Reaper Wars

Game Master Chewi

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Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)

Secretary's Geth shields deflect the enemy rounds without serious strain. 7 damage. Sitting pretty at 76. Swivelling, Secretary sprays another torrent of energy through the doorway. His shots walk across two groups of husks, ending up by the right side of the door.

Double attack autofire, targetting Yellow C4 and C5, then Yellow C6 and C7.

Attack (YC4+5): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Damage: 3d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) + 10 = 17

Attack (YC6+7): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Damage: 3d8 + 10 ⇒ (5, 5, 4) + 10 = 24

Attacks are piercing (ignore 5 DR), and deal half damage if that misses Reflex. Also suppresses (-2 on attack rolls) regardless of hit.

Assuming Direct Control

YC2 and YC6 are dead
Your teams brings down two more cannibals. YC7 gets on his hands and knees and opens his mouth. The body of his former comrade disappears as more bone plates grow on his skin. When one dies the living consume their body and gain their strength. YC7 is now buffed. The rest of the cannibals start moving towards the party now that the sphere is out of the way. 4 enter the door way and they start attacking Brutvus and Dredd.

Ayr takes 6 ranged damaged.
Secretary doesn't take any shots.
Brutvus takes two melee attacks dealing: 12 and 12
Dread takes two melee tacks dealing: 8 and 20

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

Awyr detonates her Dark Sphere and takes a deep breath, attempting to rally her strength.

Detonate Dark Sphere as Swift Action, spend 2 more Swift actions to Recharge Biotic powers. The detonation is a 3x3, centered on I11.

Dark Sphere: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 4, 6, 1) = 22

Stupid rules that say I can't run someone over with my Sphere and then detonate it for a combo. It would be H8X, but no more so that the rest of you guys... Gah, fine.

Male Elcor Soldier 7/ Elite Trooper 1 (F 27, R 19, W 20) (HP: 108/108, DR14, SR: 51/60, SS4) (Particle Beam 400/470, Striker 12/12) (Omni-Shield: SR48/48, SS10, New Reflex: 23)

'I AM INVINCIBLE!' Brutvus roars as the melee blows fall short of damaging his shield. He takes a step back, moving to P/Q:8/9. Having trouble moving him on the map. Suck it AOO's, I subtract 20.

He continues firing his beam, this time targeting YC0.

Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Damage: 6d10 + 6 ⇒ (4, 8, 2, 3, 6, 6) + 6 = 35

Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)

Secretary activates advanced targeting systems as the cannibals begin to close. Rapidly ejecting its mostly-spent thermal clip, Secretary drops in a new one and unleashes a deadly spray of energy into the doorway.

Move action to activate Marksman, reloading as a free action as part of that. Standard to hose down the door, hitting yellow C8,9,0,1.

Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 3 = 23
Damage: 3d8 + 10 ⇒ (4, 4, 1) + 10 = 19

Attacks are piercing (ignore 5 DR), and deal half damage if that misses Reflex. Also suppresses (-2 on attack rolls) regardless of hit.

Male Krogan Soldier 7, Elite Trooper 1 (HP: 66/90 {DR: 14} DT: 31, Barriers: 46/70, BS: 4 | F:26 R:24 W:14 | Init +11 Per +10 | AP: 6/6)

"Haha HA!" Dredd roars with laughter as the cannibal's claws rake against him. "Who's ready to bring the PAIN?!" he yells as his fist becomes surrounded by hard-light panels, growing a foot long blade in front of his knuckles. He slams the omni-blade into the face of the cannibal in front of him in a vicious uppercut.
Melee: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33 Lol, my turn for a crit.
Critical damage: 6d8 + 18 ⇒ (7, 8, 5, 5, 4, 6) + 18 = 53

Assuming Direct Control

The dark sphere explosion kills YC4 and YC5. YC7 is hit but stays standing. It is now primed. Brutvus's beam cuts YC0 in half. YC8 and YC9 are still standing but injured after the auto fire. Dredd's uppercut slams the cannibal's head into the roof and it falls back down dead.

The remaining Cannibals try to shoot at the party but all there attacks missed. YC8 and YC9 bend over and consume the bodies of their fallen brothers. New bone plates grow over their bodies.

Party take zero damage. GM's dice hate him or they love the PC's.

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

2 Swift Actions to recharge my barriers, then pop a warp into YC8.

Recharge Barrier: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (9) + 21 = 30
Warp: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (15) + 21 = 36
Warp Damage: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 5, 5, 6) = 26
Cannibal takes 26 damage and has its DR reduced by 15.

