Red Hand of Doom PBP

Game Master Tanner Nielsen

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The Elsir Vale rests in the cradle of the Giantshield Mountains within the northern frontier of Taldor. The Elsir River runs from West to East through the Vale, around ancient Dwarven and Human ruins alike. In roughly the center is the largest city in the Vale, a confluence of merchant routes known as Brindol. To the east of Brindol lies Drellin's Ferry, which is not further much further ahead, if the roadsigns are to be believed. Numerous other small settlements dot the landscape between these two human populations.

Your group is currently traveling to investigate possible employment through the Lord of Brindol. Messengers have posted bills in nearby cities looking for adventurers to investigate the possibility of a goblinoid surge in the Western Vale. Your destination is Drellin's Ferry, where you will receive initial payment and a description of your duties.

Traveling east along the Dawn Way, you are now on the outskirts of the Elsir Vale, at the very southwest end of the valley. The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of the Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. Ahead a stone on the side of the road reads "DF 5 mi".

Please introduce yourselves to each other and decide your marching order. I meant to include a map of Elsir Vale, but Photobucket is being difficult this morning. I will be back on at 6 pm EST.

A gray horse silently approaches the milestone. Its rider equally silent with a deep purple cloak and hood pulled up over his head, despite the heat. When he reaches the stone he stops the horse without a word and guides it around with his knees so he can look back down the road he had just come down.

For a brief moment, a hideous scar is visible along the left side of his face, but he smoothly pulls a scarf over his face and flips his head a little so that a lock of silver white hair covers his yellow crusted eye.

He remains silent and just watches the road behind him, certain that his familiar companions would be just behind. The sword resting against his hip hums with interest, and he puts a gentle hand on the pommel, comforting.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

The large figure of the 1/2 orc put quite a strain on the unlucky horse that was carrying his mass down the path. At least the imposing figure did not have any armor adding even more weight to the task.

What a glorious day...blessings to the Dawnflower," the yellowish green figure proclaims loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. This message would not have caught any of them by surprise as on warm days, Dragox would normally thank Saranrae several times.


A wiery figure, wearing nothing but trousers and a breastplate, holding the straps of his backpack comes into view trudging along besides his riding companions.
Wiping sweat of his brow with the back of his hand he glares at the sun for a moment before turning his gaze away.
"Hurmph!" is his replie to the clerics praise.
Spitting through his teeth at the side of the road he calls out. "How long then! We must be gett'n near the blasted place!"

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

Maysalkirii Weyog, the goblin otherwise known as Feek, jogged just beside Dragox keeping pace with the burdened horse easily. Savouring the wind in his hair as he ran at a pace that would put even a barbarian to shame, the goblin laughed with joy at the simple pleasures of life. For too long, he had cowered under his blanket in the evenings, uneasy with the concept that there was a 'Sky' above. When he had first set foot outside the cave, he had simply assumed the ceiling of the huge cave was too far away to see past the moving white objects hanging from the ceiling.

When he had been told that there was no ceiling, Feek had been horrified.

A year or so had passed since then, and although many things were still new to him, he learnt more and more each day alongside his wise and worldly companions. Sometimes he felt like they didn't truly trust him, but with them he had a place, a niche. He was the scout, the backup warrior, the trap-spotter and the student to many fine teachers. Some of these folk may not trust him entirely, but they had risked their lives for each other countless times, and Maysalkirii was sure that counted for something.

Narses was the hardest to win over, and Maysalkirii had not yet found a true alliance with the Ranger. By human years the man was approaching his middle age, Findor had told him. The wise Elf called Findor had described Maysalkirii as a blank canvas, while Narses was already painted and difficult to change.

That said, Maysalkirii and Narses were truly comfortable with one another when fighting hobgoblins and Maysalkirii's evil kindred, the Ranger's prejudices forgotten between parry, thrust and cut. These moments gave the goblin hope that one day Narses would fully trust him someday.

Bringing his mind back to the present, the Goblin looked up at Dragox and smiled warmly. Although Dragox's deity was a far stricter god than Feek's own Cayden, the goblin would always be grateful to Dragox for his role in helping him understand faith and teaching him about the Gods of Golarion.

