Simon Demarkus |

Bokken the Alchemist seems to dance forward and back a little. Finally he dances forward and snatches at the baskets, then dashes back to his cottage.
Once there he hangs nervously in his doorway, and upon seeing that the visitors are behaving themselves seems to calm down a little."I don't want neighbours, y' understan'. No disrespect. Don' like people. Moved out 'ere to be away from people. Brother's fault. Do my tradin' wit' Oleg till those new people come and pissed off the Bandits."
"E'ryone trades wi' Bokken. I trade wi' em 'all. Merchants, hunters, farmers, bandits, kobolds, trolls, all of 'em. Trade wi' you, but keep away from me land."
"Won' pay taxes. My land." he warns.
So... I'm not sure what's supposed to be happening now. For the sake of moving things along I'm going to say that Simon went with Ronald with the body of the stag lord. I've borrowed some of grey's undead (with or without Grey at his option) as well as 24 1HD skeletons that Simon raised for free via lesser animate dead + false focus. The plan is to go with Ronald to do his negotiating then stop by the thing in the water to see if it is truly appeased. The latter may be of particular interest to Grey.
As Roland went forward to deal with the mad alchemist Simon stayed in the canopied litter being carried by (lets say 4) skeletal undead with the rest waiting patiently behind. Watching from afar Simon sends a magical message to Ronald. Schmitty waits nearby, but just behind his master. He is begin carried on a similar, though smaller and less ornate, litter by two undead. The the various pieces of the body of the stag lord is being carried behind in a sack by yet another undead.
Though Simon didn't overhear the whole conversation he gets the gist based on the alchemists movements and storming back inside.
"Madmen are the least reliable kind and we really don't have the time to deal with such nonsense. Shall we destroy him or did you want to try your hand at something else? We have more than enough firepower to deal with this bit of nonsense. "

Ronald Dranstus |

"I have considered removing him, but I think a bit of enchantment and persuasion may be more...elegant. He does have some skill, and I am loathe to waste such without cause. He is, after all, quite off the beaten path, and may respond to kindness of a more...personal nature. We need only find a suitable female, right?"
In short: find him a woman, and/or charm him. Anyone have charm monster in their spellbound? If not, mythic power!

Simon Demarkus |

"I have considered removing him, but I think a bit of enchantment and persuasion may be more...elegant. He does have some skill, and I am loathe to waste such without cause. He is, after all, quite off the beaten path, and may respond to kindness of a more...personal nature. We need only find a suitable female, right?"
In short: find him a woman, and/or charm him. Anyone have charm monster in their spellbound? If not, mythic power!
"Not really my forte'. If you want to try fee free. "

Ronald Dranstus |

Sorry, didnt realize we were waiting on me.
"Okay, Simon, I think its worth a day or so to convert him to our side. Let's set up camp a bit away and I will try something tonight."
Ronald thanks the "Mad Alchemist" and takes his leave with all pomp and circumstance, heading off into the distance.
...Later that night...
Ronald flies back to Bokken's spot, invisible, and wakes him up with some subtle illusory sounds (ghost sound). Once awake, remaining invisible, Ronald casts Major Image for a beautiful, near ghostly female who morphs and changes her image, always with a rune floating over her head.
Once he is good and spooked, Ronald casts improved invisibility before using Mythic Power to cast Charm Monster (DC 21 will or be charmed for 9 days) on Bokken.
Using alter self to appear as an attractive woman, Ronald allows the invisibility to drop and approaches Bokken once more.
"Oh kind Bokken, grand alchemist. Won't you bring your talents and skills into the kingdom of the true leaders of this place? I am sure they will afford you a great place in their kingdom, as befits a man of your abilities."
Remaining just out of reach, Ronald keeps up the lies and charming speech until just before his fly spell wears off, then ascends, turns invisible once more, and flies off with a fond "Bokken, remember me....." drifting on the wind.
1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 8 + (1) = 21 bluff (with Mythic Power 4/7 remaining)

