Robin's Rise of the Runelords

Game Master robin

Useful information

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Sandpoint was funded 42 years by the four families Kaijitsu (glassmakers) , Valdemar (shipbuilders) , Scarnetti (loggers) and Deverins (brewers)
These families saw an opportunity to creat an important waypoint at one of the few natural harbors along the lost coast.
This site was marked by the Old Light an ancient and largely destroyed ruin which most people think was an ancien lighthouse millenia ago
The four family did not initially plan with the presence of a large tribe of Varisians but after some violence initiated by some young hot headed scion of the Scarnetti family and a strategic withdrawal , the four families arrived at an accomodation with the Varisians.
The main artisan of the peace talks Almah Velerin became the first mayor of Sandpoint .

The next 37 years saw the growth of Sandpoint . Farmlands were established . Future looked bright but a series of setback happened five years ago
What Sandpoint call the late unpleasantness began with a series of gruesome murders , bodies were found without their tongues and eyes and with their hands and feet cut off which gained the murderer the name of Chopper.
The bodycount grew until the sherif Casp Avertin becomes the 25th victim . But he succeeded to wound Chopper enough that the rest of the guard could trail Chopper to the abode of Jervis Stoot a recluse wood sculptor whose carving of birds were a joy to contemplate in the town .
Fearing the worst , the guard rushed to the succour of Jervis only to find him dead in front of a altar to an evil birdlike demon having just plucked his own eyes and tongue before killing himself
In the days following , Stoot's house was destroyed and all traces of his carvings were destroyed by outraged citizens
The town was just prepared to put all this behind it when the second tragedy struck
During one windy night , the chapel of sandpoint burnt to the ground taking with it the lives of Ezakien Tobyn the main priest of the town and Nuala his adoptive daughter which celestial blood made varisians in the town think her a blessed of Desna .
The fire did not stop there and consumed the North Coast Stables , the White deer inn and three houses .
In the last five years , the town has rallied . the buildings destroyed were rebuilt and a special fund was created to rebuild the chapel as a cathedral around the seven standing stones which were the site of Desna's worship among the varisians before the setting of Sandpoint

Today is a great day : the cathedral was finally finished some days ago . this is the first day of autumn and the day of the swallowtail festival a sacred day for Desna . This day is also the day for the official reconsecration of the cathedral and all the citizens of Sandpoint are there to finally put the pas to rest and celebrate a new future for Sandpoint
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Of course, YOU are there !
I would like all of you to think of it as a holiday occasion . So please think what you would have taken with you for this day , if you are wearing armor or weapons , what kind of spells you have memorized and so on.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

Malcolm is of course in attendance at the festival, and he plays a prominent role as a representative of the Cathedral and Abstalar, the head priest. He is dressed in his gold filigried masterwork breastplate. In addition, he wears a golden silk half-cloak, and has a Long Sword sheathed in an elaborate scabbard at his hip. Under his cloak is a Light Crossbow that bulges slightly at his back.

Malcolm is gregarious and well-mannered towards all those in attendance, as he acknowledges all visiting the cathedral with a smile and a thoughtful word. However, he is ever-vigilant for any danger or law-breakers that could disrupt the festive mood. He is a representive of the new Cathedral and a protector of the law.

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6

Hmmmmmm....a holiday? Dorin will have made arrangements with Ameiko Kaijitsu, owner of the Rusty Dragon Inn, to have most of the day off, of course. He'll be more than willing to see the Swallowtail Festival, even if he doesn't want a front-row seat at the Cathedral. Just being in the crowd in the square is enough. Weapons? Armor? At a festival? Dorin is trying to keep a low profile in town, and a young town citizen openly wearing a dagger is enough to make Sheriff Hemlock have a private word with you.

Unfortunately Ameiko has other ideas for the youth, being one of the few boys under her employ, and Dorin is "volunteered" to help the Rusty Dragon Inn staff take food to the Swallowtail Festival. So until all the meals from the tavern are delivered outside the Cathedral, Dorin has a job to do setting up the tables and seats. That takes a good portion of the morning.

