Rev's Rune Stones

Game Master Rev Rosey

Part 1 of the Rune Stones saga and where it all began.
What started as a one shot is now a multi-adventure epic.

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Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Move to F11. Gain concealment as a result of Shadow thingy.
Eldritch blast - beetle 1 (1d20+3=18)
Damage (1d10+1d6+3=14)
IF that takes it to 0 or below then teleport to I11

Arianwyn jogs around to get to the combat against the zombie and on the way casually chucks more eldritch fire at the beetle.

If that doesn't eliminate it, I should like to use an action point, madam DM.


Eldritch fire briefly outlines the first beetle before it is incinerated. Arianwyn pops out of sight only to reappear much nearer the oncoming zombie.

Arianwyn to I11.
Beetle 1 is dead.

A hideous stench is coming from one of the barrows.

That would be the one diagonally opposite the barrow with the beetle mound beside it.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Pop? Most likely, dear lady, I am consumed by white fire, only to reappear somewhere else, stepping out of similar blaze.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Vel, maintaining her position, throws her illusion once more, hoping that the mindless living beetle is as vulnerable to it as the mindless dead had been.

Illusory ambush vs. beetle (Will) (1d20 4=13, 1d6 4=8) Streak had to end sometime!

Vel's diversionary tactics have clearly damaged the second beetle.

"Oh! another one eh? well on with ya then, let's have it!"
Gobi takes a couple swipes at the new beetle

Firstly, resolving my OA
OA (1d20 4=19)
Damage roll for OA (1d10 2=9)

Minor action to Divinely challenge the new little bugger, and now my standard to plant a holy strike at this little guy, and staying planted where I am.

Holy Strike (1d20 4=8)

Rev DM

I was wondering also, about how small is this mound that I'm seeing?

Gobi's axe thumps satisfyingly into the second beetle's shell. He glares at the insect, defying it to try moving without him hitting it again.



The insect mound is about the height of a large cat basket, maybe half a square wide.

Beetle 2 is bloodied and marked (Divine Challenge).
Anarak, Kia and Whiteclaw to go.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

No problem about the flanking. I didn't really have time to examine the map at work, and was hoping you would set up the flank if possible, or ignore it if not.

Anarak should actually be just after Whiteclaw in the initiative order due to his Ready Action in Round 1.

If Whiteclaw does not kill the Zombie, Anarak will shift to achieve a flanking position (if necessary), then strike at the stupid creature with full force.

Reaping Strike with flanking: 1d20+9 = 25. Damage: 1d12+4 = 11 (Miss = 4 damage).

If the Zombie is still moving, consider him a marked ex-man.

If Whiteclaw kills the zombie before my turn, Anarak will focus on the smelly barrow, and ready an action to charge anything that emerges and appears hostile (most things appear hostile to a Dragonborn with a bloodied axe in hand).

Charge Rolls:

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Rev DM wrote:
Vel's diversionary tactics have clearly damaged the second beetle.

Neglected to mention -- beetle is at -2 to attacks through my next turn.

Bah. As if the critter wasn't in enough trouble already... -2 to attacks it is.

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Whiteclaw snarls at the dead thing and swings her flail at it.

Shift to a flank if possible, then Cleave on the Zombie, even though there is no second target to splash damage onto.

Whiteclaw shifts, swings her flail, grins at Anarak and hits solidly. Anarak's blow follows almost immediately and between their practiced attacks the zombie collapses back as death claims it once more.

Both Whiteclaw and Anarak hit and between them kill the zombie. Whiteclaw may still move, Anarak may also move and take a minor action if he so wishes.

Zombie 1 is dead.
Whiteclaw to M13 at present.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"Gobi, you seem to be able to cope with these beetles. Get rid of it if you can! I don't like the smell that is coming from that mound."

