GM ShadowLord's Reign of Winter

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

Reign of Winter
Book 3: Maiden, Mother, Crone
Loot Sheet

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HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

Before the lurkers can react, Letitia runs over to the corner of the room to line up a shot with one of her more potent spells.

Cast lightning bolt
Electricity DC 19: 8d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 6, 5) = 33

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -

"Ha! Let's see how those pesky lights do with my fire!" Samuel is quick to give a shot to the far one, focusing on red, or yellow if Letitia's bolt dealt with it.
+1 Musket+PB-DA-dazzled+bless (touch and precise shot): 1d20 + 17 + 1 - 3 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 17 + 1 - 3 - 1 + 1 = 28
Piercing/Bludgeoning damage+PB+DA: 1d12 + 7 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 1 + 6 = 16
20% mischance?: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Then quickly reloads the musket.

HP 67/67 AC 23 TAC 18
bless 8 min
Bullets: 35

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

Llewellyn starts chanting a jaunty old Taldan marching tune, this irreverent tune spurred everyone on to greatness!

Move action: Inspire courage +2

Drawing his cold iron longsword, Llewellyn then closed with the nearest lurker!

Female Human Oracle 7 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 42/61| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +4 | CMB: +9/4, CMD: 24 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

Ashling steps forward with what seems to be enhanced speed, limbs aglow. She swings the Cold iron Longsword. Focused, she aims her slice where they will be rather than are.

Attack,haste,cold iron,P.A.: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 55

Crit confirm: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

if Confirmed thats 26 damage, Cold iron, Slashing

Cold aura: 1d6 ⇒ 3

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Callix steps forward, her axe burning with silver fire, and attacks the middle creature.

+1 bless, +2 performance

Mwork Cold Iron Axe: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 12 + 2 + 1 = 26
Miss Chance?: 1d100 ⇒ 37
Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 2 = 12 Plus Holy: 1d6 ⇒ 5

RoW Maps

Letitia moves over and fires off a lightning bolt hitting 3 of the lurkers
green reflex: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
blue reflex: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
red reflex: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Samuel lines up a shot and pegs the red one, though it resists a bit of the damage
his eyes adjust to the rapid changes in illumination in this room, and he is no longer dazzled

Ashling anticipates the creature's movement and gets a critical hit on yellow

Callix moves in and finishes off the lurker that was hit the hardest by the lightning.

The red lurker moves to the wall and touches it, casting Daylight
the room is suddenly once again very bright (though not painfully bright like it was when you first entered.)

The lurkers all vanish in the brightness and become invisible.

Green attempts to limit the magic user's effectiveness and casts deafness on Letitia
Fortitude Letitia: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Everything goes very quiet for Letitia who now cannot hear or see her enemies...

Yellow slashes at Ashling with its claws
claw: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
claw: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
neither attack hits as the Black Rider moves around the incoming attacks gracefully, even without seeing her attacker.

The party may act

I am leaving the sprites on the map, but remember all of them are invisible now

GM Red Sun wrote:

Stat Tracker
Global Condition: |

Party Condition:
Callix HP: 58/58 - AC: 20/14/16 Status:
Letitia: HP: 48/48 - AC: 18/12/15 Status: deaf
Llewellyn HP: 50/59 - AC: 23/21/13 Status:
Samuel HP: 67/67 - AC: 23/18/16 Status:
Ashling HP: 36/44 - AC: 19/15/15 Status:

Yellow Lurker HP: -29 | AC: ||
Red Lurker HP: -27 | AC: ||
Green Lurker HP: -16 | AC: ||
Blue Lurker HP: -50 | AC: || dead

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

Letitia scowls as all sound is snuffed out for her. Getting stricken with such an affliction was troublesome, but hopefully less debilitating than being unable to see. Unfortunately, the fey beings resumed the bright light again which rendered them invisible.

She yanks out a flask of magical oil she created a few weeks ago and hurls it to the ground, creating a countering area of shadow that dims the daylight spell.