Dorin has his best traveler's modified outfit on, with his belt pouches only holding his coins to buy anything that might strike his fancy at the Festival. As a Sorcerer he doesn't need to prepare his spells, they simply exist to him, and his age is 18 - as his profile page shows. He's not out to find a pretty girl or make new friends, that's not his interest. Anything from Magimar or magical will get his attention. Dorin will keep a low profile as he walks from booth to booth, as always.

Map of Sandpoint is available! Numbered Map

Location Names:

1. Sandpoint Cathedral
2. Sandpoint Boneyard
3. The White Deer (Inn)
4. The Way North (Maps)
5. Jeweler
6. Junker's Edge (Trash Deposit)
7. Gorvi's Shack (Private Residence)
8. Sage (Brodert Quink, Private Residence)
9. Locksmith
10. Sandpoint Garrison
11. Sandpoint Town Hall
12. Savah's Armory
13. Risa's Place (Tavern)
14. Rovanky Tannery
15. Red Dog Smithy
16. The Pillbug's Pantry (Apothecary)
17. Bottled Solutions (Potion Maker)
18. Cracktooth's Tavern
19. House of Blue Stones (Monastery of Irori)
20. Sandpoint Glassworks
21. Sandpoint Savories (Bakery)
22. The Curious Goblin (Books)
23. Sandpoint Theater
24. Carpenter's Guild
25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill
26. General Store
27. Turandarok Academy
28. Madame Mvashti's House (Village Seer)
29. Grocer's Hall
30. Vernah's Fine Clothing
31. Wheen's Wagons
32. Scarnetti Mill
33. The Hagfish (Tavern)
34. Valdemar Fishmarket
35. Sandpoint Market
36. Sandpoint Meat Market
37. The Rusty Dragon (Inn)
38. Goblin Squash Stables
39. Two Knight Brewery
40. Sandpoint Mercantile League
41. Sandpoint Boutique (Gear)
42. Fatman's Feedbag (Tavern)
43. The Pixie's Kitten (Brothel)
44. The Feathered Serpent (Museum/Magic Items)
45. Hannah's (Town healer)
46. Sandpoint Shipyard
47. Valdemar Manor
48. Scarnetti Manor
49. Kaijitsu Manor
50. Deverin Manor

(robin, if this is too much, just tell me. Trying to be helpful with posting maps.)

Male Dwarf Rogue(Unchained)1 | HP 11/11 | AC (20)16, Touch 13, Flatfooted 13 CMD 14 | Saves F 2, R 6, W 0 | Darkision; Perception +4, Sense Motive +0; Init +3 | Status: Normal

Gar isn't much for festivals, as it means a day away from his work, a lot of which he has missed lately. But for the cathedral, he is happy at the recognition. His missed work was from volunteering to help shape the roof supports and he was active in the rafters hammering in support pegs. Happy to see Desna preserved in the new structure, he is not religous much himself, but

Not having what one would term 'festival clothes', he instead wears his militia chain shirt, brightly polished for this occasion. On his back he carries his adze, hoping to have it blessed at the opening ceremony.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 2

For the festival, Danaris has memorized the orisons mending, purify food and drink, and guidance. He has also memorized Bless, Comprehend Languages, and Protection from Evil.

Danaris is busy during this day, flitting between preparations at the cathedral–as one of the clergy of Erastil–and walking among the crowds, offering advice and using his orisons–purify food and drink and mending–to aid, to the best of his ability, the common folk of Sandpoint.

He is generally warm to those he meets at the festival, expecting to run into old friends, followers of Erastil, and a few of his family members. He hopes that his sister, her husband and their kids will make the trip into town for this occasion.

Danaris is dressed as a priest of Erastil, which means fairly humbly. He is not wearing armor and is carrying his dagger concealed on his person. His bow and arrows are stashed at the cathedral in his quarters.

I assume it is reasonable to expect that Danaris would have lodging at the cathedral or at least nearby. That's where he's keeping the weapons. It's no good to minister to the people while being noticeably armed.

