Rev's Rune Stones

Game Master Rev Rosey

Part 1 of the Rune Stones saga and where it all began.
What started as a one shot is now a multi-adventure epic.

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Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Whiteclaw stops running, but at the same time she doesn't seem eager to walk back to where the ghost might be. "Why don't we wait here for the others." she suggests to Anarak.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"Where shall we seek thy bones? And do you know from whence the dark dwarves hail?"

"My long doom condemned my bones to rest unworthy within the barrows of my kindred. Long years they ruled and well, and 'neath the oldest barrow lie my poor remnants. Alas, the dark ones despoil that place, befouling it and all that lie within by the presence of their leader ..."

The shade's voice rises higher and angrier.

"Within the mines they rose. From out the Underdark they came. Seeking, finding and bespoiling all, beguiled by Zemeboh's smooth and evil tongue. Let me protect the stones. Give me rest!"

The final words rise into the air as an unearthly shriek.

It seems to Vel and Gobi that this may be the very sound that Captain Bifrost heard from his ship.

Down the hill, Anarak, Kia and Whiteclaw gaze at each other in renewed horror.

Flavour text only guys - you don't need to make a save.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Did Vel complete the rubbings before our visitor arrived?

Vel wrote:
Did Vel complete the rubbings before our visitor arrived?

She did. She hasn't read the stones themselves though, just taken the tracings.

The shade's mouth opens again and with one final bone chilling howl it seems to consume itself and sink back into the fabric of the altar. You are once more alone among the stones and the dead.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

When the group is regathered, Vel becomes pragmatic. "We need to find the last stone so we can take the rubbing and be done with this place. There are tracks, yes?"

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

With a look of disdain, Arianwyn dresses himself in the duergar's clothing.

With the departure of the shade, the atmosphere in the stone circle changes. Birdsong returns, but slowly, sleepily. It is now darker, but this is the dark of approaching dusk rather than the supernatural chill of the undead.

This is a defensible spot and you do not sense that the shade will hurt you if you decide to rest here. Indeed, you may almost be under his protection should you do so.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak slowly makes his way back to the group with his head down, avoiding eye contact with the others. He retrieves his fallen axe without a word and sits alone with his back against a large tree. What started out as a great day filled with glory has turned into one of shame, best forgotten.

He sits quietly in contemplation and waves off any approach, waiting for the others to trace the stone and decide the next course of action.

Kia's player is still flattened with work issues - apologies sent to all.

Kia pats Whiteclaw soothingly on the back. "Going back would show great courage Whiteclaw, and I'm sure nobody could have expected that thing to emerge."

She takes a careful look at Anarak's disconsolate figure before deciding that words of encouragement will not be welcome and moving onwards to join Gobi, Vel and the freshly clad Arianwyn. The other eladrin looks incongruous in the extreme in his alien garb.

"Well now. That was an unexpected development. What did you learn?"

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"We learnt much and yet.. little. The spirit here wishes us to retrieve its bones, and tasked us with ridding the isle of the dark ones."

"Perhaps we should set up camp, gather ourselves for what's to come. I don't expect this will be a simple task." Gobi says as he looks around the area. "It's as good a place as any to set up"

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Gobi Thovir wrote:
"Perhaps we should set up camp, gather ourselves for what's to come. I don't expect this will be a simple task." Gobi says as he looks around the area. "It's as good a place as any to set up"

"Rest would help," Vel agrees reluctantly. Then, to Arianwyn, "But I would point out it is not the spirit the rest of us report to."

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"Ah, am I to take it then, milady Vel that you serve some other master? I would make it clear to you that I serve none, whether man or ghost. I merely do what is needful to restore the balance."

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

"Restore the balance? Are you sure about that?? We know nothing of that ghost or what it really wants, or even if doing what it asked is positive or not. I say we get the last rubbing and get off this island and let the duergar and ghosts play their own games without using us as pawns."

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Arianwyn wrote:
"Ah, am I to take it then, milady Vel that you serve some other master? I would make it clear to you that I serve none, whether man or ghost. I merely do what is needful to restore the balance."

"We were hired to take rubbings of the stones, nothing more," Vel answers crisply. "As Whiteclaw says, we need to find the last stone and we will be done."

Could I have a plan of action from you please? You have taken a short rest and can make that an extended rest here (although if you take an extended rest you'll lose that hard won extra action point).

Your options are pretty much go and find the bones at the barrow or go and see what there is to see in the mines. Either way you need to track down the last stone to get the important tracing. I'd like to know as well if you're planning to read any of the stones. Tracing them does not count as reading them, that requires 10 minutes concentrated looking.

