Rennick's Unhallowed Waters PbP (Inactive)

Game Master Rennick

A Tale of adventure and intrigue upon the High Seas!

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Male Human (Taldan) Hexcrafter Magus 2

..::I can probably get up on that rooftop and get that alchemist...::

Eaton thinks to himself as he frowns up at the man across the way. Eredin can have a face-full of frost, though! "*Aryt* ak' ornoposs!" He shouts, before wading into the crowd to get across adjacent to the building the alchemist hides upon...

Ranged Touch Attack vs Eredin Touch AC 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 if hits [1d3] cold damage ; move action into the crowd Acrobatics 1d20 ⇒ 19

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Round 1 / Initiative 22
Fort +0 / Ref +7 / Will +1
AC 18 / HP 17

Perception-1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Sin growls, before dashing towards the Dwarf, intent on driving his blade through his gullet.

Acrobatics-1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Twisting and sliding through the crowd, Sin arrives beside the Dwarf, as if from nowhere, before lashing out with his blade, sending the point darting towards the mans chest.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 221d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 21d6 ⇒ 4

Male Human

Eaton's dmg 1d3 ⇒ 3

Assuming Sin's atk was a 16
Eaton's Ref save (DC 14): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Bomb dmg2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7

Edgar's blade slices into Eredin's side, drawing a thick line or red across his bare chest even as the other smile smiles darkly at Edgar, "Heh, I was hoping you'd show up." his taunt his cut short as a ball of frost slams into his face.

Sin lunges for the Dwarf, but he shifts his weight with a surprising speed, avoiding the attack, "Ye'll have to do better 'an that laddy." the Dwarf laughs, giving his whip a crack across the air.

After slamming Eredin with the spell, Eaton hauls himself up onto the roof, pulling himself over the ledge just in time to see a small globe of glass wrapped in chord and filled with a sloshing orange liquid that flies towards him.

the jar crashes at his feet and explodes in a gulf of flame that burns at Eaton's clothes and skin.

Eaton takes 7 dmg.

Known Stats

AC: 11
HP: ?? -15

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Once she shook off the shock of watching the guard kill himself and Eredin getting free, Phaedra would choose to follow after Eaton. After all, Sin and Edgar could most likely handle Eredin themselves, but Eaton would probably just get himself killed by rushing off alone.

If she manages to get within 30ft of the half-orc, Phaedra lets out an ear piercing scream of anger directed him for hurting Eaton.

Dazed and taking 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6 damage unless he makes a DC 16 Fort save, then no daze and half damage.

ear piercing scream spell:

Ear-Piercing Scream

School evocation [sonic]; Level bard 1, inquisitor 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target one creature

Duration instantaneous; see text

Saving Throw Fortitude partial (see text); Spell Resistance yes

You unleash a powerful scream, inaudible to all but a single target. The target is dazed for 1 round and takes 1d6 points of sonic damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d6). A successful save negates the daze effect and halves the damage.

Male Human Oracle 2

Tellar moves after Sin, heading for the dwarf amongst the crush of people. His bum leg was already slowing him down and the panicking crowd didn't help.

Double moving towards the dwarf but with the failed Acrobatics check, I only move 20ft for the full round move.
Acrobatics check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

Waiting to see what Eredin does before posting Edgar's next action.

Male Human

The Dwarven fighter's axe swings out for Sin's chest, followed closely by the crack of a razor sharp whip that the young ninja narrowly avoids.

Phaedra feels her lungs fill with air and the compression of muscle as she bellows at the orcish alchemist. He reels back and a trickle of dark red blood dribbles from his ear. But he shakes his head as if coming up from under water, grins at Phaedra and howls to the air!

His sword in hand, Eredin holds the blade defensively in front of him, and reaches behind, "Managed to get into my sister's skirts yet? Has she even bothered learning your name yet?"

As he taunts his former companion Eredin reaches behind his back and into the waist of his pants, pulling out a small grasshopper's leg. He crushes it between his fingers, free hand moving in an arcane motion, his lips uttering a spell!

Seconds later he grins at Edgar, "Another time perhaps?" He springs up, jumping with an inhuman agility, onto the gallows frame and then up to the roof above!

