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Yep... as far as I can tell Kalkamedes went inside the circle and started sleeping near the beautiful but not so human woman lying there. The question is: is she a friend or a foe?
Rogar grins at Sydney:"Well... thank you! Maybe it was but I doubt I could have taken it down alone, Riken and Pakka did most of the work, after all, I just finished the job!"

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I'll forward a guess... we don't know how to proceed from here... XD
Rogar considers the situation, not really sure about what's happening. Then his impatience takes the better of him and on instinct he enters the circle lounging for Kalkamedes:"Whatever it is I guess you sleeping here isn't that safe so after all. Let's get you out of here until we can decide how to proceed"
If nothing else happens Rogar brings Kalkamedes out of the summoning circle. If what's inside the circle is an elaborate illusion... well I really hope she's an imp and not a Balor... XD

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Rogar answers Sidney while struggling to subdue the aged pathfinder:"Not sure about that... She seems harmless enough, yet there could be some trickery involved. I'm not really qualified to say, I fear"
Rogar pulls Kalkamedes out of the circle, let me know if I need to roll for it please

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"Fiends can speak it as well, but I do not think this is the case here.. She has a certain inner glow that makes me think she is no fiend, but rather the opposite, a celestial.." Wizzy moves into the circle and starts healing her with his wand..
Heals: 5d8 + 5 ⇒ (8, 4, 4, 3, 4) + 5 = 28 If she needs more of less just let me know..

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After the first charge of Wizzy's wand the woman sits up and blinks glowing pale blue eyes at the party and at Kalkamedes,
"Thankyou, you have saved me I am Sulianna, a Ghaele Azata. It was I that called brave Kalkamedes after seeking to destroy Koth'Vaul. I sought to slay him, but was instead badly wounded and had to flee into this circle, which holds back the undead, but traps me inside. If you can destroy the circle, I can escape it and grant one of you the power to banish the demon for I fear the Glabrezu is too powerful to destroy and the power of these circles wanes. Once the demon is slain I can remove Kalkamedes affliction, and apologize for causing him such grief."
As she speaks her body is suffused with radiant light, and the aura of power and goodness around her is palpable.

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Sidney nods and trusts her completely.
"Tell us what to do and we'll do it!!"
Sidney will destroy the circle as best he can. He starts using his spear to scratch it.

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Wizzy, regarding your wand uses before you only need to expend 1 as she can heal herself after that.
It takes a great number of blows but eventually the group are able to break the circle, and she staggers from it,
"I am too weak to do it, but I can grant one of you the power to banish Koth'Vaul, would that I had the power to destroy him, but this should spare this plane his ravages for a mortal age. He is trapped in the circle beyond, no doubt in some guise or another. Who will banish him?"

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Rogar scratches his head as the Azata speaks:"Well... we dealt with a dragon already... why not a demon? Although if you mean the demon-gnome in the other circle he seems rather pityful for a demon... As for banishing him... I can try but the only way I know is the sword, and somehow I doubt you mean that."

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"I would suggest Lady Noh or myself do it as our expertise in the area of magic is higher than anyone else in the party.. If Lady Noh doesn't wish to I will do it.."

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Sulianna moves forward and rest her hand upon Rogar's shoulder, "Simply point at him and you will direct the spell. You should see his true form as an eighteen foot tall six thousand pound four armed pincer having abomination, when it comes to demons, especially this one, deception is universal."

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Lady Noh considers the situation for a moment. "I will make use of this power to banish him," she agrees, though not entirely satisfied.. "If Sulianna is correct, then why did Koth'Vaul beg us to free her?" she asks the party.

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"Probably because he too is trapped and he knew she would banish him back to his own plane.. Are you sure it isn't wiser just to leave him there?"

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Its first come first served and seems to work for anyone so Rogar has been empowered with the Banish.
"After all these centuries the circles power is weakening. It will not be long before he is free to reap mortal lives and souls. There are likely only weeks, or days remaining."

