Pathfinder, Earth

Game Master Jaster Kite

Real world, but with more Pathfinder. A ragtag team of adventurers out to make the world a better place.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Devic Zaitsev wrote:
Yelis wrote:

What Yelis looks like.

It's a commission I got of him a little while back.
I like it! Who'd you get for a commission? I'm a bit interested in getting one for some of my characters myself.

Friend of a friend. I can hook you up at some point if you're interested.

QuidEst wrote:
Devic Zaitsev wrote:
Yelis wrote:

What Yelis looks like.

It's a commission I got of him a little while back.
I like it! Who'd you get for a commission? I'm a bit interested in getting one for some of my characters myself.
Friend of a friend. I can hook you up at some point if you're interested.

1. That'd be cool.

2. Seriously looking at Combat Expertise because it would be helpful. What even is this?

Any objections to a monk with this template: 1
Would be pretty fun to be a hands off ghostly monk content to pull the strings until he is forced to bash faces in to achieve his goals.

Bobo D wrote:

Any objections to a monk with this template: linkified

Edit: Err, this makes a character unkillable, man. And incorporeal. AND you'd get normal class features.

Edit x2: and no str score to spend on in the point buy, and three bonus feats, and 10 immunities, and a daze attack, etc...

Sigh. And this is why I never get nice things.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just realized this would've been a great game for a concept I never considered for modern. That would've been a fun witch.

It says in the character creation rules that we receive an additional 6 skill points to spend on craft, perform, and profession skills during character creation. Are we allowed to spend them on the Artistry (Int) skill?

Crunch for Kavak Murch the Third is completed, working on appearance and backstory.


The Exchange

Do you have room in the party for one more character? This game looks very cool. I've never tried play by post before and would like to give it a try.

We are using background Skills rules from unchained, there is a link to it somewhere around the beginning of this messageboard

The Exchange

ChuckH wrote:
Do you have room in the party for one more character? This game looks very cool. I've never tried play by post before and would like to give it a try.

Never mind, I just joined another game.

Green Smashomancer wrote:
Bobo D wrote:

Any objections to a monk with this template: linkified

Edit: Err, this makes a character unkillable, man. And incorporeal. AND you'd get normal class features.

Edit x2: and no str score to spend on in the point buy, and three bonus feats, and 10 immunities, and a daze attack, etc...

And as a monk, would get Wis twice to AC (legally, because they are different types), and Wisdom to damage, and Wis to dazing touch, and teleport Wis times per day., oh, and +2 to Wisdom.

edit - playing around I made a character with 26 touch AC and two touch attacks at +6 doing 1d6+6.

I like Titus as is. I may level into Mighty Godling as his latent power awakens or something like that if I get selected. I do need to change to the background skills, will do all that if selected.

Dat goblins dex is crazy ;3

Titus "The Titan" Armstrong wrote:
I like Titus as is. I may level into Mighty Godling as his latent power awakens or something like that if I get selected. I do need to change to the background skills, will do all that if selected.

Might I ask, why Kata Master archetype? Since the errata it's been weakened almost as bad as Divine Protection. No Opportune Parry/Riposte, no effective Swash level, etc... probably better off with Hungry ghost, and Quingong, IMO.

I'm liking where Devic is myself, didn't see Sleight of hand was turned into a background skill at first. But I'm not totally sure whether I want Smoke Bombs or the infusion discovery first. Sticking with the bombs for now.

Geralt Snacko wrote:
Also, I looked up every template and found potentially the most powerful, it's called instrument of the gods, litteraly makes you unkillable

Thank you, I was looking for a template to add to the endgame boss ;)

Yelis typically grabs Sleight of Hand, Handle Animal, Diplomacy, Perception, Spellcraft, and a floating rank per level to put single ranks in things.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jaster Kite wrote:
Geralt Snacko wrote:
Also, I looked up every template and found potentially the most powerful, it's called instrument of the gods, litteraly makes you unkillable
Thank you, I was looking for a template to add to the endgame boss ;)

I found an even MORE powerful template! It's called Young. I sure hope you don't put that on any bosses.

Actually we still haven't heard about whether or not templates scale with us, or if we'd have to trade some things out for that.

I only bring it up since if Kavak Murch is using the Half-Celestial template, that'd probably be even more broken than advanced after a few levels. It's already competitive IMO. trading a silghtly lower bonus to less important stats for; SR, still natural armor, energy resistance, Smite Evil on top of real class features, DR, and SLA's? And most of these scale too.

