Geralt Snacko |

In that case here he is updated
Geralt Snacko
Time Theif 2
Int +6 Senses perception
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +4 dex, 1 dodge, +1 sheild)
hp 15((1d8))
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +4,
Speed 30ft
Melee mw longsword +7 (1d8+1)
Melee mw sap +6(1d6+1)
Ranged mw short bow +6(1d6) 60ft
Special Attacks: mote of time (5/day)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12 , Cha 14,
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats: weapon focus (longsword), dodge
Skills: sense motive +6, Acrobatics +9
Climb +6, escape artist +9, perception +6, stealth +9, slight of hand +9, USA +6, perform oratory +6, craft carpentry +5, perform comedy +6, perform bartender +6, craft clothing +5, craft weapons +5
Traits: reactionary, dangerously curious.
Racial Traits:
Languages english, Spanish
Combat Gear:
Other Gear: kevlar(chain armor), Longsword, sap, 20 Arrows, 20 Blunt Arrows, shortbow
Special Abilities
Mote of Time (Su)
A mote is a tiny split-second of time that a time thief steals from her own future. The motes taken are inconsequential slivers of continuance that even the time thief will not notice being missing from her activities. However, a time thief can use these motes to affect her present timeline, allowing her to re-try actions and slow down time around her so she can act more carefully and alertly in fast-moving situations.
Each day, the time thief has a pool of motes equal three plus her class level. Once a round, as a free action, a time thief can expend a mote to do any one of the following things:
Gain a bonus to one attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw. The roll must represent a single action that occurs entirely within a single round. (A time thief could use a mote to add a bonus to an Acrobatics check to leap over a chasm, but not to a Craft check made to determine how much progress was made after a day of work.) The bonus gained is equal to +1d4. This increases to +2d4 at 8th level, and +3d4 at 16th level. The time thief can decide to add this bonus immediately after seeing the result of the original die roll.
Take a swift action that does not count against the time thief’s normal limit of one swift action per round.
Act in the surprise round when the time thief would not normally be able to do so.
At 3rd level, a time thief gains the ability to add the bonus from spending a mote of time to a single damage roll, or to her armor class (as a dodge bonus) until the beginning of her next turn.
At 7th level, the time thief may spend a mote to reduce the duration of any negative condition or effect she is suffering. By accelerating the speed with which only the negative influences on her travel through time, the time thief can reduce the duration of any one condition, affliction, or spell effect by 1d6 rounds (to a minimum of 0). This increased to a 2d6 round reduction at 15th level.
At 11th level, the time thief may spend a mote to take a move action as a swift action.
At 19th level, the time thief may use a mote to grant any ally within 60 feet that she can see an additional move action on that ally’s next turn.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A time thief with this talent can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat?footed, even if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A time thief with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.
New York is a tough city, a city full of crime, a city full of hope, and this city is my home. My name is Geralt Snacko, 21 years old, going on my third year at NYU , taking care of my younger brother Turt. Oh yeah…also moonlighting as the vigilante “The Moment”. Let me tell ya, the life of a hero is not easy, especially when your going to college, taking care of your brother and trying to hold my coffee shop job down. But it’s completely worth it, because when I see the relief on the would-be victims face after I save them from a mugging, I feel like I have done the right thing. When I save a child from a building fire and get my thanks from the family, I know I have made the right decision.
How I got my powers was, like in the comics my brother reads, completely by chance. I was walking home from a particularly bad day at my workplace (a Starbucks BTW) and wanted to get home quickly, so I took a shortcut through a alleyway. Suddenly, space itself became distorted all around me, I grew fearful but as quickly as it happened, it stops. I stood still for a few moments, hoping whatever that was would not Come back. When it didn’t, I quickly inspected myself hoping that nothing too important was lost, I was surprised to see that a scar that I had gotten 2 months prior, was completely gone, as if it didn’t happen, I ran home and after a couple of weird dreams and experiences, I figured out I could forcibly take bits of my future, “motes” I you will, and use them to power my superhuman abilities in the moment, ya get my name now?
So at the behest of my little brother, I became The Moment, The Time Thief of New York City
Max gold for level two is 2000 right?

Celissa |

Jaster Kite, are you all right with the Fiendish Heritage feat for tieflings? I should have an alias typed up at some point this evening; finally home from work, oye. I hate 12 hour days!

Azten |

Hm... guess your right, but it's also a 3rd party class I'm familiar with (having one of my team mates once been a Doctor Who inspired halfling). Y'know what, I'm gonna lift that rule. Run wild, peeps.
Alas, if only recruitment hadn't been cut short now. Would've been fun playing my roguish Wilder. Hope everyone has a good time!