GM, I hope I'm reading this right. Per the spell description:
Daylight brought into an area of magical darkness (or vice versa) is temporarily negated, so that the otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping areas of effect.
I think that means we're back to being able to see them with 20% miss chance.

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

Llewellyn is after Letitia in initiative so assuming her action was successful, then it applies to his attacks...
With a snarl of anger, Llewellyn marshals a fraction of his arcane power into his blade which starts shining softly. He then sends a pair of vicious strikes towards the lurker!

Full attack! Swift action: Arcane Strike. Free action: Maintain inspire 2/18 rounds used.
Cold iron longsword, with power attack, inspire and arcane strike: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 - 2 = 23Miss%?: 1d100 ⇒ 81Damage: 1d8 + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 27
Iterative: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 2 - 2 = 27Miss%?: 1d100 ⇒ 97Damage: 1d8 + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 5 = 21

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -

"Rats! How to tell them out from just the bright light?" Samuel curses, and if Letitia's actions do not do the trick, he just shots where the red lurker was when it cast the spell, hoping it has not moved.
+1 Musket+PB-DA-dazzled+bless (touch and precise shot): 1d20 + 17 + 1 - 3 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 17 + 1 - 3 - 1 + 1 = 16
Piercing/Bludgeoning damage+PB+DA: 1d12 + 7 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 + 6 = 18
50% mischance?: 1d100 ⇒ 26

Regretfully, the musket is rendered stuck, which only arises more curses from the gunslinger, forcing him to quick clear the trigger with a fast unloading of powder.
Consuming 1 grit point to do it as a move action

HP 67/67 AC 23 TAC 18
grit 3/4
bless 8 min
Bullets: 34

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Having seen her target fall, Callix tries to scan for a new foe -- and seeing her companions still fighting, she moves toward Llewellyn.

Do I need to locate a square with a perception test, or can I just attack where I see the bard attacking (at 50% miss)?

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

I'm hoping my trick with the oil of darkness works. If it did, your best target is Red. Even if it doesn't, you would have still seen where it cast the daylight spell and can attack that square.

RoW Maps

Letitia pulls out a vial of oil and trows it, spreading an area of darkness that counteracts the daylight spell, bringing the room back donw ot a dim light. (20% miss chance again)

Llewellyn cuts down the closest lurker with a vengeance

Samuel tries to shoot one but something bad happens in his gun. must be too damp in here or something. He clears out the bad powder to try again.

The remaining two are visible now, giving Callix and Ashling targets to go after

Callix, Ashling, Lurkers, Letitia, Llewellyn, Samuel

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Callix attacks the creature fighting the bard.

Masterwork Cold Iron Axe: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 12 + 2 + 1 = 17
Miss Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 38
Damage: 1d6 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 2 = 15

Female Human Oracle 7 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 42/61| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +4 | CMB: +9/4, CMD: 24 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

Ashling will attack the creature in front of her

misschance: 1d100 ⇒ 26

misschance2: 1d100 ⇒ 43

Attack, cold iron, pa: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
hasted Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
cold aura: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Crit?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

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RoW Maps

The group has some difficulty getting to grips with the little fairies, but they are able to do just enough. Callix and Ashling both hit their targets, dropping them.

the combat is over. the gem radiating light is still under Letitia's cauldron, and Letitia is deaf.

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -

"Rats! This musket dropped me in a bad moment!" Samuel complains, though he starts to laugh as he sees the enemies are done already "Well... you made a good deal of them anyway, so I guess it is ok, hehe"

The Taldan approaches the cauldron "But what was that? Is it safe to pick the lighty gem? Maybe we can use it for when we explore dark tunnels..."

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

Letitia keeps her scowl on her face as all sound is denied her. She busies herself by collecting the sparkling dust from the dead bodies of the lurkers.

