Rev DM |

Where will you rest? You can get to any part of the island with some ease, but if you choose to camp outside the barrows, in the original glade where the trails met or up at the sacred circle, you will be surrounded by the bodies of the slain.
For those of you curious to know, you each got 134XP for the ghouls.

Kia Rubarka |

"Could I suggest we go to the place with the stones. That spirit shouldn't bother us since we are doing it a favour and it might even help us if we need it."
"By the way Anarak, Arianwyn and I can keep watch and rest at the same time so you don't need to stand watch. I should take advantage and rest as well as you can."

Rev DM |

You return to the sacred circle and Vel pitches her tent. Despite the evidence of your earlier visit, the grove holds no menace for you now. You sleep. Perchance you dream.
You waken early to the welcome sound of birds just as the blush of dawn is leaving the sky. Where are you going and what will you do when you get there?
I know Gobi hasn't finished his levelling, but that can continue in the background. If it becomes an issue, we'll pause to let him catch up. In the meantime, you have taken an extended rest and this will restore all powers, hit points and healing surges to full. You each have one action point.

Anarak |

"Could I suggest we go to the place with the stones. That spirit shouldn't bother us since we are doing it a favour and it might even help us if we need it."
"By the way Anarak, Arianwyn and I can keep watch and rest at the same time so you don't need to stand watch. I should take advantage and rest as well as you can."
"Well, I believe on doing my share so I will take a watch with you all the same. Those Duergar may attack at night and I'd rather be awake if they do."
As an afterthought, he adds, "I don't care where we sleep."
Just fyi, if we take a full rest, we will be reduced back to one action point. Not sure if people have been saving those...

Rev DM |

You had pretty well all used all your available action points. Taking a rest was not a stupid plan. Your healing surges are now restored to full levels, as are your hit points and you have all your daily powers back as well.
If you are back at the barrow grove, here is a shiny new map to go with the shiny new day. It is rather small in size for which I apologise, I'm still trying to find a way to make them bigger. Place yourselves thereon if you would be so kind.

Rev DM |

I am placing Gobi at J7 and Whiteclaw at I8. I basically just pointed a pencil at the map.
The barrow is closed off with a large rock. It's perfectly moveable and now that you look at the place in the light of day, you can see clear evidence of something having gone in and out recently.
There is a rustle from the trees to your left.

Arianwyn |

Perception; Initiative (1d20+2=7, 1d20+5=12)
All mimsy was the barrow grove..

Vel |

Perception, Init (1d20 3=21, 1d20 8=24)
But only at brillig

Rev DM |

Her senses already on edge, Vel looks around the trees and swiftly identifies two further sources of noise. HERE.
You cannot however see anything.
Just as an aside, why, oh why do my monsters always roll such rubbish? These guys should easily have been able to get in a surprise round, but no.

Kia Rubarka |

Perception; Initiative (1d20 2=17, 1d20 5=10)
Too much uffish thinking to perceive anything useful

Rev DM |

Init order
Vel - 24
Mar - 22
Anarak - 18
Whiteclaw - 17
Skeggi - 16
Gobi - 16
Ari - 15
Arianwyn - 12
Kia - 10
Block 1
Block 2
Note that Vel has identified the whereabouts of your attackers, but they are invisible, so you will be attacking at a -2 penalty for concealment. The trees provide cover, which gives you a further -2 to hit them. -4 total on attack rolls until you can either see them, or get them out of the trees, or both.
Vel is up

Whiteclaw |

Not wanting to rush into the trees against unknown foes - and not all that thrilled about still being poking around Barrows, Whiteclaw drops back to give her more options once they appear.
Whiteclaw drops back to N8, though if something hostile gets next to her she'll smack it.

Rev DM |

Whiteclaw, I will alter the map. Since the placement was mine, rather than yours, I think that is reasonable.
Please use THIS MAP. Earlier version deleted.
Vel is still up
Please also note - the blue blobs are concealed. You are attacking at -7. -5 for the concealment, -2 for the tree cover. Apologies. Didn't read it right before.