Getting Gobi to bash the beetle again. (1d20 7=14, 1d10 2=11)

Kia is staying where she is. She sticks her sunstick into the ground which will give off enough light to light the whole clearing from there and reloads her crossbow ready for the smelly thing.

Gobi "Beetlebane" Thovir squelches another hapless insect beneath his warhammer. Fragments of chitin fly everywhere.

Seemingly learning nothing from the doom of its fellows, a third beetle emerges from the small mound.

Gobi gets another OA on Beetle 3.

The smell you all noticed becomes stronger and the stones sealing the upper right barrow move aside to reveal a creature from nightmare. What was once a living being has been transformed by darkest magic into a creature of pure necrotic evil. The smell alone is enough to warn you that this is not going to be an easy target. Gobs of hideous black matter ooze from its skin and it turns purposefully towards Anarak and Whiteclaw flicking its claw like nails as it comes.

Map HERE. Round 4

Gobi - OA on Beetle 3 - G7
Arianwyn - I11
Corpse - Q14
Gobi - G7
Vel - F1
Kia - K4
Whiteclaw - M13
Anarak - K13
Beetle (it should be so lucky)- F7

Gobi looks at his warhammer, covered in odd juices from the couple beetles he had fought just before he crashes it back down on the newly emerging beetle.

OA Resolve OA (1d20 4=9) OA Damage (1d10 2=5)

Gobi's face grows more serious as he looks down at the beetle, missed by his warhammer as he calls upon this new bug in a divine challenge. He throws his hammer down once more trying to summon the power of avandra to shield his allies.

minor: DC, then shielding smite.

Shielding Smite, Cha vs. AC (1d20 5=8)

P.S. "Beetlebane" : Awesome.

Arianwyn, Corpse, Vel

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Vel concentrates a moment and then her allies feel a wave of inspiration washing over them, then advances toward the new threat.

Move to L5. Everyone has +1 to attack rolls through the encounter


The Bless one-shot

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Move to K14. Gain concealment. Witchfire vs Ref against the corpse being (1d20+3=8) pants. Using an action point to try eldritch blast instead.Eldritch blast vs Ref (corpse thing) (1d20+3=9) damn

"By the clicking of its thumbs, something wicked this way comes," Arianwyn mutters as he rushes to join the dragonborn and the gnoll. He unleashes gouts of white fire, but the shadowy beast evades them all.

Vel wrote:

Vel concentrates a moment and then her allies feel a wave of inspiration washing over them, then advances toward the new threat.

Move to L5. Everyone has +1 to attack rolls through the encounter

Rev:** spoiler omitted **



Good time to use it I'd say

Vel's handy inspirational moment comes into play after Arianwyn and the corpse have had their turns.


The corpse turns sightless eyes on Whiteclaw and flicks its nails at her. Like the zombies, it is eerily silent. Gobs of vile matter spatter the gnoll, causing her to shrink back involuntarily. The fingers continue to flick as dark matter rolls out of the seeping wounds of its torso and it moves towards her. This close, the stench is nearly unbearable. The thing reeks of long death.

[url=]Mote of Corruption at Whiteclaw (v Ref, necrotic damage on hit): (1d20 7=26, 2d6 3=6)[/url. 6hp necrotic damage to Whiteclaw and you are affected by the Grave Stench, making you -5 to attack rolls. In this case it is -4 because of Vel's spell.

Corpse to N14

Kia, Whiteclaw and Anarak

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia looks at the corpse and at the beetle and realises that she will not be of much use against the corpse since she can only help with melee attacks. Screwing up her courage, she goes up to the beetle and takes a hack at it with her sword.

Whack that beetle. (Includes Vel's bonus to attack and her own bonus to damage). (1d20 7=24, 2d8 5=10)

When she opens her eyes again, she realises that she has hit the horrid thing and feels much better. And Gobi gets a +4 power bonus to his attacks against the beetle until the end of Kia's next turn (Warlord's Favour). Unfortunately, this probably won't stack with Vel +1 so it's only +4

Kia is now at E6

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Kia Rubarka wrote:
Unfortunately, this probably won't stack with Vel +1 so it's only +4

Correct -- they're both power bonuses.