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Have selected team of seven taking into accounts several things.

Geralt Snacko
Skjor, the Viking Lord of Rock
Devic Zaitsev
Ammon, Knight of Ragathiel
Yelis Sylvanius
Kavak Murch the 3rd

My sincere apologies to anyone not selected, I will keep you in mind in the case of unforeseen death by creature of the Young template, or anyone leaves. Will PM you on said occassion.

To those selected, Prologue will be posted, feel free to roleplay as everybody gets situated. Get ready to get in character, this is gonna be a long ride.

ah didn't make the cut, but to answer question Kata master is still good for the cha boost to AC with dodging panache. You then level dip swashbuckler and now you get double your panache and the ability to parry and use your hands or a monk weapon.

Jaster Kite wrote:

Have selected team of seven taking into accounts several things.

Geralt Snacko
Skjor, the Viking Lord of Rock
Devic Zaitsev
Ammon, Knight of Ragathiel
Yelis Sylvanius
Kavak Murch the 3rd

My sincere apologies to anyone not selected, I will keep you in mind in the case of unforeseen death by creature of the Young template, or anyone leaves. Will PM you on said occassion.

To those selected, Prologue will be posted, feel free to roleplay as everybody gets situated. Get ready to get in character, this is gonna be a long ride.

I enjoy that both superheros made it (And myself of course.)

Srsly though, bomb launcher on my gun pls.

I also promise that my english skills will take a nosedive in gameplay.

Senator Armstrong wrote:
ah didn't make the cut, but to answer question Kata master is still good for the cha boost to AC with dodging panache. You then level dip swashbuckler and now you get double your panache and the ability to parry and use your hands or a monk weapon.

Oh, I see, that reminds me of the possibility of gun-fu which was the first thing I thought of when I read the archetype.

Happy gaming!

Sorry, Titus, but I'll be sure to keep you in mind for future campaigns. This is just the start.

Bomb launcher. Might give it to you, but I won't make it easy to acquire, bwahaha!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ammon has disable device... let that sink in...

btw half expecting GM to go mwhahaha at some point

Archae wrote:

Ammon has disable device... let that sink in...

btw half expecting GM to go mwhahaha at some point

Man, that's just you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sparky, mate, wanna be my sidekick!!!;)

No worries, I'm in 12 games on here right now. Just hoping to add a modern one. I post 20 times a day or so. if you have anyone drop shoot me a pm. I'm always around.

Geralt Snacko wrote:
Sparky, mate, wanna be my sidekick!!!;)

Tch, you aren't that awesome.

Mister Snacko, you should not be looking at my Dex. You should be looking at my Int >:3

*geralt falls into a pit of dispair, sadly drawing circles in the ground*

Oh, It'll be fine. Just remember that I'll always be a level behind you guys on this ^^'

Sweet, I made it! Will have the alias made and ready to ready to rock tonight when I get on my laptop. Just to let you know I dropped a level and added the fighter simple class template. All it gave me right now is +4 Str and a bonus combat feat.

DekoTheBarbarian wrote:
Sweet, I made it! Will have the alias made and ready to ready to rock tonight when I get on my laptop. Just to let you know I dropped a level and added the fighter simple class template. All it gave me right now is +4 Str and a bonus combat feat.

All I got was this cantrip...

*waves Acid Splash around*

Sorc 2: the game's most boring level advancement.

Yelis wrote:
DekoTheBarbarian wrote:
Sweet, I made it! Will have the alias made and ready to ready to rock tonight when I get on my laptop. Just to let you know I dropped a level and added the fighter simple class template. All it gave me right now is +4 Str and a bonus combat feat.

All I got was this cantrip...

*waves Acid Splash around*

Sorc 2: the game's most boring level advancement.

If it helps, you have some of the best last 5.

Green Smashomancer wrote:
Yelis wrote:
DekoTheBarbarian wrote:
Sweet, I made it! Will have the alias made and ready to ready to rock tonight when I get on my laptop. Just to let you know I dropped a level and added the fighter simple class template. All it gave me right now is +4 Str and a bonus combat feat.

All I got was this cantrip...

*waves Acid Splash around*

Sorc 2: the game's most boring level advancement.

If it helps, you have some of the best last 5.

*looks off into the distance and sheds a single tear*

Whoa, didn't see the gameplay part up. I can make full posts in the evening.

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