Red Hand of Doom PBP

Game Master Tanner Nielsen

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Turning to Adele Narses shakes his head, 'Nope. Nothing of note on the roof.'

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)
Narses Kale wrote:
Turning to Adele Narses shakes his head, 'Nope. Nothing of note on the roof.'

She sighs in frustration. "I know I heard something up there." She turns to the goblin. "Are you sure we shouldn't check that building first, Feek? You heard it, too, didn't you? Some sort of scraping?"

"What side of the fortress did the moaning come from? If someone is hurt, we should tend to them as soon as possible!"

Findor squeaks as he runs around the courtyard retrieving durable arrows.

armor piercing arrows -2

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

"We can't go everywhere at once," Adele sighs, "and it would be foolish to split up in enemy territory. Dragox and Narses, what say you? Where should we go first?"

When we get around to it, Adele can throw a detect magic on the loot.

"I'd see what the minotaur was guarding, take the tower and then tha northern buildin." Narses says as he squints and looks around at the nearby buildings.

Findor returns to the group, reaching up to hold the hilt of his greatsword-sized longsword and casts detect magic.

Findor casts detect magic, but finds that none of the collected gear reveals a magical aura besides the potions.

Yes, 'well-made' means masterwork/magic. I think anyone can tell if a weapon or armor is of obviously better quality than usual. I have found that this prevents players from seeing 'masterwork XXX' and assuming that it is not magical.


9 - A large table fills this room, barely leaving enough room for the half-dozen chairs arranged around its edge. Pinned to the table's surface by daggers is a massive map of the region (this map is identical to the one provided by Jorr Natherson). Numerous notes in Goblin have been scrawled on the map.

You can discern to some degree what the Red Hand has planned for the region. Namely, a large group of hobgoblins is massing to the north at a location called Cinder Hill. Numerous spies have been scouting out the region, and they've determined that Drellin's Ferry should be easy to take. The number and strength of hobgoblin forces at Cinder Hill are not indicated on the map, but they do hint that the force ("horde") is large enough that the invaders don't anticipate any major resistance once they march on Drellin's Ferry.

The Red Hand has identified a bottleneck in the horde's approach to Drellin's Ferry. With troops massed near Cinder Hill, the easiest route down form the mountains to Drellin's Ferry is by way of an old bridge that spans Skull Gorge. The Red Hand has realized this is a potential problem, and the map indicates that a plan exists to place a fair amount of guards there to make sure that the bridge stays out of enemy hands.

Anyone examining the map can tell that if the Skull Gorge bridge is taken out of the equation, the Red Hand forces would be much delayed in their imminent assault on Drellin's Ferry.

At the bottom of the map a few words are traced in ornate Common in contrast to the chicken-scratch Goblin. "This map is property of Wyrmlord Koth, Commander, Horde of the Red Hand."

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

"I agree with Narses. The minotaur and his friends were clearly here for a reason. Let's see what was so important to them, then decide from there."

Upon entering the nearby room, Dragox looks intently at the map of the area. He wasn't able to make out what the scribbling on the map meant, but the words Commander, Horde of the Red Hand were certainly easy enough to decipher.

Spellcraft 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16 to determine what potions are.

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 to look around the map room, detect magic still active.

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

Adele steps aside so that Maysalkirii can translate the notes in Goblin.

Nothing in the map room is magical in nature.

The pasty orange potions are actually a magical salve. Rubbed across the eyes as a standard action, they bestow true seeing for 1d6 rounds.

The murky blue potions are potions of protection from chaos (CL 3).

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

[i]Feek will translate the words into common, slowly and word for word. He will also translate the notes on the map, so that others will be able to make sense of it without him./i]

Read the spoiler people :P.

Well... Once we've cleaned this keep out and rested, Skull Gorge Bridge should be our next stop... Perhaps once we've wiped out any resistance Narses and I should scout out this Cinder Hill, so we know how big this 'horde' is. Goblins have been known to call a hundred goblins a horde, or a thousand...

