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I'm a career-oriented guy, mid-20s, mildly into games due to my brothers (you've probably seen their posts in these forums). I think it's fun, but don't find a lot of time to play. That makes PbP pretty good for me.
I also enjoy a bit of creative writing, so I love to make characters almost more than play them, but as long as action is swift and our characters keep advancing and staying fluid, I'm really always making the character, aren't I?

Herkymr the Silly |

lol always building characters thats half the fun.
I am mid thirties. Work with Mental Health as a residential counselor. Have A 3 yr old and a new born on the way. Awesome lovely wife...of course and best thing I ever did was convince her she got a good deal.
I have a bachelors degree in english with literary analysis focus. Much of my background was in Technical writing so some times I can make things dry...Hopefully only when I need to.
I love playing with words and elephant jokes that are atleast most the way clean are my favorites.
I have been playing for almost 20 years. I started game mastering Earthdawn (predecessor to shadowrun) when no one at home but me played. I had ben introduced to D&D 2.0 when they had the "kits" but didn't play much.
Played 3.0 and 3.5 became DM when our Dm at the time moved away. Still learning as always but have most of the basics down.
New to play by post. Wanted something to jury rig and jumpstart my thinking again and as the group that plays in RL is currently a hit and a miss then here was the next best thing.
I think that about sums me up in a cracked nutshell :)

Torillan |

Ghorum here.
I'm in my mid- forties, married for 20 years, two teenage boys. I work in healthcare (suburban ER).
Been gaming off and on for about 30 years (red box, anyone?). Currently running a Runelords AP with friends. Almost finished with Skinsaw murders.
I do have some experience with pbp. Tried to start a few over the years, but most fizzled out (real life gets in the way a LOT).
Anyway, I'm looking forward to playing here. Seems to be off to a good start.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

SV here old-ish I will not say how old but I got DnD V1 in the box with dice back in the day and Traveler 1.0 If you know what that is.
Been playing for a long long time like Ghorum, Think we may have payed the same games over the years, I know Sandy Peterson who designed call of cthulhu and Greg Stafford of Hero Quest as well as others, I have been an PnP game play tester, GM and player. I have done the whole under and post grad thing and use to work in the film biz world wide. Have a wife and one child and live in China at the moment working on New tech.
love thinking up PC and game, I GM 2 games.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Miya Sits on her horse trying to think where to go next, it did not really matter she could not go home for a wile not after well, less said about that the better. Kodo was flying around her head catching fly's he thught into her mind.
::"So miss know it all where next, that villige did not take well to a bard who liked to make then think the Village elder could sing soprano"::
"yes well, no seance of hummer some, as for where we are going I have no idea, we will meed some one new, we always do you old fart so stop worrying we will not die of hunger just yet."
With that she speared her steed on along the road.

Faagaki Heitoka |

Wow, didn't realize this was here already. I'm in my late 20'a and I also work as a residential counselor. I've been married for 2 and a half years. We have a 17 month old, and he is the best kid ever. I've only been gaming for about a year now, but I love it. I also do some writing and I love seeing where the characters go (both in my writing and in the games). I am majoring in mathematics, with a minor in Chinese--hoping to teach one day. I love language of all sorts,word plays, foreign languages, writing, etc., etc., etc. I have a bit of experience with pbp, and enjoy it a lot because of the way it tends to go towards more roleplay. And I am ready to get started!

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Miya rides on when all of a sudden up ahead there is a very a sound that echos around the landscape BOOM!
Bits of earth and grass fall all around, Miya spears her horse on to see what made the sound.
::"Are you mad, there could be more like that!::
Kodo shot into her mind.
"You stay there then you grumpy Lizard I'm going to have a look"
She shot back at him gleefully
Over a raise she pulled her house up, There in front of her was a large crater in the ground and a small female Dwarf looking at it.
Miya Waves.
"hello there, I'm Miya, may I ask? did you do that?"
Pointing at the crater.