Male Human
AC 33/25/22 ; Perc +0; Dip +19; Heal +5,Arc+23,Dung+18,Eng/Geog+13,Hist/Local+17,Nat+23,Planes+23,Rel+23,SpllCr+ 20


Thanks for having me in the group. I'm really excited about it and will do my best to make it a fun and interesting campaign.

robin wrote:

Kast : a nice way to bypass your dex limitations there . I am going to accept it . But I think your speed is 10 ft at the moment ...

-10 ft because of your lameness , -10 ft because of your armor .
I aggree you are not hindered by weight but you would need to be a 10th level oracle for your armor not to reduce your speed .

A quick note on this, my hide shirt armor is light armor and shouldn't affect my movement below 20, however, if you wish to houserule (which is fine with me) otherwise, I'm happy to switch to another light armor.

I should have another update to my character later this evening (filling out my backpack).

Thanks again.


Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

@Danaris: Our mutual occupations at the Cathedral and connection to Abstalar Zantus would certainly mean that we know of one another, and likely have at least a working relationship. You may not like the fact that Malcolm is wealthy, but I am pretty sure that Danaris would appreciate his devotion to Abadar and attempts to uphold the law to the benefit of all regardless of social or economic class. Thoughts?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 2

I agree. I imagine that we would have a fine working relationship, as long as we both focus on maintaining the community of Sandpoint. I could even imagine us as friends, with a bit of friction arising from, ah, ideological differences. I see Abadar as a deity interested in building communities into cities and creating wealth, whereas Erastil would like to keep things small. Danaris sees that growth as corrupting and finds wealthy people suspicious. (There's probably a bit of resentment tied up in those beliefs).

Despite all that, Danaris would see that Malcolm is a decent man, someone that can be counted on to take care of the people of Sandpoint.

I imagine that, when Danaris runs into Malcom at the festival, he would greet him as a friend, but probably make a joke about Malcom's finery.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

@Danaris: I am going to run with us being friends. Malcolm would see the ideological differences between them, but he is of the firm belief that everyone is deserving of the protection of the law. Their mutual desire to see Sandpoint flourish for everyone will inevitably bind them together.

@'Gar': I would imagine that 'Gar' would have at least crossed paths with Malcolm and Danaris due to his work on the Cathedral. I am also certain that Malcolm would have spent some time training with the militia as well. Thoughts?

Male Dwarf Rogue(Unchained)1 | HP 11/11 | AC (20)16, Touch 13, Flatfooted 13 CMD 14 | Saves F 2, R 6, W 0 | Darkision; Perception +4, Sense Motive +0; Init +3 | Status: Normal

Gar is friendly enough, but a bit salty. Although his work was appreciated on the cathedral his rough language up in the rafters will not be missed.

And what I meant to type earlier in a post was that he likes that the old ways have been preserved in the new cathedral. While not exactly a follower of Desna, his life in high windy places is a form of freedom that others do not quite understand.

Male Human
AC 33/25/22 ; Perc +0; Dip +19; Heal +5,Arc+23,Dung+18,Eng/Geog+13,Hist/Local+17,Nat+23,Planes+23,Rel+23,SpllCr+ 20

robin: Kast Phaer is 18ish. For the festival, I would see him happily donning his militia outfit (armor, shield on his back, sap, morningstar, using his longspear as a walking stick) and being part of the security force. If that is unlikely, I would see him in his hated scholar's robes (with longspear walking stick), wishing he was more appropriately dressed (for battle!).


Oracle Spells Known:
1 (4/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 14), Divine Favor, Protection from Evil
0 (at will) Light, Mending, Guidance, Stabilize

Also: added some gear to this backpack, may tweak it a bit.

* * *

Everybody else: Was anyone else here a student (past or current) at Turandarok Academy? Might we already know each other?

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6
Kast Phaer wrote:

Everybody else: Was anyone else here a student (past or current) at Turandarok Academy? Might we already know each other?

Dorin was 14-ish when he wandered into Sandpoint. Once he proved he could read and write Common, Ameiko Kaijitsu of the Rusty Dragon wouldn't bother Turandarok Academy. Caravan-born Varisians are more private than those raised on a farm, or even the city-born. Dorin is just reaching the age when he would have to show a craft, but ex-adventurer Ameiko understands the boy has gone through trauma and is giving him time to decide.