Something suddenly occurs to Maysalkirii, a question he had never asked Dragox before.

Dragox... What deity do the... Maysalkirii struggles for the right word for a moment, and then continues other Goblins worship?

Findor nudges his horse with his knees and the horse takes a step to the side, revealing the milemarker to those behind him. "Five miles, if this stone is to believed." His voice is cracked, near-hoarse, his tongue forms the syllables with difficulty.

Overhearing the goblin's question, Findor bolts into action, the stoic horse beneath him suddenly galloping the short distance between them. Findor draws his sword as they approach the goblin, but he shifts the weight of the blade as the horse stops beside the little green creature. Runes glow along the side of the blade he holds up for the goblin to see.

"Death to Lamashtu. Death to her minions and servants. Death to her will. May her children die, clutching to her breast."

Surprisingly, his voice is clearer. The sword hums with anticipation, but after a second goes silent.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

"Friend Feek, the other goblins worship such evil dieties, I hesitate to even mention them by their foul names. But you should know, so...most of your kind I have encountered have asked for the fetid blessings of Lamashtu. She is of such black heart that most of her cult exist hoping to birth new and powerful monstrosities to kill, maim, and destroy. There are others worshipped of course, but the three eyed jackal has by far been the most popular. Hopefully the fire of Saranrae will soon burn the foul Lamashtu, so the question is irrelevant, but until then..."

Dragox moves his horse into the gap between Findor, the now drawn sword, and the goblin. "Findor, he was simply asking a question. Please sheath your blade. Even if I have some...issues with Feek's beliefs myself, he has shown himself to be nothing but good and true."

Findor fixes his violet eye on Dragox.

"This is the problem with you younger races. You forget that things can have more than one purpose. In this case, Calanharel is not a tool of violence, but a tool of instruction..."

Findor allows his voice to fade away but grudgingly sheathes the sword. "You would be surprised what Calanharel can do, all things considered. So I would advise you not to get on her bad side. You may need her help in the future."

Sovereign Court

Dotting. Post coming from the goblin soon.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

I... Asked a bad question friends? Findor, what is the lesson here? Lamashtu sounds like a wicked deity. We should kill the disciples of this deity wherever we find them then?

Feek remains completely unintimidated by the Elf's sword, having seen him draw the weapon to make a point many times over the last couple of years.

Findor turns his horse back towards the head of the line, his eyes peeled as he watches for movement from the horizon.

"No question is a bad question. But my knowledge of Lamashtu is limited only to know that her will corrupts nature and she always grasps for the stars beyond her reach. Goblins are considered among her children. And in the very beginning when Desna first pronounced the heavens, Lamashtu slew her beloved. At least, so it is said in Kyonin."

He gestures towards Dragox with a nod of his head.

"The half orc may know more about this faith. I know all I need to know about her. My thoughts are inscribed upon this blade."

Blinking dust from his eyes and frowning Narses waves his hand to clear the dry dust kicked up by the horse.
"Bah!" he spits. "Hold your bleed'n temper! The question was inocent enough. Save you swinging for the servants of tha' three-eye b%$@$! We all kno' ya both are capable."

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

Dragox simply rolled his eyes at the elf's response. He had long since learned to ignore his typical elven diatribes about the "younger" races.

"Feek, if the followers of Lamashtu do not repent when given the opportunity, that is exactly what we must do. Not just for goblins, but all of her evil followers."

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

But we must remember that once they are slain, her minions may never escape her service. It is always a better way if they can be persuaded to turn from her wickedness and perversion in this life. Then they may serve a better god now as well as deny Lamashtu slaves in her corrupt realm. The soft-hearted paladin smiles kindly at the goblin from her perch atop a chubby pony.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement
Adele Dujardin wrote:
But we must remember that once they are slain, her minions may never escape her service. It is always a better way if they can be persuaded to turn from her wickedness and perversion in this life. Then they may serve a better god now as well as deny Lamashtu slaves in her corrupt realm. The soft-hearted paladin smiles kindly at the goblin from her perch atop a chubby pony.

