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On Round 2, Zestel will move to Drogun's aid, attempting an Aid another action to help with his grapple situation.
Aid Another, DC 10: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Unfortunately, he fails miserably

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Acid darts fly this way and that, barely noticed by the gash-mouthed creature, but Ylenia's arrow pierces its smooth hide. Then Gaderrffi's sacrifice pays off as his last spell kills the troglodyte cheiftan's last pet.
The other troglodyte's are too afraid of this creature, for reason the soon freed Gundar can attest to. Zestel is able to help the dwarf, but mostly in cleaning the slimy mucous from his beard.
A second door leads east from here.
Two options: a door on this floor, and up the stairs to the next floor. Finish fourth? Up to fifth?

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Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
"I believe we should clear this floor first."

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We do not want anything in here that might be dangerous to be able to come and attack our flanks, we should clear out what is here she remarks,.

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The door to the south room of the fourth floor.
A brazier of glowing coals sits inn the center of thirds room, its acrid smoke mixing with the ever present troglodyte stench. A few knives, pokers, and other metal implements lie atop a rusty iron box nearby.
"Ah, that is wbat they were screaming about." A hulking troglodyte, the largest seen yet by far, stands in one corner and hurls a javelin as the door opens.
Ini G: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Ini D: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Ini F: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Ini Z: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Ini T: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Ini Y: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Ini V: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Ini trog: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14
javelin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 at target: 1d7 ⇒ 6
Fort save needed on your turn. All.but dorgun & zesrel are up!

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Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
"What with the smells in this place?!"
If capable, Gaderffi will get into a good firing position near the entrance and fire an acid splash.
Acid Splash: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

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where is the bad guy
bottom left corner of covered hex. Sorry cannae manipulate slides from my phone.

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Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Torgat ducks behind the doorway (trying for partial cover), pulls a small bag and a candle from the pouch at his side, and begins to chant. As he does, a misty form begins to coalesce in the air in front of him.
Taking a full round to cast Summon Monster I.

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I just guessed, I also figured Drogun would’ve probably opened the door as usual
Voarima looks around her companion, to see a hulking brute of a troglodyte standing there with a menacing glare. She fires an arrow past the dwarf, trying to return the ranged favor.
1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 - 2 = 201d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

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Far follows torgat and begins chanting. The words are slightly different to torgat's and the misty figure looks slightly different, but otherwise it seems to be the same spell.
Fort: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
Casting Summon monster I and using my master of pentacles trait to increase the CL by 2 (31 round duration)

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Heh - Far, Torgat is using the same trait to boost the duration of his summons, thank you for the reminder, I left it out of the post.

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Heh - Far, Torgat is using the same trait to boost the duration of his summons, thank you for the reminder, I left it out of the post.
Summoning an eagle too?

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Voarima's bow begins its track to legendary status entering the troglodytes chest with a quiver that does not quite until the point breeches the creature's back.
Far begins chanting and a magic rift begins to form. and a small conjuration of Gaderffi quickly cuts into the smelly creatures. Ylania finds the smell strong, but not overwhelming.
"Tulak will smash your puny human bones into jelly!" he closes to the door and swipes at the dwarf with some disgustingly dirty claws.
claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19, slice: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
V (26): shoots T 9
F (20): begins summoning
G (18): acid splash 1
Y (14): <-- here now
trog (14): slices drogun
Z (13): <-- here now
T (7): begins summoning
D (6): <-- here now
Z, T, D, are up. Y has an action left. After they are done, everyone else can post R2.

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Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Dragon get clawed across his chest, blood emerging from the wound.
He then looks up at the creature eyes wild and bellows, "Wrrraaagghhhh!" Finally removing the sword from its sheathe, he takes it in both hands and chops at he trog.
Attk: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 ; confirm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Thwamp!: 2d8 + 12 ⇒ (7, 3) + 12 = 22

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Fort Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Zestel manages to keep his lunch down at the stench of the traumatic Troglodyte smell somehow.
"Blast, MORE enemies!? Well let's see if I can do what that Barbarian does"
Zestel runs into the room and casts Snowball (as he didn't cast it before) and directs it to the Troglodyte.
Attack Roll vs. touch AC: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
GM Reroll, this is my one offensive spell, GM knows I have a reroll
Rerolled attack roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
THAT'S more like it
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Also, Trog must make a Fortitude save DC 15 or become staggered next round.
Round 2
If forced into melee he'll take a step back and shoot an acid splash, otherwise he'll just acid splash where he is.
To hit vs. touch: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
acid damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

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The slower members of the party to seem to come to life. Drogun's blade opens to the world for what might be the first time, only to plunge back into another sheath. A much more scaly, bloodier, and certainly more nauseating sheath.
Zestel collects arcane magic into a freezing sphere, then flings it at the enemy. The missile seems to go wide but with a gesture of mystically contorted fingers, the Thassalonian changes its direction and the spell splatters into the face of the underdark denizen.
"Tulok not smash?" the big troglodyte questions. Then he falls to the ground. "Tell Tasskar, I no more beat the human. Tulok... not... torture... anymore." His voice fades into raspy grunts, then gurgled murmurs, before finally stopping altogether.
plink..., plink..., plink..., KASLAM! (that is how I see y'all's combats go. :)
Though he had a couple of javelins, the only other thing Tulok carries is a small key.
Torgat, Z or D both would have finished the troglodyte, if you want to keep your spell there is no target to summon it against.
There is a door leading out of this room, a brazier, and some tools sitting atop a rusty box, and the stairwell leading up (center of tower). Where to?

