Secrets, Shadows, and Whispers [A Carrion Crown Campaign]

Game Master Kana

Maps and Locations:
The Restlands

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Female Human (Ustalavic Varisian with a hint of Ulfden)
HP: 72/72 NL:0 | AC: 19; T: 11; FF: 18; CMD: 18 | Init: +1; Perc: +3; Stealth -2; Survival +3
Cleric 7
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8

Pharasma truly has blessed me this day! This lot is blessed with more charm and looks than I have ever seen in all my days.

If the others wish to join this table, I have coin enough to let them. My travels granted me some extra gold, I hired on to deliver twins... poor child, she bore quintuplets. Three times the moon rose before they were in hand, don't wish to do that again...for a while anyway.

Looks at the other travelers, eyebrow raised.

Listening to the insistent nudging she felt at her side, Rhia rises and makes her way to the large table filled with interesting people.

Female Human (Ustalavic Varisian with a hint of Ulfden)
HP: 72/72 NL:0 | AC: 19; T: 11; FF: 18; CMD: 18 | Init: +1; Perc: +3; Stealth -2; Survival +3
Cleric 7
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8

Notices the stunning, yet, slight young women making her way to the table

Truly a marvel! How stunning she looks, she can not lack in suitors. She must be cold in such flimsy attire

Please, sit if you would, something warm for you perhaps? What are you called, dear?

Waves to the bartender. When she catches her attention, she motions to the lass, also looks to see if the small folk and the...grey man look interested in approaching.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth smiles and chuckles at Vashti's comment,

"I think Kazallin's offer is a few orders back upon the list." Arabeth nods in greeting to the new lass who's drifted over to join them.

[b]"Perhaps ordering more food to go with said ales..?"[/]b She asks generally, even as she raises an arm to catch the eye of the waitress.

Rhia smiles at the statuesque woman's welcome and takes the seat that seems to draw itself out for her, without even appearing to notice. "Thank you, I am Rhia, a pleasure to meet you." she responds in a quiet voice that still manages the capture the attention of those nearby.

"A mulled wine thank you." she orders as the bartender comes to the table.

Female Human (Ustalavic Varisian with a hint of Ulfden)
HP: 72/72 NL:0 | AC: 19; T: 11; FF: 18; CMD: 18 | Init: +1; Perc: +3; Stealth -2; Survival +3
Cleric 7
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8

Stomach grumbles; low and powerful

Yes, that sounds good. Um...More please?

Raises bowl

Dwarf Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 20/13/17 |Init: +4 | Perc: +3 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +5 | Will: +2 | CMB: +5 | CMD: 18| W.Ham: +5; 1d8+3| Longbow: +5;1d8|
Acro:=1| App:+2|Bluff:+2|Clim:+2| Diplo:+2|Disguise:+2|E.A:-2| H.A:+2| Heal:+2| Inti:+2|K.Dun:+6|K.Reli+3|K.Eng+6|Ling:+2|Ride:-2| SM:+2| Sleight:-2|Spell:+2|Stealth:-2| Sur:+6| Swim:-2| UMD:+2|
Arven Freeson wrote:


"Name's Arven." He says with a toothy grin, " And enjoying a good Ale with other civilized folk is my favorite form of Abadar's worship!" He sets his pack down, offers a solid handshake to the dwarf and takes a seat.

Lokien accepts the hand and gives it a vigorous shake.

"Here, Here the tavern's pretty crowded but the more the merrier, come let us drink.."

Suddenly places of the tavern began to fade, warp and shatter. It was as if the world was crashing down. People began to vanish until only a few remained, one of them, the girl called Meri. "Nighty Night!" She waved, before vanishing out as the rest of the tavern vanished. Leaving all who remained left floating above a dark void. Moments later they fell, only to wake up from their last place of slumber in their travels to Ravengro.

Female Skinwalker (Witchwolf) Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC: 16 | T: 13 | FF: 13 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init +3 | Perception +5
+2 to avoid surprise & detect incorporeal creatures

And thus Our Lady Ashava spoke saying 'Appear before and guide them in the steps of moonlight.'

The loony cleric smiles. Welcome.


”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth gasps and looks around...