Tess Le'Blanc |

Well lets see im closer to 30 then i am 20. Been playing RPG's since the time of Thaco(redbox stuff for big T up there) Im married to a wonderful gamer wife. we have one daughter age 3. Lets see by profession I do all sorts of things. currently I am a soldier in the Cal National Guard. and in the civilain world I am an accountant and a full time student. Thanks to all your tax dollars :)

Tess Le'Blanc |

Tess not noticing Miya ride up is busy talking to herself.
Powder to much powder again. or mabye to much everything hmmm more testing is needed yes more testing.
upon hearing the voice from behind her she whips around. one hand dropping into a belt pouch Who's there. upon preseving no imediate danger she slowly removes her hand from the pouch. Im Tess. The crater yes the crater is my doing. to much something still working on that
With that she starts mumbling to herself again. making notes on some parchments.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Miya looks at the dwarf working
::I bet that bang mixed up her brain, they can do that you know.::
Miya shoots Kodo and evil look as if to say "Shut up will you"
then back at the dwarf,she jumps off her horse and gos to have a better look.
"Can you make fireworks? I love fireworks, I was heading up to the local town, there having some kind of wedding or some thing and some one said at the last village they would be having fireworks, are you the one making them Tess? I bet that's a really fun job.
She smiles

Tess Le'Blanc |

huh what fireworks never heard of them never tried them are they fun do they go boom? looking distracted Tess shoves the parchment at Miya Hold this real quick. Oh and back up back up after messing around with some stuff Tess starts running toward the edge of the crater. Just as she gets to the edge everyone is assaulted by a loud BOOM!!!!! Jumping up and down claping her hands Tess exclaims I did it I did it.
I love giving my chars a random personality lol

Jim Seeker |

Meanwhile, Ghorum and Jim have just reached the borders of Triumvirate, headed to the smoky and poorly-lit cellars of the storehalls of Keth. Jim has found the dealers there to be less superstitious of potentially magic artifacts, and therefore much easier to work with when selling mysterious items. Most recently, the plundering duo cleared out a few aberrations from a cavernous sacrificial temple, but unfortunately found no hidden treasure; that is, until the clumsy/lucky Ghorum tripped over the body of a recent sacrifice. To Ghorum's credit, the creature was wearing a strange robe that appeared to blend in with the stone around it. It also wore what appeared to be some very light and nimble boots, and a metal ring that felt warm with some form of magical presence. They seemed like appealing finds, but Jim and Ghorum had long since learned not to test new acquisitions first-hand before presenting them to the Keth dealers for examination--too many items in such cursed haunts bear curses themselves.
"Come on, Ghorum, you old slow-foot! The markets close soon, and we'll miss our room at the Hag's Spew! You don't want to sleep on the streets do you? Not with such a glittering haul as all that." Jim says, gesturing to the pack Ghorum carries in addition to his own gear, while Jim lightly strolls ahead, hardly burdened by just his own pack.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Miya pulled herself up from the round ears ringing
"WOW, yes fireworks, let me tell you about them there the best things ever!, come on we can both fit on Snowy she can carry us, town just down the road we can get some more stuff for you bangs"

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Miya tells Tess all about the Fireworks her family used to get on holidays days and special occasions. How they fizz and whizz and wheeerr, fly into the air and explode in sparks and lights. How you light them and run. How she was told there made of paper, wood and powder, with elements in to make the colors.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 base Knol roll
Before long they ride into town. Its note that being but has more the one Inn and what looks to be a town all. A boy leads pigs pass them in the afternoon heat, He smiles a toothy grin that the strangers ride past. They pass a baker, cobbler, butchers and what looks to be a hardwares/ironmungers/supply shop of some kind.
"I bet you could get some things in there, This Inn is close and looks good. If your all right with sharing Ill get us a room. I sing songs and tell the old tails to make my coin. Once I work out what the Inn keeps cut will be it should be what I make should cover one room and board for the nigh. Your a dwarf right, I don't drink beer but some always gets me one when I'm doing my act, you can have it you like. Just do not like the stuff."
::"That's the most sensible thing you've said all day"::
Miya picks up small stick and thows it at the small Dragon flying over head, she aims to miss.
"Shooo pest"
She says as the Inn boy comes out to look after her mount.
"I'll head in and see the Inn Keep, you can come if you like or have a look in the odd shop, but ill be here for a wile, always takes time getting the right deal"
She heads in to the bar.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