"Now that is a postion I can agree with whole heartedly, Adele. If only more of them would actually listen to reason and leave her cult, Golarion would be a better place."

Findor turns in the saddle, looking back at his two companions.

"Her followers, perhaps. But this world is filled with creatures and spawn created by her. For these, I say death and incineration if possible. Or do you think that even these can be converted?"

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)
Findor Liamiel wrote:

Findor turns in the saddle, looking back at his two companions.

"Her followers, perhaps. But this world is filled with creatures and spawn created by her. For these, I say death and incineration if possible. Or do you think that even these can be converted?"

Those who serve Lamashtu out of fear or ignorance are to be pitied and aided to escape their bondage. Those who serve her because their own evil nature beats in twisted time with hers must be ended before they lead more innocents into torment. Adele sets her tiny jaw resolutely.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

"In a perfect world, all creatures can be shown the burning light of redemption. However, we all know this is not possible. Those who will not listen, or those macabre creations that are unable to process anything except the evil that led to their creation must be dealt with."

Dragox was in his element conversing about his feelings on the various religions. It seemed like the miles were just melting quickly away while the group was having their animated discussion.

Findor opens his mouth to say something else, but the sword at his side hums in frustration. He closes his mouth and is silent for a few seconds.

"I am well rebuked. And in agreement with you, Adele and Dragox. Those that can be turned away from evil should be saved. For those who will not or cannot; we must end their power on this plane and send their souls or what constitutes as their souls to the afterlife."

Sighing and shaking his head at the passionate argument of his companions he bends a bit and looks the goblin in the eye.
"Thats religion for ya Feek. Bunch o' well-enough meaning folk clearing their lungs for hwo can cough the loudest."
Shaking his head as he trudges along he shouts. "Oi! who's on the lookout? Ya aint leading me into an ambush pointy-ears! Let the scouts scout will ya!"

For marching order I say Narses front, Feek flank scout and Dragox rear-guard.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4
Narses Kale wrote:

Sighing and shaking his head at the passionate argument of his companions he bends a bit and looks the goblin in the eye.

"Thats religion for ya Feek. Bunch o' well-enough meaning folk clearing their lungs for hwo can cough the loudest."
Shaking his head as he trudges along he shouts. "Oi! who's on the lookout? Ya aint leading me into an ambush pointy-ears! Let the scouts scout will ya!"

For marching order I say Narses front, Feek flank scout and Dragox rear-guard.

Fine by me. I'd rather be as far forward as possible; i'm likely to react quickly with Feek's high initiative, and I have the highest AC IIRC.

Maysalkirii Weyog wrote:
Narses Kale wrote:

Sighing and shaking his head at the passionate argument of his companions he bends a bit and looks the goblin in the eye.

"Thats religion for ya Feek. Bunch o' well-enough meaning folk clearing their lungs for hwo can cough the loudest."
Shaking his head as he trudges along he shouts. "Oi! who's on the lookout? Ya aint leading me into an ambush pointy-ears! Let the scouts scout will ya!"

For marching order I say Narses front, Feek flank scout and Dragox rear-guard.

Fine by me. I'd rather be as far forward as possible; i'm likely to react quickly with Feek's high initiative, and I have the highest AC IIRC.

Sound good. Was thinking you'd be sort of roaming. Front, flank, back... Put your skills to the most effect yes?

Effortlessly, Findor slows his horse to allow Narses ahead of him. His left eye was beginning to irritate him anyway.

"There is nothing to ambush us, as far as I can tell. But if you really want me to scout ahead, I can. I thought I would wait until we stopped for a rest though."

"Hrumph!" rumbles Narses as he trudges ahead, kicking up dust as he passes and pointedly not looking at Findor.

Since I'm scouting:
Perception in forest terrain 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

Adele lowers her voice with a significant glance at the goblin of the party. I know our little friend has enjoyed his freedom on this journey, but ought we not to keep a tighter rein on him as we enter populated areas? If these good people live in fear of imminent goblinoid invasion, the sight of Feek could well spark panic and endanger both himself and others.

