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Round #2: STR=21 ; Round 1 Readied Action expired as conditions were not met.
As the man closes with Eadie she strikes at him with the spiked end of her polearm.
Aoo: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
damage+PA+FF: 1d12 + 7 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 6 = 14
She will then drop that weapon (Free) draw her falchion (Move does not provoke) and if the man she hit is still up, she will slash at him. If he is all ready down, Eadie will 5’ step to Lhug-mor’s west and attack the other man instead.
Falchion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
damage+PA+FF: 2d4 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 7 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 22

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readied action: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 121d8 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
follow up: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 211d8 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Realizing they brought saps to a sword fight, The Dragon laughs and misses his first strike.
He takes the sap to the face and doesn't stop laughing. dr 2 vs non lethal
He follows with a disembowling strike.

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how about a bless spell?

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Eadie, a couple of things. This is still the first round of combat. Second (and this is my fault), you can't take AoO until you have acted in the combat. I keep getting my house rules confused with the official PFS rules. Sorry about that.
Lhug attacks the thug running towards him, laughing while he stabs the man viscously in the arm. He grasps his arm and yells in pain. Seoni uses the destraction to send a bolt of fire at the man, charring the side of his body. He collapses in a heap, blood boiling around the burnt and exposed skin.
Kyra cast a Bless spell.
Suddenly Seoni sense something behind her. As she turns to look for a moment, she sees the Apothecary lady with a hand crossbow aimed right her! The lady is on top of one of the small buildings.
Attack Seoni: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 for Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Initiative Order Round 2: NPC2, Lore, Lem, Lhug, NPC1, Eadie, Kyra, Seoni
No map update. The southern thug is unconscious and bleeding. The lady (NPC2) is on the southern end, third building from the right, on the roof.
North Thug 5
South Thug 27

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Lore sends a bolt of fire at the lady on the roof. "... and here I thought we were all copacetic and friendly-like."
ranged touch to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
dmg if hits: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

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Combat time. One full round of actions please.
she will draw her Lucerne hammer as she moves into position. The young fighter will then ready an action to strike an enemy that moves into a square she threatens. 10’ reach
Round #1: Strength=21
OK, so does that mean my readied action didn’t go off in Round #1 as he approached? That would also leave me flat-footed as he attacked, which would mean his Round #1 attack hit, DrGabe.
Assuming that is the case, can I retcon my action, keeping the original dice roll to …
Eadie takes a 5’ step to the east and brings the hammer down on her assailant.
Hammer Time!: 18 + 10 = 28
Damage+PA+FF: 1 + 7 + 6 = 14
"... and here I thought we were all copacetic ..."
I don’t think we have that word in Korvosa … S'truth! Had to Google it, cobber :)

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Yah! I think that’s what confused me.
I’m sure our wise and benevolent GM will sort it, Lhug. That’s why he gets paid the big bucks! ;)

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Yes, the "full round action" was not really combat. Just a chance to do things before the combat round started. Sorry if that was confusing.
Lore's bolt sings through the air and pegs the assassin on the roof. She winces for a moment.
As Lem finishes casting his spell, he throws dust towards the thug.
Will Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 He blinks a few moments and then collapses to the ground snoring.
Lem do you still want to attack?
The lady on the top of the building throws a bottle towards the party. Ranged Touch Attack Square: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 2 = 21. The bottle hits exactly in the middle of the group and a ear deafening sound explodes through the neighborhood.
Everyone make a DC 15 Fort save
Initiative Order Round 2: NPC2, Lore, Lem, Lhug, NPC1, Eadie, Kyra, Seoni

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@DrGabe, did you want to roll damage against me for your Round #1 hit? If it was the same as for Lhug that was 1d6+2 (non-lethal?)
Fortitude: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
If Lem puts the apothecary lady to Sleep, Eadie will attack the thug again with her Lucerne hammer.
Bludgeon + Bless: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 1 = 24
Damage + PA + FF: 1d12 + 7 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 6 = 18
If Lem put the thug to sleep, Eadie will drop her hammer, draw a javelin as she moves 20’ towards the building the sniper is located on top of and launch the missile at her. She will not block the doorway, allowing someone faster/closer, access to it.
Javelin + Bless: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 = 15
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
“Can someone please open the door?”

