{PFS} {PBP} {LVL 11 - 13} Tide of Honor (Jade Regent book 5, sanctioned portion) (Inactive)

Game Master FiddlersGreen

Seinaru Heikiko


42 - GM reroll used

Minkai is an empire currently on its knees. The Jade Regent has twisted the ruling government to cater to his despotic whims, and throughout the realm the people suffer. An uprising is being planned to make a stand against the tyrant and liberate Minkai, but first the people behind the uprising must earn the trust of the people of Minkai and recruit aid from across the beleaguered empire—all the while dodging murderous oni and deadly ninjas controlled by the Five Storms.

The Pathfinder Society sees in this an opporunity - the current regime has little interest in the Pathfinder Society and is dis-inclined to tolerate the presence of Pathfinder agents within its borders. If the Society can aid the uprising in removing the despot from power and establishing a new regime sympathetic to the Society, Minkai could become a valuable staging point for many expeditions throughout Tian Xia with valuable support flowing from the ruling government. However, this will need to be done in secret, for if the uprising should fail, the Society must be able to deny any association with the uprising, lest it face repercussions from an entire nation.

To that end, the society is seeking a team comprised of its most experienced agents and its newest Seekers (levels 11 to 13) to handle this delicate mission. Who will answer the call?

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Current Roster:
1. Subject 42 - Magus 12
2. Alden Helpinghand - Fighter/Cavalier/Golden Legionnaire 12

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Maps will be hosted via google slides, since that seems to be a fuss-free way to do it.

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name
Character Name
PFS Number
Class, race, level

Silver Crusade

Excellent! I'll have to get Alden all leveled up.

Player Name: Tyler Beck
Character Name: Alden Helpinghand
PFS Number: 44004-6
Class, race, level: Halfling Fighter 2/Cavalier 5/Golden Legionnaire 5
Faction: Silver Crusade

The Exchange

Same for me and 42.

Player Name: Zack
Character Name: Test Subject 42 (42 for short)
PFS Number: 12395-4
Class, race, level: Magus Human 12
Faction: The Exchange

Silver Crusade

Color me intrigued. I haven't done a PbP this high level yet...

I will need to make sure he is all leveled and updated...and actually put online. This has been a strictly offline character until now. :D

Player Name: Andrew
Character Name: Matamah the Thundering
PFS Number: 43439-10
Class, Race, Level: Aasimar Bard (Thundercaller) 12
Faction: Silver Crusade

(Role: Buffer/Debuffer/Diplomat)

The Exchange

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name Steven Johnson
Character Name Rand, The Iron Fist
PFS Number 26225-3
Class, race, level Human Monk 12
Faction (Former Lantern Lodge) The Exchange

I need to get his stats posted to this alt, but I thought I would get my stuff on the recruitment thread first.

(Rand is a tank btw)

Silver Crusade

Player Name: Brian
Character Name: Itamar
PFS Number:107703-1
Class, race, level: Cleric, Aasimar, 12
Faction: Silver Crusade

I need to update the sheet

The Exchange

Okay, I have his full stat block correctly posted.

Silver Crusade

Player Name: Joe
Character Name: Rhon Delver
PFS Number: 20941-3
Class, Race, Level: Paladin (Stonelord), Dwarf, 12
Faction: Silver Crusade

This would be my first PBP if I am accepted.

Wow, that filled up really quickly. Six level 12 characters and a good mix of classes, with a cleric to boot. When I played it, my party had 4 level 11s, and boy did we struggle. You guys should be fine.

I'll close the recruitment here and will have the mission briefing up in the next six hours.

"Rhon, general convention is that you put in-character speech in bold," says a mysterious voice from the ether.

"And internal monologues are put in italics," the paladin thinks to himself.

And out-of-character stuff is indicated with blue text.

Silver Crusade

FiddlersGreen wrote:

Wow, that filled up really quickly. Six level 12 characters and a good mix of classes, with a cleric to boot. When I played it, my party had 4 level 11s, and boy did we struggle. You guys should be fine.

I'll close the recruitment here and will have the mission briefing up in the next six hours.

"Rhon, general convention is that you put in-character speech in bold," says a mysterious voice from the ether.

"And internal monologues are put in italics," the paladin thinks to himself.

And out-of-character stuff is indicated with blue text.

"Thanks ethereal voice."

I am putting in my PBP research so I can give the game my best. Let us know if there is anyway you wish for character details to be displayed in the in game thread. I will update my character sheet to reflect what you need.

Go to work one evening and see what I miss. Best of luck pathfinders.

Liberty's Edge

damm...missed it...good luck all!

Sorry guys, I meant to work on the opening gameplay post before going to bed, but fell asleep instead. I should have it up soon.

Silver Crusade

Torag forgives you

Gameplay thread is up!

Sorry for the wall of text. There's a pretty big plot involved, and I wanted to make sure you understood where it was up to.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Calistria does not. :-P

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