Barely moving his gaze from the road before them to the goblin, Findor shakes his head. "He has an uncanny knack for disguising himself as a halfling when he needs to. I'm sure he'll be fine." After a brief pause, Findor continues. "We can make up something if we have to, I suppose."

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4
Findor Liamiel wrote:
Barely moving his gaze from the road before them to the goblin, Findor shakes his head. "He has an uncanny knack for staying out of sight when he needs to. I'm sure he'll be fine." After a brief pause, Findor continues. "We can make up something if we have to, I suppose."

You would know his normal strategy is to keep his hood up and let people assume he's a well-dressed Halfling; he's rarely comfortable around anyone but the party.

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

Adele clucks disapprovingly. Oh, fie, sir elf: the last thing we want to do as strangers in a new place is to begin by spreading lies. What a bad first impression to make. The truth in its simplicity is the most elegant story. She smiles wryly. I only hope I get a chance to explain it before the pitchforks and torches take over.

Maysalkirii Weyog wrote:
Findor Liamiel wrote:
Barely moving his gaze from the road before them to the goblin, Findor shakes his head. "He has an uncanny knack for disguising himself as a halfling when he needs to. I'm sure he'll be fine." After a brief pause, Findor continues. "We can make up something if we have to, I suppose."
You would know his normal strategy is to keep his hood up and let people assume he's a well-dressed Halfling; he's rarely comfortable around anyone but the party.


1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

"The Dawnflower teaches that the truth will be the only thing remain when the fires burn everything else away. If there is a problem, Feek and I can wait at a point on the outskirts of town. I haven't always been readily accepted in the "civilized" world, either, as you all well know," Dragox adds this last part with an orc-y snort, recalling the porblems his mixed heritage have created over the years.

The half orc's snort reminds Findor of his own facial scars, the discoloration of his eye. He selfconsciously adjusts the scarf around the lower part of his face.

"Well, that is all well and good for you two, I suppose. But I find there are times when its important to not disclose everything. Hiding the truth can sometimes be advantageous to revealing it."

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4
Findor Liamiel wrote:

The half orc's snort reminds Findor of his own facial scars, the discoloration of his eye. He selfconsciously adjusts the scarf around the lower part of his face.

"Well, that is all well and good for you two, I suppose. But I find there are times when its important to not disclose everything. Hiding the truth can sometimes be advantageous to revealing it."

The goblin sighs heavily as the topic comes up.

We've been over this a dozen times since I have joined you my fellows; just relax and trust me to handle it... the Goblin says with a frown.

Narses chuckles under his breath and mutters. "Trust a goblin!? Who'd 'ave thought?"
Shakes his head and gives Maysalkirii a smile.

Wow, guys, you're really taking this to heart. *thumbs up*

Here is the map I was talking about earlier. MAP. The Vale is a long-settled area, so maps are plentiful and easily obtainable. I will keep a list of helpful links on my DM profile.

The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong.

Initiative checks, please.

Perception DC 6:
You glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors - tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces - are lying in wait! (PIC)

If you make your Perception check, you may act in the surprise round.


The perception check I made erlier good? I'm going to assume it is, otherwise here's another one +2 forest, +4 goblinoid 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37.

Initiative; 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Knowledge for identifying hobgoblins(nature +4) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

"Ambush!" Narses shouts. Seeing the enemy for what it is he tells his companions where to hit them so it will hurt and draws his two trusted axes.

Move action to grant allies +2 on att & dmg and draw weapons as part of move.

With a Perception check that high, you can tell that they don't floss often enough. ;)

Narses, Knowledge Result:
Hobgoblins are militaristic and fecund, a combination that makes them quite dangerous in some regions. They breed quickly, replacing fallen members with new soldiers and keeping up their numbers despite the fortunes of war. They generally need little reason to declare war, but more often than not that reason is to capture new slaves—life as a slave in a hobgoblin lair is brutal and short, and new slaves are always needed to replace those who fall or are eaten.

