PFS Destiny of the Sands

Game Master DrGabe

Currently playing PFS 5-12 A Bitter Bargain.

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Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Again Lore tries to maneuver the cliff's edge gracefully. This time she removes her armor to reduce penalties.

acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Dark Archive

"Surrender or die!"

Knowing it is better to be lucky than good, Lhug presses his attack against the caster.

Ff raging dex: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 181d8 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

first is my target, second is her: 1d4 ⇒ 31d4 ⇒ 3

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

Huffing with frustration and exhaustion Ahn tries again ...

Strength Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Eadie is not used to being by herself in hostile territory. It’s too quiet … and this place is spooky! I’m going back to find the others ...

She abandons her hiding place and heads back towards the natural bridge.

DrGabe, do I need to make a roll to go back a card? It doesn’t really make sense to do so as I’ve already succeeded on the check – but let me know what you’d like me to do.

The Exchange


Lore, remember that you still only get the normal actions during a turn. Here is the table . Let me know if you want change your move.
Lhug, explain your d4's please.
Eadie. Good question. I was thinking that as well. The cards were not meant to go backwards, so I think it depends on the card. In this particular case I think that you do not need to make checks. Remember that each card is 30'.

Dark Archive

The first d4 is the one I'm attacking. The second d4 is which image is her. They match, so I hit her.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Cool, thanks DrGabe!

Eadie’s speed is 60’ with Implacable Pursuer. Shall we say she made it back to the Illusory Wall (one card) with this turn?

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

ok so amend - no armor removal

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

I suppose I could spend an mp to succeed, since I only missed by 1 I think.. hmmm... I think I'll pass for now, since Lhug and Eadie are on it.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none
DrGabe wrote:

But first some Mythic Chase rules....

Implacable Pursuer: For the duration of the chase, the PC ignores all armor check penalties and any reductions to his speed as a result of wearing armor.

Lore, if you did want to get closer to the action, you could take advantage of Implacable Pursuer to avoid all ACP.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

is that a spell? what level and what type? I've never heard of it and can't find it on any spell lists except 3.5 complete divine

Its in the chase rules for mythic we keep forgetting about.

The Exchange


Yeah... Lore look back to the page prior and there is a list of special rules for a Mythic Chase. I'll process this turn tonight (likely high on sugar from taking the boys out for hallowen!). Sorry for being a little slow this week. The end of the month is always a bit more time consuming for me.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

does it cost mythic points to use those abilities listed in the mythic chase rules, if so, can Lore retcon the use of a point to activate implacable pursuer - if she can, that would mean she'd successfully maneuvered the cliff edge and would now be at the beginning of the natural bridge.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none
Lorelendral Teklet wrote:
does it cost mythic points to use those abilities listed in the mythic chase rules?

Nope! Goforit, Lore! I’ll distract the GM …


Oh sorry … thought I saw Aroden …

The Exchange


Lhug again attacks Nefti, all four images of him, and beyond all hope actually hits the correct one. Instead of an image blinking from existence, Nefti grunts in horrible pain. He is now bleeding from various places and appears to be heavily injured.
Nefti takes a step back from Lhug and cast another spell. Fail Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 8, but the spell is jumbled from the effects of the thunderstone. Lhug has no idea what the spell was doing to be.

Kafar moves into a defensive position, trying to block Lhug's way to Nefti. Why do you attack us on the bridge? Are you the guardian of the Santum?

Location: Lhug (is on the Natural Bridge); Lore (moved to the Natural Bridge); Eadie (Wall); Ahna ( entered the Cliff's Edge)
Nefti & Kafar (Natural Bridge)

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

With her heavy blade drawn, Eadie moves to the natural bridge. There she spies a gnome cleric who appears a little out of breath … and a large, scarred man (who looks kinda familiar) fighting with two strangers.

*Excitedly* “Wow! So this is where the party’s at!”

The warrior positions herself so that any fleeing enemy must pass through the area she threatens and readies an action to attack anyone that makes a hostile move.

With an expectant tone, she adds “Lhug, are you going to introduce us to your friends?”

The Exchange


Nudge... Lhug, Ahna, and Lore's turn.

