[PFS/PbP] 6-08 The Segang Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master Tiaburn

Vudran Temple

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

Report here, when you ready.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

CasHTusK and I ready to action. :D

Scarab Sages

Male Human Summoner 1


Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Fighter 1

Feels like I need to post that...

CasHTusK have problems with Linguistics (or Int stat :D), especially when we talking about tenses (like Past Perfect etc.) - so if you eventually found this messageboard - prepare yourself to really shocking experience.


The Exchange

Borislav wrote:

After monkeys gone, Borislav wants to track the traces... maybe it's a trap... or maybe beast is here, just waiting for darkness.

Team, I think our beast is near... And maybe not only the beast. This monkeys, strange rumours we heard about this jungle... Let's be alert as much as possible. No more jokes till we reach the target.

Borislav became even more grim than usual. Anyone who approaches him while he is searching can hear that he is whispering prayers.

[Dice=Intimidate]1d20+8 Looking for tracks (preferable the tiger's traces)


Sorry, it was Survival with +7 bonus obviously

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

Welcome to combat phase:

Please, prefix your posts with short statline of your character condition:

Round # or Surprise round, Init NN
hp CUR/TOTAL; AC XX, Touch XX, FF XX, CMD XX; Fort +X, Ref +Y, Will +Z; Conditions: ???

This makes me easier to read and follow combat later and during mobile updates.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

I'm leaving tomorrow morning in Helsinki for about 70 hours of non-stop random gaming, chatting and having fun at Ropecon. Probably, my Internet access and time reserve will not be enough to follow the game. I'll be back home next Monday and in office next Tuesday and will hope back on a story line. Sorry for bringing delay in this game.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

Dear players, we approach the end of scenario and mostly roleplaying part is left. Please, provide me with following information:

Player name:
Character name:
Chronicle #:
Current Prestige:
Current Fame:
Starting Gold:
Day Job Roll:
Faction Journal check:

Code for copy-pasting:

Just add ] symbol at the end of each line
[b]Player name:[/b
[b]Character name:[/b
[b]PFS ID#:[/b
[b]Chronicle #:[/b
[b]Current Prestige:[/b
[b]Current Fame:[/b
[b]Starting Gold:[/b
[b]Day Job Roll:[/b
[b]Faction Journal check:[/b

The Exchange

Player name: CasHTusK aka Yuri Gorshenin
Character name: Borislav Medvyed
PFS ID#: 142936 - 3
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Chronicle #: 2
Experience: 1/3
Current Prestige: 0
Current Fame: 2
Starting Gold: 49 gp, 7 sp, 9 cp (Antidotes included)
Day Job Roll: --
Faction Journal check: Nothing :(

Grand Lodge

Player name:Maxim Nikolaev
Character name:Seytiko
PFS ID#: 89884-3
Faction: Dark Archives
Chronicle #: 1
Experience: 0/3
Current Prestige: 0
Current Fame: 0
Starting Gold: 11gp 1sp
Day Job Roll: Profession(cook): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

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