Jacob Romero |
Sorry for the delay. Missed the updates.
Prestidigitation couldn't clean the bed at the inn enough to make him comfortable in sleeping in it so he slept on the boat. Clean sheets were always better than a comfortable bed. The next day he was stiff but clean.
Another day passes and their next stop is...something. Hopefully it really was a mansion. "I couldn't care less if the ghosts are real or not as long as the place is clean. I can clean myself down to the smallest particle and I still feel like I need a bath after the village." He readily follows the other up to the mansion or leads the way if they are reticent.
Aldric Beauturne |
Aldric displays an uncharacteristic enthusiasm about the stop. I had heard many stories growing up around here. I am eager to see just where the stories might meet reality...
The slayer proceeds to bring his gear along this time, perhaps ready for something more "exciting".
Marris Ghalmont |
Marris leaves his pack on the keelboat and steps up onto the dock, rubbing his lower back. "I could use a soft bed, seems I haven't the constitution to live on a boat."
He gives the sign a curious look, then pokes at it with his cane, "I think this is implying the place is haunted. Haven't heard of it myself, then again, I don't think I've ever been in Odranto before."
Chester the Necromancer |
"Well, come on, then. No way to know if we don't see for ourselves, is there?" Chester loops an arm around Aldric's back and Yazmine's waist to ferry them along with him as he ascends the path to the inn. Hopefully, they have a few rooms available, though a haunted house is unlikely to be in high demand here in Ustalav. Or so he hopes.
Yazmine Khera |
Yasmine allows herself to be lead off by Chester. It didn't take much convincing for that to happen; she was just glad to be back on solid land. "Do you suppose it's really haunted then? Ustalav does have an abnormally Hugh number of reported haunt sightings. And that doesn't even count the corporeal undead that plague some areas..."
Aldric Beauturne |
Of course its haunted, or so the stories say. I for one am very interested to discover the truth. It will give Chester and Jacob here ample opportunity to prove to us their mettle with the forces of the beyond... Aldric seems uniquely excited about the prospect and eagerly pushes onward with Chester's arm around him...
Chester the Necromancer |
"You can thank the Whispering Tyrant for the legions of the undead that plague this land. As for the haunts, sometimes the dead are not so keen on passing on when violently slain. But there are always ways to deal with such forces." At the mention of proving his mettle, Chester lets out a chuckle and he pats Aldric on the shoulder in the friendliest manner he can manage.
"Fear not, Aldric, I've no doubt that between the pair of us, we can protect you from whatever otherworldly creatures we may face," he replies with more than a bit of amusement. More likely, the larger man will be doing the protecting but only time will tell. Perhaps there will be some that can be conscripted into service for their cause within the estate, whether forcibly or otherwise. If nothing else, the evening promises to be exciting enough merely from what their imaginations might conjure up.
Kiara Alina |
"Well thats a weight of my shoulders, knowing that two of us can safely handle any undead we come across, especially since most of them would probably laugh at most of the magic that I have prepared" Kiara responds, slight anxious about heading into a haunted area, but still slightly reassured by some of the groups confidence.
Bēl-Ṣullulim |
The path to House Beumhal is well maintained, lanterns running along either side. As you trek toward the house, you encounter a portly gentleman lighting each of the lanterns. His clothing is well appointed, and tailored to his type, and his eyes sparkle in the firelight as you approach. "And a good evening to you travelers!" He gives a theatrical bow. "Welcome to the House Beumhal, I am Renault Pinough, innkeeper, it is a pleasure. You must excuse my tartiness in lighting the path, I assure you it adds a magical, almost romantic, ambiance to the journey. You can see for yourself, of course, from here all lanterns are lit."
Yazmine Khera |
Yazmine gives the man a polite smile and theatrically makes a show of looking up the path. "Indeed, you're right! Well kept place. Most haunted houses you hear about in storybooks are run down and the grounds are not much better. So tell me," she says, lowering her voice near the end. "Are the rumors true? Haunts really creep the walls of this establishment in the night?"
Aldric Beauturne |
Aldric simply bows his head in return to the innkeepers introduction allowing the other's questions to linger in the air without adding any of his own.
Bēl-Ṣullulim |
"Dear ladies, House Beumhal is indeed haunted, but not maliciously. We've come to think of the ghostly happenings as an exciting extra to our fine quality room and board!" He gesticulates with his lamplighter, "House Beumhal is the finest and most interesting commendation, I daresay, in all of Ustalav!"
Chester the Necromancer |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Wow. Well, that was unexpected.
Chester narrows his eyes at their host's comments regarding the hauntings, but does not pry. No sense in making enemies where there are none. Instead, he offers a bright smile and nods along with Renault's introduction. "The pleasure is ours, my good man. I trust that you have accommodations for all of us within, yes?"
At Kiara's question, he turns a knowing look as his smile shrinks down to one of idle amusement. "Some find that areas possessing of a supernatural inclination draw feelings of both fear and intense personal attachment to those around them. A desire to be protected by those who are perhaps stronger, smarter, or better equipped than oneself."
