Rappan Athuk Old School

Game Master brvheart

Initiative Order:


Rappan Athuk Player's Will

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Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

we also have antitoxin

So if Silvash calls out in he first round that he's poisoned, then second round thoron could move, and cast in the third?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

That sounds about right to me Elathras cutting his CON lost to 3 rounds or 7. This keeps him from dying.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

After Silvash calls out to Thoron and stops the poison, Elathras approaches, "Good job, Thoron!" Elathras walks in, seeing the four chests that have been untrapped, he starts opening the chests.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The chests all contain non-magical robes, cloaks and daggers.
The third chest also contains a book and a ring.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

"Hey this one has a book and a ring, too." He gestures towards the gear, "While you look at this stuff, I'll check the door,"

Moving towards the door, he listens carefully for noise then inspects the door for traps. if there is no noise and untrapped once the group is ready he will attempt to open the door.

perception: listen: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
perception: traps: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

roll a will save

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Intelligence and Charisma scores each drop to 1.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

xp for all the traps 3934 each

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

Sliding to the ground in front of the door, Elathras' eyes roll up into his head and he starts to drool.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

I'll try to stabilize him if he's actually hurt.

"We really need to rest now, so I can choose some more lesser restoration spells!

Silver Crusade

Acrobatics 2, Climb 8, Heal 10, Intimidate 9, K Religion 5, Perception 17, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 6, Survival 9, Swim 8, Craft Wpn 8, Hndl Anim 8, K Engineer 10, K Geography 2, K History 2, Prof Soldier 6
NG Elf War Priest 9; HP 75/75 AC 23 TAC 13 FF 21 CMD 23 FOR +10 REF +7 WIL +10 INIT +4 PER +17 | ongoing effects: shield of faith +3
1st-5/5 2nd-5/5 3rd-3/3
; Fervor 6/6; Sacred Weapon 9/9; Sacred Armor 9/9;

"Let's settle in this room. We can jam any in swinging doors with pitons and whoever is on watch will just need to keep an eye on any door we can't jam. Say, Elathras, you ok? Elathras? He doesn't look so good. Thoron, you're the doc around here. What do you think is wrong with him?" Cuthalian offers and then asks.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

I asked brv in R20 about the scores for INt and Cha being at one, he responded "Lives by the most basic instincts, not capable of logic or reason, base animal int. So I guess Elathras is now a literal wild man.

When elthras comes to, still drooling he begins to sniff the air, looking wildly at the others. Ignoring his weapons he begins wrestling to get his back pack off. Once his pack is free, he tears what food he is carrying out and begins eating the rations. It also appears that he has relieved his bladder with no concern for his clothing.

Male Elf Rogue 1| AC 17 FF 14 Touch 13| HP 7/11 | F +0 R +5 W +1 | Init +3 | Perc +7

Sivash coughs and hacks for a bit and then says to Thoron, "Thank you for your help. I still don't feel good but I'm better. Hey Elathras! Oh no! What happened to him?"

Silvash then casts detect magic and tries to figure out what happened to Elathras.

Kn: Arcana: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map


Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The affected creature is unable to use Intelligence– or Charisma-based skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate coherently. Still, it knows who its friends are and can follow them and even protect them.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Arcanist 7 | AC 16(20) T 13 FF 13(17) | HP 36/36 | F +4 R +6 W +7 | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Reservoir 11/13 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 4/5 3rd 4/4

"Well, that escalated quickly"

Alana does a quick assessment of her abilities and realizes there really is nothing she can do to help here. She defers to Thoron's ministrations to assist with Elathras new condition and uses the time to check the stuff from the chest for magic [detect magic].

When the idea is floated to use this room to hole up, she recommends a second course of action:

"Given the nature of the spell that was used on that door, perhaps resting in this room is not the safest place to try. We have other options nearby that likely does not have a quick reaction team nearby..."

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The book and the ring are magical.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The party still has the ring of limited wishes which will work for the feeblemind damage.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Arcanist 7 | AC 16(20) T 13 FF 13(17) | HP 36/36 | F +4 R +6 W +7 | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Reservoir 11/13 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 4/5 3rd 4/4

I wonder if either of these two things will be of any help...

