[PFS] The Broken GM's Black Waters (Inactive)

Game Master Broken Prince

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Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

Rogar tries with all his will not to raise his eyes towards the ceiling and goes on:"Yes.... and what will she say when she finds out her daddy neglected his duties to the school and let it be swarmed by strange people, maybe even some thiefs? Is that how an hero does things mr Marlinchen? You know an hero does not turn away from his duties! If Cassiel is down there we will bring her back to you. You have my word on that!"

For the love of Cayden... please go away..."

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

"They are not my duties, I just tend the grounds while I wait for Cassiel, I've waited so many years," Marchilen says, shaking his head, "No, I've got to go to her."

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)

Not now sir - we'll get her says Yarg urgently trying to convince against a suicide.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

"Look I know I am not strong, but I'll just follow along behind, I won't be any trouble! Please, I've helped you, I just want to find my daughter," Deris pleads, obviously on the verge of tears.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

"I'm sorry but as far as I'm concerned this place is too dangerous for a mere civilian. You would just get killed. Help us to help you. We gave our word to bring your daughter back to you if she's still alive. You can't ask more. Again, I'm very sorry, but this is for the best. Now go away and do what you can for this school."

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

No, I am sorry I have as much right, more, than you to go down there. You will have to restrain me to stop me and I am a noble of this city with no qualms about going to the authorities over such treatment," Deris says, voice shakey but not backing down.

Please start using social skill rolls as appropriate.

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)

Great situation...., Yarg mutters.

Yarg will speak calming words, asking him to allow us to go, that his daughter would need him here and to be strong and so forth IF someone else attempts a Diplomacy roll (aiding another), otherwise this is his rather weak attempt.

Note, that if he attempts to jump in, Yarg will pound him into unconciousness.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Mrachni frowns. Pulling the group aside, he speaks in a low voice. "He seems determined. It would perhaps be better to just allow him to come, as we will be able to at least protect him."

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Warpriest 2 - HP 9/17 - AC: 19 /T: 11 /FF: 18 - Perception +2 - F: +6 / R: +3 /W: +7 - CMB +5 - CMD +16 - Speed 20 - Init. +1

"Are ye sure he's the one that needs protectin'?" Slachagok whispers in reply. "Th' way he carries on with those ghastly images, I dun' know what he's playin' at, but I don't want him at my back in those dark depths."

Sovereign Court

F Human 5 Sorceror HP 27/27 | AC 14 (18) | 13 | 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +4| Ref +5| Will +6| Init +2| Perc +0| Sense Motive +0

"You boys go ahead and get started down in the pool. We will deal with this poor man." Alafair says.

To Mr Marchilen: "Cassiel and the others will be up directly, sir. It is up to you, one of the heroes of the disaster, to wait here and guide them to out to the street. Let these men do their work now, and go on back where it is safe."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Alafair takes the man's arm and begins guiding him back to the entrance.

Sorry, guys, a pretty lame roll, maybe aids will get us to convince him?

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Marchilen shakes his head, politely, but firmly removing Alafair's hand,

"I will not, I am going down there, my daughter is there."

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

Rogar tries a new tactic since it seems nothing can change the man's mind:"Very well. If you insist we have no other choice but to leave this place. We can't risk your life... the Society wouldn't want us too, so until you promise to leave us be we won't be getting anywhere near that pool, and no one will save your daughter, if she's still alive!"

Bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

Wonderfull... please, roll low... XD

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Deris raises his hands, "Very well I shall stand back up here, but I will wait for you. I could just return after you have gone down anyway."

Slachagok, Yarg, and Mrachni:
You are fairly certain Marchilen is fibbing.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)

Yarg simply grapples the man... With the intent of choking him out later.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Are you trying to bluff Yarg? Otherwise it'll be a straight up Init ell.

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)

Bluff 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Sense Mtive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)


Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Mrachni grunts. "Just let him come. He is determined, and he could have entered any number of times by himself. Let him come."

Perhaps, if he sees for himself...

Sovereign Court

F Human 5 Sorceror HP 27/27 | AC 14 (18) | 13 | 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +4| Ref +5| Will +6| Init +2| Perc +0| Sense Motive +0

"There seems to be nothing we can do to stop him, be aware and if he turns on us, do not be merciful." Alafair says, testily.

She helps the others out of their heavy gear, so they can start down into the pool and see about his dead arm.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

"I won't raise my blade against him. No matter how much of a lunatic he is, he's already lost too much, I don't think he deserves to suffer more. Let him be, people, he's not the enemy, let's not turn him into one" so saying Rogar moves towards the pool.

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Bundling his armor and pack together into a manageable load, Mrachni turns to the man and nods. "Stay close to us."

Tilting his head slightly, he adds, "And please agree at least to follow our leadership."

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Looking a little hurt Deris says, "I would not turn on you, I just want to find my little girl. You are here to help afterall. But I will happily concede to follow your lead," hhe throws a salute and waits anxiously as the group advance upon the waist deep pool.

So the plan is Rogar and Yarg are going to go in?


Sovereign Court

F Human 5 Sorceror HP 27/27 | AC 14 (18) | 13 | 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +4| Ref +5| Will +6| Init +2| Perc +0| Sense Motive +0

Alafair says:"I will cover you from the shore with my arcane spells. Be careful, and don't do anything foolish."

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Yarg, Rogar and Mrachni, I believe, unless we only want two to go. Can we tell how deep the water is?

