spinningdice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hello all,
I'd like to try a bit of an experiment, Rise of the Runelords via D&D 5th.
Not guaranteeing that it will be completed, but I'd like to give it a shot, looking for five Adventurers to take on the task of seeing if it can be done, and how different (or not) it feels run through the lens of another system.
All races and classes from the Players Handbook - I'll allow Aasimar from the DMG too (yes you can use variant human traits). I may have missed something, but I'm not aware of any other official races/classes having being released as yet, if you know otherwise feel free to enlighten me.
Attributes will be points buy or standard array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8), points buy to max 15 as per core rules (racial modifiers apply afterwards as usual).
A few additional backgrounds will be in the campaign info tab (hopefully), most replicating + expanding campaign traits that where different enough to standard backgrounds
I would prefer if you did Equipment via the packages, though I'll be flexible for you to swap things out for a better background fit.
I will not be using XP, you will be levelled at appropriate points, which may or may not coincide with the recommendations from the RotRAE, depending on if you seem to be struggling/steamrolling.
I hope to be starting this after the easter weekend, so probably 7th or 8th of April. I will prioritise character choices based mostly on background stories well-integrated into the area (download the players guide for an amount of background info if you're not already familiar), with "party balance" being a tie-breaker.
Will prefer 1 post per day, but I'm not a taskmaster, in combat I will GMPC if it's been 24 hours since your last post and your turn is up, feel free to add basic combat tactics to your characters profile if you would like. NB: Initiative will be pre-rolled and then grouped ready for you.
Any questions/interest?
spinningdice |
No problem with Eladrin, probably won't be any npc's of them around, but the same could be said of a few of the core races.
Also regarding clerics, will be using Golarion gods, but since it only really affects the Domain, I'll trust you to select one that's appropriate, rather than make a big rather boring list of what's available.
Mark Garringer |
Looks like so far:
I would be very interested in giving this a try! I will make a Rogue type.
Also, spinningdice, there is a Player's Guide for Elemental Evil which has some official new races included (and spells). Linked here. I am not looking to play one of these races, just passing along the information.
Septimus Falkland |
Hello Mark,
Here is my Paladin Character Septimus Falkland. A Chelaxian who formerly worked for the Hellknights but knocked out a superior officer when he almost killed a woman and child in the process of an interrogation. He sought refuge with the church of Iomedae and repented his past sins becoming a Paladin of the faith. I want to give him an image but it appears there is some problem with the Avatar selector at this time.
Bill Dunn |
Hi, spinningdice.
I'd like to pitch the idea of playing a gnome warlock - fey pact.
Keegan lived a life he thought was interesting. Selling minor unguents and remedies brought plenty of people by with their interesting stories. But Keegan found this stable life took its toll, for after an extended period of illness, he found he had starting bleaching.
Horrified by his revelation, Keegan got religion - sort of. He sold his shop and embarked on a mission to reinvigorate himself. Hoping that a connection to the First World might do the trick, Keegan invested in rituals that would pierce the barrier and enable him to return from his gnomish exile. It was only a partial success for, instead of passing through, he made contact with Shyka the Many* and was made an offer - a piece of Shyka's power to develop, and if successful, grow into an aspect of the fickle master of time himself.
With a fey pact in hand, so to speak, Keegan completed his effort to get religion and dedicated his life to seeking adventure and travel, to follow Desna, and that brings him to the Swallowtail Festival...
*Shyka the Many is referred to in Kingmaker 6: Sound of a Thousand Screams.
spinningdice |
Looks like so far:
PaladinI would be very interested in giving this a try! I will make a Rogue type.
Also, spinningdice, there is a Player's Guide for Elemental Evil which has some official new races included (and spells). Linked here. I am not looking to play one of these races, just passing along the information.
Cheers, I thought I'd read about Genasi being available somewhere but could only turn up fan creations when I looked. I don't find the WotC site at all intuitive.