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fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Kyra of Serenrae |

fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Kyra casts Command ... ordering the woman to approach (DC 15). This didn't actually go off in the garden incident and moves 15' right.

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Whoops... lets retcon this a bit.
Lem's spell goes off and the lady on the roof collapses in a heap.
Lem then attacks the thug digging his blade deep into his thigh. The wounded man is no match for Eadie who quickly subdues the man, knocking him to the ground in a heap of muscle and bone.
Both men are unconscious and bleeding
Kyra and Seoni bolt to the building a bind up the woman before she is able to conjure up an escape.
On the ground, the Pathfinderss find that that Thunderstone disrupted the hiding spots of the people in the buildings. Lhug and some of the people start to wonder around the area apparently deaf for a period of time after the sound explosion.
After a few moments a man comes out and introduces himself as Naleth Hundredfingers, leader of this gang. He greets you and tells you that he has a message for the scarred man- The Red Mantis is searching Eto for a scarred man.
Searching the female apothecary, you find that her name is Kura Shehr. She isn't a member of the Red Mantis' but is just a emissary for the legendary assassin group.
Do you heal the thugs or let them bleed out? What do you want to do with Kura? Either way, the Hundredfingers can take them as prisoners. You have completed all of the tasks, do you want to report back to Grand Master Torch or do something else? To help with that, the scenario is basically finished. :)

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“Wow, good work everyone! Lem, you can be underfoot anytime!”
Eadie kneels down and checks the two fallen thugs' airways are clear and that they're breathing and have a heartbeat. She then places them in the recovery position. Like good Pathfinders everywhere, she will also loot their bodies!
Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Take 10 Perception: 10 + 10 = 20
“Uh, Lore … Lem … might need some help.”
She spies the Dragon wandering around. “Lhug! LLHUG!! HEY, LHUG-MOR!!!”
Eadie jerks her thumb in Lhug’s direction. “What’s his problem, Lore? He’s ignoring me. Was it something I said?”
Once she realizes/is informed a Thunderstone is involved … “Ohhhhh … so it’s only temporary then? Whew! I was worried I’d never be able to speak to him again!”
“I’m ready to go see GMT when everyone else is. I wonder who put out the contract? Do you think the Ten could be involved?”

Seoni of the Fleeting Woodlands |

"Well that was tidy." The woodland sorceress states in a surprised tone.
"This group is more efficient than I originally surmised. Thank you all and I agree with the demon lover, errr Edie, lets return and discuss our findings with GMT."
Brushing dust from her dress, Seoni resumes her smug facade and waits for everyone to agree with her.

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Lore stifles a giggle at Lhug and then tries to look uber-serious. "I agree with Eadie and SEoni... it's time to return and report back to Thorne." She smiles at Lhug and takes him gently by the hand and starts to tug him toward their new destination...

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"Agreed, Lem nods, "Hundred Fingers, you can have them I suppose, just be nice and let the nice lady finish her nap before you walk away with her."
With that, Lem prepares himself for a night of drinking, debauchery, and music, per Lhug's request.

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The Hundredfingers take the Mantis' lackeys from the Pathfinders, offering them their thanks. Clearly things don't look good for the prisoners.
Content to get back to Grand Master Torch and to start a night of drinking, the Pathfinders rush back to the former Venture Captain.
Meeting Torch is similar to the first time you saw him just yesterday. He doesn't appear to be bothered by the warning on his life. Though the Red Mantis is persistent it doesn't guarantee a successful assassination.
As you hand over the items and the word of warning, Torch hands you several maps. The first map is clearly of Osirion and shows Eto clearly on the map. Another location is unnamed and a route is drawn on the map. The second map shows this area in more detail. The last map is a charcoal drawing that depicts two large rock outcroppings connected by a smooth wall with a single gate. It is entitled Seeker’s Folly and signed V.L.
Linguistics check anyone?
Those will take you where you want to go. Deviate from the path only if you know what
you’re doing. Otherwise, stick to the landmarks. Torch pauses to consider another thought. Normally this is where I would say ‘pleasure doing business with you.’ However, I’m going to
throw you something extra for free—just because I’m such a caring individual. You’re not the only ones who know about that site. I hear a group of foreigners set out from Totra not too long ago and are after the same prize. Sounds like there’s no time to waste.
Pause Active Gameplay.
See the Discussion forums.