Green Smashomancer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stats and backstory for Geralt Snacko
Had sooo much fun writing this, tell me if you want a more indepth paragraph for how he learned how to use his abilitys.Though I warn you, that would be like a comic all on its own
** spoiler omitted **...
Hey you wouldn't happen to be referencing a certain Geodude with that Alias, would you? Also, have settled on the Ratfolk I planned originally, but I'd like some group opinions on class.
Do we think we could use an Admixture wizard, or Grenadier Alchemist more? I know default is "Pick your favorite" but I'm asking because I can't pick a favorite.
EDIT: Also just got back from work, will be deciding backstory soon. Might curveball back to the- you know what? I'm flipping for it.
1. Rat
2. Forlarren
coinflip: 1d2 ⇒ 1

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Devic Zaitsev |

Funny you should mention sparks, Devic. Meet Ramiel, a wilder who knows how to fight and protect his little part of New York as best he can.
The character sheet is a work in progress, but his background and link to the sheet are in this profile.
Well, this is embarrassing, we both brought the same element to the party.

QuidEst |

Oh goodness, I need this…
I'm going to get to work on Yelis, my Kitsune Sylvan Sorcerer, currently employed as a bartender thanks to the wonder that is Prestidigitation. Does he occasionally cut the alcohol with tap water and Prestidigitate the difference away, stealing the difference to rebottle and give to his landlord for a discount on rent? Maybe. Does he use his shapeshifting talents to enable his hobby of "amateur vigilante matchmaking"? Almost certainly.

Devic Zaitsev |

Well at least we have magic covered
Actually, I've only gotten a vote from you so far. I'd like to hear from everyone on class preferences. To facilitate team synergy you see.
Does he occasionally cut the alcohol with tap water and Prestidigitate the difference away, stealing the difference to rebottle and give to his landlord for a discount on rent? Maybe. Does he use his shapeshifting talents to enable his hobby of "amateur vigilante matchmaking"? Almost certainly.
Does he also speak in sentencequestions?
EDIT: Agh, I just lost a big chunk of background.

QuidEst |

quidproquo wrote:Does he occasionally cut the alcohol with tap water and Prestidigitate the difference away, stealing the difference to rebottle and give to his landlord for a discount on rent? Maybe. Does he use his shapeshifting talents to enable his hobby of "amateur vigilante matchmaking"? Almost certainly.Does he also speak in sentencequestions?
As a rule of thumb, when he's trying to con somebody.

QuidEst |

I'm curious about buying modern stuff… cell phones, bullet-proof fashion (ceremonial silken robes?), and so on. I'll stick to Pathfinder for now, but throw in a modern wishlist.

Geralt Snacko |

"Sparky the kid huh?" Geralt questions as he sits perched on one of the many buildings of Manhattan, at night.
He let's the newspaper that he swipe from a garbage can fly away in the wind and steps up onto a gargoyle statue
Hmmm, gargoyles are so cliché...but they sure are fun to sit on. And with that he jumps to the roof of the next building and breaks out into a sprint, grinning under his scarf hood combo, the tails of the scarf trailing behind.
"kid seems to be doing well for himself, real people person that one"
He jumps across another large gap but looks like he's going to fall a little short
"heh...funny, nope!" blue motes of light surround him and time itself rewinds back to the beginning of the jump, but this time he jumps noticeably farther and lands safely on the other side
"gotta be more careful, Turt would kill me if I die...something about that doesn't seem right..."
suddenly there is a cry for help!
Geralt grins
"welp, back to work..."

Devic Zaitsev |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

*National Association for the Advancement of Green People
Just realized this would probably be a thing.
EDIT: Now for some actual questions. What feats should I take to make technological devices and weapons? Would I be able to do it as easily as an Alchemist as a wizard? I'd like to end up like Q having all sorts of cutting edge stuff.

Yelis |

Still working on this a bit, but plenty of character stuff up!
EDIT: Ugh, just lost a bunch of writing too. It's too late for me to redo it all, so I'm going to give a quick recap of it here for now.
The bogeyman incident did a number on Yelis. He's now deals with severe anxiety, particularly in the dark and with regards to true fey. He relocated to New York since big cities tend to keep the fey away. He's cut back on his criminal habits, although his work as a bartender may not be strictly above the counter. He enjoys running the odd small con like shell games, and as something of a hobby participates through correspondence in the revitalization of spoken Coos.