Kala Kana |
Kala Kana, jester of Magnimar, is ready!
Character sheet linked to profile. Not sure how much background you want vs. working it into things you are planning. I am well versed in Golarion lore and can make any adjustments you feel are needed, or if you are looking for more information let me know and I can provide that as well.
Lyrune |
Str 10 0 hps 7
Dex 16 +3 AC 13 (16 with Mage Armor)
Con 13 +1
Int 16 +3
Wis 12 +1
Cha 8 -1
Perception +3
Arcana +5
Investigation +5
History +5
Nature +5
Intelligence +5
Wisdom +3
Racial Abilities
Darkvision 60'
Fey Ancestry (advantage on saves v. charm, can't be put to sleep magically)
Trance (4 hours meditation=8 hours sleep)
Elven Weapon Familiarity
Misty Step (bonus action, 30' teleport to unocupied space I can see, 1x, short or long rest restores)
Class Abilities
Spell attacks +5, DC 13
Arcane Recovery (Once per day when finishing a short rest, recover 1 spell level worth of expended spell slots)
Mage Hand (duration 1 minute, range 30', 10lbs)
Ray of Frost (+5 1d8 cold, speed reduced by 10')
Spellbook: (memorized spells*)
*Detect Magic
Find Familiar
*Mage Armor (AC 13, 8 hours)
*Sleep (5d8 hps worth of creatures fall asleep in 20' radius. Range 90', duration 1 minute)
*Thunderwave (15' cube, 2d8 thunder damage + pushed back 10', con save for ½ and no push)
Personality: I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations
Ideal: No Limits: Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.
Bond: My life's work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.
Flaw; I can't keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else's
Component Pouch
Scholar's Pack (backpack, book of lore, bottle of ink, ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, bag of sand, small knife)
A bottle of Black Ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question I have not yet been able to answer, common clothes, belt pouch
10gp spent on summoning familiar (poisonous snake)
Lyrune |
Once again, this time with fluff!
A few changes to crunch that came from writing the backstory.
I debated taking the Thassilonian language. I decided it makes sense given her story though, and I'm perfectly willing to change it to something else if you think it's too "convenient"
I also sort of invented the Eladrin race for Golarion, which I hope works for you, spinningdice. I'm happy to try to figure out something that works.
Str 10 0
Dex 16 +3
Con 13 +1
Int 16 +3
Wis 12 +1
Cha 8 -1
hps 7 AC 13 (16 w mage armor)
Perception +3
Arcana +5
Investigation +5
History +5
Nature +5
Intelligence +5
Wisdom +3
Racial Abilities
Darkvision 60'
Fey Ancestry (advantage on saves v. charm, can't be put to sleep magically)
Trance (4 hours meditation=8 hours sleep)
Elven Weapon Familiarity
Misty Step (bonus action, 30' teleport to unocupied space I can see, 1x, short or long rest restores)
Class Abilities
Spell attacks +5, DC 13
Arcane Recovery (Once per day when finishing a short rest, recover 1 spell level worth of expended spell slots)
Mage Hand (duration 1 minute, range 30', 10lbs)
Ray of Frost (+5 1d8 cold, speed reduced by 10')
Spellbook: (memorized spells*)
*Detect Magic
Find Familiar
*Mage Armor (AC 13, 8 hours)
*Sleep (5d8 hps worth of creatures fall asleep in 20' radius. Range 90', duration 1 minute)
*Thunderwave (15' cube, 2d8 thunder damage + pushed back 10', con save for ½ and no push)
Personality: I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations
Ideal: No Limits: Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.
Bond: I've been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question.
Flaw; I can't keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else's
Component Pouch
Scholar's Pack (backpack, book of lore, bottle of ink, ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, bag of sand, small knife)
A bottle of Black Ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question I have not yet been able to answer, common clothes, belt pouch
10gp spent on summoning familiar (mouse)
From her reading, she learned that the once great empire had been threatened by a catastrophe beyond the scope of imagination. Most of the elves had fled elsewhere, but a small community of scholars and artists had chosen Elysium as their new home. Over the centuries, they became Eladrin. Few knew of their existence. They kept to themselves and enjoyed the wild utopia that they had adopted, and until Lyrune, none had ever left.