Once done with that task, she taps Callix on her shoulder. "I am afflicted. I cannot hear," she says, unable to regulate the volume of her voice. "Do you know the means of restoring someone's hearing? I'd cast dispel magic on myself, but I'm concerned I may mess up the crucial vocal component because I cannot hear my own inflections."

RoW Maps

Samuel approaches the cauldron. he can see that slight amounts of light are escaping from the bottom where the couldron doesn't fit the whole exactly, but it is hiding most of the light.

He asks if it is safe to pick up the cauldron, likely looking for the go-ahead from Letitia who put it there in the first place, but of course Letitia cannot hear him.

Letitia asks callix for help, speaking much louder than normal.

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Callix shakes her head, then mouths, "I do. But not prepared today."

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

Letitia sighs, but doesn't despair. Determined to remain useful, she goes to inspect the light source underneath her cauldron. She casts detect magic, repeating the attempt after her first effort fails, and studies the object.

Spell failure: 1d100 ⇒ 11

Spell failure: 1d100 ⇒ 66
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

"Deafened? That's too bad, I know a restorative chant but I don't think it can return hearing." murmured Llewellyn as he considered if there was a way within his power to treat her.

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -

"So she cannot hear us say witch jokes?" Samuel smiles and blinks as Letitia scans the cauldron for magics "Guess she might still be able to read our lips. I will not risk ending up transformed into a toad. Or worst. An ice stone."

Whether the gem thing is solved or not, Samuel will take the exit of the room going south, understanding that is the general direction where the corrupted creature lives.

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

"We should follow him." said Llewellyn, miming this for the granddaughter's benefit before he hurried after Mr Samuel.

Despite rushing, Llewellyn kept a careful watch in case there were any surprises.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Female Human Oracle 7 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 42/61| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +4 | CMB: +9/4, CMD: 24 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

Hearing Letitia cannot hear properly Ashling takes it maybe a tad too seriously and will keep close to watch her back until such a time that she can actually hear something if it decides to sneak up on her, Spells to return hearing arent in my reptoire either unfortunely, do we know if it will wear off?

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

Letitia follows Llewellyn at a short distance, letting the gunman and bard stay up front.

She gives Ashling a look of irritation when it's obvious the assassin is staying close to watch her back in case something were to sneak up behind her. Lazlo glides from his nearby perch in the bright room to land on Letitia's shoulder and rotates his head to look behind his witch.

"I'm not an invalid, and perfectly capable of watching my back. Your cold iron sword will be needed against the debased nymph." She makes a shooing motion for Ashling to move ahead of her.

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Callix shakes her head, "No, I'll need to cure her. The Hero will grant me the spell, but I hadn't asked for it today."

She nods, "I think we'd best press on. Lazlo can warn Letitia about anything she doesn't hear."

RoW Maps

it takes a second try to use one of the most basic spells a witch knows, but Letitia is able to remove and identify the stone. it is a gem of brightness with 25 charges.

The others are not sure exactly how to help Letitia. There is a mix of approaches from humor to trying to be extra protective of their ally. Callix has the fix for the problem, but it will need to wait until the next day.

Letitia assures them she will be fine for now, and will get the help she needs from her familiar.

Samuel leads the way down the next corridor. a long stair case meanders further down into the statue. Samuel spots light from up ahead and moves to investigate. He finds that the stairwell opens into another hollowed out cavern

Flickering light fills this cavern, emanating from the eye sockets of nine skulls hanging from chains staked into the walls with iron spikes. Huge stone menhirs form a ring about the perimeter of the chamber, catching the candlelight and tearing it into swaths of wavering shadow. The gutted corpses of two frost giants hang from two of the menhirs, facing each other from the east and west. Bound to the massive stones with rusted chains, the giants are soaked in their own blood, which flows into the center of the room to disappear into a huge pile of wilted wildflower blossoms.

perception DC 30:

there is a creature inside of the pile of flowers, almost completely covered. it appears to be laying down in the pooling blood.

