[PFS PbP Gameday V] #8-02: Ward Asunder (Level 3-7) (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Hallet

Subtier 3-4 (4P)


Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

Open for discussion.


Dark Archive

HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

PFS character: 100387-10
Faction: Dark Archives
Next Chronicle: #9
day job(sailor): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Name: Karos Valdian
Player: Tarondor (Scott Nolan)
PFS Number: 2405-8
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Day Job (Craft (alchemy)): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Warning the First: Karos is still in another game, but I expect that game to wrap up in the next 12-24 hours.

Warning the Second: My computer went the way of all flesh (and silicon) last week. I'm working only from my iPad at present and can't manipulate the images in Google images. I am building a new hyper-machine (eat my dust, Watson!), but the parts won't arrive until next weekend.

Dark Archive

HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

You know the oddest thing happened to my last computer. It worked fine (and still does for that matter) for about eight years. Most reliable machine I've ever had. And the one I decided I wasn't going to constantly pull apart, rebuild and optimise.

Just got too long in the tooth (still ran Vista!) in the end - so I needed to do something.

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Warning the Third: Karos just got his 15th XP, so he's 6th level now (Gunglinger 1, Inquisitor 5). Without a computer, it'll be a few days (likely next weekend) before I manage to update his character sheet. GM Baerlie, if either of these facts presents you with heartburn, I will understand and bow out.

It could be that I have to play a pregen. Waiting for tier.

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺
Karos Valdian wrote:
Warning the Third: Karos just got his 15th XP, so he's 6th level now (Gunglinger 1, Inquisitor 5). Without a computer, it'll be a few days (likely next weekend) before I manage to update his character sheet. GM Baerlie, if either of these facts presents you with heartburn, I will understand and bow out.

One player already dropped and no players signed up on the waiting list so I think it's better to wait for your computer parts to arrive ;) We can start with the talking part and you can update your sheet before the first fight. Anyway we have to wait for the ramaining two players to join.

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

:-) I updated it last night. I'll prettify it today. Turns out my iPad version of Herolab can do quite a lot!

Dark Archive

| HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 11 F 19 (+1 in surprise rounds or when flat-footed) | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8 (+1 in surprise rounds or flat-footed, +4 vs death effects, +2 vs negative energy, energy drain, necromancy spells) | Init +2 | Perception +2 | Female Aasimar Oracle 6 | Active Spells/effects: Deathwatch (40? min), Bless (10 rounds) | Life Links Active: 5/6 (Fifi, Gru'Gar, Hsoko, Shayna, Taarik)

I'll be ready to go tomorrow - I forgot I hit level 4 the last time I played Sindelle otherwise Id be ready tonight sorry!

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

I guess that's it, 4 players.

APL: 3 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 15/4 = 3.75
Solid subtier 3-4 with 4-player adjustment.

Dark Archive

HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

And only one non angel!

Female Human

I am so so sorry for not being ready yet we have a small family emergency and I didn't bring my pathfinder stuff with me so I won't be able to get sindelle entered until I'm back home hopefully in the next 1-2 days. I understand if you need to start without me or boot me so so sorry again!

~ Cin

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

All is well. Who is named after my little daughter gets a bonus!

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Your daughter is named ElektraDawns?

Felicitas Elektra

Female Human

I'm kinda sorta back now. Getting my character translated from paper to the pbp format may take me a little bit but I will get it done as soon as I can. I am so so so sorry for holding you all up!

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

I don't believe you have held us up. The GM appears to be having some real life issues.

Dark Archive

HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

Baerlie gets very busy from time to time, but she always comes back.

Dark Archive

| HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 11 F 19 (+1 in surprise rounds or when flat-footed) | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8 (+1 in surprise rounds or flat-footed, +4 vs death effects, +2 vs negative energy, energy drain, necromancy spells) | Init +2 | Perception +2 | Female Aasimar Oracle 6 | Active Spells/effects: Deathwatch (40? min), Bless (10 rounds) | Life Links Active: 5/6 (Fifi, Gru'Gar, Hsoko, Shayna, Taarik)

Yay! Finally ready to go!