Of all the goblinoid races, the hobgoblin is by far the most civilized. They see the larger and more solitary bugbears as tools to be hired and used where appropriate, usually for specific missions involving assassination and stealth, and look upon their smaller goblin kin with a mix of shame and frustration. Hobgoblins admire goblin tenacity, yet their miniscule kindred's unpredictable nature and fondness for fire make them unwelcome additions to hobgoblin tribes or settlements. Nonetheless, most hobgoblin tribes include a small group of goblins, typically squatting in the most undesirable corners of the settlement.

Many hobgoblin tribes combine their love of warfare with keen intellects. The science of siege engines, alchemy, and complex feats of engineering fascinate most hobgoblins, and those who are particularly skilled are treated as heroes and invariably secure high-ranking positions in the tribe. Slaves with analytical minds are quite valued, and as such raids on dwarven cities are commonplace.

It is well known that hobgoblins mistrust and even despise magic, particularly arcane magic. Their shamans are treated with a mix of fear and respect, and are usually forced to live alone on the fringes of the tribe's lair. It is all but unheard of to find a hobgoblin practicing arcane magic, or as hobgoblins call it, “elf magic.” This is the root of their hatred of magic—the hobgoblins' hatred of elves.

Initiative 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Findor leaps off his horse and quickly takes up his bow and an armor-piercing arrow, but while he acted quick enough, the situation is still a cloudy mess to him.

The horse fades into a gray mist and evaporates.

Female Halfling Bard/ Paladin (sacred servant) 7 (gestalt)

Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Placing a hand on the hilt of her rapier, Adele leaps down lightly from her saddle, calling out warningly, There need be no bloodshed here.

1/2 Orc Cleric Of Caydean 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4,R+1,W+4 (+2 to charms, compulsions, and emotion spells | Init.+1 | Perc.+6 | SenseMotive+2 | CMD 14 | Darkvision 60’ | 30’ movement

Initiative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Sorry for the delay, DM. In the future please feel free to roll whatever you need for me to not hold up the team.

The 1/2 orc dismounts from his horse and takes a defensive stance, preparing for possible battle.

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

Am I in charge range DM?

Perception- 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
Initiative- 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Personally i'm happy for DM to roll group initiative for simplicity, as long as the mods are good its fine :)

Maysalkirii Each square is 5 feet. So yes, you are close enough for a charge. But since a charge is a full-round action, and we are in the surprise round, you will have to wait to do that. Is there a move or standard action you would like during the surprise round?

Everyone Please list your movement in cardinal directions; ex. 'I move 10 feet east and 20 feet north.'

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4
DM Tanner wrote:
Maysalkirii Each square is 5 feet. So yes, you are close enough for a charge. But since a charge is a full-round action, and we are in the surprise round, you will have to wait to do that. Is there a move or standard action you would like during the surprise round?

Sorry DM I missed the map link. You can take a charge in a surprise round as a standard action, special rule for it since 3rd Ed. Link- D20PFSRD Link- Actions in Combat

See the number 4 next to Charge

I was looking at that very page. It says, "If you are able to take only a standard action on your turn, you can still charge, but you are only allowed to move up to your speed (instead of up to double your speed) and you cannot draw a weapon unless you possess the Quick Draw feat. You can't use this option unless you are restricted to taking only a standard action on your turn." I don't see Quick Draw listed on your PC profile. Am I missing something?

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

I've always thought that as you can draw weapons in combination with a move action, you can do so in a charge as well; your moving twice as far... Anyway, for simplicity-

Maysalkirii draws his two weapons (can draw two weapons in the same time as it takes to draw one with TWF) upon seeing his favourite foe to disembowel- Hobgoblins.

According to Core Rulebook, I can draw the weapons if I move 40 feet or less- moving more than that during a charge prohibits me from drawing the weapons while moving the greater distance.


If you want to rule otherwise that's fine, just want it clarified for my future reference either way :)

Edit: Just found the bit your referring to. Looks like my next feat's quick draw :)

Male Human Monk 2/Fighter 4

Ok, sorry about all that. With all of that clarified for myself, Maysalkirii draws his swords and steps west with a 5 foot step towards Narses

Just wanted to clarify I'm not trying to steal your attack or anything! That's the rule I have always operated under. ;)

Round summary up in a moment...

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