Her curiosity could not be satisfied by the records that were available to her, and for all her efforts, she could not discover more than hints at what had become of the ancient land. The azata became aware of her frustration, and they understood her need to uncover the truth. One night while she slept, they opened a gate to the material plane. When Lyrune awoke, she was in a strange place, unfamiliar, but immediately recognizable to her. She was in the ruin of a Thassilonian town.
A year later, she has learned something of the world she finds herself in. She knows that the wilderness is neither as infinite or as safe as what she had known. She knows there is evil. She knows there is a kind of society, though it is far too barbaric for her to think of it as a civilization. She has also learned that as savage as the Varisians seem to her, they are honorable and moral in their fashion. She recognizes that their world is dangerous and that they have been shaped by it as she was shaped by her home.
Though she has not lost her curiosity about the fate of Thassilon, she has grown almost as curious about the world that has grown up on her ruins. She has heard tales of Sandpoint's butterfly festival, and has traveled there from Magnimar.
spinningdice |
Anniversary edition, though I'm not sure it makes any difference with the hack-job on the rules I'm doing.
Don't really have any objections to knowing Thassilon at the start. The path seems to assume someone picks it up somewhere down the line and there's only minor "spoilers" early on (which the party can get translated if they think on it).
Regarding backgrounds in general, I'm fairly flexible, but if you write a novella, don't expect me to read all the way through it.
Plus this is more of an experiment anyway, I don't expect to delve too much into people's backgrounds initially, if it gets into a good flow then I'll start touching in on them, if it all goes belly-up then, well nothing ventured...
spinningdice |
A quick list of submissions/interest:
Lyrune: Elf (Eladrin) Sage Wizard
Kala Kana: Half-Elf Entertainer Rogue
Septimus Falkland: Human (Chelaxian) Acolyte Paladin
Incomplete / interest posted
Scranford/ Heck Rockson Human (Ulfen) Barbarian
Bill Dunn/ Keegan Gnome Fey-pact Warlock.
Danile Stewart: Fighter or Warlock?
Choant: Dwarven Cleric?
Quite interesting that the first three completed actually make 3/4 of a balanced party to start with.
scranford |
I struggled trying to make the Ulfen Barbarian work, but was really stretching with fitting into the AP. I've decided to play basically the same character, but as a Shoanti from the Cinderlands... Which means I'll have to work on the name :-). Should have the character sheet by tonight, or tomorrow morning at the latest.
scranford |
Here is the crunch for Heck Ember-walker:
Heck Ember-Walker
Human – Male / Shoanti:
Skar-Quah (The Sun Clan)
The Cinderlands
Barbarian / 1
6’2”, 165 lbs. Auburn hair, Black eyes, Tan skin
20 years old
Chaotic Good
Proficiency Bonus : +2
STR: 14 +2
DEX: 16 +3
CON: 15 +2
INT: 9 -1
WIS: 13 +1
CHA: 11 +0
AC: 17
HD: d12
HP: 14
Speed 30
Languages : Common, Shoanti, Giant
Class Features:
Rage: While raging; Advantage on STR Checks, and saves, Rage damage bonus, Resistance to BL, PI, and SL. Rages last one minute, but you may end as a bonus action. You must take a long rest to recharge.
# Rages: 2
Rage Damage: +2
Unarmored Defense : When not wearing armor AC is DEX + CON Bonus. Shield is allowed.