Dark Archive

Lhug moves to challenge Kafer, "I said, surrender or die. You need know nothing else."

Readied action to attack if Kafer does any thing but talk. I'm going to take a chance and drop the rage.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore nods toward Lhug and pipes in with, "I'd surrender if I were you, he means it. Besides, it's simply the wisest course you have right now."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 - 2 = 20 Approaching the cliffs edge Ahn leaps and rolls through ... springing to his feat and advancing as he draws his bow aiming at Nefti & Kafar.

The Exchange


Kafar keeps a close eye on Lhug and dares a quick look to see the rest of the Pathfinders closing in. We only see to approach the Sanctum. We meet a prospective client within its walls. We did not come here to start with you. Why is it that attack us on this bridge?

Lore, you feel that your Diplomacy attempts are helping.

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

"It would be far better for you to lay down your weapons ... and talk ... this does not need to escalate."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none
Kafar of the Aspis wrote:
Why is it that attack us on this bridge?

Eadie *shrugs* “If the bridge is a problem for you, just move back to the cliff’s edge … we can attack you there instead.”

Then she gives the man a gormless smile to show she's (probably) just kidding.

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

Dark Archive

"You would not be blamed for mistaking my people's traditional greeting of thunder as some minor slight and attack me unprovoked as you did. But you may make up for it now and speak politely with my little friend."

buff, aid diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 51d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

The Exchange


Kafar responds to the Pathfinders requests, Why don't we get off of this bridge and move to the Sanctum. It is not our intent to fight and die in these mountains. Sorry friend.
He reaches out to Lhug in an effort to shake hands.
Looking at Eadie Nefti adds, Madam, can you lead the way to the Sanctum?

It doesn't appear that you have made friends here. However, they do seem sincere that they are not wanting to fight.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

After observing Kafar's staunch defense of Nefti and hearing Lhug's mention of the clan he belongs to ...

Lhug-mor, "The Black Dragon" wrote:
"... my people's traditional greeting ..."

Eadie reflects on the absence of family in her own life, before realising the Pathfinder Society and her companions are effectively her family now.

"I know we lead a precarious existence that makes setting long term goals foolish at best. But maybe for this very reason I should let you know, Lore that if I ever have a daughter of my own,

I will name her:


At Nefti's mention of "Madam," Eadie automatically looks around for her Aunt or a priestess of Abadar, before realizing the Aspis agent is referring to her.

"Well, yeah. I can lead the way, but as a show of good faith, I think you guys need to first disarm yourselves and empty your pockets. Secondly, you need to tell us more about this 'client' you're meeting."

Eadie will keep a close eye on the duo, looking for the missing gems.

Take 10 Perception: 10 + 11 = 21
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

The Exchange


Nefti and Kafar will accept being disarmed but Eadie realizes that they won't readily accept emptying their pockets. Eddie also notices that both of the men are injured, yet only Nefti was struck by Lhug's blade.
Heal check

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore opens her eyes wide at Eadie as she whispers to her... and then gives her a big hug. "That is the sweetest thing... thank you so much!" She wipes tears from her eyes before looking over at Kafar and Nefti again.

Then she takes a look at Kafar's wound to see if she can tell what caused it.

heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Eadie returns Lore's embrace warmly before letting out a loud *SNIFF* and wiping something from her own eye. "You're welcome, Lore."

The warrior then turns to Kafar and Nefti, accepting their weapons but noting they have avoided her question about their client. She decides to let the issue drop for the time being, wondering if some healing attention might foster some goodwill between the two groups.

Aid Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

"Oh, don't be such a baby, Kafar. I'm a professional! Did you happen to meet a behir out in the desert?"

Dark Archive

"They can keep their weapons. They are of little threat."

The Dragon ignores the handshake fient.

Dark Archive

Lhug would like to remove their waterskins and spell components/bombs, but instead he stands just behind the caster and keeps him as cover from the other. He declines healing and uses it as a pretense to keep them from being healed knowing that the Paladin's spell will help a little.

The Exchange


Both of the agents wear bandages and Lore thinks that they were bitten by one of the monsters the Pathfinder's encountered earlier in the adventure. Though she doesn't know what the usual outcome of such an injury will be.