Awyr channels her biotic prowess into recharging her barriers, filling them completely. Then, she hucks a Warp at one of the Cannibals in the doorway.

Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)

Secretary continues his barrage, firing dozens of rounds into the cannibals in the doorway.

Double attacking, targeting yellow C8 and C9. If they drop after the first burst, aim second at red C6 and C7.

Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 3 - 3 = 19
Damage: 3d8 + 10 ⇒ (6, 8, 4) + 10 = 28

Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 3 - 3 = 15
Damage: 3d8 + 10 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) + 10 = 16

Attacks are piercing (ignore 5 DR), and deal half damage if that misses Reflex. Also suppresses (-2 on attack rolls) regardless of hit.

Male Elcor Soldier 7/ Elite Trooper 1 (F 27, R 19, W 20) (HP: 108/108, DR14, SR: 51/60, SS4) (Particle Beam 400/470, Striker 12/12) (Omni-Shield: SR48/48, SS10, New Reflex: 23)

Without a word, Brutvus unleashes hell upon his next target. YC7

Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Damage: 6d10 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 8, 5, 5, 1) + 6 = 29

Assuming Direct Control

The fighting last a couple more rounds but the party kills everyone else in the room. The buffed up guys were harder to take down but nothing you couldn't handle. There still lies the pumping heart at the back of the room. It's rhythmic sounds are starting to drone in your head. It is starting to become a loud white noise.

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

"Baso; Secretary; Blast it!" Awyr barks shortly, glaring at the mechanical organ.

Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)

Secretary spends a few milliseconds to give the 'heart' a cursory optical scan to make sure that blasting it is the correct choice.


Assuming Direct Control


The large mechanical "heart" appears the serve the same function as an organic one. It is not purely mechanical and also not organic. It is somewhere in-between like most Reapers. It is pumping the same liquid that was traveling through the tubes earlier. It is connected to the "alter" and it is kinda floating over it. There are 4 clear tubes that are sending the liquid and then many other smaller cables that also appear to also be connected. Because you are trained in mechanics you can recognize some of these cables as power cables and others that send information. Fiver optics cables maybe? It is connected to the rest of the ship and it is possible that it serves as a heart/brain hybrid. Destroying it would effect the rest of the ship but what what extent is unknown. Maybe it serves the same function as a control panel? That is your best guess. There doesn't appear to be any way for you to input commands.

Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)

Secretary reaches a rapid consensus and holds his fire, weapon still pointed at the 'heart'. "Taranau-Commander, this device may be integral to analysis of the Old Machine takeover of this ship. It seems to serve as both a power source and information hub. There is no telling what effects its destruction will have."

Male Elcor Soldier 7/ Elite Trooper 1 (F 27, R 19, W 20) (HP: 108/108, DR14, SR: 51/60, SS4) (Particle Beam 400/470, Striker 12/12) (Omni-Shield: SR48/48, SS10, New Reflex: 23)

'Sorry buddy,' Brutvus speaks to Secretary as he fires a single shot from his assault rifle at the heart.

Attack: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Damage: 4d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 4) + 4 = 18

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

"Well, seeing as Batarian ships don't normally have Giant Mechanical Hearts I think we can safely assume that it doesn't belong here. Dredd, why don't you help Brutvus. You seem bored."

Awyr frowns at Secretary from behind her helmet. Analysis of Cthulhuan horrors never ends well. We do not want to understand madness, you foolish machine.

Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)
Awyr Taranau wrote:
"Well, seeing as Batarian ships don't normally have Giant Mechanical Hearts I think we can safely assume that it doesn't belong here."

Secretary lowers its weapon and tilts its head, looking at Awyr. Its expression panels ripple to indicate slight confusion, but no trace of anger or disappointment.

"Taranau-Commander, that fact is not in question. We are under the impression that this mission is an attempt to understand the reasons why the Old Machines have taken an existing ship and modified it. We believe that understanding the scope and methods of said modifications will provide valuable insight. Is there additional information that would require this viewpoint to be updated?"

Assuming Direct Control

The heart begins to crack from the Striker's round. It looks like cracks forming on ice or a window from stress. It starts small and then slowly gets larger and large. Over the course of the conversation the cracks cover the entire heart. Soon it cracks and glass shards fall slowly to the floor. Such a small sound as it shatters. Nothing happened for a brief moment before the shards begin to scream. A shockwave of sound and light roll over the party. Sounds hit like massive rain drops during a storm and each one sends your senses crazy. The whole experience last about as long as a flash grenade but hits so much harder.