Oh no! He's getting away! Round 2 begins with Edgar at the top of the board.

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

Round 2 Init 24

Eredin cast a spell, and then left Edgar's threat range, both provoking AoOs, unless he did something to prevent them (I assume the defensive swordplay is casting on the defensive, or some sort of magus class ability). I'm going to add an AoO in a spoiler in case Edgar gets one. If he hits him while he is casting, then he has to make a concentration check.

Edgar AoO:

Seeing the opening, Edgar takes a swing at the traitorous bastard, hoping to screw up his spell or prevent him from running.

Melee: Mwk Scimitar 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 (1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 / 18x2)

Edgar turns on his heels to face Eredin's direction. [b]"What's the matter. Afraid to get bested by me, again? Edgae taunts in a hope to bait Eredin, if only for a moment. Edgar has no magic, but Eredin isn't going to get away that easily! Edgar takes of after him, jumping or climbing after him in whichever way he can.

Acrobatics 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 (chasing after Eredin, -1 if a climb chack instead)

If Edgar can catch up to him, he takes a swing.

Melee: Mwk Scimitar 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 (1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 / 18x2)

If there is obviously no way for Edgar to follow, he throws a knife instead.

Ranged: Dagger 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 (1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 / 19x2) (-2 per 10 ft after the 1st)

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Damn Edgar! Look at them rolls I almost hope he's out of melee range!

Male Human

[ooc]Edgar's right that I missed the AoO's, and wrote nothing of five foot steps, so yeah Erefin'd going to get slammed. Update should be later today, moving provinces for a job I didn't plan on, things are (as always) hectic but I'm hoping to get an update in on the layover.

Male Human

Eredin's Concentration 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 - Fail
Edgar's 2nd AoO (for leaving threatened square) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17-hit- 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 This keeps him in melee range. Edgar's last attack is a miss.

[ooc]I debated not allowing the second AoO, as he did use an acrobatics to try and climb the gallows, but I figure that's not the same as avoiding being hit, as I didn't declare it. I'll be more clear with my mechanics in the future.

Edgar's blade cuts deep into Eredin's arm, drawing a deep line of red as the magus howls in pain, his spell lost.

"Damn bastard," he curses and leaps for the scaffolding of the gallows, but Edgar's sword lances out once more, slicing him and keeping him firmly on the ground. The elder Valdemar lands in a crouched stance, growling in frustration

Eaton takes 7 dmg.

Known Stats

AC: 11
HP: ?? - 27

Sinders is up.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Round 2 / Initiative 22
Fort +0 / Ref +7 / Will +1
AC 18 / HP 17

Perception-1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Grinning behind his mask, Sin relaxes back in to his stance, raising one hand towards the Dwarf and gesturing rudely, before dashing forward. Slipping forward lithely, Sin lashes out, sending his blade darting towards the fighters throat.

Attack-1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 261d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 51d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Confirm Crit-1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 271d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I thought there were two instances where Eredin could have provoked AoOs, Edgar however can only take one of these. He does not have the Combat Reflexes feat yet. Sorry about that. '-_-

Male Human

My mistake, scene is edited below, and the dmg to Eredin actually remains the same.

EDIT: "Damn bastard," he curses and leaps for the scaffolding of the gallows, hauling himself up and then leaping for the nearby rooftop.

Edgar's dagger lances out through the air, slicing into Eredin by the shoulder and sending him clattering against the shingles. The magus lets out a howl of pain but continues to run for his escape.

Sinder's blade lances out and slides deftly across the dwarf's throat, drawing a thick line of blood that causes his oponent to drop his whip and clasp at the wound trying to staunch the blood... But somehow he doesn't fall, and in fact looks even angrier than before!

Where did Sin's second D6 of dmg come from? I don't thinkyou should have sneak atk dmg in a straight up melee fight?

The Half-Orc grins at Phaedra and Eaton, gnashing his teeth and cackling, he pulls out a vial of a dark green substance, pops the cork and downs the tube in one gulp!