ARMOR: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
WEAPONS: Simple and martial
Tools: Pan Flute
Saving Throws : STR and CON
Skills :
Scimitar (Finesse, light) +5 to hit - 1d6+3 Dam/Slashing
Shortbow (Two handed) +5 to hit - 1d6+3 Dam/Piercing range 80/320
(2) Spears (Versatile, 2H Melee) +4 to hit - 1d8+2 Dam/Piercing Melee
Spears (Thrown) +5 to hit - 1d6+3 Dam/Piercing range 20/60
Quarterstaff (Versatile) +4 to hit - 1d8+2 Dam/Bludgeoning
Shield +2 AC 6 lbs.
Explorers Pack
Hunting Trap
Leather neck thong with Cave bear tooth
Travelers’ clothes
Empty Belt pouch
A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface (Found in the outback where it should not be)
Background: Outlander (Tribal marauder)
Wanderer: Excellent memory for maps and geography. Can always recall general layour ot terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition you can find food and water for yourself and up to (5) other people per day provided the land offers such.
Personality traits:
I watch over my friends like they were a litter of newborn pups
I once ran twenty-five miles without stopping to warn my clan of an approaching giant. I’d do it again if necessary.
HONOR: I dishonor myself I dishonor my whole clan
I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster, and will do anything to prevent it.
Violence is my answer to almost any challenge
Heck was always an inquisitive passionate boy, which often got him into sticky situations. Fortunately he was also very athletic... and lucky, and was able to get himself out of most of them.
On his naming day, he and two other boys from his tribe were ready to set out for their Burn Run. Though challenging, and dangerous, it was a part of life, and Heck was eager for the challenge. Unfortunately nobody could predict the presence of the angry old Cave bear that had recently taken up residence in the area. Heck heard the scream of one of the boy's and though this was supposed to be a solitary quest he couldn't turn his back on the panicked cry of pain and fear.
He rounded a bend and saw his friend Peko cornered by the angry bear. Heck threw stones at the bear to distract him, and the bear turned and began to chase Heck. The chase went on for miles, and finally Heck was able to maneuver the beast into a tricky area where the ground trembled, and smoked. Though the ground burnt his bare feed, he was able to lead the bear to an area where it sank to it's waist into a pit of steaming water, ending it's life. Heck took the bears tooth as a symbol of his struggle, and after honoring the bears departed spirit realized that he was lost. For the first time in his young life he didn't know where home was.
He wandered for several days and one morning he awoke to something strange. The sounds of the Cinderlands were silent. Peaking out from his shelter he saw a group of 3 giants armed for raiding. Once they were out of sight, he took his bearing off a familiar mountain and began to run. He ran all day on his blistered feet and finally made it back to his clan just before darkness set. He warned them of the approaching giant, and the clan was able to defeat the threat due to his warning. He was then deemed Heck Ember-Walker.
But now the warning must be spread. Even to the civilized people of the region. Heck and several other youths were sent to warn the peoples of the region about the growing threat of organized giants. Heck was sent to Sandpoint.
Bill Dunn |
And here's my character proposal's stats:
Forest Gnome
Warlock (Fey pact) 1
Guild artisan background
Hit points 10
Hit dice 1d8
AC 13
Strength 8 (-1)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 15 (+2)
Natural illusionist
Speak with small beasts
Gnome cunning
Speed 25 ft
Otherworldly patron - Archfey
Eldritch blast
Guild membership
Light armor
Simple weapons
Wisdom saves
Charisma saves
Alchemist tools
Starting equipment
Alchemy tools
Letter of intro from guild
Traveling clothes
Belt pouch
15 gp
Short bow and arrows
Arcane focus (hawthorn wand)
Scholar pack
Leather armor
2 daggers
spinningdice |
I actually find selection so much harder with a smaller number of entries as it makes it more personal, so after much thought I'm going with (and no hard feelings to the rest of you)
Kala Kana
Septimus Falkland
Heck Ember-Walker.
If any of the above do not report in and don't respond to a PM, I'll work down the list.
I'll also keep hold of the other entrants names, and if someone drops out early I'll PM you to see if you're still interested.