[PFS PbP Game Day 3] Master of the Fallen Fortress (Inactive)

Game Master Deane Beman

This game will be run as a part of the Third Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. To sign up for this scenario simply post your interest with the appropriate character alias below.

Here are some useful/essential links if you want to read up on Pathfinder in general and Pathfinder Society play in particular; it is assumed that everyone who signs up for this game will be familiar with this material.

Guide to Organized Play: Essential reading if you want to make take part in Pathfinder Society Play.
Additional Resources: Lists certain restrictions etc that pertain to Pathfinder Society Play
Paizo site: where you register your character and download and/or purchase Pathfinder resources etc.

The game will start as soon as we have four players with PFS Legal 1st level characters. I hope to finish this game in three weeks or so; which will require at least one post per day per player.

Sovereign Court

I have this level 1 kineticist available, looking to complete the level 1 repeatable trifecta (First Steps, Confirmation, now MotFF). I have a signed occult adventure playtest boon that I can put on dropbox if you require paperwork verification or I can direct you to the links of the PbP games she played in.

Scarab Sages

DM, I'd love a spot with this new brawler.

Grand Lodge

I have a new character that I'd like to try out.

Level 1 Fighter (Lore Warden)

Grand Lodge

Me like to hurt people...bad people...pointy ears like to make fun of me with words. But words don't hurt...sometimes...

....and that's four. I'll have the gameplay thread open tomorrow morning!

Scarab Sages

I sure would love to see what's in those towers, if there's room!

Ahh, too slow. Have fun all!

Grand Lodge

I posted with my alias instead of brand new PFS character. I'm looking forward to his first adventure!

Sovereign Court

If you are willing to take on a 6th Tamisiel just finished up her first scenario.

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