Yazmine Khera |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Yazmine's eyes narrow, but much like Chester, she holds her tongue. There would be time for discussion once she had a chance to assess the situation up at their lodgings for herself. She was quite aware that her particular skill set was close to useless against those from beyond the grave, but she had also heard of others who had overcome it. Maybe she would learn a thing or two, if nothing else.
"Quite reassuring!" she said brightly to the innkeeper. "Will you be escorting us to the path to your establishment, or will we make our own way and find your underlings at our disposal there?"
Jacob Romero |
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 9 Yeah, didn't think so.
Jacob didn't trust him. But he didn't really trust anyone so that was normal. But because he lacked a lot personal interactions with...the living, he missed some of the subtleties of fear. He insead latched onto the last part. "As long as your...fine, accommodations are better than the last place, ghosts will be a minor inconvenience."
Can I control a ghost? What happens to the ones in the bag? Interesting concepts. This should at least prove educational.
Aldric Beauturne |
SM: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Aldric proceeds unaware of any concerns from his peers. At Kiara's comment the slayer can only smirk slightly as he walks, I think Chester was more implying that someone of a certain dashing air and keen intellect might be the type that some might run too...
Continuing on, I could use a good bed for the night. I suppose a lack of anything too dramatic might actually be good as far as our travels go though somewhat disappointing when compared with some of the stories. Ah well.
Bēl-Ṣullulim |
Renault beams, "I'm sure you'll find everything to your satisfaction. My dear," he indicated to Yazmine, "the path is well lit and well kept, you shouldn't have any trouble without me. In the meantime, I must continue my lamplighting, but I will check in with you, ladies and gentlemen, as soon as I return to the house. I really do hope each of you enjoys your visit with us."
Marris Ghalmont |
Marris cocks his head slightly as he listens to the fat man's prattling. "I'm sure," he glowers in response, "the accommodations will suffice. Shall we?" He looks over at his companions expectantly, his eyes glazed over in indifference.
The spirits had better keep to themselves...I'll get some rest or the house will burn down. See how they like haunting that.
Kiara Alina |
"Wonderful", Kiara remarks, still slightly skeptical but reassured that the gentleman at least knows how to run an establishment. Still concerned with spirits, Kiara hesitates at the threshold, before shrugging and walking on through. Its not like I haven't handled worse she reflects.
Chester the Necromancer |
"Less bugs, indeed," Chester agrees as he forges onward up the path to the house itself. Kiara steps within first, but he is right behind her with Aldric and Yazmine in tow. Even if there are no true haunting here, the owner's efforts to keep up appearances should prove... Interesting, if nothing else. Just the same, Chester finds himself actually looking forward to a bit of excitement and a brush with the supernatural. Even if it does interrupt his beauty sleep.
Bēl-Ṣullulim |
After a few more minutes of walking up the lantern lit path, you approach the entrance to the house. It's well appointed and maintained, from the dark masonry of the first floor to the white washed wood walls of the second, third and fourth story. And then, suddenly, as if on cue, a blue light shines out of one of the fourth story windows, grows, splits, and then there's the silhouette of a head, framing those lights as baleful eyes. Then it's gone.
Yazmine Khera |
"Or that the staff are right on cue with those haunting effects," Yazmine says with a gleeful smile at Kiara. Yazmine was never one for believing in the whimsical before all logical explanations were thoroughly explored. "I think I'm going to like it here. I may even tip more if they manage to give me a good startle," she mused.
Aldric Beauturne |
Aldric nods at the others and casts an eye at Chester, raising an eyebrow to see what the affable cleric has to say...
Chester the Necromancer |
Know(religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 To see if he can pinpoint what it is, exactly.
Chester's brows lift in mild surprise, but he does not seem particularly put off by the phantom's manifestation. It does seem just a bit convenient that this should happen right as they arrive, but Yazmine has already pointed that out. "Perhaps the ghosts within are simply growing tired of the staff and wish for some fresh blood. Though I hope not literally, it would certainly give a bit of flavor to the otherwise mundane journey thus far," he chimes in with a soft chuckle. Even with the appearance of a spiritual visitor, he still pushes forward with every intent on seeing just what manner of accommodations they will be forced to endure.
Chester the Necromancer |
Chester leans over to murmur to Aldric as they step into the mansion, keeping his voice low and his tone jovial.
"The clerk lighting lamps was lying. Rather blatantly. That figure at the window was most certainly some manner of apparition. It would be prudent to be prepared. Inform the others, but subtly. Now, chuckle as though I've told you a joke."
A broad smile crosses the cleric's features as he straightens again, continuing on into where they plan to be staying. He was willing to bet that this would be a sleepless night for at least one of them, if not all.
Aldric Beauturne |
Aldric rolls his eyes and offers a soft chortle. As the group continues its approach Aldric motions to the others, Well I would like for us all to get settled and perhaps have dinner or drinks with one another. Further refine our plans and discuss our next steps as we approach our destination.