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"I agree with the demon lover, errr Eadie."
"I agree with the lemon lover, errr Eadie."
“I wouldn’t say I love them exactly, Seoni. But they do have their uses ...”
Eadie ticks the items off with her fingers.
“They’re delicious in cakes. Their scent makes the whole house smell fresh! Slice them up and make a drink out of them! Lots of Chelaxians use them to help clean their houses.”
Seeing Eadie mouth his name a couple of times, he ponders her typical odd manner and grimaces back making odd shapes with his mouth and tongue.
While she’s waiting for the others, with head tilted and mouth half-open Eadie watches Lhug’s antics like it’s the most fascinating thing she’s ever seen.
Maybe Mantis lady’s magic has made him regress in some way??
She points at herself. “ME – EADIE!”
Then at the Dragon. “YOU – LHUG_MOR!”

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Eadie’s eyes flick questioningly between Seoni and Lhug-mor. Then her head lifts slightly and her mouth forms a large :O as she catches on.
“Seoni, not all Chelaxians are devil worshippers.”
“That’s like saying all Varisian sorcerers are stuck up.”
Eadie doesn't have Linguistics, DrGabe.

Seoni of the Fleeting Woodlands |

With a flutter of her eyelashes, Seoni grins slightly towards Lhug.
Turning to Eadie the sorceress responds in a less condescending tone than heard before,
"Thank you for the clarification Eadie. You're approachable demeanor and friendly banter does other Chelaxian's credit."

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"Why thank-you, Seoni."
Eadie smiles with a *quick bob* in return.

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"Yeah, Eadie's not like some other Chelaxian's I've met... I really hate the ones who pretend to be all spooky and devil-worhippy to scare you, and then turn out to be fluff... Eadie is very cool."
She pauses for a moment, then giggles slightly... "hmm... now that you mention it, I'm from Varisia, and I have to admit, a lot of Varisian sorcerers ARE kinda stuck up... but luckily not all of them."
"I hope no one has anything bad to say about gnomish priestesses. I've heard some folks say we talk too much, but I've never seen any evidence of it."
"Well, I'm off for a bit... I've got some goulash to whip up. I'll see you all soon. It's gonna be epic... if you want to try it, come by the Royal Elf Diner and order some. Of course everything on the menu will be good, but the goulash will be extraordinary, and I promise, no ghouls in it, that would be gross. Gotta run," she says as she ties an apron around her waist on her way out.

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Nice roll, too! ;)
Eadie curtsies low to try and hide her flushed face.
"I hope no one has anything bad to say about gnomish priestesses."
"If your job is to light a path for others that includes kindness, patience and grace, I suspect the Dawnflower is pleased with at least one of her gnomish priestesses."
Eadie smiles and nods curtly. "Oh, yeah! I like how you preach destroying implacable foes with fire too, Lore."

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As she starts to run off to cook at the Royal Elf, she looks back at Eadie and bows low for a moment. "Thanks, hon! I can only try... and fire is so... pretty"... Her emphasis on the last word is almost eerily gleeful.
"See you all later, I hope!"