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The rusty iron chest holds a suit o mastercrafted studded leather armor and buckler, a very finely balanced rapier, a shortbow with 15 arrows three scrolls and a sort of magical compass that shines with light.
I know some people have spells active, so may not want to stop for more than a round, but I want to keep us moving. So here is one of three options. This will be the easiest to work in later should we need to.
Last door on this floor? head up the stairs to fifth floor? pause to appraise or identify this stuff? Maybe heal the barbarian too? Being in a college town I understand that the holidays started yesterday for many. I hope though that everyone is still around.

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My vote is to at least look at the scrolls while the barb gets healed up, I have read magic prepared. I think the only buff we have up is my protection from evil on Drogun, and grease on him. I assumed the grease was a one-time thing, and I have another prot-evil prepared.

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I had assumed grease was gone, but maybe not. I was thinking summon monster and gravity bow . Even three rounds is enough to open a couple of doors. :)

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If Torgat can keep SM1 as if it weren't cast, then he will save it. I vote to check the last door on this level (entrance to room 11, right?).

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My proposed plan:
Round 1: Zestel and Torgat can read the scrolls, Drogun gets healed, somebody appraises the items, Far picks up the key. Anybody with actions left moves toward the nearest unopened door that doesn't lead back to explored rooms.
Round 2: We all move to the closest unopened door that doesn't lead back to explored rooms.
Round 3: The door gets opened.
Put into Table format:
V (26):
F (20):
G (18):
Y (14):
Z (13): Combat finished
T (7): Moved and cast Read Magic
D (6): Moved Towards whoever heals him with wand.
V (26):
F (20): Eagle Finished. Moves and picks up key.
G (18): ? (Who's G?)
Y (14): ?
Z (13): Moves and Reads Scroll.
T (7): Double moves.
D (6): Double Moves.
^Somebody uses a wand to heal drogun and somebody uses appraise.
V (26): Double Moves.
F (20): Eagle has existed for one round/4 rounds. Double Moves.
G (18): Double Moves.
Y (14): Double Moves.
Z (13): Double Moves.
T (7): Opens Door.
D (6): Moves and attacks.

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I can appraise as we move towards nwa dis if that will help. It’s a standard action so move:appraise, repeat
appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 211d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 101d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

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Torgat casts Read Magic and looks over the scrolls.

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Voarima is impressed with the craftsmanship of the rapier, studded leather and buckler. The rapier's balance is finer than anything she has held since leaving school. Each of the studs on the leather is a miniature glyph of of the Open Road made from brushed steel. The buckler appears as a harp and has a strap that rotates 90 degrees, allowing the wearer to practice fingering its engraved strings with sacrificing the small shield defensive purpose. aka: all three are masterwork.
Torgat and Zestel work to uncover the scrolls secrets and discover cure moderate wounds and invisibility. The compas is also magical indeed it is a wayfinder.
G is Gaderffi
The east door leads to a room barely 10 by 10 feet big. In it is a human man manacled to the floor. He looks as if he has been beaten badly judging by the stains on this clothes and the purpling bruises on his face.
Please note you must be able to communicate with a summoned monster to have it do anything more than 'attack your enemies.' The celestial template doesn't give a creature celestial (correct?).Who is healing the barbarian and others and how?

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Torgat steps hesitantly into the room and takes a cautious sniff. Assuming he doesn't smell the nauseating odor of the troglodytes, he moves further into the room.
If the man is conscious: "Sir, who did this to you? Does one of the troglodytes have the key to the chains?"
Torgat remembers that nobody searched Tulak's body...

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I didn't consider that with this character. I will change them at the end of the quest using the first level rebuild rules

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At first the bound man stiffens as the wizards enter the room. He relaxes when he realizes he is not in for another beating. "Please release me!" he begs. "I am Balenar Forsend. Tasskar and his people have kept me bound here for a few days now while he decides he is ready too sacrifice me to his dark gods." he groans as he struggles to a sitting position. "Please. Release me."
Torgat remembers that tulok's sole possession was a a single key.
Gaferffi's spell creates a cold cloud in the room, as if two evil creatures have just come in. However, it passes quickly as do the wounds on the dwarf and prisoner.