Will Save:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

*Waves* (^_^)

Female Changling Witch: Dream Weaver 1 [HP: 7/7 | AC: 14 | T: 12 | FF: 12 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +4]
HP: 6/6 | AC: 15 | T: 14 | FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8]

I do say. The misunderstood witch glanced around. I thought I had the monopoly on dream manipulation....

Phineas, the fox sitting beside her just gave her a look that screamed 'Are you addled?'

Hello everyone!

Female Skinwalker (Witchwolf) Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC: 16 | T: 13 | FF: 13 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init +3 | Perception +5
+2 to avoid surprise & detect incorporeal creatures

Odessa spreads her arms wide. Now we must wait.

Also that is literally the extent of my rpdom for tonight I think. Literally. Glad to have you on board, Arabeth!! :3

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

*Bows to all* (^_^)

I will work on getting the gameplay thread and the rest up tomorrow. I also would love to try to work the harrow card mechanic into this.

Male Gnome Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1 [HP 15/15 | AC: 18 | T: 15 | FF: 14 | Fort: +6 / Reflex: +3 / Will: +1 | Init +3 | Perception +7]

Teflin wakes and looks around. It's a night he's been forced to rough it in a small cave. He checks to make sure his sword is still within reach.

Hm. Five Percent. I think I'll keep the name.

He smiles and thinks fondly of the dream, then his stomach growls.

The stew was just a dream too? That's just too cruel!

I enjoyed the Tavern thread a lot, both following what was going on, and the RP I had with Lokien and Ladrengil.
So the party is, if I have it correctly:
A Witch
Another Witch
A Cleric
An Oracle
An Investigator
And a Bloodrager?
Addendum Edit: And though we didn't collide in the Tavern, I'm excited for Teflin to see Arabeth again.

Female Human (Ustalavic Varisian with a hint of Ulfden)
HP: 72/72 NL:0 | AC: 19; T: 11; FF: 18; CMD: 18 | Init: +1; Perc: +3; Stealth -2; Survival +3
Cleric 7
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8

Starts awake to the cries of four tiny babes and their overwrought mother. Grabs a nearby cup of cold tea and chugs it on her way to her charges.

What a strange dream! The little sleep is getting to me, perhaps a holiday is in order after this journey?

Enjoyed the thread, thanks for all the fish!

Yes, that is the current party, though one of those witches will be crossing over into Magus.

Fetchling Investigator 1 [ HP: 14/14 | AC: 18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +7 / Will +3 | Init +7 / Percept +5 (Dark / Low-Light) ]

Thanks for the pick! Been travelling the past 20 odd hours. Will get my alias and posts up in the morning.

Changeling White-Haired Witch 1/Hexcrafter Magus 1, HP: 12/12, AC: 12/11/11, SV: 2/1/4, , INIT: +1, CMD: 15, ATT: Hair +4 w/grapple, PERC: 0, STLTH: 1, SPEC: +2 bluff vs men, claws, spells

Thank you for selecting me.

An introduction to Esme -

Esme dresses in fine clothing which has been out of fashion for at least fifty years, if not longer. She wears a long black dress which reaches down to her ankles over black leather boots, well treated and with sensible heels. Fine black lace covers the button-up bodice of the dress as well as the wrists, which are tucked into soft black leather gloves. She bears no weapon and only sometimes wears a tall, pointed hat.

Her emerald green skin and huge mass of soft black hair compete for her most distinguishing feature. Her skin is not the olive of the half-orc or goblin, but rather a true emerald green, the color of grass in summer or the feathers of a mwangi parrot. Her hair falls to her ankles while billowing around her as though she wore a cloak. Despite paying it little mind, she rarely steps or sits on it.

Esme is a melee character despite being a witch. Her magic will focus on debuffs and her combat on grappling.

I look forward to playing with you all.

Male Gnome Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1 [HP 15/15 | AC: 18 | T: 15 | FF: 14 | Fort: +6 / Reflex: +3 / Will: +1 | Init +3 | Perception +7]

I should re-introduce Teflin such that people don't need to dig for his information.

Teflin is a young wanderer, who looks much like the profile picture implies. His gray hair is braided, his light green attentive, and as per his race certain features are abnormally large, in this case his ears, eyes, mouth, and sword (though the last one is by choice).

The avatar's expression of constipated concentration is the standard when aberrations are involved. Gnomes often bury themselves in their careers, and Teflin is a World Warden, so learning about and eliminating aberrations is his job.