If you could discuss either in character here or on the discussion thread what your plans are, I can move you all on. I would stress that I'm not trying to railroad you in any way, I just don't want you all to feel abandoned.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

I think we already took our brief rest. Vel wants to read the stones regardless, and then either take an extended rest here or follow the dragmarks to find the last stone. Could go either way.

While the others are recovering from the spirit's aura, Vel starts to reading the stones she has traced.

Going from left to right, which stone are you reading first? Left, Middle or Right.

Do bear in mind that anyone can read the stones. It requires no arcane knowledge at all, just willingness to concentrate on it for the relevant time.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Rev DM wrote:

Going from left to right, which stone are you reading first? Left, Middle or Right.

Stone (1d3=2)


Vel once again concentrates on the ancient runes.


This is the rune stone of rebirth. It tells a story hope and speaks of the day when a sliver of golden light will shatter the endless gloom of night. Out of the ashes of the destruction of the gods a beautiful world will rise. The breath of life will once more fill the lungs of fair, murdered Baldr. Baldr reborn will travel the new world and everywhere his foot touches ground, abundance will sprout without the sowing of seeds.

The stone does not appear to do anything as she finishes reading it, but she feels comforted, as though a weight has lifted from her.

Religion check of 10 reveals the following


Baldr died as the result of a trick played upon him by Zemeboh who envied him. His death brought about the destruction of the northern gods. Their power waned, but there has always been the possibility that they might one day return.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Vel shares the results of her reading.

Both spoilers, as she can't fail the Religion check

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"But, you can see that the retrieval of these stones and their re-establishment will prevent a great evil. Surely you have no wish to aid and abet the dark ones by inaction?" Arianwyn asks plainly.

"Aye, I'm all for doing what I'm getting paid for and wiping out some evil while it's crossing the same path I'm on." Gobi says, "Can't hurt us to at least take a look at what things are going on in those barrows"

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

"Do we have any evidence of this 'great evil awakening' other than the words of a spirit? Spirits lie, just like mortals do. For all you know, the spirit is the evil and entering the barrows would help it wake. Rest if we must, but then get the third rubbing and get back to the boat, that's what I think."

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Gobi Thovir wrote:

"Can't hurt us to at least take a look at what things are going on in those barrows"

"It can't?"

Not waiting for an answer, Vel moves to read the right-hand stone.

Vel goes through the now familiar routine of deciphering the stone.


This is the stone of Vision. It reveals what Jarovit sacrificed of himself in the pursuit of knowledge. The stone speaks of Jarovit's eye, which was plucked out in exchange for inner sight. It tells the story of how Jarovit willingly impaled himself upon his own spear and was hung from the branches of the World-Ash until he saw the secret of the original rune stones. The stone reveals that only through pain and loss was knowledge gained.

As she finishes reading the stone, Vel takes a deep breath, recognising that her own ability to understand certain things has changed.

She has a +5 to her Insight for the next 24 hours.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia looks at the group members individually, sensing the indecision amongst them.

"We were sent to trace these stones it is true, but we are bound by our natures to help those who need our pity. I am for Arianwyn's plan of restoring the bones to their place beneath this alter. It seems a task for good, say you not? And besides I was brought up always to do the best for my fellow creatures."

"Even if they are dead." She added as an afterthought.

"So, if this needs a vote, I vote for bones."

Kia looks about her and at the stones and goes up to another one to see if she can make any sense of it.

Apologies for my absence - serious work worries. Thanks Rev for keeping me going.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Rev DM wrote:

Vel goes through the now familiar routine of deciphering the stone.

** spoiler omitted **

Vel reports on the story of Jarovit first spoiler.

Kia Rubarka wrote:

Kia looks about her and at the stones and goes up to another one to see if she can make any sense of it.

Kia concentrates on the final stone and at last the runes become clear to her.


This is the Rune Stone of Fury. Upon it is carved the secrets of strength and the rage brought on by battle, the gift of Perun. The runes recall the that this was the ultimate weapon of the northerners. They speak also of an ancient conflict between men and dwarves and its final resolution. The free shedding of so much blood lead ultimately to peace.

Kia's eyes flash as she finishes reading the stone. Her hand goes involuntarily to her sword and she feels a new fire for battle rise up within her.

For the next 24 hours, when bloodied Kia adds +2 to her damage rolls.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"My, they knew how to inspire people when they built these stones!"

Kia reports the contents of the stone to Vel and the others First spoiler above.