She also smile
"later Ill show you the fire works I have in my bags, your going to love em and I have a thing that gos Boom."
Handing Koda over to GM hes all MPC now

Herkymr the Silly |

She also smile
"later Ill show you the fire works I have in my bags, your going to love em and I have a thing that gos Boom."
Handing Koda over to GM hes all MPC now
The fireworks were a gift from your family upon you deciding to leave home. They remembered from past celebrations that you had been thrilled by them and so the saved and bought some from a wandering peddler. You were unaware of it until you sought an inn the first night away from home. You opened your pack to find a small butcher papper wrapped package. Upon opening it you discovered the gift.
I already have koda statisticified :) Just something your toon would know...He has alot of knowledge skills that ou may get access to or bonus' when seekoing his help.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

"Good taht gives me time to get the Inn keep sorted and get a song in before Dinner, get the word out a new bards in town playing to night, Fi you see a small dragon cage let me know"
With that she heads into "The Sweaty Barber Inn" with the bags
"also I'll see if the have a bath house in this town, my hair is a mess and I could do with a wash before tonight"

Jim Seeker |

Jim and Ghorum enter the Hag's Spew early in the afternoon, having made an easy sale of their wares. "Ah, the Spew. Home of the sweetest cakes and the vilest grog. Two rounds for another day lived and another coin well earned!" Jim boisterously cries as he strolls towards the bar.

Jim Seeker |

"A fine question! And a question best left unanswered when drinking at the Hag's Spew, I'd say." Jim laughs as he slams down eight coppers.
"More to the point, good dwarf, what aren't we drinking? We have board for a week and a purse full of coin. I'll see this inn's cellars bare before I'm done! Come Ghorum, let's see if you can hold your liquor any better than you hold your axe!" Jim jeers as two mugs of ale arrive.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

The Night go's well and the coin wile not good is still coin an pays for there room, a good hot bath and food. This town wile nice dos not seem to have long pockets, but this may change at the weekend. Some lord of other is getting wed and they need a song and dance acts, Miya got a gig just after he wedding and has also said they could supply fire works for if the coin is good. Now all she has to do is ask Tess if she can make some thing.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Safe in there room Miya shows Tess her fire works,
"You lite it here see and then it gos wooosh! and Bang!, they say they would like some at the wedding, they will pay for the things you need, do you think you can make some? I do not want to use the ones I have. So what you think, we can always say no and go after I sing."
Koda is asleep on her bed so she sits by the window.
"Tess I do not really know what to do, I have just been riding around since I left home. Sorry did not tell you, I kind of had to leave home, it was that or marry a the dull son of a trader the matchmaker had picked for me. Father said it was all right, but old families, standing, , and loss of face the hole thing, 'sending you off to study' that line, so I kind of decided not to and live my own life. you get the idea, I think they new I would so they sent this pest on my bed to keep an eye on me, he's name is Koda and hes one of the family Dragons but most of all he's a real pain is the backside."
She kicks the bed but Koda moves faster flying into the air and landing by Tess. He smiles at Tess sweetly.
Into Tess's mind ::"And it takes more than this slip of a girl to catch me asleeping. To make clear, my task to keep Miya out of trouble and the family name safe from her stupidity until such time as she has learned respect and can go home."::
he flaps up to a fester well out of reach and once more gos to sleep.
Miya gives Koda an evil look and then turns back to Tess.
"So whats your story?, Broken hart, lost family gold, outlaw? do tell"

Herkymr the Silly |

The Night go's well and the coin wile not good is still coin an pays for there room, a good hot bath and food. This town wile nice dos not seem to have long pockets, but this may change at the weekend. Some lord of other is getting wed and they need a song and dance acts, Miya got a gig just after he wedding and has also said they could supply fire works for if the coin is good. Now all she has to do is ask Tess if she can make some thing.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

20 + 7 = 27 Sliver
"That will get us a room for the night and some ale, bread and Cheese"

Faagaki Heitoka |

Faagaki walks into Triumvirate. He raises his nose to the air and smiles as the sea's smell fills his nostrils. He continues making his way through town till he gets near the docks. Only then does he begin looking for an inn. By the smile on his face, you would think he didn't see the run down nature of the Hag's Spew as he walks inside. A room please, for a week.
After he gets settled into his room Faagaki walks back outside. He looks up at the sun still hanging high overhead. He then heads to the docks to see if there is a place nearby that he can swim until dusk, when the taverns will fill.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Miya thinks for a bit and then makes her mind up,
"Here take this one, its call a paper candle"
She hands it over to Tess.