Yazmine Khera |
"Dinner sounds lovely," Yasmine cooed. She was in a pleasant mood since disembarking off the boat, and she couldn't imagine a single thing ruining her mood. Well, that wasn't true, she could imagine quite a bit that would upset upset her, but none of it was likely to occur this evening. "Perhaps even a dessert. I think I've lost enough lunches over the side of the boat that I could afford an evening of indulgence." She gives her tummy a quick pat before unhooking herself from Chester and continuing in, looking for a staff to see about rooms for the night and meals for their bellies.
Jacob Romero |
Jacob was more than a little skeptical about the whole ghost story. Many places had such gimmicks to draw in customers. So when he say the eyes in the window he figured it was a magical trick. He would need to prepare detection magic for tomorrow to be sure. Divination. Ugh. Talk of food reduced his scowl to human levels though. A decent meal sounded like a good start to a comfortable stay. "Lead the way."
Bēl-Ṣullulim |
The group enters through the mansion's large double-doors and into the receiving area. The coat taker's station has been converted into a receptionist desk, behind which stands a smirking man with a pencil mustache. "Good evening, welcome to House Beumhal, how many rooms and guests?" He casually picks up a writing quill and dabs it in some ink, ready to notate the arrangements.
The room is appointed in reds and purples drapes, and the hardwood flooring covered strategically in lush rugs of complementary colors. The entry into the rest of the house is kept by two purple curtains, controlled by a rope that hangs just behind the receptionist.
Kiara Alina |
With all her usual trademark diplomacy and tact, Kiara points at the rope behind the receptionist. "Is that the same rope that the bloke who used to own this place used to hang himself?" she enquires, delighted for another opportunity to make these people even more uncomfortable.
Chester the Necromancer |
A swift glance around the interior of the mansion draws a relieved sigh from Chester; this is very much within his element. Not that he has any issue with delving into ancient ruins and dank dungeons, but the comfort of luxury is always welcome. With a quirked brow in Kiara's direction, Chester steps up to the desk and offers what he hopes to be a friendly smile. "Good evening, indeed. Five rooms and seven guests, if you please. Unless some of us wish to room together, which I rather doubt. And will there be a dinner service or shall we simply order what we wish to have?"
Aldric Beauturne |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Aldric nods after Chester to confirm the numbers and questions while slowly eyeing the interior of the house as though chartering its ins and outs, passages and routes...
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Yeah, he sees the front door, and a set of stairs and...oh look! a group of travelers...
Bēl-Ṣullulim |
The wiry man fails to take Kiara's statement in stride, "Miss, all of our guests are given a guided tour of the house's museum, which, of course, holds such items. I'm sure you'll be delighted."
The man then nods to Chester, and glances around at each member of the group, in case there are any wishing to share a room.
Marris Ghalmont |
Marris examines the room as he waits for their rooms to be finalized, and gives the wiry man a slight shake of the head after Chester's pronouncement.
Yazmine Khera |
Yazmine cants her head to look at Kiara. "Kiara and I could always share a room. Braid each other's hair, and what not. That is typically what the women back home did. And gossip about men and other issues, but I think both of us may be above such petty idle chatter."
Chester the Necromancer |
"Four rooms, seven guests, then. I don't suppose we have already missed dinner service this evening? Or does your establishment not host such amenities?" Chester asks as he casts a glance around the entryway as though trying to work out just what amount of comfort they offer to their patrons.
Jacob Romero |
Jacob's scowl lessens a few more degrees upon arrival in the house's reception room. Reds and purples were indicative of nobility and royalty. That bode well for the state of the rooms and likely the price tag but that was no concern of his. He had made decent money selling spells once his apprenticeship was over. More than any commoner anyway. He says nothing about the arrangements since they were fine to him. He couldn't care less what the others did as long as he had a room to himself.
Yazmine Khera |
"Lovely!" Yazmine exclaims as she clasps her hands together. "I always find spooky things much more enjoyable in pairs. makes you feel a touch less foolish and a touch more safe."
She takes a quick look to Jacob. "Oh, I can see your wrinkles are smoothing out already. Now let's find something to eat before I have to get on the god forsaken boat again."
Bēl-Ṣullulim |
"Excellent..." he writes down the particulars, "we are accustomed to entertaining guests at all hours, I will inform the kitchen staff to prepare dinner. An attendant will be visiting your rooms to ensure your comfort and to collect our modest fee." He picks up a bell from a shelf under the desk and summons a young man in tightly fitted, and worn, clothing. "Show our guests to the second floor, three rooms with double beds and one single. Clear?"
"Yes Sir! Follow me please." The youth smiles at the assembled party as the wiry name opens the curtain, then gestures for everyone to follow him.
Aldric Beauturne |
Aldric gestures for the others to follow first as he continues to look around. Once the others are on their way the large man will follow up behind them.