People who know and visit the Rusty Dragon might see Dorin working the kitchen, cleaning the rooms, or patching the roof. The Favored Son trait from the Player's Guide gives Dorin a good Knowledge:Local skill check to know just about anyone in town, even if he hasn't approached them personally. He hasn't been interested in any of the other children in town due to his trauma.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

@Kast: Given your desire to fight, I am certain that you have crossed paths with Malcolm, and likely 'Gar', while undergoing arms training, possibly with the militia. Your pronounced limp and desire to fight would not go unnoticed by Malcolm, and he would look favorably on your relentless pursuits of your dreams to fight against evil.

Some information you are missing
Sandpoint has only 1240 inhabitants not counting the farmlands . So you all at least know each other by sight

A little more Timetable concerning you :
50 years ago : Birth of Gar Duncrick
25 years ago : Birth of Quinton
22 years ago : Birth of Danaris and of Malcolm
18 years ago : Birth of Dorin Zstel and Kast Phaer
17 Years ago : Birth of Zees

Quinton working mainly in the farmlands might be the one most of you know the less off but since he reveres Erastil , he would have to know Danaris.
It has been 10 years since Gar reached adulthood so he would not have been at school with you . Neither did Dorin since he mainly raised by the people at the Rusty Dragon Inn
But otherwise Danaris , Malcolm , Kast and Zees would certainly have had many occasions to meet .

Ok time for some more information on Sandpoint :

The inns and taverns

The white Deer Inn : Propietor : Garridan Viskalai
This is the posh inn of the town. It is placed in the upper quarter , is a three story building and a dozen of large bedrooms
The competition of the Rusty Dragon means the prices are low

The Rusty Dragon : Proprietor Ameiko Kaijutsu
The oldest scion of the Kaijutsu family bought this inn 6 years ago when she came back from unknown parts where she is rumoured to have been ADVENTURING
This does not please her father but sice he was opposed to her departure , Ameiko did as she wished . In the six years since , the Rusty dragon has become a real success with good food and good ambience
Note that before ameiko renovated it , this place was only a tavern .

The Hagfish : Proprietor Jargie Quinn
This tavern is noted by the presence of Norah , an enormous hagfish in an aquarium . A usual welcome to newcomers is the challenge to drink the water in norah's tank
This a challenge all locals are wise enough to not try ...
here is a site to see what I mean
This is the place to come if you want to gamble

Cracktooth's Tavern : Proprietor Jesk "Cracktooth" Berrini
Near the theater, this is a good place to meet bards , singers and actors. No one is quite sure is Jesk is an half orc or a human but no oes really care when he takes to stage to deliver his impressions of the different politicians of Magnimar
and Sandpoint.

Fatman's Feedbag : Proprietor Gressel Tenniwar
This is the place most people avoid. People coming there are rough but the beer is cheap ... Just keep an hand on your money pouch. It is malinly frequented by varisians and they are the kind of people which gave varisians the reputation of being scoundrels and thieves

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6
robin wrote:

Some information you are missing

Sandpoint has only 1240 inhabitants not counting the farmlands . So you all at least know each other by sight

Sandpoint's smaller than I thought, then! The town I'm in is around 7,800, and it feels huge compared to Sandpoint.

If I read the Campaign Setting correctly (p.36-37) the Varisians are two types, the "normal" Varisians and the Sczarni. Whereas I tend to play Varisians as stereotypical Russian Gypsies, the Sczarni types are the real confidence men and swindlers. Sczarni also tend to be in the cities more than the traveling caravans, but that's not a rule.

Uh, nobody worry - Dorin is not a Sczarni, really! I think Ameiko Kaijutsu would have known if Dorin was one at sight. And she would have kept Dorin away from the Fatman's Feedbag on principle the last four years. Same thing goes for the Kitten. Plenty of work to do at the Rusty Dragon, yes sireee. Work, work, work.