--Heimdallr-- |

A little late getting set up, but I am finally ready to play! and as requested a little introduction. I am a chemistry student at the University of Oregon currently working on building a scanning tunneling microscope along with some other assorted goodies for an ultra high vacuum system for one of the faculty here, which has been quite the experience so far. I am late twenties and am fairly new to role playing games, having only played with the DM of this campaign and one other person who moved away shortly after I joined. But so far I love it.
Having landed some distance away from Triumvirate to look at the new landscape around him, Heimdallr walks into town on one of the main roads while absent mindedly chirping back and forth with Tazz who is looking out of his riding pouch over Heimdallr's shoulder investigating the surroundings. He took some time to wander around town just looking at everything before deciding to investigate a particular smell that caught his interest. Every so often, a slight breeze would carry with it some amazing smells! But just as quickly it would go away. Asking a couple locals where the amazing smells where coming from, he wandered the town until he found the Hag's Spew tavern. He made an amusing sight of himself to the locals when he practically had to crawl through the doorway, once inside he paused for a moment to poke his nose around for a moment. After thoroughly investigating the smells lingering in the air he briefly puffs out his feathers and walks up to ask for a pastry. After paying for, and receiving said pastry, he walks over to an empty chair and carefully sits down in it. Before Heimdallr begins eating, he pulls out a small dead rodent from a pouch on the cargo webbing he wears and gives it to Tazz, who grabs it with his mouth and shakes it around viciously before swallowing it. Once both finish eating, they both sit and look around the room while softly chirping to each other.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

when you say ultra high vacuum system, how lost to true vacuum in the Experimental environment you guys getting? sorry this should really move to Discussion. Also I think we can shift our location to the Hag's Spew tavern as well just to save time talking about how we got there
Miya is setting up the small stage mid day to the few locals, few humans a Gnome drink and two talking dwarfs, when large bird man pulls himself in though the door, He gets some thing to eat and sits down.
She had left Tess pulling apart the fire work, which she said would not take long to set up for the next performance that afternoon.
She smiled at the new coming
::"O gods not one of them, hell spawn always mean trouble I hope you not thinking of talking to him."::
Miya ignored her flying nanny and said to Heimdallr with a smile
"Hello, I'm Miya could I ask what kind of Dragon are you? never seen your kind before"

--Heimdallr-- |

Probably a good idea relegating it to the discussion section. I put up a little more info there.
Heimdallr looks at the very small person who addressed him, cocking his head to one side while looking at her.
Hi Miya, my name is Heimdallr son of Kralkatorrik.
*no longer cocking my head*
I am a Dovalka, and I come from many days flight away from here. I am also the first Dovalka ever to venture out away from the flock for as long as our history keepers have sung our past, which would be why you have never seen a Dovalka.
*pausing a brief moment, I fluff out my feathers and then shake my head*
What does your flock call you? are you also a dragon? Your head feathers are very strange if you are. What do they mean?
I don't know if Koda is with you or if he is perched some place. If Koda is someplace where I would not really know he was associated with you ignore the following.
*pointing to Koda*
Who is this very, very small one? Is that one of your pack hunters? My pack hunter is right here *I point to Tazz, who is still on my back* His name is Tazz, and he is a great hunter.
(By the way, for those who are unaware, the name Heimdallr is the proper spelling of its Norse origin. you would pronounce it hime dahl.)

