
Rhia van Geist's page

11 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

About Rhia van Geist

Current Notes: 10/10 HP, 1st lvl. Oracle

Rhia van Geist
Female Human Age :23
Oracle 1 (Oracle of Ancestors)
Diety: Pharasma
NG Medium humanoid
5'4" 123 lbs
Initiative: +4; Senses:Perception +4 (+6 undead)

STR 13(+1) DEX 18(+4) CON 14(+2) INT 16(+3) WIS 14(+2) CHA 20(+5)

AC:15 [19] (10+ Dex 4+ Dodge 1 ) [+Spirit shield 4]
Touch 15 Flat footed 10 [14]
CMD 12
HP: 17 (2d8+4) (+2 vs Spells and SLA from undead)
Fortitude +2 (0 Base+2 Con)
Reflex +4 (0 Base +4 Dex)
Will +4 (2 Base+2 Wis) (+6 vs Fear)

Speed 30 ft
Combat: (+1 Damage vs Undead)
4 Daggers Attack +1 Damage 1d4+1 19-20 (10 ft)
Battle Aspergillum +1 1d6+1 x2
Light Crossbow +4 1d8+1
Requiem (Summoned Ancestral weapon: No cost)Spear +1 damage 1d8+1 x3 (20ft)

CMB 1 ( BAB +0)

Ghost Sight +2 trait bonus to Perception checks when trying to locate undead, and can attempt to locate ethereal undead (though they are still considered merely invisible, +20 to Stealth).

Subject of Study: gain a +1 bonus on
damage rolls against Undead

Enemy of the Dead You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against any spells or spell-like abilities from an undead creature.

Acrobatics +4, Appraise +3 , Bluff +5 , *Diplomacy +11, Escape Artist +4 , *Heal +7
*Knowledge Arcana +2, *Knowledge Geography +2,*Knowledge History +7, *Knowledge Local +2, *Knowledge Nobility +6, *Knowledge Planes +6, *Knowledge Religion +7
*Linguistics +5, Perception +4 (+6 undead), Profession (Medium)+2, *Sense motive +7, *Spellcraft +7

Languages: Common, Elven

Dodge, Extra Revelation*

Class Abilities]
Mystery (Ancestors)
Oracle’s curse (Haunted)
Revelations: (Spirit shield 1hr per level +4 AC, Ancestral Weapon: 1 min per level (A) Spear +1 melee/ +4 ranged 1d8+1 damage ),
Human Alternate class ability: Add 1 spell known per level

SLA:(at will) Know Direction, Identify

0-level (at will)
Light, Detect Magic*,Detect poison*, Mage Hand^, Ghost Sound^, Read Magic, Spark, Guidance

1st-level 6/day 2 known +1 (human alternate)
Weapons against evil, Detect undead*, Hide from Undead

Gear: Oracle's kit (includes) a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a flint and steel, an iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Small steel mirror, 5 sticks chalk, Perfume, Geist stone pendant, Cloak , Robes, , 1 vial holy water

Potion belt:

Money:Coin 0p 15g 55s 0c


Everyone living in Ustalav knew the truth of their land, a country rife with undead, creatures preying on the innocent or unprepared. In the city of Karkau, the innocent have been defended and protected as best as possible by members of the Van Geist family, tracing back to the legendary Artur Van Geist, famed paladin of Pharasma, who led an assault against the Whispering Tyrant that it is said helped to weaken him enough for his eventual downfall. Though Artur fell he swore with his dying breath that the people of Ustalav would always have protectors.

His words would turn out to be prophecy as throughout the generations his decendents would stand against the darkness, warriors and priests, wizards and paladins, the defense of the people to strive against the taint of the land was in their blood.

Centuries later a warrior of the Van Geist line would stand alongside his wife, a cleric of Pharasma as they faced a host of undead. Battling furiously they prevailed, but not before the woman was attacked by a powerful ghost attempting to possess her. Her force of will prevailed but the assault left her weak.

Returning to their home she was given a clean bill of health by the clerics along with the discovery that she was one month with child.
The baby was born healthy and hale, with no sign of ill effect from her mother's encounter until at the age of 4 her mother found her singing a song, that hadn't been famous in over a hundred years. When asked the child explained that her great grandmother sang it to her regularly.

Like her brothers she was trained in the arts of war, taught the weaknesses of the undead, yet this was not where her true talents lay. It seemed that the strength of the bloodline was such that younng Rhia acted as a conduit for those who staunchly stood by the oath, upholding the promise to battle on even beyond death.

It was her unique gift for communing with her ancestors that brought her into contact with Professor Lorrimor, an expert in the unusual phenomena of the land who was studying her family's history at the time. The two became fast friends, with the Professor encouraging her to explore the extents of her gift, embracing it for what it was, both a legacy and a unique connection to those who had for one reason or another not moved on to the other side.

Surrounded by the members of her family, both those who would see her fight on against the darkness and those, grudgingly held to a legacy they never wanted, she is a nexus of etereal energies, and as such, a terget for the supernatural, a role she proudly accepts as the latest in the Van Geist line to stand against the tide of undead horrors that threaten the people.

She stands fearless, because she knows that she does not stand alone.



Slender with a build belying her inner strength, Rhia possesses an almost ethereal air, projecting an aura of someone at once there and somewhere else. Her supernatural abilities lead her to often be looking at things others are unable to see leaving her gaze slightly unfocused, as if perpetually distracted.

With her stature and build, slight yet still femininely curvy, she would seem not only somewhat delicate but harmless were it not for the slight chill that seems to surround her, pricking the goose flesh of those nearby and the occasional aura of menace tht arises from time to time, usually when she is angered, accompanied by objects being knocked over or thrown around seemingly by nothing.

Rhia favors, filmy robes of light gauzy materials, trusting her ancestors to protect her from physical harm.

A beautiful young woman with an unnerving gaze, both ancient and piercing, one cannot help feeling both drawn and uneasy in her presence.