Whiteclaw cringes as the vile black gunk washes over her. "Why are we here again?" she asks, even as she dances to one side, her shield lashing out as she moves. It's clear she's not thrilled to me fighting such an un-natural enemy, but she doesn't hesitiate to attack.

Shift to N13, then use Tide of Iron. If it hits, I shift it to M13, where I started, and move into it's square, setting up an easy flank move for Anarak. Oh, and I mark it as well.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Seeing the corpse pre-occupied with Whiteclaw, Nicolai positions himself for a devastating charge. Looking at the map, this should be possible whether or not Whiteclaw's Tide of Iron succeeded.

If it did, Anarak ends up at L13 (stepping back and then charging).

If not, he ends up at N15 (moving first to N17 via K14-K15-L16-M17-N17)

Charge: 1d20+11 = 31 (Natural 20!) vs AC. Crit Damage = 1d12+16 = 25 (high crit).

Anarak's axe steams into the torso of the vile creature, spraying gore in every direction. Focusing all his efforts into landing one spectacular blow (and knowing about Whiteclaw's blood bonuses), he does not bother to supercede the gnoll's mark.

Gagging at the sight and smell of the horror, Whiteclaw's usually sure aim is badly deflected. Anarak however holds his nerve and successfully flanks the undead, unleashing a devastating blow.

Whiteclaw at M13
Anarak at N13
Anyone within one square of stinker is attacking at -5 due to Grave Stench. Vel's Bless makes than a -4

Confused and angry, the fire beetle sprays gouts of fire at Gobi and Kia, setting the ground around them aflame and injuring the paladin. It scuttles away from the burrow, towards the Corpse. Beetle 3 to J13

Round 5
Arianwyn - K14
Corpse - N14, marked (Whiteclaw) and bloodied
Gobi - G7
Vel - L5
Kia - E6
Anarak - N13
Whiteclaw - M13
Beetle - J13

Map to follow. Arianwyn is up.

9 damage, noted. 3d6... heh, that could have been a LOT worse!

Could indeed - they're not very nice at all. If you want to post Gobi's next actions, feel free, I doubt they'll impact much on anything Arianwyn plans to do.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Whiteclaw should be at N13. Anarak should be at N15.

Anarak wrote:
Whiteclaw should be at N13. Anarak should be at N15.

Noted. MAP ROUND 5

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Er, shouldn't Kia and Gobi get an opportunity attack against the beetle as it belts away?

Kia Rubarka wrote:
Er, shouldn't Kia and Gobi get an opportunity attack against the beetle as it belts away?

You are of course correct. Thump it at will. Gobi and Kia both.

Paging Arianwyn

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"Hey! Don't run away you horrid thing! Just as I managed to pluck up the courage to get near you!"

Kia swings mightily, something singing blissfully inside her (could it be the Rune stones influence?

Basic whack the fleeing beetle. (Includes Vel's and Kia's bonuses) (1d20 7=26, 1d8 5=11)

Remove the beetle from calculations ...

Enraged by pain, Gobi's warhammer flattens the last insect in one easy swipe.

Gobi's OA on beetle 3: (1d20 4=24, 1d10 2=12) I took the liberty of rolling on your behalf, Beetlebane and it was two natural crits. That should in any case have been a +8 due to Kia's encounter power, but in the event it makes little difference.

Beetle 3 is dead. BEETLE FREE MAP OF ROUND 5

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

move to L11. Concealment.
Eldritch Blast (1d20+3=7)
Curse the corpse

"Cease thy undulations, un-natural one!"

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Vel slowly advances on the undead, pointing at it and muttering an imprecation. The sickly green ray shoots forth at the creature.