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Yes, its waist deep, so say between two and a half and four feet.

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

All three of us, then, but entering one at a time.

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)

Yarg wades in feeling VERY carefully with his feet, his Air bubble scroll held above his head with one hand, an end of a rope in the other and a dagger in his teeth... if he feels the ground dip away at that point he'll use the spell and swim down.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

The three Pathfinders move out into the cold foul waters, the footing beneath them slimy and uncertain, but passable with care. They reach the centre of the pool and the arm which appears to be disturbingly fresh ...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Mrachni frowns and examines the arm, not touching it but moving his head from side to side as he tries to tell its age.

Heal?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

It looks bloated but relatively fresh.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

"Deris," begins Mrachni in his low voice, "whose arm is this, and when did it come here?"

He peers into the water, trying to see any sort of opening underneath the arm.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

"Oh, someone from the great quake, its been ten years, but things "linger" here, the flowers were all cut for the memorial but they forgot to die. I suppose this arm is the same."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Mrachni frowns. "Something is unnatural about this," he growls under his breath. Taking a deep breath, he ducks into the water to better investigate the area beneath the arm.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

The arm's hand is clenched tightly around a metal hatch, it is also covered in bulbous white eggs below the water...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Mrachni looks around again and then comes back up. "Eggs," he grunts, gesturing toward the hand. "Something in the water."

Drawing his sword, he frowns at the water. "Probably wants to protect its eggs..."

Would it be possible to move the eggs/hand without harming them?

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

[ooc]Probably, you could just leave them on the arm and detach it.[ooc]

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]


Sheathing his sword again, Mrachni nods to the other two. "Keep your eyes open. I will try to remove it without disturbing the eggs."

Once more he takes a deep breath and dives under the water, keeping his eyes open as he tries to gently remove the hand from the hatch.

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)

Have at you Mranchni - try any idea you have.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

Rogar instead keeps his sword out of the scabbard eyeing the eggs suspiciously, ready for anything.

"Eggs mean something deposed them... something probably not far from here..."

Sovereign Court

F Human 5 Sorceror HP 27/27 | AC 14 (18) | 13 | 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +4| Ref +5| Will +6| Init +2| Perc +0| Sense Motive +0

Hearing the other talk about something unnatural, Alafair will cast a Detect Magic spell in the area of the other Pathfinders.

Cone-shaped 60' range

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Water counts as difficult terrain if walking, so half speed and no 5ft. steps - it does not appear to have reach. Swimming is viable, but probably harder.

As Mrachni touches the hand something erupts from the silt at the bottom of the pool beneath him. A giant insect creature, large as a horse, dripping black silt from its horny chitin armour, and with a formidable set of mandibles that reach for the half orc!

Mranchi is nearly crushed by the mandibles, but barely able to stand he manages to squirm out of the vice-like grip!

Mranchi takes 11 damage.

Knowledge Nature is the applicable skill.

Everyone is up!


Perception Rogar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Perception Yarg: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Perception Mrachni: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Perception Alafair: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Perception Slachagok: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Initiative Rogar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Initiative Yarg: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Initiative Mrachni: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Initiative Alafair: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Initiative Slachagok: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Initiative GWB: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 3) + 4 = 11 Grapple: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Silver Crusade

Init +1|AC20(22)*22*/Touch11/Flatfoot16/CMD 16|CMB +5|HP 18/[18]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+1 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +7 Destructive Smite 4/[5] Male Teifling (Demon Spawn) Inquisitor / 2(Fav)

Yarg drops the rope, takes out his dagger out of his teeth and steps up to hammer the beetle.critter.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Ow ow ow... HP: 0/11

Anyone mind provoking from it so I can heal myself and hope it doesn't have Combat Reflexes?

Mrachni grunts in pain as the jaws leave gaping wounds in his midsection.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

As the creature almost cuts the half orc in half Rogar surges forward slashing down on the insectlike creature with all of his might.

Can't charge, so I move close and attack. This of course during Rogar's turn

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Damage Roll: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

I suppose I'm flanking the creature since it attacked Mrachni with its mandibles and I choose the most advantageosu position to attack[/ooc]

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Mrachni isn't threatening.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Don't worry you hit, just waiting for actions from all - which I'll give longer than I normally would due to the holidays. I'll take a single rounds actions for anyone who has not posted tomorrow to keep things moving.

Silver Crusade

M Half-orc Warpriest 10 [ HP 56/83 (0 NL) | AC 30 Tch 11 FF 29 | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +11 | CMD 21 | Init +0 | Perc +9, darkvision, scent | Effects: haste, inspire +2, sacred weapon 1/10 ]

Alright... so I'm putting my life in you guys' hands. Please don't let me drown. :P

DC17 to cast CLW defensively: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Oh dice, why do you hate me so?

Mrachni frowns, touching his wounds and speaking a word, but his attention is on the massive creature's mandibles and not the spell. With another grunt, he falls to the ground unconscious.

DC10 Con check vs drowning: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Alright. So not drowning yet... carry on, but please don't bite me again. :P

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Fighter 10 - HP: 104/104 - To hit +24/+16 (2d6+17+9) - AC: 29 (30* if adjacent to a single foe) /T: 16 /FF: 26 - Perception +2 - F: +14 / R: +10 /W: +12 - CMB +18(25) - CMD +34(38) - Speed 30 - Init. +6 - DR 2/-

half-orcs are a delicacy it seems :P

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