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In between the stomach heaving and the pitched battle, Peregryne can do nothing more than look around and decide that his current position is the best place he can be.

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Pip nimbly dodges the multitude of attacks.
He then attack Cork.
Bite Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Bite Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 plus grab: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
The small thorny creature bites and attaches itself to Cork
Claw Attack 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Claw Attack 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Claw Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 plus Fort Save v posion
Claw Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 plus Fort Save v posion
Both hit since the grab effectively reduces your AC by 2
The claws rip in to Cork and shred his skin.
Bold may act. The Nauseated has worn off
Bon Jon
Cork : -23 HP, grappled, and needs two Fort SVs v poison
Pip -23 HP damage

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Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
As soon as the creature grabs him Cork tries to squirm out of his grasp but then the claws tear into him. Cork almost faints with the pain.

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Letting out a shout as his companion is savaged by the creature, Peregryne summons a blast of air and lets fly at Pip...
Air Blast w/ PBS, PS, EO: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Magic Bludgeoning Damage: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 6) + 9 = 16

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Bon Jon steps 5 feet closer to one of the cockroaches and unleashes a flurry of blows with his seven-branched sword at it.
Swift action to use the Suli racial ability Elemental Assault to add 1d6 acid to my attacks for 1 round; Full attack action to Flurry of Blows.
+1 Seven-branched Sword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
dmg (1d6 is acid): 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (3) = 11
+1 Seven-branched Sword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
dmg (1d6 is acid): 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 5 + (3) = 18

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The poison seeps in to Cork's veins as he world goes crazy for him and be becomes confused
Peregryne's blast solidly knocks the Mandrgora but he still stands.
Bon Jon's first strike misses, but while Pip is focuses on draining the life out of Cork, his second swing hits and cleaves the plant creature off of Cork as it falls in to a pile of mulch, thorns, and blood.
The remaining cockroach scatter with out anyone to command them.
Cork is able to regain his own mind after a few moments.
The room is clear of any other threats.

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"Told ya that little bugger was trouble. Can't believe someone actually gave blood ta that creep!" The dwarf then heads over to the door at the far end of the room.
"Everybody right back there? Let's get back to business, shall we?
Boftil will check out the door for traps while everyone is getting healed etc., then if it is unlocked, open it.
Perception (take 20) for 30 on the door while people are healing etc.

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Cork staggers back from Pip as the creature falls dead. His wounds are grievous but he is able to pull a smooth wand from his bag. He makes a few gestures with the wand to release the healing energy into his body.
Using my CLW wand. Do we have any divine casters? I'll assume that since we're out of combat I can take 20 on the UMD to use it.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

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You can't take 20 on UMD since the wand is unusable for a day by you if you roll a '1'
The door is otherwise unlocked and the hallway continues.
A collapsed sign near the door lists the exhibit that was on display in this gallery at the time of the earthquake: “Flowering Shrubs of Eastern Taldor”. Plants once grew in the large, ceramic planters that still hug the southern wall. Dozens of branches clinging to decaying leaves emerge from the wooden door to the north. To the east, a room with healthy trees and shrubs
Inside the room, Dozens of healthy plants with vibrant and colorful leaves, fruit, and flowers emerge from the decay in this small greenhouse, spilling out of the pots and berths that once contained them.

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Ok. Here are my UMD's. No 1's!!!
UMD: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
UMD: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
UMD: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
UMD: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
UMD: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
UMD: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

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Boftil presses ahead with the rest of the group, keeping himself near the front with his hammer in hand and ready.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Once everyone is ready to press on, he'll attempt to open the closed door to the north.

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Some of the plants in the side room look interesting.
Knowledge (nature), Craft (alchemy), or Spellcraft to see how the magic of the place has mutated these plants

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Peregryne, noting some strange looking plants, stops to take a closer look.
Kn: Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

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Not seeing anything of note the party moves on to the large greenhouse at the end of the hall.
You reach the entrance to the second intact greenhouse. A wooden plaque reads, “Plants of Eastern Garund: Please proceed with caution, as some are poisonous”
Unlike the dead and warped growth in most of the Arboretum, the plants growing in this greenhouse seem to be relatively young and healthy. Several raised beds of earth host strange looking plants with long, sinuous vines, and a small, gently flowing fountain with a red lion statue at its center sits near the middle of the chamber. Against the wall stands a worktable and chair covered in gardening tools.
As you enter one of the plants in the beds speaks. It has roughly humanoid shape (toros and two “arms” and two “legs”) “Stay Back! I know you. You are from the Quantium and are here to harvest me and my companions!”