One of Dorin's most private items is his kapenia, or family scarf. To date only Ameiko has seen it, and even then, she said nothing about it to Dorin. Dorin keeps it safely hidden in his backpack back in the inn.

Male Human - Varisian Wizard 1 - Universalist

[Sorry for the late arrival. I missed the thread switch while working via phone.]

Zees will of course be attending the festival in his finest--read plain--robes. He does have his dagger on in the folds of his robes as well as all his money--his adventure will start any day he's sure and he can't trust his coins to be safe at the orphanage. Unwise as to what adventuring will really require though, he is carrying only his writing materials and not a backpack of useful items.

Zees sees the festival as an opportunity to seek out any possible magic, books, or other knowledge brought it into town by travelers having explored most everything in town excetpt Gandethus' basement.

Zees also sees the festival as an opportunity for a little mischief and the chance to "practice" his spells. He's sure Kast, as a "teacher", would be willing to help him with his practice of mage hand even if he didn't know he was volunteering. Perhaps a spilled drink over his head or a pesky stick tripping him as he walks. Those martial types appreciate a good joke.

Zees would have memorized: Cantrips: Daze, Read Magic, Mage Hand; and 1st Level: Comprehend Languages, Grease, and Mage Armor.

Male Human
AC 33/25/22 ; Perc +0; Dip +19; Heal +5,Arc+23,Dung+18,Eng/Geog+13,Hist/Local+17,Nat+23,Planes+23,Rel+23,SpllCr+ 20
Zees wrote:
Zees also sees the festival as an opportunity for a little mischief and the chance to "practice" his spells. He's sure Kast, as a "teacher", would be willing to help him with his practice of mage hand even if he didn't know he was volunteering. Perhaps a spilled drink over his head or a pesky stick tripping him as he walks. Those martial types appreciate a good joke.

Oh goodness.

It's a good thing I don't have enough skill points to have a bit of Spellcraft lest you might find my morningstar firmly implanted in another place you probably haven't explored....a dark, sunless place.

::keeps an eye on Zees::

* * *

Btw, Danaris, is 'countryborn', a trait or a feat? I have it as a feat, but if it's a trait, I need to make some changes.


Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 2

Hmmm . . . I see it listed as a feat in the RotRL player's guide. I assumed that those were what Robin was referring to as traits from the player's guide, that these morphed into the traits described in the APG. If I'm wrong, obviously I need to change some things around.

Male Human - Varisian Wizard 1 - Universalist

OOC: I went to get a message to Quinton to see if he missed the message thread jump like I did and it looks like he's dropping out. Any word on this?

Male Human
AC 33/25/22 ; Perc +0; Dip +19; Heal +5,Arc+23,Dung+18,Eng/Geog+13,Hist/Local+17,Nat+23,Planes+23,Rel+23,SpllCr+ 20
Zees wrote:
OOC: I went to get a message to Quinton to see if he missed the message thread jump like I did and it looks like he's dropping out. Any word on this?

Oh yeah, interesting. Quinton hasn't posted as Quinton since 2/21.



I did contact him and I can confirm Quinton drops out .
I won't recruit anyone at this point since you are already 6

Some bad news : My home computer seems to have some problems . I might not be able to post till saturday . I'll let you know

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

Malcolm, well aware of Kees propensity as a prankster, also keeps a close eye on him during the festival. He greets Danaris warmly with a firm handshake and a pat on the back. He also greets Kast with a hearty wave when he sees him passing nearby his post near the entrance to the Cathedral.

Male Dwarf Rogue(Unchained)1 | HP 11/11 | AC (20)16, Touch 13, Flatfooted 13 CMD 14 | Saves F 2, R 6, W 0 | Darkision; Perception +4, Sense Motive +0; Init +3 | Status: Normal

I can see Gar giving Zees a tongue-lashing over his pranks, like moving tools aboutand such...but then he gives lots of people a tongue-lashing. And once he gets a few beers in him, he can probably laugh about them.

Male Human
AC 33/25/22 ; Perc +0; Dip +19; Heal +5,Arc+23,Dung+18,Eng/Geog+13,Hist/Local+17,Nat+23,Planes+23,Rel+23,SpllCr+ 20

Quick, silly question: This is the OOC discussion thread, right? We're going to have an in-character thread starting up in the other room? Apologies if I've been blathering in the wrong spot.

