Guard Captain Blacklock

Forsten's page

215 posts. Alias of Peanuts.

Full Name





Guardian Magus








Lawful Neutral



About Forsten

Male Human (Azlanti) Magus (Bladebound) 7/Guardian 2
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +10
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 Dex, +1 deflection)
hp 62 (7d8+24)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7
Defensive Abilities hard to kill
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Kyton's Spine (Blackblade Bardiche) +11 (includes -2 for PA, +13 for first attack) (1d10+20/19-20/×2)
Special Attacks mythic power (7/day, surge +1d6), spellstrike
Magus (Bladebound) Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +9):
3rd (1/day) vampiric touch
2nd (4/day)—bladed dash, bull's strength, scorching ray, spider climb
1st (5/day)—enlarge person (DC 13), expeditious retreat, keep watch, shocking grasp (2)
0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, disrupt undead, light, mage hand
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 23
Feats Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes, Craft Wondrous Item, Furious Focus, Leadership, Power Attack, Power Attack [M], Skill Focus (Knowledge [history])
Skills Climb +12, Craft (calligraphy) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Perception +10, Ride +5 (+7 to stay in the saddle), Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +8, Swim +12
Languages Azlanti, Common, Infernal, Thassilonian
SQ amazing initiative, arcane pool, black blade, black blade: arcane pool, black blade: energy attunement, black blade: strike, black blade: telepathy, black blade: unbreakable, knowledge pool, spell combat, spell recall


Combat Gear Smelling salts; Other Gear +1 Mithral Chain shirt, Belt of giant strength +2, Ring of protection +1, Versatile vest (5 @ 45.74 lbs), Cloak of Resistance +1, Artisan's tools, masterwork (Craft [calligraphy]), Bit and bridle, Cold weather outfit, Courtier's outfit, Grooming kit, Magus's kit, Mapmaker's kit, Military saddle, Saddlebags (4 @ 39 lbs), Unholy symbol, iron (Lissala), 34 PP, 3 GP
Pets & Minions: War Horse (Combat Trained Heavy Horse), 3x Guard Dog

1st level spells: Blood Money, Burning Hands, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fal, Infernal Healing, Keep Watch, Magic Missile, Serren’s Swift Girding, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Snowball, True Strike, Unseen Servant
2nd level spells: Bladed Dash, Bull’s Strength, Invisibility, Communal Mount, Scorching Ray, Spider Climb, Tactical Acumen
3rd level spells: Fly, Force Punch, Haste, Monstrous Physique I, Undead Anatomy I (Default: Berbalang), Vampiric Touch


Special Abilities:
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Arcane Pool (+2) (5/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Black Blade (Ex) You gain an intelligent bonded weapon whose power grows with your own.
Black Blade: Arcane Pool (2/day) (Su) The Black Blade has an Arcane Pool used to fuel its own abilities.
Black Blade: Energy Attunement (Su) Replace weapon dam with fire/cold/elec for 1 point, or sonic/force for 2 points.
Black Blade: Strike +2 (Sp) The Black Blade can grant itself a damage bonus for 1 min.
Black Blade: Telepathy (Su) The magus can telepathically communicate with his black blade if it is worn or held.
Black Blade: Unbreakable (Ex) The Black Blade is immune to the broken condition while the arcane pool is not empty.
Bodyguard Use an AoO to use aid another to improve an ally's AC.
Cold weather outfit +5 Fort save vs. cold weather.
Combat Reflexes (2 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Empathic Healing (20 points) (Su) Spend 1 power to transfer damage from ally to you, or 2 points to transfer disease or poison.
Fast Healing 5 (Ex) Spend 1 power to gain fast healing 5 for 1 minute
Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Knowledge Pool (Su) Spend Arcane Pool points to prepare a magus spell that is not in your spellbook for 1 day.
Leadership (Base Score 6) You attract loyal companions and devoted followers.
Mapmaker's kit +2 Circumstance for Survival to avoid becoming lost.
Mythic Power (7/day, Surge +1d6) Use this power to perform your mythic abilities.
Power Attack -2/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Power Attack [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Power attack for 1 min.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spell Recall (Su) Spend your Arcane Pool to recall spells you have already cast.
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.
Sudden Block (Su) As an imm action, use 1 power to add +2 to own/adj ally AC vs a melee att & foe must rolls 2x (take low). Make return att (bypass all DR).
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Versatile vest (5 @ 45.74 lbs) This sturdy vest stays dry and spotless in the worst of conditions. You can secure up to six objects (weighing up to 1 pound each) to the vest by holding them to it and speaking a command word. You can retrieve any of these items as a move action.