As the Pathfinders leas the Apsis agents to the Sanctum a friendly voice can be heard coming through the mountain pass. Amenopheus has finally caught up with you. He appears to have had to battle through similar obstacles but has been healed of his wounds.
Seeing the agents here and hearing your story, he demands that they be searched. Naturally Nefti and Kafar resist, but then Lhug just snarls.

Nefti and Kafar quickly give up the game and give you the topaz gem you are looking for. the Topaz Sage is able to speak with the mythic-enhanced Pathfinders. But she makes it clear that she needs to reunited with a worthy inheritor.

Amenospheus, the Saphire sage, leads the party up into the Sanctum. We are not done yet is all he offers.

Behind the seamless illusion of a rock wall lies the mountain pass to the Sanctum of the Sages. Beautifully engraved columns support the ornate entablature topped by a wide tapered cornice. The style hearkens back to Osirion’s golden age, and the impeccable design and craftsmanship lives up to the standards set by the ancient dynasties. A short flight of stairs ascends to stone door in the mountain.
The Sanctum of the Sages is an extensive underground complex set into the side of a mountain and veiled by illusions. While the Ruby Sage has some memories of the complex, they are incomplete and fractured at best.

Amenopheus opens the grand door and enters the Sanctum. He nods for everyone to follow him. Water gurgles in fountains set at either end of thiscrescent-shaped chamber. Fourteen columns support the vaulted ceiling, and the walls are polished to a smooth finish that reflects and scatters any light that is introduced or that shines in from outside. Spouts in the wall replace any water removed from the fountain, replicating the effects of a decanter of endless water. Much of the sanctum is sealed to anyone not of the order of the Jeweled Sages, so this room provides pilgrims and petitioners a safe place to take shelter until a sage might acknowledge them.

Amenopheus doesn't bother with the fountains and moves to the door leading into the next room. The Pathfinders have to hustle to keep up with the Sage.
Open the door, this chamber’s floor angles upward as it meets the walls, which in turn angle inward like those of a pyramid, creating a space shaped like a cut diamond. The walls are smooth and somewhat transparent, like foggy quartz, save for where three opaque doors stand to the north, east, and west. In the center of the room, a clear 5-foot diameter crystal hovers a short distances from the floor and spins slowly.

Amenopheus recognizes this crystal as a gatekeeper built to prevent non-sages from traveling deeper into the sanctum. He presents himself as the Sapphire Sage and announces that he seeks the Diamond Sage. The crystal briefly shows an image of a Garundi man walking toward the north door in the room, then a small, key shaped sliver breaks off of the crystal. Amenopheus nods, picks up the key, and tells the Pathfinders that the north door will lead them onward; it opens as he approaches.

Again Amenopheus nods and suggest that you copy his actions. When you approache within 10 feet of the crystal, you receive an empathic feeling of curiosity and inquiry, as
though the crystal is trying to determine who you are.
Assuming you announce who you are and state your intention to visit the Diamond Sage or accompany Amenopheus, the crystal accepts you and briefly reflects an image of
the whole ruby sage jewel to illustrate its understanding of your identity. Once you have introduced herself to the jewel, you can will the north door to open and travel
through it without activating the chamber’s defenses.

However, Kafar and Nefti are neither Jeweled Sages nor chosen custodians of a sage jewel. As a result, the crystal sends them an empathic warning not to travel further. The two agents refuse to move further, convinced that something bad will happen if they try to pass through this room.

Yeah, block text bonanza! Feel free to add any flavor, fluff, or actual actions to anything that moved along (there may be some benefit to doing some things....). Also, what are you going to do with Kafar and Nefti?
I'll get a map up soon.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

"Maybe we should bind them here so they do not stray while we are inside, eh?" Lore suggests, not fully trusting the two agents to remain where they are left.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea to tie them up, Lore. Though if we take their water skins and component pouch as Lhug suggested, it's unlikely they'll survive if they try to escape back into the desert."

Eadie pauses to scratch her chin. "Unless this mysterious client of theirs turns up."

hog tie 'em Escape Artist DC CMB + 20: 10 + 20 = 30 And if the bound person's CMB + 20 < 30 they cannot escape even on a nat 20, as per the rope tie/grapple rules.