DM rolls:

Fighter Atk 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10miss

The Dwarf, eyes burning with rage at Sinders, gives his axe a wild swing that the ninja easily dodges.

Eaton, Tellar and Phaedra are up, in that order.

Male Human (Taldan) Hexcrafter Magus 2
After slamming Eredin with the spell, Eaton hauls himself up onto the roof, pulling himself over the ledge just in time to see a small globe of glass wrapped in cord and filled with a sloshing orange liquid that flies towards him. The jar crashes at his feet and explodes in a gulf of flame that burns at Eaton's clothes and skin.

Ow ow ow ow!

::Ow ow ow ow!:: "Ow ow ow ow!" Eaton chirps, dancing away from the licking flames that leave his elegant funerary garb smoking and singed.

The Half-Orc grins at Phaedra and Eaton, gnashing his teeth and cackling, he pulls out a vial of a dark green substance, pops the cork and downs the tube in one gulp!

"Potions to fortify yourself? You're going to need it, half-breed. And two can play at that game!" The gutteral syllables of an arcane abjuration well up in Eaton's throat, and his left hand moves in a quick, jerking rhythm, fingers craned into awkward positions to bend the magical energy into shape. The scent of ozone wafts up on the rooftop and the hair stands on the back of his neck, eyes flashing with lightning as the magic takes form around him in a faint, bruise-purple halo, just barely visible in the sunlit air. Still hazed with smoke from that dastardly alchemical fireball, Starse draws his scimitar and closes quickly, getting up close to harry the mad bomber even as that halloween charge of black and orange warps the air around his blade and infuses it with lethal energy.

Standard: Shock Shield; Move Action: Draw and approach to melee; Swift Action: Arcane Pool to scimitar; AC 17, HP: 16/9 F+3|R+1|W+3

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Phaedra attempt to use her slumber hex upon the half-orc. will save dc 15

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wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Our place to joke, chat, ask questions and anything else.

Before we get started, does anyone need anything else from me?

Please Post with your Aliases to check in. thanks everyone!

Male Human Oracle 2

Tellar checking in. Had to drop the 'e' from the last name, suprisingly Tellar Bronsev'e' was already a taken name. Huh.

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

Here is Edgar. I noticed a problem with the account saying that my name was already choosen as well, but it made the account, it just won't let me change the profile pic.

Any recommendations on a light martial weapon Proficiency I should take? Having trouble deciding.

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Phaedra checking in. I think I've finally settled on my skills and hexes so I'm ready to go.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Hiiiiii... I'm Purplefixer, your local Lawful Evil Rules Vampire. Ask me some questions, and I may or may not tell you lies, at my discression, for anywhere up to 200$ an hour, pro-rated.

I'll be playing Eaton Starse, the Iron Magus. ;p

Well spotted, sir! o.q Monocle smile!

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

I'm a pretty big comic nerd, you'd need to be a lot more vague to slip one past me, :p

On a much less cool note, I planned on starting today because it's my day off, lots of time to brainstorm the opener... I just got called in. So, I MAY be able to get our opening up tonight, but more likely it'll be tomorrow.

Male Human (Taldan) Hexcrafter Magus 2

There we are! All included. Fear the mighty spell-power of my Acid Splash!

I'll be waiting with baited breath.

And without tiny shards of metal threatening to kill me by burrowing into my heart in any way. >.>

Yes I want a living suit of armor. No it doesn't need to be painted red and gold. Yes I want to fly and shoot beams out of my hands. The similarities end there! >.> Mostly.

It's an homage! I read the class and went... "Hngh. I could totally do Iron Man if I could find a way to make the armor fl... Oh look, Hexcrafter! Witches can fly as a spell-like ability!"

How could I not? This isn't nearly as bad as my invulnerable Aasimar Monk who shot lazers from his eyes...

Now On Deck: Shield Specialist Fighter with throwing and returning on his shield. Who will in no way be a captain in the Andoran military. Probably.

And I'm not the one who came up with an Alchemist archetype that turns your character giant, purple, and angry! GNOME SMASH!

Because gamers are nerds, and we love to sneak our other hobbies into our gaming. LN Half-Elf Monk. ... Spock much? If at any point the half-elf says 'fascinating' send him to the corner.