Vel |

Vel targets the easternmost invisible creature with her favored ambush spell, but is thrown off by the concealment.
Illusory Ambush vs Will (1d20-2=0, 1d6 4=6)
No move

Rev DM |

A handful of poisonous beard quills hurtle towards Arianwyn and fall short to the accompaniment of curses from the right hand clump of trees.
An enraged duergar pops into view and advances on the eladrin. His warhammer thuds down, almost crushing the lithe figure.
"Thus Mar deals with defilers and unbelievers."
Mar the duergar to G10
hammer attack on Arianwyn (extra 2d6 for combat advantage on hit): (1d20 8=28, 1d10 2=4, 2d6=8). That would be a crit, which is 12hp to Arianwyn, plus an additional 8hp. 20hp damage please. Arianwyn is bloodied.
Anarak is up

Rev DM |

With a roar of outrage, Anarak advances on the suddenly visible duergar and clouts him with his axe.
Anarak's attack on Mar (Reaping strike, 4hp damage on miss): (1d20 6=20, 1d12 4=13) (only a -2 penalty as Mar the duergar is now visible, but is still in the trees. Amended manually)
Anarak to H11
Whiteclaw is up

Anarak |

Can you clarify something? If a square on the map has trees in half the square, does it count as difficult terrain? Awesome map btw!
Perception from earlier: 1d20+2 = 7
Seeing no way to get flanking without provoking an attack, Anarak moves through the trees to take a position next to Arianwyn at G9. He will make a Reaping Strike at Mar, the only visible foe. And, considering Arianwyn's recent injury, he will release the pressure on him by marking the Duergar.
Reaping Strike: 1d20+8 = 24 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 5 (4 on miss).
I assumed that neither concealments are in effect since I am 5' away, and he is visible. Please apply them for me if I'm mistaken.
If the Duergar shifts, or attacks Arianwyn, I make an opportunity attack. Rolls:

Rev DM |

Can you clarify something? If a square on the map has trees in half the square, does it count as difficult terrain? Awesome map btw!
I assumed that neither concealments are in effect since I am 5' away, and he is visible. Please apply them for me if I'm mistaken.
If the Duergar shifts, or attacks Arianwyn, I make an opportunity attack. Rolls:
Trees aren't difficult terrain. They provide cover, but you can move through them.
You are correct about the 5 squares away. Cover and concealment are - interesting!
Glad you like the map. I tried Campaign Cartographer and gave up, this is the product of Fractal Mapper which is working so far. Although oddly I have to run them through CC in order to get them bigger.
With vengeful purpose, Anarak steps closer to Mar and slices an almost contemptutous blow into the duergar. The pair size each other up as worthy adversaries.
Whiteclaw, let me know when you want to drop back into the init order.

Rev DM |

Rustling from the trees to the left of her causes Kia to swing around just in time to see another duergar pop into sight wielding a warhammer. Taking advantage of her distraction, he attacks her, but the damage is less appalling than it might be.
"We shall crush you, fools and intruders."
Skeggi warhammer attack on Kia: (1d20 10=26, 1d10 2=5). 4hp damge to Kia.
Skeggi to J4
Gobi is up - but I will roll for him fairly shortly as he seems to be still having troubles
Whiteclaw needs to take an action as well

Whiteclaw |

I like the map, too, looks great. And, I'm sorry for not being clear, was late here when I posted. She's waiting on purpose, partly to get a better idea on how many bad guys there are, and partly to let the people that wanted to barrows explore take the brunt if a round. Basically, she's being petulant for a few seconds :)

Rev DM |

Gobi - I'm assuming (and forgive me if I'm wrong) that your computer troubles are still with you.
The sight of yet more renegade dwarves as well as the vicious attacks on his companions spur the paladin into action. Hefting his warhammer and issuing a Divine Challenge at the interloper, he swings. The blow falls short, alas, but the duergar cannot resist Gobi's challenge.
Holy Strike on Skeggi (Divinely challenged, so gets Wis mod as well on hit): (1d20 5=7, 1d10 5=13)
Gobi to K5
Skeggi the duergar is Divinely Challenged by Gobi
Mar the duergar is marked by Anarak.
A crossbow bolt pings out of the trees at Vel, but falls short. With an aggrieved yelp, the duergar snaps into view and moves to support his comrades.
Ari the duergar moves to I2
Arianwyn is up
Whiteclaw (or the other way around. Whiteclaw, I'm happy to insert you back into the sequence wherever you feel is most appropriate.

Arianwyn |

Shift to I8. Second Wind - standard action. Spend action point.Witchfire vs Mar's Reflex Defense (1d20+4=9) Damn.
Arianwyn seethes with fury and unleashes a blast of white fire ineffectually, screaming with rage.