Rise of the New Runelords

Game Master Harakani

Kingdom Map (now with Loy's family notes AND the Runelord's Route)
Kingdom Turn
Minions Page

[ ]Forsten [ ]Anglon [ ]Valerianna [ ]Denat [ ]Ronald [ ]Simon [ ]Grey
[ ]Zekat [ ]Legion [ ]Molly [ ]Grey Horror [ ]GreyServants [HQ]ZomBees
Fight Map

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HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

"You have live thralls?" Grey said flatly, not nothing to hide his feelings on such a thing. "Thinking, breathing people who are used for breeding and menial tasks? People who are owned?"

Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3

"This seems to be quite an innovative means of government. If I am reading it correctly, your Blood Lords serve as the ruling class, making decisions and providing for the governance of the land. The Quick and Dead are similar to our landed gentry, with rights and responsibilities towards those who answer to them."

Ronald pauses significantly after this, before continuing, "We don't have an analog of your 'Thralls'. We believe every person is entitled to their own life, serving the good of the land only after they have expired. As you might tell, we don't relish the idea of living slaves or Thralls or what have you."

Male Human Wizard (conjurer) 8/ Archmage 3

Denat listens silently, his eyes showing his support of his fellow runelords' position about thralldom.

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord) 2

"Please, let's not get distracted with the slavery issue. I'm campaigning for limited emancipation myself. It is your treatment of post-mortem citizens we are most interested in."

Mechanically: alliance means you'll get a diplomat, an exchange of students, probably some undead tourists and citizens, some extra economy, and probably a bad reputation in the region

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10
Arasmes Kemnebi wrote:
"It is your treatment of post-mortem citizens we are most interested in."

"And it is your treatment of the not-yet-post-mortum citizens which interests us."

"You see, our acceptance of the undead stems from a firm belief that life is for the living. The undead, and the magic that animates them, are gifts from Lysalla intended to benefit her people. My choice to become undead stems from a desire to make life better for the people I have been chosen to lead. Those who die go happily to Lysalla, the bodies they leave behind become tireless workers. Necromancy is the magic of death and life. Too many forget that second part."

"The undead exist to serve the living. Not the other way around."

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord) 2

very nice speech Grey!

The diplomat makes one last attempt
"I feel we are so close to an understanding! Arazni teaches us that... ah! the word life, living, so fraught with connotation"
"Arazni teaches the purpose of one's existence is growth through experience. Simple repetition is for animals and machines. Yet, at some point, Pharasma - the soul thief - will kill you and take your soul. Perhaps she will pass it on to some god you have chosen, perhaps keep it for herself."
"Why should she have the right? Power? Is Power sufficient?"
"Geb is founded by those who believed they should not simply accept an end to their existence, their experience, and their growth. They defy Pharasma."
"Of course those who defy Pharasma have a duty to help others with their experiences, and to grow as people, whether or not those they help are alive or dead."

"Can you not agree that those capable of growth - regardless of whether Quick or Dead - are equally deserving of the right to existence?"

Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3

"I believe the sticking point lies not with the rights of sentient undead but with the treatment of your living vassals. We believe in freedom of sentients, and their enforced servitude lies ill across our shoulders. I do not disagree with your other points, and would hardly suggest that our purpose lies at odds with one another. Please, allow us to communicate as a council and we will speak with you anon. Do you require nourishment, rest, or other necessities? We, of course, would be glad to provide such."

Male Dhampir Cleric (Undead Lord) 2

"I've heard interesting things about some of your cuisine, and I would be grateful for your hospitality. I will await your decision." as he turns to leave he hesitates and adds "I do point out Cheliax - where I understand your college was founded - also supports slavery."

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

"That is one of the myriad reasons why we left."

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