Even without the Iron Man reference, the concept sounds like a -blast- to play. Wearable Constructs? Immunity to magic? Shooting Scorching Rays? With secondary BAB? Flying at will (or near enough by 7th level)?! Sign me up!

I have plenty of time, but on that back burner needs to go thoughts for what I'm going to call the construct, if/when I am able to make it. Certainly can't go with Jarvis. ;p

I'm really eager to start the RP and see where it goes, since my combat-inept character with acid splash can basically kill rats if I make the spell-failure chance (assuming manacles) and that's all at the moment. I'm seriously considering dropping my Int by 1 and raising my dex and str by one each... O.o I'd like to live to see 4th level. But I conceptually need SO many skill points. I didn't get to take half the knowledges I wanted, and no spellcraft. I'll be playing catch-up if I can get him to survive to three. But that's part of the fun of first level characters. So much to look forward to, so much to gain, so far to go.

Just cross your fingers no one is knocked overboard trying to tackle a flat-footed half-blind pirate! That happens at first level. Also, people kill things with doors.

Male Human Oracle 2
EatonStarse wrote:
And without tiny shards of metal threatening to kill me by burrowing into my heart in any way. >.>

Lol, careful. I've known DM's who've turned smaller statements than that into player requests or ideas.

Male Human (Taldan) Hexcrafter Magus 2

/me vibrates impatiently in the hopes of being beaten and hurled into the hold like a sack of very valuable grain...

Pirate Leader: "Why should we believe you when you say you're a nobleman?"
Eaton: "Because... unlike SOME player characters, *I* spent a first level feat on it."

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

So you do Carey Elwes impersonations too? :)

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2
Phaedra Valerius wrote:
So you do Carey Elwes impersonations too? :)

Of course. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

What girl didn't have a crush on him after first watching "The Princess Bride"? :)

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
Tellar Bronsev wrote:
Lol, careful. I've known DM's who've turned smaller statements than that into player requests or ideas.

*scribbling furiously in DM notebook* Have fireball explode in Eaton's face, causing damage to heart... if he survives the check... and must be repaired by a clockwork mechanis..*looks up*.... what?

We are officially started! YAY! *kermit dance*

The game is up here: Unhallowed Waters

I'm still working out if we'll be using anything for documents or whatnot and I'll let you know what I need once I have that sorted. for now, go post!

Male Human (Taldan) Hexcrafter Magus 2

What is this 'senility' of which you speak? Everyone knows that in Pathfinder, old men have sharper vision and hearing, crisper memory, get confused less often, and speak more clearly, and with greater force, than young men! It's how you can tell you're getting closer to dying of old age!

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Is this Pre-Ileosa of Korvosa, or Post-Ileosa of Korvosa, btw? (The events of Crimson Throne)

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

While I haven't worked out every detail of how things happened (Example: Fort Rannick was reclaimed but then pretty much forgotten - you know, like the adventure does itself,) assume that all three of the original "varisian" trilogy have happened. The "Heroes" of the first two APs will be the iconics featured in the books (So for RotRL it'd be Mereisiel, Valeros, Harsk, Seoni and Ezren.) Not sure about the third because I'm running out of Iconics, :p

But yes, it's after the events of Crimson Throne.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Sinders the resident Ninja checking in. I'm so damn good I lost MYSELF for a day! Oh yeah.... -Slicks back hair, before tripping on a tiny stone- lol Ello all!

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Excellent, thank you.

Curse of the Crimson Throne Spoiler GM Question:

In our campaign, with the death of Ileosa, we animated three of the former lords of Korvosa as Juju Zombies and set them up with disguise/gentle repose amulets to rule the country after Ileosa's death. I'm aware MOST groups would not have had a highly charismatic necromancer on staff and wouldn't have allowed such an incredibly heinous trick. :D

Out of curiosity, who's in charge of Korvosa now? In case Eaton has to spout off about some noble trivia or current event.

thanks for the spoiler tags, I'm currently in a CotCT campaign irl. :)

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Heh! I keep getting a weird feeling from Sinders. When I do any sort of dialogue for him, inner or outer, he reads like a tired old cop who is always "one day from retirement!". Heh! It is entertaining as hell, well for me anyway! :)

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

And for my first trick...



Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

At least you got that natural 1 out of your system early. Nothing but good rolls from now on. :)

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

By Cayden's cup! you guys write alot. (Which is awesome)

though there will be a bit of (very minor) editing on my part - specifically in relation to Emilia answering folks.

Things to keep in mind: The bottom of the pit is not filling, think of pouring water on a beach, the sand absorbs it.

the pit is 7 ft deep, So an easy climb out - if not for the pesky wooden cage cover.

I'll be updating when I get home from work.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

7 Foot? Well damn... I went through the grate with that jump! :P Wouldn't THAT be a shock for any Pirate on Guard? Hahaha

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Wonder if I can get extra attribute points for foot-in-mouth disease...?

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Don't forget the little things to make this smoother for us, bolding and putting quotations on your speech and italicizing your thoughts.

and I can see at least 3 seperate ways out of this, :p

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Think I just got a bloody good idea, if it will work! :)

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

It is not strictly allowed by RAW, BUT...

Can I spend a point from my Arcane Pool to give Eaton's fist +1 attack and damage as a +1 weapon for one minute?

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

*/me backpats Sin*

Sorry man... what terrible luck. Hope that doesn't continue to pass around the circle. I was hoping to provoke him into climbing down here with us! He looks pretty stewpid.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Well you know what they say, go big or go home! Heh! It is okay. I am doing something atleast, that is all Sin is about, participating! :) And by doing something, I mean opening myself up to an Octo Gobo spear in the ribs! D'oh! :(

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

I'm writhing in antici... (say it... SAY IT!) ... -pation.

Good PbP sure keeps you excited! ;p

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Adding Tim Curry impersonations to your list of talents...

It's quite amusing how good your character is at putting his foot in his mouth. :)

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2


It's like he's trying to be just a little pompous and uncaring, as if he was raised in his own little world where he gets to make all the rules and everyone wants to be near him. ;p

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Well now you've done it... Cant get the image of Eaton wearing fishnets, a garter belt and a corset, out of my head now.

Its just a jump to the left... -Hums-

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

*thumbtwiddles and waits for rennick*


wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Hey, I made it clear I take weekends off, mind yer britches.

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Just take it as a compliment to your game that we become impatient for you to once again grace us with your presence. :)

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

I know I can not wait to get back in Sinders head space! :)

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

I keep forgetting to ask, will my familiar find me or will I need to find a new one?

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

:p That's for me to know, and you to find out.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Alrighty, you can post out of order, but I will be writing the results to the order given, so if two people attack the same enemy, the higher initiative takes priority.

ACs and HP for them are posted so you can determine the outcomes of your rolls without needing to wait for me.

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

You're such a tease. :P

I'll go ahead and give an alternate target in my posts if the first one is down, if that's ok?

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Still wondering if you'll let me Arcane Pool enchant my fist.

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

I find myself often posting lots of "if" and "if not" statements in pbp. having a back up actions always seems to be a good idea, especially it you are a magic user.

Male Human

Yes I am going to let you do it purple, However per normal rules, your attack will be non lethal and it will provoke an attack of opportunity.

And it's definitely not a bad practice Edgar.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

you have improved, my bad. Sadly your roll was crap (Ninja turtle reference aside)

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Well spotted! Yes, Ninja Turtles are, quite often, awesome.

I also flubbed my second round. Go me, sucking up gobbo attention. *tanktanktanktank*

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

:P No metagaming, even if its hidden in witty descriptive banter.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Hey guys,

Today's going to be delayed, for two reasons.

First of all, as I've mentioned before I have a big move coming up, and need to sort and pack.

Secondly, I'm trying to find some new (to me) ways of making my games here run more smoothly, and I'm finally sitting down and figuring out how to use MapTools, so I can have some quick and easy maps for you guys for encounters.

On that note, could everyone put up an email for me, so I can make a google docs (something else I've never used) account for us to upload these maps. thanks!

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Ermizhad42 at gmail dot com

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