PLAY-BY-POST GAMEDAY VII: PFS 9-00 Assault on Absalom

Game Master FiddlersGreen

Scoured Stars Map

Discuss your tactics and cheese here. =D

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

Hi! I'm checking in, but haven't decided which character I will be using. I'll make that decision closer to the date. Thanks!

Dark Archive

M CN Ifrit Ftr3/Brd1 | HP 31/31 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16, CMD 19 | F +6 R +7 W +4 | Performance 6/6 | Per +4 (Darkvision) | Init +3 | Shield On |

Still a ways to go, but I signed up and thought I'd check in.

Maybe someday he'll have his wings, Improved Whip Mastery, and Advanced Weapon Training. For now, Balrog has his whip or sword, Arcane Strike, a bunch of skills, and a bit of bardic performance.

His stinky cheese trick could be Firesight, with smokesticks and the Spark cantrip (because smokesticks actually need to be lit, not just thrown). Haven't used it yet, but will get some smokesticks just in case.

Personality-wise, he's a cocky, hedonistic Calistrian, easily recruited into the Dark Archives by Zarta Dralneen with the most perfunctory of flirtation. I see we also have a paladin, so I'll point out that appealing to Balrog's pride or greed are good ways to manipulate him into doing things. (He's also got a good grasp on gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy, and lust.)

Since I haven't played him at Level 2, I still have the chance to change things. I am considering taking the Mostly Human alternate racial trait so he can benefit from Enlarge Person (the Efreeti Magic alternate racial trait doesn't seem to work on the ifrit himself unless he counts as humanoid). But aesthetically, Mostly Human is all wrong for him. I guess he could use Disguise to look like a 'real' ifrit.

Halfling Paladin / Mammoth Rider

So, hi. I haven't played PFS yet, I'm still figuring out what is needed.

I signed up for the last slot and will make a new character within the next few days/weeks. Since this start Oct 1st, I have plenty of time, haven't I? Three melee and a sorcerer so far, I'll look at something divine and/or ranged.

Anything I need to know? PM is fine, if you don't want to spam the discussion.

Paizo Employee

Female Human Inquisitor (spell breaker) 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC 15 (T12, FF 13) | CMB: +3 CMD: 15 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+6 | Init +5* | Perc +8, SM +9, Diplo/Intim +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Caging Strike:6/6, Judgement: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Meloriel here, finally having decided which character I'm going to bring. I'll be my inquisitor of Abadar.

@ Ellioti - Welcome! Yes, you have plenty of time to make your character. No rush. For PFS, I highly recommend creating someone you really have a passion for playing, instead of what it looks like the group might need. Most characters will have a way to deal with most situations (including many characters owning a healing wand that they share with the group, even if they themselves can't use it). Since your teammates will be different every time, you'll very often pay in groups that aren't 'perfect' or 'balanced.' Try not to worry about it. You'll get used to it. Haha.
- As for what you need to know... Make sure you follow the character creation guidelines in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide (the updated version just came out for season 10, so if you haven't downloaded the updated version you should do so).
- If you decide to use something outside of the core rulebook to make your character, make sure it's allowed in PFS play by heading over to the Additional Resources. Look up the book and see whether the archetype/feat/whatever in question is sanctioned for play. Don't forget that you need to own the book you're using something from.
- If this is your first ever PFS character (your -1), they qualify for the Welcome to Pathfinder Boon. Download it, fill our what you can, and then you'll need a GM to sign off on it for you (the GM who that character will first play under). For online play that will probably involve saving it to your google drive and providing our GM the link to it so he can finish filling out what he needs to and send it back).
- And that's it I guess. Anything else you need to know about PFS play you'll learn as we go by playing/wrapping up at the end.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Dark Archive

M CN Ifrit Ftr3/Brd1 | HP 31/31 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16, CMD 19 | F +6 R +7 W +4 | Performance 6/6 | Per +4 (Darkvision) | Init +3 | Shield On |

Welcome to PFS!

The Chaotic fighter/bard endorses all the recommendations of the Lawful inquisitor - most of all, have fun!
As to party balance, regular healing isn't going to be a problem. Balrog has a wand of Cure Light Wounds and is willing to share. Clerics can be great, but don't feel obliged to play the class just for the sake of healing.

Balrog is a fairly good ranged combatant, just can't afford a good bow right now (spent too much on other things), so he's got javelins. Buying a good bow for your first scenario will be even harder with your starting 150 gp (if you really wanted to be a ranged combatant). You can sell things back at full price during your first level, so you can pick up a regular (not Strength-rated) bow or a crossbow for now and swap it out when you get some gold with your first chronicle. This also goes for the mediocre starting armor you might get. In fact, just about everything can be switched around during your first level (except for consumables you expend) so don't worry too much about locking yourself in.

You can try out a class for this scenario, then switch the character's ability scores and classes the next one you play. Until you play them at level 2, they aren't locked in.

Dark Archive

M CN Ifrit Ftr3/Brd1 | HP 31/31 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16, CMD 19 | F +6 R +7 W +4 | Performance 6/6 | Per +4 (Darkvision) | Init +3 | Shield On |

Given the board outages, when are we expected to start? Not until all Gameday 1 scenarios are finished, I would think, since this is a multi-table special and some PCs are likely still in scenarios.

Paizo Employee

Female Human Inquisitor (spell breaker) 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC 15 (T12, FF 13) | CMB: +3 CMD: 15 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+6 | Init +5* | Perc +8, SM +9, Diplo/Intim +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Caging Strike:6/6, Judgement: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Hi. Looks like The GMs were shuffled around and I'm no longer in your table for the Assault on Absalom Special. If you could remove me from the thread that would be great. Thanks.

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