Eadie turns to the grumpy gnome. "Ahn, it might be a good time for the Mythic recharge ritual. I think Lhug or I might benefit from it the most, but I'll leave it up to you to decide."

As the group approaches the Sanctum, having been there all ready, Eadie can't help spoil the sight they're about to see. In a sing-song voice, reminiscent of a pushy property agent from Absalom or Korvosa, she interrupts the Sapphire Sage, saying ...

"Behind the seamless illusion of a rock wall lies the mountain pass to the Sanctum of the Sages. Beautifully engraved columns support the ornate entablature topped by a wide tapered cornice. The style hearkens back to Osirion’s golden age, and the impeccable design and craftsmanship lives up to the standards set by the ancient dynasties."

"It's perfect for solitary magical research - or a growing family!"

As the party enters the fountain chamber, Eadie will ask Lore to detect magic before adding, "Would a blessing of the Sanctum be out of place, Lore?"

If she feels it's safe to do so, the young warrior then kneels to wash the desert sand from her face and hands, before drinking from the Sanctum's waters, offering her own thanks to the Ruby Sage and the Master of the First Vault for their safe passage so far.

When it's her turn to approach the crystal guardian ...

So he's the gatekeeper. Does that make me the key master?

Eadie tentatively approaches, conjuring up an image of the Ruby Sage in her mind's eye. As she opens her mouth to speak, her golden armor takes the form of a single flawless ruby.

"My name is Eadie Navhelan, uh ... sir? Mythic Champion of the Ruby Sage and loyal servant of the Scarab Sages of Osirion."

Eadie looks down and shuffles her feet nervously. "In truth, I have not always been the best agent for the Sapphire Sage. On a mission to the Glass River in Razmir, I failed to contact our agent - a Pehmet dwarf, one Amauhak of Reth Bezel and so missed passing on that the Diamond Sage had been sighted in Azir, Rahadoum."

"So I see this mission as a chance to redeem myself in the eyes of Amenopheus, by making peaceful contact with the Diamond Sage, offering my services and hopefully helping her to restore glory to the Order."

Dark Archive

Lhug moves behind the group with an eye out for ambushes and hiding places. "So where is your client? It's not like your kind to be on a fool's errand."

When Eadie resolves to tie them up, he takes his boot knife and cuts their water skins and component pouches loose. "You can have these back if you behave." If there are a lot of bombs, I'm going to take those also. I'll just drop them out of sight as we pass the door. I'm not really taking no as an answer if they resist.

He approaches the guardian and his shadow suddenly flares to the deepest black and grows to many times its normal size, "I am The Black Dragon. Seeker of Problems. I am not known by my identity, but by my actions. Beholding to none, ...and to all. My intention is to get this over with so we can return to the drinking and carousing."

Lhug gives the room one last look knowing that there will most certainly be an ambush for them upon their return. He mouths "I'm watching you two," as he turns to follow.

Dark Archive

Eadie Navhelan wrote:

Eadie turns to the grumpy gnome. "Ahn, it might be a good time for the Mythic recharge ritual. I think Lhug or I might benefit from it the most, but I'll leave it up to you to decide."

"This Mythic stuff is not for me. I will do it old school."

Dark Archive

I can use some healing once we get out of sight.

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

be glad to heal you, but didn't know you were wounded - it's not in your profile line.... give me a heads up on about how much you need.

Dark Archive

and Lore, please use my infernal healing wand if you dont mind and ill stay out of the detect evil cones.

15 points, so 2 charges

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

Lore uses Lhug's own wand to heal him, expending two charges for his benefit.

"There you go, my dear dragon... hope you feel all better now."

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

Aha provides Eadie the ritual to recharge mythic abilities.

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

"Thank-you, Ahn."

Eadie settles on her knees, closes her eyes and says a silent prayer to her Patron, as the gnome paladin chants over her.

As Ahnastasios ends the ceremony, Eadie receives a vision of a gigantic gold-clad construct raising a war hammer above her. The Outsider is flanked by a beautiful woman wearing a diamond-encrusted tiara in her snowy hair. There is something not quite right about the noble lady's shadow ... it looms larger than it ought to and its shape is clearly not human ...