I can see Kast being both friendly and on good terms with Gar, but moreso with Malcolm. Malcolm represents something that Kast *wishes* he could be: a freelance hero, beautiful armor, nice sword, well trained, etc.

I think Danaris would be someone that Kast would enjoy talking to...especially about less martial issues: namely, the gods and their impact on religion, the world, their battles, etc.

I wonder if Kast would have a lot of envy for Gar...for quickness and speed is one of the things that Kast lacks and might be jealous of Gar's speed. I think it's possible that Kast carries the longspear to better deal with spry stinging bees like Gar.

As for Zees, I can already sense the hair on Kast's neck get riled when he sees his former classmate. Not so much of a rivalry, but maybe a different outlook on if he feels that Zees is capable of so much more, but lacks the will and drive to make it happen. Tricks and pranks aren't going to do a lick of good when the Orcs of Belkzen raid.

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6
Kast Phaer wrote:
Quick, silly question: This is the OOC discussion thread, right? We're going to have an in-character thread starting up in the other room? Apologies if I've been blathering in the wrong spot.

Yes, this is the OOC thread. (Or it'd better be.)

- says Dorin as he huffs and puffs, still putting up tables and chairs around the church square.

And, like all low-level players, we're all going to be chucking rocks at the enemy until we get some feats and BAB under our belts around level 4 or so.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

"Chucking rocks.."

Funny stuff Dorin. :-)

Malcolm would surely take offense at that though. His Long Sword will sing to Abadar as he vanquishes evil and enforces the word of law in Sandpoint.

The relationships between Kast, Danaris and Malcolm should make any adventuring seem like old hat...should make for excellent RPing.

All characters are intriguing, and our shared interest in Sandpoint will certainly also add to the RP experience.

Good job so far everyone...I look forward to some RPing!

Sorry about the delay . My home computer has been capricious to say the least and while I can post short sentences from work , long messages are obviously impossible .

I Should be able to type the long introduction to the campaign today .

Some replies to all you posts :

My take on Sczarni is that they are normal Varisians. They just belong to a criminal organisation . To make a real world comparaison , think Maffiosi and Italians
And yes they tend to be more often in the cities since crime requires victims.
So there is no real way to know at sight if a varisian if a Sczarni and some people tend to think all Varisians are Sczarni.

Countryborn is a feat . Traits did not exist when Rise was first published but Paizo wanted to give people some way to create special characters for the campaign
So they invented some extra feat ? This idea would become traits later on but they downgraded the effect then . Sorry about the confusion !

Yes , this is only the discussion thread !
The game thread is HERE
For your information , I shamelessly stole the speeches from the Runelords section since a courageous one created a thread especially :)

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6
robin wrote:

Yes , this is only the discussion thread !

The game thread is HERE

I'm working this weekend, so I will be out this Saturday and Sunday (05 March - 06 March). Best-case scenario I'll be back early evening on Sunday.

Until then, Dorin is helping out setting up tables and chairs and then listening to the speeches. He'll sit with the Rusty Dragon staff during lunch, then help clean up afterwards. When Father Zanthus starts speaking Dorin will start checking out the other booths around the church square. With all the attention on the priest, Dorin can get in some window shopping without attracting attention.

You check and check but still you'll miss something

Danaris :
Country born is a feat not a trait
Chelaxian is Common more properly called Taldane . There is some snobs who speak Old Chelaxian as an affectation (Real world : Latin = Old Chelaxian, Taldane = English , Chelaxian = American English )

Kast, Zees and Dorin : You are aware that Thessalonian only appears is some ruins in Varisia . No one has any idea of how the language is spoken and experts do argue the signification of nearly every word

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 2

Dropped country born for the Poverty-stricken (survival is a class skill; +2 to survival checks).

Male Human - Varisian Wizard 1 - Universalist

This is my first time playing by post. Since we're now in initiative, I assume I should stay off the game thread until it's my turn.