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Sensible concerns Riken, but the scenario deus ex machinas it so I shall pull some assurances from my posterior.
"This spell will not fail, the circle's magic augments such spells making it far more powerful than a normal banishment - the Thrallkeepers were evil, but proficient in their vile craft."

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The group turn the corner to discover the gnome's small form replaced by eighteen feet of massive scaly terrifying musculature.
"So mortals you have released the celestial, but what has she offered you? Goodness, platitudes? And what has she done but use you. I offer you a deal set me free and I shall offer you your hearts desire, I will grant you a wish! Free me and I shall do you no harm, kill the celestial and leave you with your hearts desire!"

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Rogar looks at the demon somewhat... approvingly:"Ah, yes! Now you look more like your part! The gnome disguise was kinda offputting, you know? As for all the blubbering you just spewed... do you really think we'll trust something as hideous as you... especially when your counter part is this angelic creature? But enough talking... do you see this finger? Well... it's the last thing you'll see for quite a long time..." so saying the Taldan warrior points his index finger at the trapped Glabrezu... most probably expecting something flashy!

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"Do not be so quick to judge by appear..... No, no, nooooo!" The demon's screams of impotent fury fade away, as some invisible force seems to pull at him, and he vanishes leaving the circle empty with the distinct whiff of sulphur.
Sulianna smiles and gently places a hand upon Kalkamedes brow the old Pathfinder's eyes flickering open,
"I, I, where am I? What is this place?" Kalkamedes stammers, glancing around disorientated.
"Forgive me Kalkamedes I was calling out for aid and must have somehow reached you when you passed near this Fortress. I am sorry to have put you through such hardship, but you have helped save me and rid the world of a grave evil," Sulianna says bowing to the old man, before turning to the group,
"And you have all proven yourselves, I have no doubt you shall go on to great things. I shall follow your careers with great interest. And lastly Gamin broken blade, I hope you will not give up on your purpose to be a hero's blade, perhaps for one of these worthy souls?"

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"I am glad that the resolution was straightforward, considering the real possibility of treachery by illusion," Lady Noh comments. "We are glad to have assisted you, Sulianna."

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"Well, we killed the dragon and banished the demon, all in a good night of work too. Now... if we were in a perfect world the hero would get the girl..." finishes Rogar talking to no one in particular but giving Sulianna's brief glances when he's convinced she's not looking...

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Wizzy teases Rogar about his statment.. "Well maybe someday you'll accomplish that task as well my friend.." He laughs abit afterwards and gives him a slap on the back, albiet the lower portion as he cannot reach your shoulders..
"Well ladies and gents.. Shall we head back?" Before leaving Wizzy makes a detailed map of the Ediface and how to get to it.. He includes notes on what was seen here and what transpired.. He'll also ask Kalky if he has anything to add from his studies into the place..

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Kalkamedes looks puzzled, "I never came here before, I have made no study of thgis place."
Sulianna interjects, "This place is only visible in the light of the moon. Luckily Kalkamedes came close enough for me to reach his subconscious mind or else I would have died once koth'Vaul broke free."

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"Now that you have been freed, and Koth'Vaul has been vanished, what will you do next?" Lady Noh asks.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"Well, we killed the dragon and banished the demon, all in a good night of work too. Now... if we were in a perfect world the hero would get the girl..." finishes Rogar talking to no one in particular but giving Sulianna's brief glances when he's convinced she's not looking...
"I would be satisfied with a fine drink and pleasant music," the lady from Minkai comments as the celebratory feeling washes over the party.

GM Tektite |

Sulianna accompanies the group back to Kalkamedes’s cottage and then departs for Elysium, but not before promising a favor in return for the party's assistance.
Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch expresses visible relief upon seeing the Pathfinders return and offers you heartfelt thanks for their patience and hard work. Kalkamedes is also grateful, spreads word of the party's good deed to his long-time Pathfinder colleagues, and— with Gamin’s consent—gives his sword to you as a gift. In addition, he might take one or more of the party under his wing and act as a mentor figure.
Just waiting on an answer from the Online VO about how to report and fill out the chronicles, then I'll get them to you.