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

Perception (Letitia): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Perception (Lazlo): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (2) + 17 = 19

In her new silent world, Letitia keeps her eyes peeled and stays alert for any signs of movement. Without even Lazlo's warning hoots to help her, she pays special attention to his emotions through their empathic link. When the pathway opens to reveal the chamber and its grisly interior, she doesn't get caught up in the displayed corpses of the frost giants and instead stays alert for whatever did it.

Letitia attempts to keep her voice low when she says, "there, in the pool of blood. Something lurks underneath the flowers."

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Callix tries to look where Letitia is pointing, wincing a little at the witch's loud whisper.

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
"What I can see are the dead giants..." Samuel eyes up over the hanged bodies "A gruesome fight has recently happened here... whatever can do that to the giants is a force to reckon..."

The Taldan slowly advances to the first menhir to look more clear to the flowers pointed by Letitia "Maybe the nymph?"

He tries to make her appear by talking to her "Jadrenka sends us to claim your other locks"
Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

Llewelyn looked around disdainfully, this place had all the charm of an abattoir.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

"In the pool of giant's blood? Yikes!" he murmured. When Mr Samuel suggested it was the Nymph, Llewellyn felt a trickle of sweat beading on the back of his neck, "Erm Mr Samuel, remember what I said. You and I may have a problem..."

Female Human Oracle 7 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 42/61| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +4 | CMB: +9/4, CMD: 24 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

Ashling nods and continues on, not guarding Letitia as asked. Instead she takes to the front and draws her sword , Give the word and I'll start a snow storm large enough to force it out. . Ashling's hand glows with a Violet light of magic energy

RoW Maps

Letitia spots something in the pile of flowers and warns the others. Most of the group hangs back outside of the room, but Samuel walks forward calling out that Jadrenka sent them.

At this, a woman rises from the flowers. Her skin is dark and her face is cruel, but she is still unnaturally beautiful, and fully nude. her arms drip with fresh blood.

Fortitude Samuel: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Samuel cannot resist her blinding beauty, and finds that he is indeed blinded by her very image.

the woman replies

"You are not from here, you do not speak with the authority of the Warden. you are interlopers, just like these giants I have sacrificed. there are plenty of stones here, you will be added to them!


Initiative Callix: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Initiative Ashling +2 during winter: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Initiative Letitia: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Initiative Llewellyn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Initiative Samuel: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Initiative Nymph: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Callix, Ashling, Samuel nymph, Letitia, Llewellyn

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -

"Don't worry so much Llewelyn, sure it cannot be worse than..." Samuel is surprised by actually how beautiful the nymph is "My eyes! Goodness! She is too much! My eyes!"

The Taldan pokes around to find the menhir and takes cover behind it while rubbing his eyes trying to find out why he cannot see.

Female Human Oracle 7 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 42/61| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +4 | CMB: +9/4, CMD: 24 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

hearing Sameuls surprise, Ashling snaps her fingers and casts Frostfall

rounds 3
dc 15

The area of this spell is covered in chilling frost, dealing 2d6 points of cold damage to all creatures within it. Creatures that the spell initially damages must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round. The area remains chilled for the spell’s duration. Any creature that starts your turn within the spell’s area takes 1d6 points of cold damage (Fortitude saving throw for half) but does not become staggered even on a failed saving throw.

damage: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4

Ashling will follow up by drawing her blade and moving in

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Callix moves forward toward the creature, calling on the Drunken Hero to strike it with his rapier as she closes.

Spiritual Weapon: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 Or she'll roll a 2. Guess Cayden really has been drinking...

RoW Maps

Samuel takes cover.

Ashling casts a frost spell hitting the nymph

fort save: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
She is damaged but is not slowed by the frost.

Callix summons a spiritual weapon, but it misses.