Teflin's body is undergoing some changes now after a fight with an aberration outside of his weight class.
I'm considering the Deadly Dealer feat for the future, depending on how we interact with harrow cards (if at all) in this campign. I think it's not a particularly good feat, but it might be fun.

Teflin considers himself earnest, but he's still a gnome (which is, as I understand it, akin to the insanity defense).

Teflin is a melee character, despite being a gnome. I expect him to be tough and deal respectable damage (he's as strong as a human when he rages!), and he'll eventually pick up some arcane buffs/tricks as a bloodrager.

Also: Hey Yorick. This'll be the second game we're in together.

For Harrow Cards, I'm not sure the best way to hand them out here, though i can draw cards for you and tell you what they are, since I have a deck of my own. There is also the option of a random number generator. I'm also open to other options, if you know of them.

It's looking like tomorrow on the gameplay thread, but that will also give Zevran time to finish his alias.

Fetchling Investigator 1 [ HP: 14/14 | AC: 18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +7 / Will +3 | Init +7 / Percept +5 (Dark / Low-Light) ]

I believe Zevran is nearly done, I just need to iron out some equipment, so here's a quick introduction, dramatically summing up the background story: I'd have met Professor Lorrimor in the Shadow Realm when he was a young, rash wizard. We'd escaped together, studied together, and then eventually went separate ways, though we both taught for a number of years at different schools. What Lorrimor was for magic, Zevran would have been with science.

While generally what most would consider 'proper', Zevran still has a great sense of humour, and is in general a happy person, very grateful for his life here. He is considerably older than he looks, though is also still quite active for his age.

...I think I've just described Indiana Jones if he were a Timelord.

His skin is oddly pale, giving away the notion that he's from somewhere else, but he's been assimilating himself for so long that it's hard to gauge where, exactly. Only his quick, fluid movements might give it away as being a different plane.

I'll also likely fight melee, though I'll be far more of a skillmonkey than a good combatant. I'll probably have some kind of crossbow alternate, too.

Teflin Silvergrass wrote:
Also: Hey Yorick. This'll be the second game we're in together.

So it is! It always surprises me how small this community feels at times, not that I'm complaining at all. :) Our DM is in that game as well, I believe. Should prove quite interesting.

Why, yes. Yes I am.

Also, Gameplay Thread is up! Feel free to start with on the road, arriving at Ravengro, or just start right at the gathering of attendees.

Female Skinwalker (Witchwolf) Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC: 16 | T: 13 | FF: 13 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init +3 | Perception +5
+2 to avoid surprise & detect incorporeal creatures
Zevran wrote:

...I think I've just described Indiana Jones if he were a Timelord.

Please don't say that because I will end up making sooooo many jokes. So many.

Female Changling Witch: Dream Weaver 1 [HP: 7/7 | AC: 14 | T: 12 | FF: 12 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +4]
HP: 6/6 | AC: 15 | T: 14 | FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8]

Would you all like an introduction to Gwen? Because that can be arranged.

Male Gnome Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1 [HP 15/15 | AC: 18 | T: 15 | FF: 14 | Fort: +6 / Reflex: +3 / Will: +1 | Init +3 | Perception +7]

If you don't have to pull too many strings, Gwen.

Kana: A couple of questions, what time of day is it, and about what age range is the daughter?

It's late morning, about 11:00 and she is in her mid-twenties

Female Changling Witch: Dream Weaver 1 [HP: 7/7 | AC: 14 | T: 12 | FF: 12 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +4]
HP: 6/6 | AC: 15 | T: 14 | FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8]

Gwen is cheeky, misunderstood, and only kind of vain. She met the professor after she had an encounter with a Bodak, survived, and he wanted to study the after effects. He dropped her off a few towns over and she was on her way. She grew up on the streets, so she's rather sly as well.

She's mostly a magic/ranged fighter and very squishy. She will not be hitting anything up close.

And for the rest, you'll just have to wait and see. I want you to feel the magic.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Well..I must admit to wanting to play Arabeth as 'reserved'.

Arabeth is aiming for 'Party Healer' and I'm hoping that the combination 'Oracle' and "Alchemist' will allow her to both heal and help as a kind of 'short ranged' support character.