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@GM, can you please remind us what we are here to collect? Something related to Colson Madris' brother, but I don't think it had anything to do with plants, did it?

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Ghrisan ask for you to retrieve some documents from the fountain in this room

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Cork looks shocked for just a second at the talking plant. "No, we're not from the Quantium and we're not here to harvest anyone. We are just looking for some documents in that fountain over there." Cork points to the red lion fountain. He looks to see if there is a path to the fountain that doesn't get too close to any of the strange plants, especially the talking one.

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Boftil has no idea about this Quantium or exactly what this next creatures wants but he has his hammer ready to go should things take a turn for the worse.

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The creature seems to accept that you are not aggressive to it. "Only one of you. The rest stay back. You. " She points to Patros. "[b]May go."
Patros goes over an examines the statue and finds the following bundle of Documents
The creature continues. "Got want you said you wanted. Now Leave!"

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Thank you...may you grow prosperous and flourish.Patros nods his head towards the plant guardian.
He puts the documents in his pouch as he heads back to the group.
I am glad that went well. Where to now?

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Bon Jon thanks the plant creature for its agreeable response and wishes that it may always find sunlight.
Turning to Patros, he asks if he might take a look at the documents. I actually clicked the link before I realized that only he had them - will share my observations once he agrees.

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Boftil turns to Junia once Patros returns. "What do you think, little one? Anywhere else down here you want to visit, or are you ready to head back home now?"

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You are able to safely leave. J. shakes her head to Boftil. "No. I think what we have done today is good an I will need to reflect on what I want to do next. I feel I must help others who are trapped both spiritually and physically. Maybe my calling is among the Pathfinders and not directly with the Eagle Knights."
As she muses on this and you all are head back to her home. With your work in the Precipice Quarter done, A man in a uniform similar to Junia’s, but with more medals and polish, emerges from a side alley at a brisk pace. You quickly recogonize him as Colson Maldis, leader of the Liberty’s Edge faction and older brother of Grishan
“Finally, I found you. I heard around the lodge that a team of Pathfinders was headed in to the Tri-Towers Yard.” Colson bows his head. “My brother was one of many children who died when the earthquake hit. As a result, I take great interest in expeditions leading in to that cursed site. The last Pathfinder expedition seven years ago found his body, and as a result, my family was able to give him a proper burial. Those agents also found some…” Colson pauses, and then continues delicately, “reports about my brother’s after-school activities that would have been quite embarrassing if made public. Did you, by chance, find any information about my brother?”

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Peregryne also just waits nonchalantly to see if Junia or Grishan will speak up on their own violation.

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Reports, eh? Hmm...well, that is interesting. So I don't think you'll mind if we hand these in to our superiors then. Patros says, holding up the papers. He then looks at J. Care to shed any light on this?

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Boftil finally relents, unable to bear the awkward silence. "What was your brother's name again, mate? Wasn't Grishan, by chance? If that's the case, we have more than information about him, he's right here with us...well, er with one of us...ah, with the young girl to be precise. Seems he's been a phantom and has been for years. Saved this young girl's life, apparently, and has stayed with her ever since. Creepy, I know...but he sounds like a decent bloke all the same!"

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Addressing Patros.
“I know this looks bad. And I’m not going to try to justify my actions. These notes paint everyone they touch in a negative light. But, Pathfinders, in situations such as this one, it is important to consider the bigger picture, the greater good, and the unfortunate realities of politics. Skilled orators can take even the hint of scandal and spin it into a mountain to bury their target, preventing almost anyone from seeing the accomplishments and value of the people beneath. Remember what we discovered two years ago, my friends, and the seeds of corruption threatening Andoran that sparked the decision to separate Liberty’s Edge as its own entity. Were this information to become public, members of that conspiracy among Andoran’s politicians would use their oratory against all our works, which would deal a crippling blow to our cause’s influence. They would tarnish not only my own reputation, but the reputation of the Liberty’s Edge as a whole, and by extension, the reputations and of all of the Pathfinders who tirelessly work under our banner to promote the cause of freedom. It may even spell the end of our movement to promote the cause of freedom throughout the Inner Sea and beyond!”
J. shoots a annoyed glance at Boftil. Major Maldris is takenaback. His eyes flash with fury, then soften as he realizes Boftil is not playing a cruel joke as Grishan slowly manifests, and he whispers, “G-Grishan?” Grishan does not emerge from Junia, but J. speaks a few words for him, “Brother…not yet.” Grishan’s conflicting emotions cause tears to roll down J.’s face. J. explains that Grishan isn’t ready to talk yet. Major Maldris is distraught, "I am sorry borther. And I am greived every day that I could not save you"
As Grishan fades back in to J., Colson Maldris speaks. “Grishan had a brilliant mind, and he was eager to do whatever he could to serve the cause of freedom. I suggested that if he helped the cause of the Eagle Knights before he was old enough to be eligible, they would certainly accept him.”