"Hrmph! Wyrmlord? Sounds ominus." Narses says looking at the map. Narses agrees with Maysalkirii's plan, "Right! Let's get to it then."

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4
Narses Kale wrote:
"Hrmph! Wyrmlord? Sounds ominus." Narses says looking at the map. Narses agrees with Maysalkirii's plan, "Right! Let's get to it then."

Perhaps we should fully explore this keep first... Feek mutters sullenly.

Theres a door adjoining the main room here into a tower, worth checking out next.

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

"Now, Feek," Adele says in a motherly fashion, "I'm sure Narses meant for us to get to clearing out the keep so we could move on to the bridge. We certainly don't want to miss anything important here, especially considering how helpful this map has been already. We still have the moaning from the other building to investigate, as well as the room where we heard movement from the rooftop," she sighs, "although I'm afraid whoever was up there might well have escaped into the countryside during our battle and could already be informing his superiors about our assult on the keep."

Yeah, sorry if I was unclear on that. Explore keep, move out and rest, go to bridge. Good plan.

So which room next, brave adventurers?

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

South-west tower, if that is indeed a door adjoining room 8...

Approaching the southwest tower, you discover the door is shut tightly and will not open.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

Feek will examine it carefully, both for traps and for a lock.

Guidance + Alertness enhanced perception-

1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

"Be careful, Feek," Dragox says under his breath, watching the nimble little goblin searching the nearby area for traps.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

Assuming it is locked-

Feek pulls out his lockpicks, looking a little ashamed and going red as Adele notices them, and goes to work.

1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24Guidance assisted.

If the door is unlocked-

Narses! Give me some ranger style lockpicking please!

You do not notice any traps or unusual workings. You do notice, however, that there is no handle or keyhole on the outside of the door.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4


"RAAARRRG!" Narses roars as he charges the door, trying to break it open.

Charging-Raging-Strength check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Hulk smash!

The door cracks and groans, hinges nearly torn from the frame. Light filters through thin seams around the reinforced wood. You hear muffled shouts and movement from the other side and the sound of a squeaky door or latch closing.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

Feek raises an eyebrow, clearly very impressed.

Good work Narses. Again!

Feek will attempt to aid the brawny ranger.

Assist check, DC10.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)
Maysalkirii Weyog wrote:

Hee. :) Reminds me of Inigo calling for Fezzik to open the door in The Princess Bride

"Well, since surprise is out of the question this time...." Adele steps up toward the door and calls out to whoever is on the other side. "Surrender now and open the door, and your lives may be spared."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Let's assume Narses gives the door another stout kick.


10 - This circular chamber has been outfitted with a mix of furniture, including a large desk, an overstuffed chair, a massive four-poster bed, and a large easel that holds a sizable canvas covered with a sheet. A flight of stairs arc up along the south wall to the upper floor, and a fair amount of rubble from a hole in the ceililng lies heaped on the base of these stairs.

The wailing noise appears to be coming from the roof.

Perception DC 25:
You find the faint outline of a trap door near the far wall.

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14 + another 2 if that Alertness potion is still active, not that it matters with that roll

"Oh, some sort of artwork," Adele says with interest, pulling the sheet off of the canvas.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Feek will go and investigate the wailing noise.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

"Watch yourself Feek," Dragox protectively warns, following the goblin up the stairs to the roof, to investigate the noise.

Stepping over the wreked door Narses look around the room and at the ceiling.

perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Findor follows Feek as he goes to investigate the wailing noise.

"I hope no one is hurt. But if there is someone hurt up here I guess we have enough healing magic to do some good."


11 - The roof of this circular chamber has partially collapsed to the southeast. Massive timbers slump against the floor, fallen from the rafters above. A huge gap in the tower's east wall allows a brisk breeze into the chamber, which has four windows in the remaining walls. Three large boulders lie on the floor amid a halo of fractures and cracks.

