Quest for Perfection Part I: The Edge of Heaven (Inactive)

Game Master Warped

In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.

Quest for Perfection Map

Initiative Rolls:
[dice]d20+2[/dice] Berosius
[dice]d20+4[/dice] Dagat
[dice]d20+0[/dice] Gorn
[dice]d20+2[/dice] Noorzad
[dice]d20+3[/dice] Hyeon-ae
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Zephri

Perception Rolls:
[dice]d20+3[/dice] Berosius
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Dagat
[dice]d20+2[/dice] Gorn
[dice]d20+4[/dice] Noorzad
[dice]d20+3[/dice] Hyeon-ae
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Zephri

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Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Thanks, Zephri.

@Berosius - That's your society number. I don't need that, since it'll be on form you fill out. I like to hand out completely filled out forms, just as you would receive at a live table.

The chronicle # is which scenario this would be for Berosius (usually your XP+1, but AP's, modules, boons, etc. can throw that off). Your current prestige is your total fame minus how much prestige you've spent, like on wands or other prestige wards.

I just need Berosius and Noorzad's chronicle numbers and current prestige before the start of the scenario, and for everyone (except Zephri) to refill the form. Sorry again for the inconvenience!

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

Mine's been input, although this is Gorn's third scenario.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 10 - HP 77/77, AC 21/T: 14/FF:18 - Perception +2 - F: +7*/ R: +8* / W: +10* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 18, Speed: 30, Init. +3

It's there in my previous post:

Berosius wrote:

Mine's there. But now it's here, too: Berosius PFS# - 2405-2.

Not sure what you want for Prestige. Chronicle number and Prestige are for players to fill in, no? In any case, it's Berosius's second chronicle, so he already has 1 and 2, respectively.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 10 - HP 77/77, AC 21/T: 14/FF:18 - Perception +2 - F: +7*/ R: +8* / W: +10* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 18, Speed: 30, Init. +3

Ummmm... fill out what form?

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

This Form :)

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Umm, let's try this, then. How many scenarios have you run Berosius through? Is this his first one?

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 10 - HP 77/77, AC 21/T: 14/FF:18 - Perception +2 - F: +7*/ R: +8* / W: +10* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 18, Speed: 30, Init. +3

He's been through 1 scenario and has 2 Fame and 0 PP.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Excellent. So this is chronicle #2 for him (unless he has a boon chronicle sheet) and he has 0 prestige going in. That's what I was looking for.

I still need all of Noorzad's info (chronicle # and current prestige (PP)), and for Noorzad and Hyeon-ae to refill out the form here.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

Resent... Although all that info is on my profile.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

So, um. GM. What did you do to the dice roller? Did you pray to Asmodeus that you would kill us all? :)

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

All I can say is that we have an agreement. A pact, if you will.

To be fair, I can't seem to hit Gorn anymore with a +10 to my rolls. All I need is an 11 or better, but nada. I've been trying to kill him since the start!

...I mean, look at him go! What a tank!

The Exchange

Male Human (Kelish) Bard 2 :: 12/12 HP AC 15 (T 13, FF 12) :: Init +2 Percep +4 :: Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +4 ::

This is Noorzad's fourth scenario; I'll hit up that form and confirm PP tonight.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Scenario's nearly finished. Still waiting on Noorzad's prestige and for Noorzad to fill in the sheet here.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

*curls up in foetal position somewhere and sulks*

At least I can soak up some HP damage, heyyy guys!

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

There's not much you can do when the dice roller is against you :) Its all good we survived, though I hope there is no more combat because most of us are in bits! Its expensive being a gunslinger though I've gone through about sixty gps worth of ammo - though admitedly it won't cost me that much to replace.

Yetis are scary though!

The Exchange

Male Human (Kelish) Bard 2 :: 12/12 HP AC 15 (T 13, FF 12) :: Init +2 Percep +4 :: Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +4 ::

Kim, I'm filling out the form and having two issues (neither of which seem major, but apparently I'm being dense):

- The input in the form represents the _beginning_ of the session, or the _end_ (and thus expenditures during)? The latter makes more sense to me, but...

- The form doesn't like me trying to poke in charges used, but I'm presuming I need to put the wand under "items bought" first for it to show up and be selectable? When I add the wand under the desc for items used it won't take a number.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

Agreed! That thing was a monster... in more ways than one. Just the pure damage soak was hard on us... mostly being level one... (looking forward to level 2 when the scenario is over for Gorn).

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

@Noorzad - I'm just concerned with the purchasing of items so I can get it on the chronicle sheet. Anything you expended you may put on there, but it doesn't need to be. It should, however, be noted in your ITS. Some GM's go over ITS', I am not one unless something just starts seeming off. Like Gorn having a +1 Shocking Burst Dwarven Waraxe at 1st or 2nd level.

The expenditures during, before, and after don't really matter much, because they'll all go into the same spot in the chronicle sheet. As long as they're all on their, it's all good.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Also, at the very minimum, can I get your PFS# and faction? Going out on a limb and saying Qadira, but I just don't know anymore. I need it to report the scenario unless you don't want credit.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Okay! Whenever you guys are done with the statue, we're ready to move on to the next scenario.