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Miya sits down next to Heimdallr,
"You say your the 1st, wow, and your kind have a oral History, O your really must tell me that, every thing, sounds wonderful. Aarr but yes, no I have no Flock as such, I'm called a Human, we kind of look like Monkeys but we are not Monkeys, or elves or dwarfs. We do not fly, clime, swim, ride, walk, run yes, fly no, only with magic can we do that, so no flocks, packs, bands, groups teams, family's yes Flocks no. As for the thing you called a Dragon, no hes a sad an pathetic excuse for a dragon called a Pseudodragon, and Hes for sale would you like to buy him? You will name a cage!."
In to Miya and Heimdallr's head Koda says
::"I am most assuredly NOT for sale, this little one Master Heimdallr son of Kralkatorrik, is under my charge and no matter what she says she will stay that way"::
Miya sits back folding her arms and huffing then says to Koda
"No fun at all, that's you pest, no fun at all"
Then she brightens up and its back up.
"So tell me all about your self and your home?"

Herkymr the Silly |

A smallish female gnome approaches Heimdallr and Miya, looking somewhat askance at Koda. Umm...Ummm.. I , i am....Mirasal. Mistress sent me to request the scaled monster there leave the inn. It is making a few of our well paying locals nervous. Uhhh Ummmm b..u..t.. what is it and you? she motions towards Heim

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

Note Miya looks human
"who's your Mistress Mirasal, let he have a word, I think we can sort this misunderstanding out, and hes not a monster, hes as civilized as you and me, hes just a visitor from far away"
Miya gos over to have word with the poss lady.
"Most dear landlady, that chap sat there is Heimdallr hes part of my act, hes from far away, and to night when I tell a packed room here about him and where is from the coin you will make will out shine that lost to a few frit locals now, dear hart."
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 Diplomacy

--Heimdallr-- |

Oh I only know some of our history, only the history keepers know everything there is about the Dovalka.
When Koda speaks.
Wow, little pseudodragon, I didn't know anyone could talk to my mind. That is a really neat trick you can do. Can you also speak the old words? I can, and so can many Dovalka. But not everyone can.
Is pseudodragon your name? Or is that your...family name like Dovalka is my flock name. I wonder because the first person I met outside of the Dovalka called himself many things, like great dragon, eventual lordship of the pathetic town, Olp, but everyone else around only really ever called him "stupid kobold". So sometimes I do not know which is the flo...family name rather than birth name.
*when the gnome approaches*
Hi Mirasal, my name isn't scaled monster. It's Heimdallr. Are you human like Mira? you should tell me about yourself too. That would make me happy.

Faagaki Heitoka |

Faagaki walks into the tavern, his clothes still damp, just as the sun touches the horizon. He sits down at a table scanning the crowd. He starts at the dragon like creature sitting and talking to a human and a gnome. Faagaki gets up and walks over to the table. He smiles as he speaks, Hello, I am Faagaki, son of Rabana, may I sit with you and talk? He speaks to both the human and creature, but his eyes focus mostly on the strange creature.

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

"yes of course, by all means, always like meeting new faces, but I just need to have a chat with the landlady back in a mo"
Koda to says to Heimdallr's mind in
::When you say old words do you mean like this, Mr Heimdallr?::

Herkymr the Silly |

Mirasal says,,, Mistress is busy cooking and wont come out here or it will ruin her best batch of food.... You really dont want to make that happen if you intend to stay here. As for monster..its the the the little scaled ones that concern the mistress.. the other well as odd as he looks he cant be much trouble.Especially as part of your act.Perhaps having the scaled ones wait in your rooms would be amendable to the mistress, I know she is worried about tonight. Especially tonight,
Perception checks please beat dc 15

Faagaki Heitoka |

Looking: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27+10=37

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

"Ha! your hear that worm, your upsetting the locals, off you go, back to the room and now upsetting the locals"
::"If I must, but I am warning you, keep out of trouble"::
Koda shoots off out the window and up to the room
"Ha,ha free for a night, this days looking to be a good one, now to make a song list"

--Heimdallr-- |

*responding when Koda speaks to me*
<Yes, you speak the old words.>
*Responding to Mirasal*
Small scaled ones? Do you mean Tazz? Oh no, Tazz is not scaled, he has feathers like me. But he is a relative of the scaled ones. Though he probably needs to get out and stretch anyway so I will honor your most polite request.
*I will then proceed to get up to take Tazz to my room.*

Miya Setsuko Fuyaki |

"Well free for a night, so Faagaki where you from?"