Mounted about ten feet from the hole in the wall is what looks like a humanoid figure, lashed to a framework of wooden beams, arms upraised. A glow from beneath it illuminates the figure in a pale light. The reek of rotting flesh fills the room.

Closer examination reveals the figure to be a deceased human, dressed in rough farmer's clothing. He has been dead for some time and is lashed to the frame like a scarecrow. While there is no obvious source of the moaning, it is emanating from the figure.

I'm flying back home tomorrow, so I won't be able to make any posts until the evening, FYI. Have a great weekend!

Wow, no one had anything for today?

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4
DM Tanner wrote:
Wow, no one had anything for today?

Don't take it personally, no one seems to post on sunday.

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)
Adele Dujardin wrote:
"Oh, some sort of artwork," Adele says with interest, pulling the sheet off of the canvas.

Any description of the canvas? I'm assuming it's going to be something horrific that will shock and appall her. :)

BTW, glad to have you back home safely. Trust you had a fun vacation.

The canvas is of a quaint pastoral scene, poorly done.

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

"Oh...," Adele murmurs in horror. "Those colors are all wrong for the time of day depicted ... and the shadows fall in two opposite directions. What an artistic failure. No wonder that poor soul upstairs is moaning." ;)

With a slight wince at the amateurish depiction and a twinge of compassion for the attempted artist, Adele moves to the foot of the stairs. "Maysalkirii, what's up there? Did you find the creatures we heard in here?"

Findor is shocked by the sight of the human body hung on the wooden framework.

"By the Heavens! Get that body down. No one should be treated so disrespectfully."

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

Something is amiss here... Feek says after helping Findor lower the body down, and the Goblin casts Detect Magic.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

Dragox looks at the body to see if there is any clue as to how the human was killed.

Heal 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Casting detect magic, Maysalkirii sees a persistent illusion bound to the corpse. It would appear that the moaning is little more than a permanent ghost sound, perhaps to play up on the keep's reputation for being haunted.

Dragox can easily see that the human was killed by multiple blade wounds.

Hearing the scuffle upstairs Narses stops his pacing of the room and heads up the stairs.

Narses joins Maysalkirii on the rooftop. Your investigations show no other phenomena, however. Perhaps an investigation of the rest of the keep may prove fruitful...

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4
DM Tanner wrote:
Narses joins Maysalkirii on the rooftop. Your investigations show no other phenomena, however. Perhaps an investigation of the rest of the keep may prove fruitful...

Heh, don't worry that was our next move.

Lets look in the room opposite room 8 shall we?


7 - What this squat building might once have been used for is unclear. All the furniture has been crushed into rubble, and a larg nest-like mound of tree branches, bones, bits and pieces of foul-smelling animal parts fills the northwest corner of the room. A gaping hole in the roof in the northeast corner provides a view of the sky above.

Perception DC 15:
Strewn in the nest are 216gp, 8pp, a gold necklace, and a finely-made, though utterly filthy, silk cloak embroidered with silver and gold thread.

Remember, you can always take 20 on a Perception check ;)

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

"Oh, the poor man," Adele says, when she has seen the corpse. "He's probably the same poor soul who completed the painting: some romantic hermit with artistic ambitions who took up residence in this ruin ... until the hobgoblins came along. But we know we heard someone behind the door as Narses was breaking it down, just like we know we heard something on top of that roof earlier. It makes me uneasy to know that there are enemies stalking us without being seen. We will go on to the next area of the keep, but we must keep a watchful eye on our backs. I fully expect to be ambushed at some inopportune moment."

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

"A nest!" Adele cries. "Then whatever we heard on the roof must have flown away unnoticed during the battle. Quite a bit of treasure in here, too...."casts detect magic on the cloak in particular "Now, let's see, what kind of creature might have made this nest?"

Using Lore Master to take 10 on Knowledge (nature) or (arcana) = 22

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