The Exchange

Male Human (Kelish) Bard 2 :: 12/12 HP AC 15 (T 13, FF 12) :: Init +2 Percep +4 :: Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +4 ::

@Kim - requisite update sent in form. Only expenditure was arrows.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

The statue is... interesting, to say the least.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Thanks! But I still need Noorzad's current prestige at the start of the scenario for his chronicle sheet.

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Please note while messing around with ideas for Zephri I have discovered I have been doing his loading times incorrectly. I was doing move to load normally, free with alchemical cartridges, but it should have been standard to load normally, move with alchemical cartridges. He does not get the ability that lowers it until 3rd level. My sincerest apologies, let me know if there is anything you feel I need to do to make up for my mistake, etc.

The Exchange

Male Human (Kelish) Bard 2 :: 12/12 HP AC 15 (T 13, FF 12) :: Init +2 Percep +4 :: Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +4 ::

Note: our internet has been sporadic the past two days, tech comes tomorrow. Will keep up as best I can til then.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Congratulations! You have finished The Quest for Perfection Part 1: The Edge of Heaven.

If everyone would like to roll for their day jobs, as well, that'd be great. If you do not have a day job, please let me know here so that I might get your chronicle sheet out as quickly as possible. Speaking of which, I am still waiting on Noorzad's prestige at the beginning of the scenario before his chronicle sheet can be mailed out. It's been a month.

Also, if anyone does not wish to continue with the series, please let me know. Thanks!

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Thanks GM Kim, fun scenario, I am definitely up for continuing. Yeti's are nasty, hope we don't face them again though!

Dayjob Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 10 - HP 77/77, AC 21/T: 14/FF:18 - Perception +2 - F: +7*/ R: +8* / W: +10* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 18, Speed: 30, Init. +3

I really appreciate your GMing this game, GM Kim. Obviously, I'm having trouble keeping up with it, so I believe it is only fair for me to bow out for the next one. RL is just too busy right now, I guess.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

No worries. It was fun having you come with us, though! Did you have a day job you wanted to roll for?

Liberty's Edge

Female Tian-Sing Human Ranger 1
Quick Reference:
[ HP 12/12 | AC 17/14/13, CMD 16, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 | Init +4; Perception +6 ]

Dagat will continue.

She also has no day job!

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 10 - HP 77/77, AC 21/T: 14/FF:18 - Perception +2 - F: +7*/ R: +8* / W: +10* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 18, Speed: 30, Init. +3

Berosius is dumb as a stump. He has no day job.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

No day job here.

Also, Kim, remember that everyone gets to roll for a boon, too!

So... I've been considering changing Hyeon-ae over to an Inquisitor (because I seriously can't settle on how I want to play her as you may have noticed!), and though I was considering waiting until parts 1-3 were over for continuity's sake, with Berosius dropping out I'm considering doing it sooner so we have someone that can drop a CLW spell from time to time.

So, in advance, sorry for any strange and sudden changes in her character, I am honestly just struggling with the character concept I had in mind, both personality-wise and mechanics-wise. :P

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Well we do have a ranger in the party so we have someone who can use cure wands, and possibly a bard to if Noorzad is continuing. Zephri will likely pick up a heal stick. So I would not base your decision on that, but it might be good to try it out for a scenario before locking yourself in.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

Edit to last post: I noticed that you rolled boons for us in the thread, which I didn't see until just now. I would've preferred to roll for myself, but meh.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

Gorn will roll for the day job

Craft: Blacksmithing: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Pacing was good for this, and I would be happy to continue.

Gorn will be level 2 at the beginning of the next scenario, as this was his third Pathfinder scenario, so he'll be less... squishy, and perhaps a smidgen more competent.

If possible, he'll purchase a potion of Cure Light Wounds, to replace the lost one, but that's the only planned purchase.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Fair enough. I'll let you guys roll for the boons in the future, then. I just wanted to get it out of the way quickly so I could report it and be done with it.

EDIT - Next scenario is over here for those continuing on.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Just waiting on Noorzad's information (day job and starting prestige) and all the chronicles will have been sent out. Let me know if you did not get yours, please.

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

We could've rolled when we were giving you our PFS details :P

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

Does it make a difference the whole point of rolls is to be random right?

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

It doesn't make much of a difference, of course... I just like feeling like it's my good or bad luck that got me a boon (or made me miss out on one) rather than someone else's, y'know?

If the group really does prefer rolling 'em all at once, I won't argue though. Don't mean to sound annoying about this!

The Exchange

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2

LOL, no I get it, its all about emotional rather than intellectual response.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

No, no. It's fine. And I can see where you're coming from. I've already decided to let the players roll for their boons in the next scenario or two (if we finish them both in time).

I would've asked everyone's preferences, but that would've ended up taking just as long as everyone rolling, and we'd still be waiting on one or two rolls / responses.

The Exchange

Male Human (Kelish) Bard 2 :: 12/12 HP AC 15 (T 13, FF 12) :: Init +2 Percep +4 :: Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +4 ::

Starting prestige at the top of the scenario was 4. Sorry for the delay.

singing for supper (day job): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

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