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Sorry I was not able to post yesterday due to family stuff
Earlier...As the group leaves the Arboretum, Bon Jon takes a look at the packet of documents that Patros has gathered. His eyebrows shoot up when he notes the second item on the docket and he points it out to his comrades before asking Sir J., "Sir J., I don't suppose you've ever heard your mother mention anything about the Harbingers of Fate?"
When the group is approached by Colson Madris, Bon Jon shows all the proper respect due to the leader of his faction. However, his face darkens as he listens to Madris' explanations.
"With all due respect, sir, it seems that you are equating your own reputation with that of the Liberty's Edge. But if liberty means anything, surely it means that we belong to no one, not even our leaders. Not only that, but I see no reason why your father's failings must fall upon your own head. So your father was not truly devoted to the Andoren revolution? What of it? You belong to him no more than I belong to you."
"In any case, sir, I'm sure that you understand that if you ask a humble monk of Irori to lie for you, even one such as I, who has accomplished little and has great respect for all you have achieved, yet such a monk will surely have to respectfully decline. For, as is known, Truth and Liberty are but two sides of the same coin."

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Colson nods. "I would never ask for you to go against your convictions. I have made my case, but I will respect what you decide to do with the documents. I do hope you take care with the knowledge you do possess. "
In short do you give the documents to Colson or not? I will close this out tomorrow morning so get your voice in. If your character has an opinion on the matter.

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Cork considers the captain's words. "To be honest, I can't tell which is the greater good. In general, I tend to stick to my word, and we said we'd deliver these documents. But the inner workings of Liberty's Edge. I don't know about that." Cork shifts on his feet, pondering what to do. "I guess if it was up to me, I'd say we should deliver these as we promised and trust that the people in charge can make wise decisions with the information."

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Bon Jon listens to Madris' explanation with interest. "Well, I appreciate that you are not asking us to lie on your behalf. As for what to do with these documents, the only reason we are seeking them in the first place is that Grishan, the spirit of your dead brother, wishes to ensure that they are delivered to you. If that is still his wish, I see no reason why we should do anything else with them. Grishan, can you hear us? Is it still your wish that these documents be delivered to your brother?"
I'm inclined to give the documents to Madris, having now gone back and reviewed why we were looking for them at all and seeing that the only reason Grishan wanted us to get them was to ensure that they reached his brother.

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Patros looks at Colson and gives him a hard look.
Fine...take them. But use better judgement in the future. I think you might need to readjust your views and values.. He then turns to J. Ready to go home yet? Been a long day...

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Peregryne nods at the explanations given by the others...
"I agree. If Grishan wants the documents to go to his brother, then I say we hand them over."

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"Sure, do what the little lad asks." Boftil agrees with the proposal to hand them over to Colson.

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Handing the packet to Colson he reviews them. As he does so he definitely frowns but seems somewhat sure that at least the knowledge is secure. "Thank you very much for your consideration. And I will let the lodge know of your actions in this cause." He turns to J. "I hope you found what you need and look forward to seeing you in the future." J. blushes a bit and does not say anything else before Colson takes his leave
On the way back to Dacilane manor J speaks. “Thank you. From me and Grishan too.”
Grishan provides some additional comments, “I always wanted to be an Eagle Knight like Colson. He got his wings so young, and I wanted to follow him anywhere, and fight for freedom, no matter what.” He muses, “I’m not alive anymore, but I can still help Colson. And I think J. and I make a good team.”
J. Thanks the party and looks forward to working with them in the future hopefully as a pathfinder.
Several weeks later, Venture-Captain Dreng reports that the haunts at the Drownyard have all disappeared, and he thanks the party for their efforts.