Both Callix and Ashling are also affected by the blinding beauty of the nymph!
Fortitude Callix: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Fortitude Ashling: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Both are blinded at the mere sight of the fey woman.

the Nymph begins casting a spell.

the party may act

GM Red Sun wrote:

Stat Tracker
Global Condition: |

Party Condition:
Callix HP: 58/58 - AC: 20/14/16 Status: blind
Letitia: HP: 48/48 - AC: 18/12/15 Status: deaf
Llewellyn HP: 50/59 - AC: 23/21/13 Status:
Samuel HP: 67/67 - AC: 23/18/16 Status: blind
Ashling HP: 36/44 - AC: 19/15/15 Status: blind

Debased Nymph HP:-4 | AC:??

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

Letitia can't hear what's going on, but she can see. She can see that many of her companions can no longer, and she had no wish to be both deaf and blind.

From her vantage point she casts a spell to send a spike of cold iron at the fey, then shouts in Minkaian, "We should retreat and recover our senses! Follow my voice!"

Iron stake
Spell failure: 1d100 ⇒ 58

Ranged touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 1) = 8

iron stake wrote:
Additionally, if a creature with DR/cold iron takes damage from this spell, it is sickened for 1 round and must attempt a Fortitude save. If it fails, for a number of rounds equal to your caster level, it must succeed at a concentration check (in addition to any normally required concentration checks) to use any spells or spell-like abilities it has—the DC of this check is equal to 15 + twice the spell’s level. If the creature fails this concentration check, its spell is wasted.

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

That would be a DC 19 Fort save, sorry

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

Yikes over half the party are blind! I don't think we have a way of curing blindness do we...

Once he realised what was happening, Llewellyn muttered "Nope!" under his breath before crying, "Time to go! Allegro! Allegro!"

A sudden thought grabbed him and he gave the granddaughter a meaningful look as he mimed the motion of a wall springing up and he held himself as if shivering.

He's using inspire courage and intending to use saving finale if needed and then moving away. He's trying to suggest using wall of ice to bottle her in while we make good our escape. 4/20 rounds of performance used.

Female Human Oracle 7 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 42/61| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +4 | CMB: +9/4, CMD: 24 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

Ashling retreats back from whence she came, her sight being poor was already a thing but for it to get worse freaked even her a bit

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -

"Ah! Put yourselves into safety!" Samuel shouts coming out of the cover and aims towards the approximate area where he hears the nymph is casting from "You are not bringing more magic here beast of nature! Die!"

Perception (to pinpoint the nymph by ear): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
The Taldan covers the group's retreat with a dead shot on the nymph, or at least where he thinks she is casting from.
+1 Musket+PB-DA (touch and precise shot): 1d20 + 17 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (15) + 17 + 1 - 3 = 30
+1 Musket+PB-DA (touch and precise shot): 1d20 + 12 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 1 - 3 = 19
Piercing/Bludgeoning damage+PB+DA: 1d12 + 7 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 + 6 = 18
Dead Shot (deed): Hits if any of the BAB attacks hit. Extra weapon damage for each extra hit. Full round action, -1 grit
Dead Shot extra damage: 1d12 ⇒ 3

Will let the GM determine the chance to shot on place, I am hopping for 1 in 9 at the least, but will risk whatever the odds.

HP 67/67 AC 23 TAC 18
Grit: 2/4

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

RAW I believe if you can pinpoint the square it's a 50% miss chance.

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Callix starts backing toward Letitia's voice, while the spiritual rapier makes another attack.

Spiritual Weapon: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26 for 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

RoW Maps

Letitia hits the fey with an iron spike, making her scream in a voice that sounds much less pleasant now.

concentration: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
fort save: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
She is able to continue casting, and resists Letitia's spell.

Samuel is able to pinpoint a close location for where the nymph is by the sound of her spellcasting, and tries to shoot her twice.
miss chance DC 50: 1d100 ⇒ 60
miss chance DC 50: 1d100 ⇒ 71

the shots are grouped close together but only one hits. is it made of a special material, or just a normal round?

concentration: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Then Callix retreats, but her spectral weapon hits the nymph

concentration: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

She is able to continue casting through all of the damage.