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Key, key... Wait a moment...
Torgat hurriedly pats his pockets. He forgot about it in hs excitement over the scrolls, but he is almost sure there was something else in the troglodyte's pouch.
"Ah ha!" he shouts, pulling the small key from the recesses of his jacket. "I knew it!"
Torgat quickly moves to release the man from his chains. Once Balenar is released, Torgat asks, "How did you come to be captured here?"

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"The Pathfinders felt the earthquake the same as everyone in Absalom. We had been watching several siege towers in the Cairnlands that we thought might open to us in such an event. I wanted to make a name for myself. So I was sent to investigate." He pauses for a moment.
"As to how I was captured, I followed the stairs down and realized it had opened to the subterranean paths, namely to a troglodyte city not far from here. I retreated from underground which is when I realized some of those same troglodytes had already been exploring the tower above. We fought, but I was outnumbered. Shortly after I was bound, another aftershock hit us. It apparently closed the connection to their city. Their chieftain, Tasskar, decided his blasphemous god had given him this tower so he can prepare the trodlodyte race to take over the surface world. He figured I was just the sacrifice to show his thanks"

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"You are lucky to be alive my friend. They could have easily killed you where you stood! We happen to be junior members of the Pathfinder Society here to investigate. It is fortuitous of us to have come upon you in your hour of need."

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So he's a Pathfinder? What about that rapier Voarima found?
"Sir, you must have had equipment with you when you entered the Fortress. Weapons, armor, a ten-foot pole? We would not want you to be unarmed if we come across more of the troglodytes."
Torgat looks around the room for anything of interest, particularly seeking any sign of Balenar's gear.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Oh, for crying out loud...
Torgat closes the door partway, then bends down to inspect an intriguing shadow behind it. He realizes it is just a water stain, stands up too quickly, and smacks his head on the doorknob.

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LOL, elven eyes are better than orc eyes :)
LOL, :)
"Yes I had gear that was taken from me. I had a..." Voarima is impressed with the craftsmanship of the rapier, studded leather and buckler. The rapier's balance is finer than anything she has held since leaving school. Each of the studs on the leather is a miniature glyph of of the Open Road made from brushed steel. The buckler appears as a harp and has a strap that rotates 90 degrees, allowing the wearer to practice fingering its engraved strings with[out] sacrificing the small shield's defensive purpose."
"And some..." Torgat and Zestel work to uncover the "...scrolls secrets and discover cure moderate wounds and invisibility. The compass is also magical indeed it is a "...and a wayfinder."

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Zestel Speaks up "Ah, I see, then I believe this scroll is yours. It won't do any of us here any good, as I don't think anyone here can use it. Well, I might be able to finagle it, but it would be risky and I wouldn't trust myself to be able to use it in a fight." Zestel offers to return the Cure Moderate wounds scroll to the wayward pathfinder.
"I think we found your other affects as well, though I'm not sure where they wondered off to."

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If asked, Forsend can offer a little about the Tasskar, the troglodyte leader. "He is bigger than the others, not because he is particularly strong looking, but I think because he is the only adult. He has an albino pet called 'Snapjaw'. I never saw the creature with its mouth closed so I couldn't tell if its teeth were inside or outside." He shudders. "Not that it matters when you see that wide open mouth coming your way, but it is a crocodile or alligator."
If you have other questions for Forsend, please ask. I would like to keep us moving though. As you have a little forewarning, I would like to give everyone a moment to prepare for the top floor. It has no door from the stairwell so any buff spells cast will be a full round of movement away.
The four wings of the tower are completely one on this level, forming one great cross-shaped chamber with arched ceilings. The decayed remnants of a carpet run from the doorways at the end of each wing meeting in the center where a spiral staircase drops out of sight below. A large throne-like chair stands in the middle of the eastern wing next to a big chest.

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Torgat returns the other scrolls to Balenar.
As they reach the topmost level of the Fortress, Torgat casts Detect Magic and scans the enormous chamber, looking for threats and any sign of magic.

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An albino crocodile lies curled up next to the throne. A second shadowy form stands on the east balcony gazing at the city of the center of the world. That creature turns when the party reaches the top of the stairs and shouts.
"Snapjaw! Kill them!
As written, combat is immediate. Far, Zestel, Ylania, Drogar, Voarima are up. You can decide who comes up the stair first, I put everyone's icon on the side, be sure to place them on the map.
Ini G: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Ini D: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Ini F: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Ini Z: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Ini T: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Ini Y: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Ini V: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Ini trog: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

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Voarima casts a spell upon her quivers, that magically replaces the arrows she is about to expend upon reaching the top should there be more threats.
She follows towards the back, and she lets out a sigh as she hears a creature bellow in a guttural tone towards their approach.

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PMs sent. Stay with me for a day or three more!
F (22.5):
Z (22.2):
Y (20):
V (19.9): casts spell, moves
Tasskar (19.5):
T (18.2):
D (18):
G (10):