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

Well, I guess I could use a little help with that first item...

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

::grumbles:: "He was not taking care and let us try to detect magic on that door. I don't care where we rest, this just seemed like a good spot with beds even."

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

ring of the weak mind
Thoron takes one glance at the book and his face turns to sheer horror!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Arcanist 7 | AC 16(20) T 13 FF 13(17) | HP 36/36 | F +4 R +6 W +7 | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Reservoir 11/13 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 4/5 3rd 4/4

"Well, those are not going to help any...Come along Elathras, lets go somewhere you are not going to accidentally hurt yourself until we can craft a good wish to restore you." Alana motions him toward the door while repeating "No touchey...no touchey" just like Kuzko in the Emperors New Groove

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The book is a vacuous grimoire.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

Hearing his name spoken by the pretty lady, Elathras follows. reaching down to hold on to the edge of her cloak, cocking his head oddly as she continues speaking. grasping the edge of her cloak, he follows dumbly.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

sorry put the message in the wrong room. Looking at the map room 2 doesn't look bad. Especially if we make camp in the NW corner of the room.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

If anyone is really concerned we can go back to level four and sleep in the peaceful elven crypt again.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

just somewhere that's as safe as we can get in here.

Silver Crusade

Acrobatics 2, Climb 8, Heal 10, Intimidate 9, K Religion 5, Perception 17, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 6, Survival 9, Swim 8, Craft Wpn 8, Hndl Anim 8, K Engineer 10, K Geography 2, K History 2, Prof Soldier 6
NG Elf War Priest 9; HP 75/75 AC 23 TAC 13 FF 21 CMD 23 FOR +10 REF +7 WIL +10 INIT +4 PER +17 | ongoing effects: shield of faith +3
1st-5/5 2nd-5/5 3rd-3/3
; Fervor 6/6; Sacred Weapon 9/9; Sacred Armor 9/9;

"I thought the same about the room with beds. But, I'm game with whatever."

Grand Lodge

Female Human Arcanist 7 | AC 16(20) T 13 FF 13(17) | HP 36/36 | F +4 R +6 W +7 | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Reservoir 11/13 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 4/5 3rd 4/4

Alana explains she is just ancy about the door we have not explored through yet having someone on the other side that will interrupt our sojourn; everyone quickly determines she has a case of the willies. She points out that the chest contained traps for everyday mundane objects except in the one case of cursed magic items and feels the whole room is some elaborate trap. She will stay if the team feels she is just paranoid.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

I don't care where. If our mage is having the willies we can go back one room, that's still behind 2 secret doors. Or up to the safe room where the elven lady's is buried.

Silver Crusade

Acrobatics 2, Climb 8, Heal 10, Intimidate 9, K Religion 5, Perception 17, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 6, Survival 9, Swim 8, Craft Wpn 8, Hndl Anim 8, K Engineer 10, K Geography 2, K History 2, Prof Soldier 6
NG Elf War Priest 9; HP 75/75 AC 23 TAC 13 FF 21 CMD 23 FOR +10 REF +7 WIL +10 INIT +4 PER +17 | ongoing effects: shield of faith +3
1st-5/5 2nd-5/5 3rd-3/3
; Fervor 6/6; Sacred Weapon 9/9; Sacred Armor 9/9;

Let's find a nicer spot. Heading back to the elven crypt may be good.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Arcanist 7 | AC 16(20) T 13 FF 13(17) | HP 36/36 | F +4 R +6 W +7 | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Reservoir 11/13 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 4/5 3rd 4/4

"Thanks fellas. We are going to need to concentrate our efforts and bring our poor barbarian back into fighting form."

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

err do I think the lesser restoration will help Elathras?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

No, it will require a sixth level spell. Feeblemind is permanent damage. Are you using the limited wish?

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

looks like we will have to, and then I'll pray for lesser restoration to help Sivash. But, lets get to a safe place first is my vote.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Ok, I put the party in the room upstairs.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

Do I need to use the ring on Elthras? Or can anyone?