The golden warrior must be the Lawgiver! Abadar's Herald ... but who is the lady?

Eadie's speculation ends as the the Holy Messenger smites her with it's hammer - sending waves of Mythic power churning through her body. The young Pathfinder awakens with the triumphant cry of a desert dervish on the floor of the Sanctum of Sages.

Mythic Recharge: 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

The Exchange


Kafar and Nefti submit to being bound. Eadie is comfortable that they will not be moving anywhere.
Each of the Mythic Pathfinders move through the Screening Stone and down a short corridor. It empties into a large half-circle shaped room. Two curved ramps ascend gently from one end of this semicircular room toward its northwest entrance. More than a dozen statues line the intricately painted walls, and all face toward an immense crystal that projects from the southeast wall. The statues are carved in the Osiran fashion, some bearing the heads of animals, and many holding objects like staves, ankhs, oil lamps, and scepters in their supple marble hands. Four engravings in the likeness of gemstones are set into shallow circular recesses in the floor arrayed before the huge jewel.

Knowledge Religion and/or Perception checks.

Dark Archive

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Grand Lodge

HP 69/69 AC 21, 13, 20(18 T 12 FF 17); bab 7, (scimitar) +9/+4, (lt xbow) +11; F +10 R +7 W +11; INIT +3; Perc +22; CMB +6 CMD 19; channel 8/8 | gnome cleric(theologian)/5; exalted/6 | -01 *
skills: Acro -2, Bluff 3, Diplomacy 11, Escape Artist -3, Heal 7, Know religion 12, Know planes 5 know nobility 5 Perception 22, perform oratory 6, Profession (chef) 16, Sense Motive 3, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 3, surv 3

perc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Dark Archive

Active Conditions: Life Link: Zeno, Shield Other: Kiboko, LOH: 14/14 Male Gnome 36007-3 Paladin Holy Light 8/Oracle Life 1 | AC 22 T 12 FF 21 w/SMITE 28 T 18 FF 27 | HP 83/83 | F +14 R +11 W +15 | Init +2 | Acro -3 | Bluff +6 | Dipl +10 | Intim + 6 | Know (rel) + 4 | Ling + 11 | Perc +2

Know Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Scarab Sages

Female CG Human (Chelaxian) Fighter 13 | HP 161/161 | AC 28, T 17, F 25 | CMB +18 (+26 with heavy blades), CMD 35 (38 vs disarm, sunder) | F +21, R +13, W +19 (+2 vs death effects, +3 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +20, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Falchion drawn, Eadie frowns at the four gem recesses as she gazes about the Sanctum.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

The Ruby is destroyed … that leaves Topaz, Emerald, Sapphire? Diamond, maybe?

“Amenopheus, didn’t you say the Order had misplaced both the emerald and topaz gems? We only found the topaz on Kafar and Nefti, right? Does that mean the emerald is still out there somewhere? Do you possess the Order’s Sapphire?”

The Exchange


Ahna scans the wall and sees wall paintings that portray many scenes of Garundi scholars carrying Osirian treasures, using architectural tools, surveying a mountain range, cutting gems, and receiving gifts from three supernatural figures. These figures in the painting are Nethys depicted in an archaic style; Ptah, the ancient Osirian god of architecture and inventions; and Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing.

The rest of the Pathfinders notice that one figure that appears in several illustrations and that looks remarkably like Amenopheus.

Amenopheus points to the sapphire in his turbin and moves towards the end of the room. But he doesn't answer any of the inevitable questions that follow.

Amenopheus attempts to use the key to open the crystalline door. As soon as he places the key on the crystal, the door flashes with blinding light. When the light fades, Amenopheus is trapped within a crystalline prism like an insect sealed in amber, and the four oil lamps held by the statues have lit with bright white light. At the same time, a spoken message in Ancient Osiriani echoes through the room: As the light aligns, so too do the
sages stand.

Suddenly, two of the statues animate and move to attack you!

Initiative Rolls:

NPC: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Eadie: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Lhug: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Ahna: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

PC's go first.
The black dot is Amenopheus, he is currently trapped in the crystal structure. The four yellow lights are oil lamps that have become lit.


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