PbP GameDay 3: GM Endless Forms' PFS 06-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters (Inactive)

Game Master Mike Tuholski

A 1-5 PFS scenario played at the 1-2 tier.

Hall of the Flesh Eaters


Hello everyone! This is a 1-5 PFS scenario being run as part of the third PbP GameDay event. Please follow the link to find more games being run for this online event. This game will not begin until November 1, the first day of the PbP GameDay event.

As this is a 1-5 scenario, you need to have a PFS-legal character of level 1-5. If you don't know what Pathfinder Society is, I suggest you start here and download the free Guide to Organized Play here.

To sign up for this game: Please use the sign-up spreadsheet to add yourself to this game. As I usually have more than six people interested in my games, I use a lottery system to determine who gets in. If you don't like playing up or down, you can always switch characters or bow out and let the next person take your spot.

I will choose winners two days before the GameDay starts on November 1. Thanks!

p.s. - If you were not aware, I do all of my normal recruiting via the Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge. Several other GMs keep sign-up spreadsheets over there and make game announcements in the Gameplay thread. This is a much easier way to find games than watching the recruitment page on this website so I suggest you head on over and post in the Gameplay thread (preferably in character) to add the campaign to your profile's Campaign tab. This will make finding future games much easier for you!

bumping to keep the game at the top of recruitment to fill out the table. :)

A note: I will be leaving the country on December 24 for three weeks. I will still be able to post while I'm traveling but obviously not as frequently. I am therefore hoping that this will be a fast-paced game that will hopefully finish up before I leave in December.


Sovereign Court

Signed up and hoping I win the lottery. :)

Due to popularity, I will run the lottery later today. That way those of you who don't make it can sign up for other games with those characters.

Much appreciated.

That'd be completely awesome. (So ditto what Lekku said)

Ok, here's the update: I'm working with another GM to try to get seats for as many people as possible for this game. We may do a lottery or we may split by subtiers, we haven't really decided how we're going to do it yet.

Oh, nice. If at all possible, could me and Lekku be at the same table? (assuming, of course, we both secure a spot at either)


1 DM Rah
2 Pathmaker
3 Tyranius
4 BoldStrider
5 Eben TheQuiet
6 ShadowKhan
7 Gerald
8 Fuzzfoot
9 Revvy Bitterleaf
10 RyckyRych
11 Lekku
12 Tarondor
13 Nick F

6d13 ⇒ (8, 6, 12, 1, 8, 9) = 44

And the winners are:

  • Fuzzfoot
  • ShadowKhan
  • Tarondor
  • DM Rah
  • Revvy Bitterleaf
  • Tektite

    Those of you who won, congrats! You can check into the Discussion thread linked above and I will open the Gameplay thread so you can dot it and introduce your character.

    If you do not check in by next week, I will roll for someone else to take your place.

    ->Those of you who did not get in, just sit tight for a bit. Tektite is running his own table (which is why he got an automatic seat at mine) and will be taking some of you for you his game.

  • EndlessForms wrote:
    ->Those of you who did not get in, just sit tight for a bit. Tektite is running his own table (which is why he got an automatic seat at mine) and will be taking some of you for you his game.

    Will do, thanks.


    Just checking in. Should we be watching this space to hear about the possible second table?

    Probably. I'm sure Tektite will come along and announce his table sooner or later. He was traveling this weekend.

    No problem. Just wanted to be watching the right place. :)

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