Though the whole 'Church of Calistra' and such connotations will probably seep through things.

Much cheers to all. (^_^)

Female Skinwalker (Witchwolf) Cleric 1 HP 11/11 | AC: 16 | T: 13 | FF: 13 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init +3 | Perception +5
+2 to avoid surprise & detect incorporeal creatures

Yeah, I'm planning on playing Odessa as having a dreamy demeanor/speech cadence. She's really fond of her goddess and will normally answer any opinion question with some cockamamie quote from Ashava. So I apologize for that in advance.

She'll be kind of tanky for a cleric, and if not the damage dealing powerhouse that Teflin will end up becoming, then she'll appear to be a threat, as a decent physical damage dealer and a secondary healer.

She's also a little bit of a liar. Just a little though.

Esme (MPCambell) messaged me yesterday, letting me know he is very sick right now. It'll be a few days before he can post as Esme.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Wishing him and every one else all the very best.

My thoughts go out to him and his.

Best wishes to all.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

I have figured out how I plan to do the Harrow Points. I will shuffle and draw a hand of six for each person, you can roll a d6 or just choose a number up to 6 for time you may draw. Everyone starts with a draw.

And as a nice little Christmas Treat, I am going to allow everyone a second draw for a bonus card.

This means you will have two cards. There is no limit on the number of cards you can hold at any one time. You can also use them at any point, or hold on to them. But once a card is used, it is out of the game.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1


Season's greetings and hope to all for a very good new years. (^_^)

My thoughts also go out to Esme (MPCambell). May all be well with them.

Esme (MPCambell) PM'd me earlier. Between being so sick, he must now prepare for his boards and has withdrew. I wish him the best with his boards and his health.

On that note, while I'm sad to see someone go, we must carry on. I have PM'd someone to see if they are interested from the recruitment list. I'd rather not hold the game up much longer if at all possible.

Also, remember to choose your cards please!

Male Gnome Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1 [HP 15/15 | AC: 18 | T: 15 | FF: 14 | Fort: +6 / Reflex: +3 / Will: +1 | Init +3 | Perception +7]

A shame to hear that, but I am glad that the game is starting to move forwards.

The cards are random, right? I'll trust you to roll them if so.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

I echo every one's feelings towards Esme (MPCambell) :(

May fortune smile upon them and the future bring them much happiness and joy.

AM happy to receive a randomly rolled card. :)

Fetchling Investigator 1 [ HP: 14/14 | AC: 18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +7 / Will +3 | Init +7 / Percept +5 (Dark / Low-Light) ]

Random works for me, too!

Then I'll roll the number for the cards for the three of you, and then draw them once I'm home from work this afternoon. As I said, I'll draw a fresh hand for each die roll after re-shuffling the deck.

Everyone has two, because you start the game with one, and one is a Christmas gift.


Card 1: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Card 2: 1d6 ⇒ 1


Card 1: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Card 2: 1d6 ⇒ 2


Card 1: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Card 2: 1d6 ⇒ 3

I have been in contact with a replacement player for Esme. Killian Longfoot has accepted and will be joining us soon.

As for the cards, you get to choose one of the two powers granted by the card when you decide to use said card. A card can only be used once before it is removed from the game. There is no hand cap, and you can hold onto a card for as long as you like.


So, for the results of the draw:

Teflin has chosen The Carnival and The Inquisitor

The Carnival grants one of the following two powers when used:

Stars (Wis): If you feel stuck at some point in the adventure, you can spend a card of this suit and petition the GM for a hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no information to be gained, the stars card is not spent.

Chaotic Neutral: You gain the effects of rage, as the spell, lasting a duration of 1 round + an additional round for every 3 Hit Dice you possess above the first.

The Inquisitor grants one of the following two powers when used:

Books (Int): You can spend a books card to recall a spell you have already cast or to gain another use of a special ability that is otherwise limited. This should only be used on spells and abilities possessed by your character that recharge on a daily basis.

Lawful Neutral: You gain a +10 bonus on any single Sense Motive check.


Arabeth has chosen The Publican and The Empty Throne

The Publican grants one of the following two powers when used:

Stars (Wis): If you feel stuck at some point in the adventure, you can spend a card of this suit and petition the GM for a hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no information to be gained, the stars card is not spent.