The Author |

will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
charisma: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2let's assume you win the opposed charisma check
Bokken's conversion was as unexpected as it was sudden. Claiming to have been approached by a figure he later identified as Lissala herself he traveled to Threshold and agreed to join the Kingdom, even taking apprentices and paying taxes.
Indeed his vision left him something of a prophet among the common people. It was not for a long time that scholars discovered his reaction to Runelord Dranstus' mental meddling. Despite numerous ethical arguments over his approach, I have attempted to show here that I believe Runelord Dranstus was trying to save Bokken from becoming an enemy of the Kingdom and - shortly thereafter - dead.
Upon their return the Runelords were in council when two unusual parties of petitioners approached.

Loy Rezbin |

"Good evening, ah, Runelords. My name is Loy Rezbin, out of Restov. I've come before you with an offer."
Loy has his hat in his hand, obviously intimidated by the Runelords.
"There's a number of us sick of the deal we're getting in Brevoy. My da's da used to farm in these regions, and I've a number of people interested in helping me set it up again."
"My da had to leave after bandits killed his da and burned down the farmhouse, but he always said the land was good."
"There's not much talk about this new kingdom of yours, but I heard some rumours. Heard you took down the Bandit King."
"You interested in helping set up a small village a bit off to the east? We'd be prepared to swear Fealty if so."

Anglon |

Sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Anglon knew he was telling the truth, just not the whole truth.
"An interesting proposition, but first tell us what other rumors you've heard."

Loy Rezbin |

Loy is obviously reluctant to pass such rumors on, but under the combined stare of the Runelords finally breaks down.
"Well, there are rumors - quiet ones - not ones I put much stock in. Some say you worship the necromancy goddess Urgathoa. There's stories of demons put down, and monsters rampant; lizardfolk and trolls mostly."
"I'm sure they're just tales though." he assures the audience - or himself - "And I've heard your taxes are light and your laws fair. People all over Restov and Brevoy have been coming here for the last few years."

Ronald Dranstus |

"Lizardfolk and trolls running rampant? I can assure you there are no such creatures in the cities. We are progressing on bringing civilization and order into the wilderness, but that is obviously a slow task. Do these tales mention where the monsters are supposed to lair? Perhaps we can task our exploration crew to look more directly for them."

Loy Rezbin |

"Just stories, supposedly from survivors. Lizardfolk are supposed to be around here. Trolls are further... south I think. I heard one some other kingdom has a bounty on trolls - maybe people are getting confused?"
Looking askance at Simon he straightens and speaks with resolve.
"I won't bend knee to Urgathoa, sir. Nor to those that do."

Forsten |

"Nor do we." Forsten responds, his voice stern. "But we do not persecute those who practice the necromantic arts. If that is a problem, then I suggest you look elsewhere to settle."
"We are faithful servants of Lissala, and seek to purify her name and return her teachings and influence to Golarion once again." His tone softens as he continues, taking on a modicum of fervor as he speaks of their patron.

Anglon |

"Well..." Anglon said as he placed a hand on Loy's shoulder and took a deep breath.

Anglon |

Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
History: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Oratory: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
I was going to post a ramble about Lissala, but really couldn't find that much information about her. I'm sure Anglon knows more than I do.
@Forsten I hit all the important parts.

Loy Rezbin |

Anglon's speech is highly informative, scary and not hugely reassuring. Likely poor Loy has no idea how to incorporate the knowledge into his world view.
"Goddess of all wizardry? Aye... I suppose so. And I'm not a man scared of hard work and discipline. But a man's body is his own, yes? No being turned into some Geb-puppet after his death?"

The Master in Grey |

Grey didn't speak in such meetings often, but this man had said something that set off a warning in the quiet rune lord's mind.
"Sir," Grey's careful, tones echoed from behind his mask. "Would you say that toiling to care for your loved ones, and the ability to fight to protect them are important to you?"

