Sczarni Ties
While (perhaps) not ethnically a Varisian, you have been raised among Varisians and they consider
you one of their own. Furthermore, you managed to get in good with a group of Sczarni and consider them your new family. After being run out of the last place your Sczarni family camped, you tracked down a friend of the family in Sandpoint—a ruthless thug named Jubrayl Vhiski at the Fatman’s Feedbag. During your time with the Sczarni, you learned a few tricks of the trade.
Skill Proficiencies Sleight of Hand, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies 1 type of Gaming set.
Languages Varisian
Equipment Travelling Clothes, Gaming set, 15gp
Feature One of the Family: Sczarni will treat you more favourably than outsiders, in addition you can usually call upon your brothers for free food and lodging, should you be able to find a group of them.
Goblin-slayer Ties
One of your family members, perhaps a parent, cousin, aunt, or uncle, helped Daviren Hosk put down a group of goblins near Sandpoint. Since then, your family member passed away, but not before telling you about that day and the offer Daviren made her should she ever be in need. Once you make it to Sandpoint and meet up with Daviren Hosk at the Goblin Squash Stables, he gives you one of his best steeds and all the necessary accoutrements as gratitude for your family member’s help.
Skill Proficiencies Animal Handling, Survival
Tool Proficiencies 1 type of artisans tools
Languages Goblin
Equipment Riding Horse, bit and bridle. 5gp
Feature Davirin's Gratitude: Davirin of the Goblin Squash Stables will provide free stabling and feed for your mount (and future mounts), if you tell him you are intending on taking a long trip with your mount he is able to provide a month's worth feed for your mount.
Favoured Son/Daughter: Ameiko Kaijitsu
Ameiko is one of Sandpoint’s most influential and beloved nobles. Her inn/tavern is the most popular in town, and as one of her friends, you’re guaranteed a place to eat and sleep for free.
Skill Proficiencies Insight, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies 1 type of Musical Instrument
Languages Minkai
Equipment 1 Musical instrument, travelling clothes, Waterskin filled with ale, beer or cheap wine. 15gp
Feature Ameiko's Contacts: Ameiko will grant you free food and lodging at the Rusty Dragon, in addition she will take care of selling any items you want, for 10% more than you'd usually get.
Favoured Son/Daughter: Balor Hemlock
Belor, Sandpoint’s no nonsense arm of the law, is like the uncle you never had.
Skill Proficiencies Investigation, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies 1 type of vehicle (land or water)
Languages Varisian
Equipment A set of manacles, a signal whistle and a set of travelling clothes, plus 25gp
Feature Legal Favours: While he may still give you a good talking to, Balor can help you out of a legal jam, assign a town guard to help you or give you some assistance in investigating the locals.
Alchemist's Associate
Everyone suspects sweaty, shifty-eyed Pillbug sells poisons from his cluttered, acrid smelling wreck of a shop. You’re one of the few in town who know this for a fact.
Skill Proficiencies Deception, Medicine
Tool Proficiencies Alchemist's Supplies, Poisoners Kit
Equipment Either Alchemist's Supplies or a Poisoners Kit, Common Clothes, 15gp
Feature Pillbug's Trust: Pillbug will sell you poisons, with no questions ask, he may even give you a discount if you do him a favour or two...