Also, I assume Robin will be rolling dice for everyone.

Finally, Dorin said he'll be gone for the weekend so I'm guessing were on hold until Monday since he's first to act.


Male Human - Varisian Wizard 1 - Universalist
robin wrote:

Kast, Zees and Dorin : You are aware that Thessalonian only appears is some ruins in Varisia . No one has any idea of how the language is spoken and experts do argue the signification of nearly every word

Thanks for the info. I'll keep it as it sounds exactly like the obscure thing Zees would be an "expert" on. He will happily argue the meaning of each word.

Male Human
AC 33/25/22 ; Perc +0; Dip +19; Heal +5,Arc+23,Dung+18,Eng/Geog+13,Hist/Local+17,Nat+23,Planes+23,Rel+23,SpllCr+ 20
Zees wrote:
Thanks ofr the info. I'll keep it as it sounds exactly like the obscure thing Zees would be an "expert" on. He will happily argue the meaning of each word.

And I will be happy to correct him and tell him the right way to do things...not likely that he's going to listen, of course.



Male Dwarf Rogue(Unchained)1 | HP 11/11 | AC (20)16, Touch 13, Flatfooted 13 CMD 14 | Saves F 2, R 6, W 0 | Darkision; Perception +4, Sense Motive +0; Init +3 | Status: Normal

Sorry, completely missed the game link, read that post too late at night...catching up now.

Good question , Zees
I'll indeed roll initiative and passive skills checks for you
You will have to roll attacks and active skills checks using the paizo dice roll

One thing , I'm reluctant to roll for you are saves since a failure can be quite final . what is your opinion on the subject ?

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6

Hi folks, got back from work at 2:45pm! Just typed in the beginning of the screaming part of the battle.

On Thassilonian, according to the Campaign Setting book and what was discussed on the Internet, Thassilonian is a dead language only the caravan-traveling Varisians remember and a few scholars study. In my own opinion it is similar to Draconian in game terms - a language of magic.

Insofar that Dorin, having received his left-arm tattoo at the hands of the old wizard who was in the caravan, thinks that the tattoo is part of his "specialness", will be quite shocked to see another person with a Varisian tattoo. He will also be surprised to learn that people other than caravan Varisians have an interest in the rune-based language. I'll make that part of the roleplay.

I've always played "roll twice to confirm the critical, good or bad". So a natural 1 on a roll is re-rolled again, if it hits AC then the GM would roll his own percentage dice and look up a critical miss table to determine what happens. If a critical (natural only, i.e., 19-20 on a dagger) is rolled, you roll again to hit their AC. If confirmed, then you roll the added damage after the initial damage. The dice code doesn't change here after Preview or Edit, so it's OK writing multiple dice down.

If you do not confirm the critical miss/hit, then the weapon merely does no damage on a miss or ordinary damage on a hit.

(Using Edit because I'm under the 45-minute time limit.)

Just saw Kask's and robin's post. If I'm reading you correctly, robin, we're all waiting for Danaris to post next. Not for me & Kask to react to the goblin attack.

Malcolm just posted with a "whose turn is it?" kind of question. I'm holding posting on the game thread until told I'm up by robin, either for the goblins at the booth or my next turn. I'm not rolling initiative, I'm waiting for my next turn.

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6

Gar, that's a nice way to post in OOC mode to announce your initiative in the list. It helps when there is confusion (like now).

Gar, what's the critical on a adze? You rolled a natural 19 - you might have a "crit threat".


Got the map - when you go to the map site click on the highlighted and underlined "Télécharger ce fichier" line to download the .ods map. My OpenOffice opened it as a spreadsheet. It puts Dorin at H15 and the Rusty Dragon Inn serving girl at J15, I believe.

Next action: push the girl to safety and try out a ray with a 5-foot step!

Nope: 1 is always a miss for attacks and saves (not for skills). I 'm a tradionalist. I'm totally against critical miss tables. Missing is enough of a penality . And I had some bad experiences with such tables: striking a friend and killing him for example ...

My only homerule is that if an attack is enough to bring you from gull hit point to death , you might have difficulties to be raised ...