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Lem chuckles at his comrades, and makes note of the journey in his journal. "Eadie, would you prefer to be described as 'overly flirtatious', or 'completely of her rocker'? I am trying to capture the magic of our adventure in a chronicle for the Grand Lodge, and I think that starting at the encounter with the Customs Officer is appropriate. . . "

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"Well, sir. Far be it for me to advise an artiste on how to ply his trade. But seeing that you asked ..."
Eadie scratches her chin. "When I was younger, my Aunt Alix warned me of some of the tricks of flattery men will try to get closer to a woman. 'They will tell a pretty girl she's clever, and a smart girl she's beautiful!' my Aunt would say."
"'But what if I'm both attractive and intelligent?' I replied."
"'In that case, Eadie you must be forever on your guard, for they cannot go wrong and you will be vulnerable to any sweet little lie they tell you!"
Eadie makes an open handed gesture. "So seeing I'm a lot of things, Good Lem, I would suggest a list of adjectives and nouns for you to combine randomly or as you see fit, in order to describe me."
Eadie suggests some adjectives. "Cool, sophisticated, adventurous, accomplished, chic." 1d5 ⇒ 3
And nouns ... "Princess, seductress, warrior, temptress, starlet." Before rolling some bones to come up with ... 1d5 ⇒ 5
"Adventurous Starlet! See? It pretty much writes itself."

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Lore, when she has a few minutes after making an impeccable goulash as well as other dishes for the Royal Elf DIner to serve that night, runs out and commissions a couple of new outfits. Her only contingencies on these outfits are that they, like Seoni's dress, have to be strapless, yet stay up by themselves, just like Seoni's... And of course have Sarenrae's sun symbol somewhere on the dress as well.
on a side note, after doing GMT's 'tasks', wasn't he supposed to give us information on finding the Diamond Sage and some lost jewels? And then weren't we supposed to find this person and the jewels and report back? Lore still has a Sending Stone to report back with... Or is that in part 2?

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"Adventurous Starlet! See? It pretty much writes itself."
Finding the seediest and fithiest establisments is a supernatural ability to which The Dragon has no equal. The swirl of dancing girl's perfume and hookah smoke barely covers the odor of the goats and horses from the stables below. Lhug takes another pull from the hookah, laughing at his companion's half heard jokes, exhaling a plume of foul and acrid smoke. Suddenly he feels a great disturbance, as if millions of potential sarcastic comebacks were suddenly silenced.

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Eadie spends the afternoon watching Men at Work in one of Eto's smithy/armorers. She waits for the Master to put down his hammer and wipe his brow before negotiating to purchase a falchion of cold iron the man has forged himself.
"Good against demons and fey, Adventurous Starry-eyed One," the Master Smith confides with a *wink*
The early evening sees Eadie return to the bazaar in search of the mantis associate Kura Shehr. Instead the warrior finds Naleth Hundredfingers ensconced in the alchemist's stall.
"Sadly she has moved on to a better place, Little Pathfinder. What did you want with her?"
Eadie replies, "Being the mother of one of my companions, she is practically family, even though she did try to murder Seoni ... So I was going to take her out for a meal. Another of my companions is doing goulash at the Royal Elf Diner and if it is anything like her gumbo, it will be to die for!"
"I once saw a dwarven Pathfinder devour her clam chowder - trencher and all - in ten seconds flat! Oh, and that trencher? It was made of tin!"

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An aasimar woman follows Eadie back from the bazaar. "I heard you were losing one bard, and a worshiper of Sarenrae. Perhaps you would like another?" Moving with grace and poise, the woman waits for an answer before taking a seat at the fire.

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"I will take that as my cue to depart then." Lem smiles as he stands, "Be careful with these ones, Dassah, I think the one named Lhug might just bite."
The small halfling moves to his Llama, and carefully stows his gear, "I am past due in Absalom. Perhaps we will meet again at the Lodge."

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"Thank you for the warning, dear Lem. I will make sure to get inoculated as necessary." Hadassah nods to her fellow bard.
A moment of silence falls before the young woman blushes deeply, "I suppose I have been rude! My name is Hadassah, and I was sent by the Grand Lodge to join you here. It seems the legendary halfling has been called elsewhere and I am to accompany you in his absence. Please, call me Dassah."
Hadassah has the dusky skin dominant among natives of Osirion, darker hair, and darker still eyes. She is wearing a shining suit of armor, and has a single blade slung from her belt.