To you the experience was like a stun grenade. Loud, annoying, bright and ultimately pointless. You are fine after a couple of seconds. The rest of your party however was hit much harder. I am assuming that Brutvus doesn't have massive cyborg modifications.

While the actual effect of a stun grenade mean little to a synthetic there was something else in the waves of sound and light. Fragments of information and pure junk data with no use flood passed your firewalls and drown your systems. Your try to select and clear you mainframe but the data is coming in too fast even for your systems to clear. You are forced to reset from the back up. This takes a couple of seconds but not too long. Like 5 seconds tops. While you were cleaning your system you find something interesting. Some of the fragments from the shard scream were Geth. You systems keep these bits of Geth code during the restart. Roll an Use Computer check too see how well you can repair the fragments it you want to.

Dredd and Awyr
While it didn't effect Brutvus very much the shard scream hits you two the hardest. Both of you are knocked to the ground by crippling headaches. Your biotic amps burn in your skulls. Your mind feels like you are stuck on the edge of dreaming and awake. Your world spin as your minds tries to remember something. Something that was in the flood of light and sounds. Something that might be there. Something beneath all the pain. A vision of what the heart felt. Something that came in through your biotic implant. The pair of you are knocked out for around 10 seconds. Roll and Use Biotics check to see if you can make sense of the vision.

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

UB: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (12) + 21 = 33

F--k. Next time I'll stand further away from the target. Damn Secretary for distracting me.

Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)

Secretary's reboot looks strange to Brutvus, who only manages to catch the last bit of it - Secretary's joints lock as his motive systems shut down, ensuring no damage to his frame. His sensor briefly goes dark then relights as his detection suite resets, his frame spasms almost undetectably as a diagnostic is run, then Secretary continues outwardly functioning as before.

It makes a quick sweep of the room, noticing Awyr and Dredd still unconscious while Brutvus is on his feet. Secretary walks over to Awyr's body, spending its cycles on the way over by partitioning and encrypting the Geth shards it seems to have picked up.
It quickly broadcasts a warning message to other Geth: Possibly contaminated by heretic programs. Isolating and storing. Infection seems unlikely, but possible. Code is Geth, but currently unidentified. Analysis later for safety.

Arriving at Awyr, Secretary focuses on her neck and chest to ensure her heart is beating and she is still breathing. Confirming she is only unconscious, Secretary performs the same check on Dredd. Satisfied that they are still alive, he rotates and gives the remains of the 'heart' another visual scan.

"Baso-Captain, Taranau-Commander and Urdnot Dredd are unconscious. The detonation may have scrambled their biotic implants, with potential for brain damage. Your profile indicates experience in field treatment. I suggest you examine them more thoroughly." Secretary vocalizes almost immediately after approaching the bodies.

Assuming Direct Control

Heart Scan:

The heart is in 15 large pieces. Kinda like stained glass. The pieces look stiff and not ver flexible. Each piece sparkles and looks like it is made with diamond dust. Looking closely you can see what looks like a nervous system running on the inside. It could be some kind of information transfer system at least. It broke along the cracks and looks like it could be put back tougher with glue. The heart was empty. No idea what was pumping the liquid in the tubes. There wasn't a pump inside. The liquid was pumping though. Much of the Reaper technology is known.

Male Elcor Soldier 7/ Elite Trooper 1 (F 27, R 19, W 20) (HP: 108/108, DR14, SR: 51/60, SS4) (Particle Beam 400/470, Striker 12/12) (Omni-Shield: SR48/48, SS10, New Reflex: 23)

'Ow.' Brutvus slowly shakes his head to clear the stars from his eyes. When he has recovered, he lumbers over to Awyr and Dredd and checks them for injuries, in compliance with Secretary's request.

Treat Injury: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

'They appear to be unconscious, Secretary. I cannot predict when they will awaken, if they awaken at all. Further injuries cannot be determined without significantly more advanced.........' His voice trails off as the unconscious pair begin to wake.

Male Krogan Soldier 7, Elite Trooper 1 (HP: 66/90 {DR: 14} DT: 31, Barriers: 46/70, BS: 4 | F:26 R:24 W:14 | Init +11 Per +10 | AP: 6/6)

use Biotics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Dredd grumbles obscenities to himself as he comes to.