Else you indeed have to confirm possible crits

Male Dwarf Rogue(Unchained)1 | HP 11/11 | AC (20)16, Touch 13, Flatfooted 13 CMD 14 | Saves F 2, R 6, W 0 | Darkision; Perception +4, Sense Motive +0; Init +3 | Status: Normal
Dorin Zstel wrote:

Gar, that's a nice way to post in OOC mode to announce your initiative in the list. It helps when there is confusion (like now).

Gar, what's the critical on a adze? You rolled a natural 19 - you might have a "crit threat".


Got the map - when you go to the map site click on the highlighted and underlined "Télécharger ce fichier" line to download the .ods map. My OpenOffice opened it as a spreadsheet.!

Improvised weapon has a 20 as a threat. I am treating it like an axe; 20-X3

And thanks for the tip on the map. I went to the site but my French was a bit rusty, but that did the trick.

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6
Malcolm Cavendish wrote:

I cannot access the map, or even the link to it.

Malcolm will charge the nearest Goblin with his Long Sword.

Malcolm is at T15 on the grid; he would have to knock aside Danaris beside him at S15, then proceed to mow down several children and persons, including Zees (N12), to get to Goblin #2 at M11.

Malcolm, try:

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

I do not have a link to click on to get me anywhere with the map.

Also, during an encounter, a helpful approach is to List the following


And, I am a firm believer in the fact that we are all smart enough to follow the initiative order listed by Robin at the beginning of the encounter. I have never had any problem with this in any other thread. If you are not going to be around, then simply post a couple of rounds of actions with contingencies.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

Thanks Dorin, but that link did not work either.

Male Human
AC 33/25/22 ; Perc +0; Dip +19; Heal +5,Arc+23,Dung+18,Eng/Geog+13,Hist/Local+17,Nat+23,Planes+23,Rel+23,SpllCr+ 20
Malcolm Cavendish wrote:
Thanks Dorin, but that link did not work either.

I got it work after I renamed the extension to ".ods" as it was saving on my computer as a zip file.

Once renamed, I was able to open and view it.

Also, it wouldn't download with popup blocker on.


p.s. As this is our first fight, I expect a few little glitches as we learn to work together. We'll get them worked out.

Male Dwarf Rogue(Unchained)1 | HP 11/11 | AC (20)16, Touch 13, Flatfooted 13 CMD 14 | Saves F 2, R 6, W 0 | Darkision; Perception +4, Sense Motive +0; Init +3 | Status: Normal

Site works for me in firefox, if that is any help.

I agree the round and initiative (if used) at the top works well, but I like posting the HP, AC and effects info in a spoiler so that it is there for the DM, but not too much metagaming for the other players.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

I agree with that, Gar...I like the spoiler idea.

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6
Malcolm Cavendish wrote:

during an encounter, a helpful approach is to List the following


And, I am a firm believer in the fact that we are all smart enough to follow the initiative order listed by Robin at the beginning of the encounter. I have never had any problem with this in any other thread. If you are not going to be around, then simply post a couple of rounds of actions with contingencies.

Malcolm Cavendish wrote:
I agree with that, Gar...I like the spoiler idea.

Thanks for the tip. This is my first PbP, I'm still learning the etiquette. So a spoiler at the top for the "stats/temp effects" and a spoiler at the bottom for "future rounds". Got it. My profile page already has "Attacks/Damage" and "Tactics in Battle" to help out the GM if I can't make a day or two.

I think we're waiting for Zees and Danaris before the end of Round 01.

Male Human (Varisian) Paladin/9 Warrior of the Holy Light/HP: 90/93/AC: 21(22)/CMB: 15/CMD: 27/Init: 2/Perc: 7

NP...Yes, that sounds right.

Robin: Here is my gmail - In case I cannot get the link to the map to work, can you send it there?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 2

I had some trouble getting the map open. If you can download it, you can use google docs to open it.

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 2D6

Zees just posted, and that's everyone for Round One, so I will post to begin Round Two, since I am first in initiative.


Posted round 2. Somebody tell me that's too much information. I had to combine tabletop procedure with storytelling action.

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