The group pulls back, realizing that this will be a difficult fight.

The Nymph finishes her spell, and a large air elemental appears, close to Samuel. it slams him with large hands
slam: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
slam: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

the nymph moves closer to Samuel, casting another spell. a thick web of nettles springs up from the ground, the thorns dripping with acidic sap. the nettles scrape agaisnt any inch of exposed flesh on Samuel and Callix

Reflex Callix: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Reflex Samuel: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
damage: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4) = 11

Samuel is either lucky or wearing sturdier leather and manages to avoid some of the damage.
Callix takes more damage and the acid will continue to eat at her for another round

the party may act

GM Red Sun wrote:

Stat Tracker
Global Condition: |

Party Condition:
Callix HP: 47/58 - AC: 20/14/16 Status: blind, acid nettles
Letitia: HP: 48/48 - AC: 18/12/15 Status: deaf
Llewellyn HP: 50/59 - AC: 23/21/13 Status:
Samuel HP: 48/67 - AC: 23/18/16 Status: blind
Ashling HP: 36/44 - AC: 19/15/15 Status: blind

Debased Nymph HP:-23 | AC:23

HP 78 AC 23 TAC 18 FF 16 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +13 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +14
Acrobatics+18,Bluff+11,Climb+4,Diplom-1,DisableDev+17,HandleAnimal+3,Heal+8 ,Intimidate+3,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/planes+3,Ling+3,S.Motives+11,Ride+10,S oH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 9 | -
GM My Red Sun wrote:
the shots are grouped close together but only one hits. is it made of a special material, or just a normal round?

Samuel knew what they were facing and loaded Letitia's cold iron bullets, if that helps, plus magical thanks to the musket's own magic bonus.

Feeling pain coming from all angles, Samuel tries to retreat following Letitia's voice.
Acrobatics to move at full speed while blinded: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22
Fortunately, his sense of direction, used to move through the forest at night and agile legs, find him climbing up the stairs at pace.

HP 48/67 AC 23 TAC 18
Grit: 2/4
Cold iron bullets: 7

(Acro +17; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +13; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +7; Spellcraft +10; Survival: +7)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 1
(HP: 75/75 AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +15; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +9; CMD: 21; CMB +7; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Spiritual Weapon: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Cayden's weapon is a rapier, so that's a threat.
Confirm?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 Boo.

Regular damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Callix keeps trying to back away, while also casting a Prayer spell.

HP: 54/54, 19 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+10; Resist Cold 5; Perc +17, init +1, Fly 9/9, Active: mage armor, false life, threefold aspect (elderly) Heal hex: A, C, S

I don't think the summoning spell would have gone off. Concentration DC for taking damage is 10 + the damage dealt + the spell level. Summoning a large elemental is at least a 5th level spell. Since Samuel used cold iron, the DC should have been 33. 10+18+5.

Also, Callix's spell is force damage, so it should bypass the fey's DR. Unless she has some other sort of resistance, she should be at -34

Spell failure: 1d100 ⇒ 41

Letitia gestures and calls forth a solid pane of ice across the threshold just in front of Callix. "That will not hold her for long. Minutes. Less if she chooses to try to break it down or has fire magic."

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 9 | HP 2 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +10 CMD 23 | F +9 R +11 W +9 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +15 Diplo +15 Intimidate +16 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +8 Kn: Local +15 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +8 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +15 Perf: Wind +14 Sense motive +15 Spellcraft +13

"Let's get out of here!" cried Llewellyn who continued to back away.

Going to drop inspire but due to Lingering Performance the effects last for two rounds.

Female Human Oracle 7 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 42/61| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +4 | CMB: +9/4, CMD: 24 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

i have a spell to block sight. We can use it to get away but i need to know when everyone is here She calls out readying to cast Sleet storm to cover there escape.

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