"Come on, let's find those dark ones and give them what they deserve!"

"And find the bones, of course."

I'm going to take it that you're heading for the barrow unless you tell me otherwise.

EDITED - I put in some stuff about going back to the glade. But of course you may yet decide on extended rest. You can do that anywhere you like of course. If it's the stone circle or the glade, you'll be surrounded by the recently dead.

Pending further developments, I will move you on in the morning.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

With Kia arguing for the barrow, Vel yields.

No opinion on rest

Perception (1d20 2=17), dammit!

Kia's words prove decisive and and you gather your belongings and return purposefully to the glade. Everything is as you left it. The Rune Stone of creation lies serenely among the corpses of the lizard, duergar and kobolds. A cursory glance around tells you that nothing else has disturbed the area since you left it.

Now that you know the final stone has been moved, it's easy enough to spot the trail. Of the two unexplored paths leading from the glade, it is the track leading north to the barrows which shows the marks of a large object being dragged. As you know, the stones are extremely heavy. The marks, though not made recently, are deep and impossible to mistake.

The path before you is passable. Conifers loom in on both sides and with night falling those of you without low light vision will have a hard time seeing the way. To make matters worse, tendrils of mist are building. Whether as a warning or an invitation you have no way of knowing.

Marching order and actions please.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"I have ample proof, Sir Gnoll, that the enemies of this spirit are our enemies, and I am sure milady Vel can testify to the sanctity of these stones."

I know Whiteclaw is female, but he doesn't know that! ;)

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Sorry, I needed to remove Anarak from the action temporarily as I've been very busy lately.

Anarak listens carefully to the explanations of the stones, holding back his opinion on where the group should head. His instincts tell him they should accomplish their quest and leave. Also, the ghost seemed to be of pure evil, and he was not present for the so-called request. He nods at Gobi's pronouncement, however, and, having used him as a morality compass before, will support his friend despite his own qualms.

He says only, "I vote for the barrow."

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Whiteclaw shakes her head. "The ghost is using you. Listen to what you said, the dwarves and humans fought a war here. And a human ghost is telling you that the dwarves are evil. Of course it would say that - and you believe it why??? My people are mostly savages, but even we know better than to trust the words of a spirit."

However, Whiteclaw isn't about to abandon the others, so she slides back into her normal rear guard position, even as she keeps shaking her head.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Arianwyn looks blandly at Whiteclaw and says wryly, "The dwarves kidnapped me, stripped me naked, and intended to cut out my heart as a blood sacrifice. Now, unless that was all a most cunning double-bluff, please allow this obviously unwise eladrin a little benefit of the doubt, Sir Gnoll."

Are you proceeding up the path towards the barrows as this discussion is going on?

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Rev DM wrote:

Are you proceeding up the path towards the barrows as this discussion is going on?


Vel wrote:
Rev DM wrote:

Are you proceeding up the path towards the barrows as this discussion is going on?


The discussion continues unabated as you feel your way cautiously down the path. It is dark by now and for those of you without low light vision, a light source is imperative. Ancient conifers have been forced back and broken, clearly indicating some violent, recent passage. Nettles and brambles hem the path edges and tendrils of mist work their way up from the ground. You are now out of sight of the glade and the track before you widens slightly.

Gobi takes a moment from his position towards the front of the party to see if he hears or sees anything strange.

Perception (1d20 3=21)

Gobi Thovir wrote:

Gobi takes a moment from his position towards the front of the party to see if he hears or sees anything strange.

Perception (1d20 3=21)

Gobi hears some kind of movement from further up the path. With the chat going on behind him, it's hard to be more specific.

Perception checks please from everyone except Gobi.
Stealth checks from all of you.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Perception, Stealth (1d20 2=3, 1d20 1=19)

Where am I? I can't see myself!

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Perception: 1d20+1 = 7. Stealth: 1d20+0 = 15

Vel wrote:

Perception, Stealth (1d20 2=3, 1d20 1=19)

Where am I? I can't see myself!

Anarak wrote:

Perception: 1d20+1 = 7. Stealth: 1d20+0 = 15

Vel and Anarak probably can't even see their own feet. It's dark. Has anyone lit a torch of any kind? I love it when the dice play the characters.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Rev DM wrote:
It's dark. Has anyone lit a torch of any kind?

We have sunrods, but Vel would rather not be the obvious target. She'll crack one if nobody else does, though.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia, walks daintily along the path all attention, listening for anything that could be suspicious.

Perception and stealth, (1d20 1=17, 1d20 4=20)

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