Err if we get through the rest period ok, I'm going to pray for lesser restoration for all my 2nd level spells should be 5. LOL the way things are going need to pick up some potions for that the next time we're in town.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50
Silvash Auerial wrote:
Silvash blinks as he looks at the ring. "That is some powerful magic. I don't know if I can figure this out on my own but we can give it a try."

strangely enough, this was the last time we recorded anyone actually holding the ring.

Sitting down on the hard floor, Elathras drools while he watches the others talk.

Male Elf Rogue 1| AC 17 FF 14 Touch 13| HP 7/11 | F +0 R +5 W +1 | Init +3 | Perc +7

Silvash digs the ring out and says "This is a ring of limited wishes, three of them as a matter of fact. We can use this to cure Elathras hopefully. I believe limitied wish can be used to remove feeblemind."

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

So when are you going to use it?

Silver Crusade

Acrobatics 2, Climb 8, Heal 10, Intimidate 9, K Religion 5, Perception 17, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 6, Survival 9, Swim 8, Craft Wpn 8, Hndl Anim 8, K Engineer 10, K Geography 2, K History 2, Prof Soldier 6
NG Elf War Priest 9; HP 75/75 AC 23 TAC 13 FF 21 CMD 23 FOR +10 REF +7 WIL +10 INIT +4 PER +17 | ongoing effects: shield of faith +3
1st-5/5 2nd-5/5 3rd-3/3
; Fervor 6/6; Sacred Weapon 9/9; Sacred Armor 9/9;

Seems like we should use it once we settle in. However, if it turns out to be the ring or a close facsimile and calls to its master it may be nice to have all of our resources so perhaps we should wait till morning to zap him. The downside is that he won't be able to help us much in a fight if one breaks out at night.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50
Cuthalian wrote:
Seems like we should use it once we settle in. However, if it turns out to be the ring or a close facsimile and calls to its master it may be nice to have all of our resources so perhaps we should wait till morning to zap him. The downside is that he won't be able to help us much in a fight if one breaks out at night.

Getting attacked shouldn't be a problem here in the 'hidden' crypt.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

sounds good to me

Male Elf Rogue 1| AC 17 FF 14 Touch 13| HP 7/11 | F +0 R +5 W +1 | Init +3 | Perc +7

I'll use the ring but not sure how I need to go about it. Do I need to create a wish or for this use just say what I want it to do? I'm too used to wishes being twisted :)

Grand Lodge

Female Human Arcanist 7 | AC 16(20) T 13 FF 13(17) | HP 36/36 | F +4 R +6 W +7 | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Reservoir 11/13 | Spells 1st 6/6 2nd 4/5 3rd 4/4

I am in the same boat as Silvash, that is why I wanted to be somewhere "safe"

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Say your exact words

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric/6

hmm we'll need to discuss this. I was thinking somewhere along the lines to "have Elathras to be changed back to what he was before he tried to pick the last door he tried to open." this is not what I say, just a suggestion. Don't want to use return or sent I think. Knowing Brvheart he'd send him back to that room.

We need to be specific I think.

male Human Barbarian 6
HP 68/80, AC 19/17, T 11, FF 16/14, +2 Greatclub +14/+9 (1d10+20), F +10, R +5, W +4, Init +3, CMB +12, Perc +11

Oh geez, I don't want to spend days on the wording of the wish.

Marthek grabs the ring, "[/b]I wish Elathras be healed."[/b]

He is healed as if he had a heal spell cast upon him. All stats are back to normal.

Male Human cavalier 8 |HP 74/90 | AC26/T12/FF25 | F+11/R+8/W+8 | CMB+14/ CMD25 |init+1 | Perc+13 | Challenge@+ 8: 2/3 | Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 8/10 | CLW wand 44/50

thanks brv/Marthek so did we rest?

As if waking from a dream, Elathras looks around the crypt. "Hey were back in the elvish princess crypt." Seeing the wish ring, he asks, "Are we going to raise the princess?"

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