Name: Sindelle Lifewater
PFS Number: 57894-1
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28 (Perform Dance/Courtesan)

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

We still doing this?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

I think so, just give Barelie some time, she has quite a busy real life.

Female Human

As my friend who recruited me into pfs in the first place loves to remind me and others, real life before game always. Hope everything is okay Barelie!

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

I'll be away until late Friday or Saturday. On travel with limited Internet.

Grand Lodge

Actions: ◇ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ↺

This goes to all my games (GMing or playing):
Thank you very much for your patience! Several weeks ago my partner decided to continue his life without me. For me it was a surprise, after 16 years of relationship. While I was busy looking for a new place to live the workload at work got more and more (the bank is changing the treasury apps completely, moving to a new vendor) and my mother opens her own shop on Monday and wanted me to help with ordering stuff, making a website, creating advertising, business cards, preparing the shop etc.

As you can imagin I'm tired, done and completely frustrated. I've not been in the mood to open the Paizo page and reading messages of upset GMs/players "shouting" at me or demanding immediate upates so I did not open this page for a long time now.

I'm really sorry that I put you into this situation, but to make sure: it does not have anything to do with you or your gaming style. It was just that a lot of things hit me at the same time. I'm currently working through the games to update everything.

Liberty's Edge

I'm willing to pick this up if people are still interested in finishing this. I've played it recently. I just need to pick up a copy of the adventure and read it.

Dark Archive

HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

That would be much appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Yup! Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

I've sent a PM to the other players who have not checked in yet. Hopefully they are interested in continuing.

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Karos gets out a newspaper and puts up his feet.

My char is bonifacius :-)

Female Human

Sorry family emergency part 2 broke out but I should be okay again

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for the delay. Been dealing with getting ready for Christmas. I should have an update by Monday at the latest.

Dark Archive

HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

I'm going off on holiday for a week from Saturday. Internet is not guaranteed, so please NPC me as required.

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Please excuse a slowdown for a few days. My mother-in-law is in the hospital recovering from heart surgery and with my wife at the hospital, I am attending the kids full time in the evenings.

Liberty's Edge

You are almost at the end of the adventure. Anything you need from me to get it moving again?

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

I think we may need you to bot Felicitas.

The Exchange

f Picture of Filicitas Felicitas Aurora, Aasimar (Azata-Touched), varisian mother. Bard 5/Inspired Blade 1
AC 18/T13/FF14 HP 33/35 F+4 R+10 W+5 Init +5 SM +14 /Perception +4

No need
Perforatory: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
With eloquence and expert timing Felicitas tells a tale of wonder and might, honor and glory.

Liberty's Edge

I confirmed with Jesse that we can still roll for boons.

Boon Rolls

GM: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Yoshi: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Karos: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Sindelle: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Felicitas: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Looks like Karos wins a boon: 1d6 ⇒ 6.

I'll need your email address via PM in order to get the boon to you.

EDIT: Nevermind, you won a boon in one of the other games I ran, so I already have your email.

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Once again, procrastination pays off handsomely!


Liberty's Edge


Dark Archive

HP 38/43; re-roll @+4 1/1; wand 47/50 Human Brawler-5; AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, CMD 25, Fort +5 (+12 vs cold weather), Ref +7, Will +1, CMB +13(Trip +21); Init +3; Perc +8

Many thanks for picking this up and running it for us. That is.

"I am being very thankful to you for the kindness you are showing to us."

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar Inquisitor 7 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 53/53 - AC 20 /T: 14/FF: 16 - Perception +15 - F: +11/ R: +12/ W: +12 - CMB: +7 - CMD: 22, Speed: 30 , Init. +9

Thank you! Question: The "Kami Reunited" boon says it can only be selected if we have both "Jiraku's Respect" and "Tanbaru's Respect", but "Tanbaru's Respect" does not appear on the character sheet. What am I missing?

Liberty's Edge

Tanbaru's respect is a boon from 6-21: Tapestry's Toil, which is a 5-9 scenario.

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