Chaotic Good: You receive a +4 circumstance bonus on one CMB check to avoid or escape a grapple or on one Escape Artist check.

The Empty Throne grants one of the following two powers when used:

Crowns (Cha): You may spend a crown card to reroll any one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse.

Lawful Good: You may smite evil, as the paladin ability, gaining the benefits until the start of your next turn. If you have levels in paladin greater than half your total Hit Dice, use your paladin level to determine bonus damage; otherwise, your bonus damage equals half your character level, rounded down (minimum 1).


Zevran has chosen The Tangled Briar and The Liar

The Tangled Briar grants one of the following two powers when used:

Shields (Con): You can spend a shields card on your turn to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.

Lawful Evil: You can give another creature a command as per the spell command. This command can affect undead that are normally immune to mind-affecting effects, but not other creatures that are immune to mind- affecting effects. The DC of this command is equal to 10 + your character level.

The Liar grants one of the following two powers when used:

Crowns (Cha): You may spend a crown card to reroll any one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse.

Chaotic Evil: You may instantly force any creature to reroll a saving throw it has just made, taking the result of the second roll, even if doing so means the check will fail.


Gwen has chosen The Locksmith and The Juggler

The Locksmith grants one of the following two powers when used:

Keys (Dex): You can spend a keys card to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Lawful Neutral: You gain a +10 bonus on any single Sense Motive check.

The Juggler grants one of the following two powers when used:

Keys (Dex): You can spend a keys card to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Chaotic Good: You receive a +4 circumstance bonus on one CMB check to avoid or escape a grapple or on one Escape Artist check.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Interesting....and 'Sa-weeet!' (^_^)

Male Dhampir (Svetocher) Inquisitor (Kinslayer) 1

Hi all! Sorry it took me a little while to "arrive" (so to speak). I've been traveling all day, so haven't had much internet access. But here I am! I'll be posting in the Gameplay momentarily. :)

Thanks for having me at the table, and I can't wait to get started!

Kazallin, you may also roll a d6 twice, or choose a number between one and 6 twice. Once for the story granted Harrowing point card, and once for the christmas gift card.


Odessa chose The Snakebite and The Demon's Lantern

The Inquisitor grants one of the following two powers when used:

Books (Int): You can spend a books card to recall a spell you have already cast or to gain another use of a special ability that is otherwise limited. This should only be used on spells and abilities possessed by your character that recharge on a daily basis.

Chaotic Evil: You may instantly force any creature to reroll a saving throw it has just made, taking the result of the second roll, even if doing so means the check will fail.

The Demon's Lantern grants one of the following two powers when used:

Keys (Dex): You can spend a keys card to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Chaotic Evil: You may instantly force any creature to reroll a saving throw it has just made, taking the result of the second roll, even if doing so means the check will fail.

Male Dhampir (Svetocher) Inquisitor (Kinslayer) 1

Oooohhh, excellent. Away we go!

1d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 1

Kazallin has chosen The Avalanche and The Rabbit Prince

The Avalanche grants one of the following two powers when used:

Keys (Dex): You can spend a keys card to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Lawful Evil: You can give another creature a command as per the spell command. This command can affect undead that are normally immune to mind-affecting effects, but not other creatures that are immune to mind- affecting effects. The DC of this command is equal to 10 + your character level.

The Avalanche grants one of the following two powers when used:

Keys (Dex): You can spend a keys card to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Chaotic Neutral: You gain the effects of rage, as the spell, lasting a duration of 1 round + an additional round for every 3 Hit Dice you possess above the first.

I'm allowing you all some time to rp and respond to Kazallin's questions. I'll move things along if work allows when I take lunch tomorrow, if it doesn't, it'll be after I get home from work.

Male Dhampir (Svetocher) Inquisitor (Kinslayer) 1

I really hope I'm not forcing people to repeat themselves! I looked through the thread and didn't see this discussion, but it's always hard to be sure when you come in mid-stream...

Female Changling Witch: Dream Weaver 1 [HP: 7/7 | AC: 14 | T: 12 | FF: 12 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +4]
HP: 6/6 | AC: 15 | T: 14 | FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8]

We kind of are, but you weren't here for it, so it is a logical question for your character to ask. ^^

Made some updates to the Ravengro map.

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