The Master in Grey |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"If you were to die, who would your family rely on? If you had the means of ensuring your family would be provided for in the event of your death, would you not consider it?"
"Ours is the goddess of all magic. She teaches that it is a tool to be used. No different than a hammer or a sword. A hammer can be used to build a home, or a torture device. A sword can be used to stab someone in the back, or to defend a child. The tool has no morality. We do."
"You'll notice there are seven runelords. One for each school of magic. Mine is the school of necromancy. More than any other school, necromancy requires a firm and careful grasp of ethics, because it is the easiest to use to do wrong."
"My point in this lecture is this- Should you die, it is possible through the power of magic for your spirit to go on to paradise, and the bones you leave behind to continue to labor for your family's future. Is that not the most desirable possibility?"
"Much of this place was built by the dead. Puppets, as you put it. To Geb, the fallen are another exploited working class. To us, they are respected and helpful servants who were once friends. They are walking grave markers and treated with the same reverence."
"They are how we secure our own future once we pass on."

Simon Demarkus |

"Aye..." Loy seems barely convinced "But a man's bones are his own, right? If he wants to leave them behind to do good, it's his decision. Take 'em against his will and its robbery or taxation."

Simon Demarkus |

"So is that the law, then?"
'Meaning in our kingdom the person has the choice? Yes. That's not the case in other places."

The Master in Grey |

"The thing you have to ask yourself is this- Given that the choice is purely and only beneficial to the people you love and the place where you lived, and costs absolutely nothing on your part, what kind of a person would you have to be to refuse?"

Simon Demarkus |

"The thing you have to ask yourself is this- Given that the choice is purely and only beneficial to the people you love and the place where you lived, and costs absolutely nothing on your part, what kind of a person would you have to be to refuse?"
"True, Grey, but having the option is the point. Most will because there's no downside for them. However, since it costs them almost nothing and the benefit is high gifting or selling your body after death is the pragmatic thing to do. Though not everyone is pragmatic. "

The Master in Grey |

"True. Freedom is paramount."
"My goal is to free our people from the need to toil at all. Poverty and the need to labor to survive are the worst sins a country can inflict on its people."
"Lysalla's Virtues of Rulership do not exist to benefit the rulers. They exist to benefit those who are willing to be ruled by those with virtue. We are the true servants."

Simon Demarkus |

"True. Freedom is paramount."
"My goal is to free our people from the need to toil at all. Poverty and the need to labor to survive are the worst sins a country can inflict on its people."
"Lysalla's Virtues of Rulership do not exist to benefit the rulers. They exist to benefit those who are willing to be ruled by those with virtue. We are the true servants."
"Perhaps it's presumed they're willing unless they opt out. However, if they opt out they're taxed to make up for the benefits they'll automatically receive from the program."

Forsten |

"Did you have a particular spot you wished to settle? We are expanding our influence, but it is a time consuming process. If you are too distant from threshold, then it may be some time before we are connect with your settlement logistically, and thus any aid may be quite limited."

Harakani DM |

"Aye. It is a way off. But good soil, and my family farm should still be there, even if overgrown."
Loy pulls out an old family map, and using it you can expand your kingdom's map to... this

Ronald Dranstus |

"Do you have people to scout out the terrain ahead of you, eliminating any threats and preparing your way? How many in your group of settlers, anyways? How may we be of assistance in getting you relocated?"
Ronald calls Burt over, who stands ready with pen and paper to take notes.

Simon Demarkus |

"Oh there's a village worth of us. We've hired some mercenaries to escort the caravan, but if you'd escort us and help us get set up, we'd appreciate it."
who's up for an adventure!
"We are servants of the people." Simon says with just a mild undertone of thinly veiled sarcasm.

Valerianna Shard |

Valerianna shakes her head in amazement at how quickly her peers leap at the chance to babysit simple villagers and common folk. "The full might of Lissala's Chosen and Threshold's Ruling Council will, it seems, personally escort you to your new settlement. I hope the weight and gravity of that is not lost on you or your people, Loy Rezbin."