Ray of Enfeeblement vs Fort (1d20 5=16, 1d10 4=6) If it hits, undead is weakened (does half damage) through my next turn.
Move to M7

Edit: Meant to add Orb of Imposition, so it lasts one extra turn.

The corpse's head turns to follow Arianwyn as the eladrin moves and its body slams into Whiteclaw. The gnoll ducks just in time to avoid the impact. As you watch, the grievous wounds inflicted by Anarak start to close up as the undead stands, unable to choose between foes.

Vel's blast hits it squarely in the chest, opening up fresh wounds and weakening the creature once more.

Corpse stays put, stinking away.

Gobi, Anarak and Whiteclaw

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Hopefully, the corpse is too pre-occupied to defend himself. He'll take some damage regardless.

Reaping Strike: 1d20+10 = 13 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 11 (Miss: 4 damage).

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Whiteclaw agressively attacks the corpse, doing her best to keep it's attention on her.

Time to try the daily! With flanking, I should be down to just -2 on the hit roll, so I think it's worth the gamble. I use Villain's Menace, since even if I miss I get a decent benefit against him. And I maintain my mark.

Gagging from the stench, Anarak's blow lacks its usual precision, but his attack opens the door for Whiteclaw. With a stroke of unrivalled strength and bringing all the power of the gnolls to bear, she whips her flail around, bring it up and across the corpse's body.

There is a moment of complete stillness in the clearing and the corpse explodes. Necrotic matter flies upwards and outwards, but neither warrior flinches.


192XP each please. You gained 50XP for the shade encounter and a further 142 each for this one.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Ignoring the smell, Vel cautiously probes at the remains of the last creature, trying to recall her studies on the undead.

Perception; Religion (1d20 2=4, 1d20 9=21)

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak grins at Whiteclaw and says, simply, "Nice shot."

He wipes the grime and bits of flesh off his scales and walks back to the others.

"So, have we finished avenging your spirit? Maybe we should resume our actual quest and find the rest of those stones."

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Arianwyn holds up a hand at the dragonborn's hastiness, "Hold, Sir Drake. We must retrieve the bones of the accursed shade from the grove and return them to their rightful place. His request is intrinsically linked to the matter in which you are currently engaged."

There are four barrows in the clearing. On closer inspection, you see that the one with the beetle mound along side it has suffered a recent collapse. It looks very much as if someone tried to break in and failed or broke in and caused the collapse as they left.

The barrow recently exited by the corpse can be entered fairly easily, one person at a time. The two remaining barrows are sealed, but you could break in easily enough. Going from the bottom left clockwise, they are A, B, C and D. There is nothing to indicate who they once belonged to on the outside.

Vel is sure the thing you have just defeated was a corruption corpse. This type of undead horror is notorious for its appalling smell, charming habit of throwing bits of itself at enemies and exploding on death.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"Right, which barrow do we think it is? Vel? Arianwyn? do you have any ideas? You were the ones who talked most to that shade. I'm guessing that these are the barrows of the people mentioned on the stones - if that's any use."

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"Verily, Milady Kia, it seems that we should perhaps investigate the barrow from whence the corpse hailed. Mayhap there will be some clue there."

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Arianwyn wrote:
"Verily, Milady Kia, it seems that we should perhaps investigate the barrow from whence the corpse hailed. Mayhap there will be some clue there."


Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"That one it is then. Has everybody rested enough? Does everyone feel ready for what we may find in there? I'm not expecting it to be uninhabited for some reason."

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Short rest, folks?

"First, let me inspect the corpse and gather my wits."

All the corpses are in teeny tiny bits. Zombies and corruption corpse exploded and the beetles have been malleted into oblivion by Kia and Gobi.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

"We should be at our best when we enter. Let us take a few minutes."

Only Whiteclaw took any damage at all in the last combat. When you are rested, please tell me what (if any) preparations you will make before entering barrow C. A marching order would also be helpful.

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