In addition, the vest has four large pockets, each capable of holding as much as 1/2 cubic foot in volume or 5 pounds in weight, and weighing only 1 pound when full. When closed, the pockets are proof against water and the elements. The first pocket contains 1 day’s worth of trail rations, a quart of water in a waterskin, two candles, and a tindertwig. The vest recreates these items if the first pocket is left empty for 3 days.

Born in Cheliax as one of the despised beings that reveal the infernal taint upon a bloodline Forsten was quickly abandoned, tossed onto the street to die of exposure. Such was not to be the case however, he survived long enough to be found and taken in by an ambitious woman who ran an 'orphanage'. In truth the large home she ran was a training camp, taking the unwanted and unappreciated to shape them into men and women skilled and loyal to herself. The youths were disciplined into the shape she wanted of them, and when they reached maturity they became her mercenaries, loyal soldiers, thieves and rarely spellcasters for hire.

Once again fate shined on him when he stumbled upon a secret gathering during one of his early training missions outside the orphanage. He had been sent to collect a certain text that the madam required for another student's education, and had managed to find his way into the passages beneath the Egorian Academy where the book was meant to have been left. His search was interrupted by the arrival of a number of figures, and he ducked into a musty room to wait for them to pass. To his horror they came straight to the door he was hiding behind and he was forced deeper in, into a web-filled closet. There he was witness to strange rituals of a holy service to a god he had never before heard of. In his curiosity he cracked the closet door to hear more clearly and he suddenly felt himself unable to move as the door was yanked open.

Crouched there immobile he expected to be scourged by fire, blasted by lightning or some other horrific fate, but instead he found himself bound, gagged and taken away and left in a dark room.

When he was finally released hours (days?) later he was again surprised by the reception. He was bombarded with questions and riddles which in his shock he did his best to answer. The madam's education had not been particularly stringent but he knew his numbers and letters and he thought he was able to answer most of the questions. Once the questions were done the man left again without acknowledging any of his paniced pleas and questions, with the click of the lock signalling another long wait alone.

The next days and weeks remained similar. He was fed simply but well, interrogated by a barrage of questions which he answered as best he could, and experienced a few unpleasant sessions where 'samples' were collected before being left alone for long periods. Finally the door opened and before him stood another man, a dwarf he recognized from the meeting. He introduced himself as Hargran Stonebound, and that he had a wonderful opportunity for Forsten.

He wasn't given much of a choice, but never having been particularly fond of madam or any of his fellows at the orphanage Forsten found himself whisked away from the academy to a strange place the likes of which he had never before seen. By some interpretations the isolation was gone, but for all purpose he remained alone his only companions several constructs which tended to his physical needs and Hargran on the rare occasions he appeared to test a theory or take more samples. Slowly over the decades that followed he learned much, including the purpose for his banishment to the ancient sanctum.

Forsten's lineage it seemed was of great interest to Hargan, who claimed that he originated from the union in ages past of a Pure Blooded Azlanti and a kyton, an outsider loyal to Lissala. This meant little to the young man at first, but beyond that needed for him to survive Hargan also left him a wealth of books, tomes mainly on history and magic. With little else to do he pored through the tomes and slowly gained an understanding of the subjects. The ruins he was in were Thassilonian, an ancient temple to the goddess Lissala and Hargan had stowed him there in hope of discovering a method to purge the outsider blood from his veins and bring forth his true heritage. To do so he needed time, and to keep Forsten safe, and secret.

After decades Hargan's preparations were finally complete, and in an agonizing, intense ritual the infernal taint was torn from his body and soul. Rather than being destroyed or banished, the fragments of the kyton coalesced, solidifying into the form of a weapon, a great Bardiche. It's personality was fragmented at first, but it spoke to Forsten and with it's influence only further bound him to Hargan and his quest to put right what the Thassilonians had done, to avoid their errors and return Lissala to her rightful place amongst the deities of golarion. Freed at last from his long prison he journeys eagerly to the stolen lands, ready to serve and give his all to the cause.