Assuming Direct Control

The knocked out Biotics:

Since Awyr rolled so well I will just it to you both. I still have a massive cold and headache so I am lacking the creative drive to come with two different posts. Sorry Dredd to make your roll kinda meaningless.
The while much of the vision was indescribable what you can understand is breaking images and feelings. You see a Reaper being ripped apart. It was scattered in many tiny and complete pieces. Those broken shards speed off to the smaller ships waiting around it. You follow the shards not the ships and see them drive int the heart like machine that once stood before you.
Since Awyr rolled so well she can understand that there were 3 hearts in total on board this ship and one larger special one. There are 2 heart left to destroy. By destroying the heart the ships security is now failing, making your journey now easy.

Male Krogan Soldier 7, Elite Trooper 1 (HP: 66/90 {DR: 14} DT: 31, Barriers: 46/70, BS: 4 | F:26 R:24 W:14 | Init +11 Per +10 | AP: 6/6)

Still rubbing the stars out of his eyes, Dredd grumbles to the rest of the crew, "Huhh. Ever wonder if the universe is trying to tell you something, but not sure if it's just trying to piss you off?" Dredd doesn't wait for anyone to answer in particular. "I got the feeling like this wasn't the only one of these things on board this ship. Whatever they are, they emit a powerful biotic emission when destroyed, so I think it's safe to assume they are some sort of reaper control interface; allows the reapers to direct the ship as if it were a living thing, almost like a parasite. Probably want to knock out any other ones we find... but maybe stand a little further back next time?"

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

"Good idea," Awyr moans as she sits up.

Taking a moment to get her bearings, Awyr looks around at the mess.

"This is going to be a b**** to clean up, I just know it."

A deep breath to steady herself.

"Okay, let's move on to the next room."

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

"Stack up at the door, let's do this by the numbers." Awyr commands tersely.

Assuming Direct Control

The Spector team stacks up on the door and the one closest to it opens it. It would have been a security door but it is now disabled. Inside the room looks like an art studio. There is paintings and large prices of stone all over the place. You notice some of the stone statues look like the one from the other room. That, however isn't the important part. The large Reaper tripod that is sprinting toward the party is. In the middle of the art room was a force cage labeled "model." The cage, of course, was turned off with the rest of the security.
Don't need a combat map for this one. Either you enter the room and fight it in there or back off and it fights in the hallway. Large thing is charging you, you have a turn before it gets to melee range.

Geth (Trooper Platform) Soldier 7/Military Engineer 1 (HP: 58/58 DR: 2 SR: 83/83 SS: 11 | F: 23 R:26 (FF 20) W:21 | Init + 14 Perc +12)

Secretary reacts quickly, activating tech powers to try and to slow down the charging tripod - first a bolt of force to knock it away, then a blast of cold to hamper its servomotors.

Move action to use concussive shot.
Use Computer: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35
If that beats Reflex...
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3 points of damage ignoring SS/BS. If that also beats Fort, target is pushed back one square and knocked prone.

Standard action to use cryo blast.
Use Computer: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24
If that beats Fort...
Damage: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 4) = 13 cold damage, DR is reduced by 10, and he can only take 2 actions per turn for 2 rounds. If that exceeds Fort by 10, only 1 action and DR reduced by 15, still for 2 rounds.

Monogendered (Female) Asari Scout 1/Soldier 6/Biotic Adept 1 (HP: 51/51 DR: 4 SR: 51/51 SS: 4 | F: 22 R:23 (FF 20) W:25 | Init +12 Perc +14)

Warp: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26
Damage: 6d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2) = 12

Awyr tosses a Warp at the charging monstrosity. 12 damage and DR reduced by 10.

"Light it up!" Awyr commands harshly.

Male Elcor Soldier 7/ Elite Trooper 1 (F 27, R 19, W 20) (HP: 108/108, DR14, SR: 51/60, SS4) (Particle Beam 400/470, Striker 12/12) (Omni-Shield: SR48/48, SS10, New Reflex: 23)

Brutvus lights up the f&%ker.

Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
Damage: 6d10 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 10, 10, 9) + 6 = 46

Male Krogan Soldier 7, Elite Trooper 1 (HP: 66/90 {DR: 14} DT: 31, Barriers: 46/70, BS: 4 | F:26 R:24 W:14 | Init +11 Per +10 | AP: 6/6)

Dredd moves into position between the strange new reaper and the party, firing a salvo of razor sharp pain into the thing's "face."

ATK: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
DMG: 4d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 3) + 5 = 23 Impact, piercing; reduce DT by 10 to determine condition adjustment.

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