Quest for Perfection Part I: The Edge of Heaven (Inactive)

Game Master Warped

In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.

Quest for Perfection Map

Initiative Rolls:
[dice]d20+2[/dice] Berosius
[dice]d20+4[/dice] Dagat
[dice]d20+0[/dice] Gorn
[dice]d20+2[/dice] Noorzad
[dice]d20+3[/dice] Hyeon-ae
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Zephri

Perception Rolls:
[dice]d20+3[/dice] Berosius
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Dagat
[dice]d20+2[/dice] Gorn
[dice]d20+4[/dice] Noorzad
[dice]d20+3[/dice] Hyeon-ae
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Zephri

Alice Margatroid

Habesuta Hatsue
Grand Lodge Ryu Hyeon-ae

Female Human (Tian-Hwan) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1
HP: 9/9 || AC: 19, touch: 14, flat-footed: 15 || CMD: 16 || Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3 || Init: +4 || Perception: +5

(77 posts)

Broken Prince

Chaleb Sazomal
The Exchange Zephri Kreel

Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) | HP 12/12 | AC:16 T:14, F:12 | CMD:14, CMB:+0 | Save (F+4, R+6, W+2) | Init:+6 | Perc: +6 | Grit 2/2
(179 posts)


Vale Temros
Liberty's Edge Gorn the Shorn

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3
(180 posts)


Liberty's Edge Dagat Nagtitiis

Female Tian-Sing Human Ranger 1
Quick Reference:
[ HP 12/12 | AC 17/14/13, CMD 16, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 | Init +4; Perception +6 ]

(135 posts)


Liberty's Edge Berosius

Male Halfling Oracle of Life (Spirit Guide) 10 - HP 77/77, AC 21/T: 14/FF:18 - Perception +2 - F: +7*/ R: +8* / W: +10* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 18, Speed: 30, Init. +3
(888 posts)


The Exchange Noorzad

Male Human (Kelish) Bard 2 :: 12/12 HP AC 15 (T 13, FF 12) :: Init +2 Percep +4 :: Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +4 ::
(84 posts)