to the more mainstream sciences. As an aside, the common superstitious Ustalav peasant probably sees these psuedo-scientists as completely evil, treading in knowledge best left uncovered.
I'm not sure how this all lines up with Bēl-Ṣullulim's Ustalav, though.
Regardless, the Doctor is certainly into fields such as cryptozoology, and has written some articles on the very subject. It is quite possible that Edward knows of or has met Aldous at some point in the past.
How established is Edward? Would the Doctor have heard of him?
As for the knowledge skills we both have, there is certainly going to be some overlap, and I'm pretty excited about it. There's some good RP opportunity there, as you mention. Plus, mechanically, we're pretty well insulated from bad rolls. Long term, I suspect that due to the wizard's intelligence focus, you'll far outstrip me in our abilities, but I'm going to do my best to keep up!
Perhaps we could also each have spheres of knowledges that our characters are most interested in? I see the Doctor's interests being in the following skills: Religion, Nature, Dungeoneering, Linguistics, Heal. I'll also be putting a rank every level into Intimidate and UMD. Otherwise, I'll be splitting the rest of my ranks every level between the other knowledges, Alchemy, Sense Motive, Bluff, and Spellcraft. There's certainly not enough to go around for me, so I'll be lagging on some pretty important knowledges, such as Arcana, Local and Planes.

Edward Caromarc |

That sounds great. Ed's not human, and he's only a 2+int class. Skill points are going to be at a premium! I also want to buy up a bunch of social skills and perception, so that doesn't help...
I did want to make sure that he had at least 1 rank in every knowledge skill because I hate it when I'm playing a smart character who can't know about something easy.
As we level up you'll leave him behind.
Edward's not well established. He still considers himself a student. He's a dilettante: interested in everything but with no real focus. Added to that is the time he loses "decompressing" due to his drawback.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I've always pictured the Ustalav setting as having a very extensive community - if somewhat hidden due to the generally superstitious nature of most of the people of the country - of people studying things like cryptozoology, the occult, conspiracies, undeath, and other similar subjects. In my mind, this community operates a bit in the open, in the dark corners of more traditional scientific disciplines, like biology, physics, alchemy, and anatomy. Seen as obsessive, deranged, and quite possibly immoral by their more mainstream peers, they are none-the-less grudgingly accepted, due to their contributions to the more mainstream sciences. As an aside, the common superstitious Ustalav peasant probably sees these psuedo-scientists as completely evil, treading in knowledge best left uncovered.
I'm not sure how this all lines up with Bēl-Ṣullulim's Ustalav, though.
That works for me. Secret societies are right on par.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Working on getting the character details to this alias, but figured would go ahead and post. :)
Looking forward to this as it looks to be a very interesting game. :)
What's your timetable for finishing your character?
If I don't hear back from Ixxix tonight we're going to start the game going and assume he isn't interested anymore, though I'll still give him the week before I axe his character.

Edward Caromarc |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So - secret society with a 'mundane' name, that acted as a secret club for exchanging information? Could steal a page from Lovecraft and just do it as a bunch of people that keep exchanging letters with attached 'articles'. A sort of
Dear Dr Beauturne,
thank you again for forwarding me the excerpt on the Star Lions. Thank goodness you noted that the 'tongue' I noted in my disection diagrams was a larval form of the damned Akata. I armed myself and a squad of the surviving villagers with salt water, and we tracked down the damned thing. It was hibernating in the smuggler's cave, trapped by the ocean. The cracked open coffin in which it must have gestated bore crowbar marks.
I surmise that an infected corpse was buried, hatched, hibernated, then dug up by grave robbers. They were presumably expecting to find treasure, but instead were attacked. They stumbled into the surf, and the Akata once again found itself trapped. We dodged a bolt on this one - had the Akata itself gotten free it might have led to a wave of infection over the whole continent.
I have enclosed a jar with some of the cocoon material. I warn you both that it degrades quickly in contact with air and of course that there may be larval young hibernating within.
Yours gratefully,
P Lorrimor

Edward Caromarc |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm used to speech like this :
"You must be mad!" he exclaimed
and thought like this:
He must be mad! thought a terrified Caromarc Best to play along.
Is this the standard? I've seen a lot of them, and I don't want us making a mistake and 'thinking out loud'.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

So - secret society with a 'mundane' name, that acted as a secret club for exchanging information? Could steal a page from Lovecraft and just do it as a bunch of people that keep exchanging letters with attached 'articles'.
I'm used to speech like this :
"You must be mad!" he exclaimed
and thought like this:
He must be mad! thought a terrified Caromarc Best to play along.Is this the standard? I've seen a lot of them, and I don't want us making a mistake and 'thinking out loud'.
Yes, we'll be using that dialog formatting for the game.

Edward Caromarc |

If I don't hear back from Ixxix tonight we're going to start the game going and assume he isn't interested anymore, though I'll still give him the week before I axe his character.

Edward Caromarc |

@Bēl-Ṣullulim: How do you want to handle cohorts.
I have decided to name Edward's apprentice Mircalla.
Are you okay if I post 'for' her in most situations?
Do you want to stat her up, or should I?